Languages I Speak
I speak English, bad French and even worse Spanish.
I am happy to have a go at any language using a translator, but don't be surprised if it comes out as gobbledygook!
One language I am having quite a lot of trouble with is guyspeak. for example; I write 'I am not looking for cock' and in guyspeak apparently this means 'please show me your cock guys I so want it and could you please pester me every day please, please, please!'
Obviously this is leading to some confusion. But I accept that it is my fault, I am after all here in guys native territory, pornland, and it is up to me to learn the native lingo! So if anybody can help me with some useful guyspeak phrases and their meaning, please write them in the comments below.
Love you all
Stephanie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I am happy to have a go at any language using a translator, but don't be surprised if it comes out as gobbledygook!
One language I am having quite a lot of trouble with is guyspeak. for example; I write 'I am not looking for cock' and in guyspeak apparently this means 'please show me your cock guys I so want it and could you please pester me every day please, please, please!'
Obviously this is leading to some confusion. But I accept that it is my fault, I am after all here in guys native territory, pornland, and it is up to me to learn the native lingo! So if anybody can help me with some useful guyspeak phrases and their meaning, please write them in the comments below.
Love you all
Stephanie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2 年 前