I didn't see Austin for another year and by then I was married and waiting for Sarah to rejoin me at my new and final Base McChord. Near Tacoma, Washington. By then my brother and parents were living in eastern Washington. Fairc***d was nearer but it was under SAC(strategic Air Command) and I was fed up with SAC having done 18 months at Grand Fucks, North Dakota. It was actually Grand Forks, but Sarah and I hated the place. Her irritable bowel had given her trouble and being homesick 5,000 miles from home had made her physically ill so her parents sent her money for her air fare back to England in February, 1970 and I had to pay her way back when she was better having been treated on the NHS as being a very junior nco meant she couldn't use the Base hospital and no way could we afford a doctor in the US of A. I was lucky enough to have a contact in Base personnel who was surprised I,d not been given the option to choose the Base of my choice after,reenlisting in West Germany and immediately put in my transfer request and I received my orders in a few weeks. I had a few days with my parents before Sarah flew into Spokane, but Austin was away in Oregon to a car meet as he was crazy about old vintage cars so didn't see home till the day my Mom, Dad and Tracy collected Sarah from the airport. As we still had five days before I had to report in one morning after breakfast I put on my old hip waders and gathered up my fly fishing gear and headed for the small Mill Creek that flowed below my parents house on the edge of town where I knew pan sized rainbow, brook and an occasional brown trout could be tempted to take an artificial fly. Being June the water was fairly high where as in August it often slows to a trickle in some areas or used to when irresponsible farmers drew too much water out to irrigate their crops. I was lucky it was a dull cloudy morning as the water was crystal clear and those shy fish spooked easily by sudden movement or bright coloured clothes. The first few hours the fat trout rose to my tiny hand tied flies, but by lunch time the sun came out and themperatures rose a fair bit. I was about to pack up and go for lunch when a familiar voice called to me asking how I was doing and there was my sexy young wife carrying a small rug, magazine and picnic hamper wearing just a halter top, short shorts, sandals and sun glasses. "The fish seemed to have gone off their feeding now the suns come out." I answered her query. "Well I,m going to relax and get some sun on my body." She lay the rug on a patch of grass along the edge of the deep sandy pool I,d been casting my line in and lay down to read the magazine. I continued to try to tempt the trout but the little tiddlers now chasing the flies weren't much bigger than the flies so I decided to lay down beside her in the grass. "Why don't you rub some lotion in my back?" Sarah suggested, handed me the bottle, then unclipped her halter to release her magnificent titties and lay back down so I could rub the lotion into her back, neck, arms and shoulders working my way down the backs of her legs. I think she was getting as aroused as I was as I only wore a pair of brief shorts and a tee shirt and my waders. "Turn over?" I told her and I then worked the lotion into,those titties and nipples plus her belly before tugging her shorts off to find she wore no panties beneath. "You are a naughty wife not wearing.knickers." I playfully scolded her. "Well I was hoping to feel your ROD when you put your fishing one away so didn,t bother." she sighed as I played with her wet clitoris and juice filled cunt. "I,m so turned on why don't you just stick it in?" she suggested. It's a good thing my waders were a bit large as they were easy to get off and my shorts quickly followed as Sarah had me lay back and mounted my stiff fleshy pole and began to ride me bouncing up and down happily till our genitals made loud squelching noises as the liquids were sucked. Eventually I got on top and really hammered her fast and hard, her moans loud in the open air till my jizz blasted to fill her cunt to overflowing. Made a mess of the rug so had to wash it out then we went for a swim in the Icy water of the creek to wash the sweat and secretions away and as Sarah had not brought a towel we lay in the sun to dry our bodies then had the sandwiches she'd brought in the hamper with some cokes we'd kept cool in the water. After we,d eaten I dozed off and the next thing I knew was my wife was sucking my cock eagerly and when Sarah sucks a cock she always swallows as she figures there's no point sucking it if you leave the guy high and dry. A day later she Again came down to the creek, but this time we planned to get a tan and fuck first and fish in the evening hours as the trout didn,t seem wary then and there was usually an insect hatch to stir their appetites. So as she stretched out on the blanket we brought along in the picnic hamper instead of food and I rubbed sun cream in her naked body now I,d re,over her skimpy bikini a new one I,d recently bought her and she was too embarrassed to wear at swimming pools or in public. Not very surprising as her big boobs were spilling out of the top and here luxuriant growth of pubic fur could be seen trying to escape the confines of the bottoms. In it she exuded sex and as I massaged the lotion in my cock was like a flag pole which I had to strip off my shorts as it was too painful against my tight swim trunks, the Bly garment I wore in the heat, that and my thick waders to hopefully avoid any of the many rattle snakes that inhabited the area, that fact I didn,t tell Sarah so she wouldn't, be put off as she hate snakes. With snakes I try to avoid them if possible and it usually works. Sarah was spread out under me as I kissed and licked her tastey pussy when Austins voice suddenly interrupted us from close by. "Joe, Sarah, Where are You?" I didn,t want to give away our position, but Sarah whispered. "Better see what he wants it could be important!" So I quickly pulled my trunks back on with my stiff cock still all too evident and stepped out from behind the thick foliage we were concealed behind. "Oh there you are Joe. Where's Sarah?" " back there with me." I nodded my head and he coukd now make out my wife who hadn't,t thought to hide her naked body. He gulped. "Mom apologises, but Dad and Mom are taking us all out for supper and she wants you ready for 8pm at the latest." His eyes devoured my wife and also noticed my erection. "Sorry to interrupt you." he apologised. " We never got that far." I shrugged. "Well I,m sorry. I,lol see you back at the house later." He made to leave, but Sarah's surprise words stopped him. "Hold on young man. Do you like what you see?" Sarah had suspected as Austin rarely dated girls he might be a homosexual and decided to find out for her self. "Er I think you,re a gorgeous lady." he stammered awkwardly. "She got to her feet so he coukd see what she had and turned round to show her curvy ass, herbskin shining with the sun oils I,d rubbed in so she looked a bit like a golden skinned goddess in the sun light. "Do you like my boobies?" she held a tit in each palm to display her natural charms. "Very nice." "Would you like to kiss and suck them?" I coukd see he was struggling for control, but his cock was now tenting his slacks too. "Ok." he answered meekly, then bent and kissed her left tit and proceeded to suckle the large nipple as Sarah rubbed her aroused cunt. After a few minutes she pulled away "You like my kitty? Sorry think you call it a pussy. Not used to calling it that." she smiled. "It,s beautiful." he sighed, and it was behind her thick blonde pubic curls. "Why don,t you get your penis out for me to see?" She hadnt got used to calling cocks cocks. Her term was JT for John Thomas, a British term for cock. Not waiting for his reply she took him by surprise and unzipped his flies before he could stop her. He,d dispensed with underpants in the hot weather and his large uncut cock stood proudly with liquid oozing from the tip. "What a nice one. If your big brother will use his tongue on my er pussy I,ll suck you off. I,m curious how you taste as I ALWAYS SWALLOW cum." I knew my wife sucked most if her boy friends off at the advice of her best friend as then they wouldn't,t try to fuck her. Whether she was just lucky until she met me it worked but I had to place an engagement ring on her finger before she let me deflower her. Only recently when watching NFL with a close male friend she,d never had a tgreesome and that was mostly down to the fact all of us had been drinking a lot and my wife lost her inhibitions when drinking more than usual and even then it surprised us that eventually she had my friends cock deep in her threat as I screwed her hirny twat. So soon Sarah was bent forward at the waist sucking my k** brother off as I pistoend into her wet pussy like mad. Austin beat me to climax so Sarah's moans were stifled by her mouthfuls of hot fresh jizz from my brothers balls. Fishing forgotten we all went in the creek to wash off our secretions then dried our selves with the bath towel Sarah had carried in the picnic hamper before putting our few garments back on and returning to the house to prepare for the night out. Sarah in the end reckoned he was bisexual and the fact he did have lady friends he never married so reckon she was right.
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