Take note Ladies

Ladies! When I say 'tell me to take my panties off and make me do stuff', this is what I had in mind: Or maybe this: Or maybe............. Or perhaps you have your own ideas.......... Love you all Stephanie xxxxxxxxxx… 阅读更多内容

发表者 stephanie0222encore 1 年 前 18

What are you looking for...on here?

The dumbest question that I get asked ten times a day: Them: 'What are you looking for...on here' Me: 'Take a wild guess...duh!' I mean, what do they think I am looking for on a porn site; my weekly shopping, the answer to life, instructional vids on how to fix my mums ancient car, or even the whereabouts of Hitler perhaps (I know that one, he's in the Arctic, or is it the moon, lol)! No, it's porn dudes, porn......… 阅读更多内容

发表者 stephanie0222encore 1 年 前 11

'The Strapon'

Am I the only person to think that strapons are hilarious and silly! Women are naturally beautiful and sexy; we don't need to pretend to be men to enjoy sex! Somebody sent me a vid recently that featured a lady walking around masturbating her strapon! Completely pointless! Usually, of course, It is guys who are pretending to be women who message me saying what they want to do to me with their 'strapon'. Then they start calling it their cock, then they start sending me photos of their cock, which turns out to… 阅读更多内容

发表者 stephanie0222encore 1 年 前 11

'Stop the war' says Steph!

Although I firmly believe our chats here should be free of politics, I'm very saddened by the loss of life in the war in Ukraine and Donbass. Overwhelmingly it is young men who are dying and let's face it, with so many guys in western Europe turning gay these days, we girls can't afford to lose any more. I refuse to take sides though and will always be happy to chat to people from both Russia and America; I love you all. We must all do what we can and my own contribution to stop the war is to offer Mr. Biden a good sniff of my hair, if he will stop sending money and weapons and 'advisors' to… 阅读更多内容

发表者 stephanie0222encore 1 年 前 9

Stephanie! You must be a man!

'Stephanie! You're always making a joke of things. That means you must be a man!' Bit sexist tbh I could add that we girls don't need much of a sense of humour, we just have to look at those pics of your wonky cocks that you guys keep sending us if we want a laugh; lollollollollol! (˃̣̣̥‿˂̣̣̥) But I'm not that mean. Your cocks are all lovely guys and soooo big! Mmmmm I so want it, give it to me big boy! Honest, that's what we gi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 stephanie0222encore 2 年 前 18

So, you want to get on my blocked list!

In this handy tutorial I'm going to cover the procedure for getting on my blocked list, which many of you seem so eager to do: Method 1). This one is very popular. I send you a friend request and you delete it! Why you wouldn't want to get friendly with my smooth 21 year old puss is a mystery, but when reviewing the list of people I am subscribed to, but who have turned down my request for friendship, it appears that I am anathema to a surprising amount of ladies! I block in this case so as not to waste time with further contact. Method 2). I may have mentioned this one before: Have piss in… 阅读更多内容

发表者 stephanie0222encore 2 年 前 4

Stephanie! You're always on here!!!!!!!!

Well Sherlock, I do have my other student duties; watching daytime TV, drinking cheap cider down at the student union bar, shopping for vintage clothes, listening to music on vinyl, then there's all the masturbating I have to get done, oh and there's this essay on Picasso I'm supposed to be doing. But wait! How would you know that I was on here 'all the time' unless you are always on here. Aha!!!!!!!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 stephanie0222encore 2 年 前 35

Pet Steph

Having spent most of last week and the weekend as a bitch puppy, much to the confusion of my regular correspondents who don't speak 'woof' and alarm of some who I complained to on the rare occasions I was allowed to speak human, so I thought I would recount about my experience here to help people understand what I was going through. Every so often, like most girls (and probably boys) who have once been submissive, or maybe super submissive, I get an all consuming urge to submit to an older dominant woman and… 阅读更多内容

发表者 stephanie0222encore 2 年 前 17

My Det's

So it's lunchtime, 8th Feb and already today I have had at least ten 'ladies' demanding I give them my email address and send them a nude pic, face in frame, large object in vjajay! Give it up scammers! I'm not that much of a mug; you're never getting my det's!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 stephanie0222encore 2 年 前 2

Stephanie addresses the haters!

I am who I am (no, I'm not a man); dont like it keep walking!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 stephanie0222encore 2 年 前 5

What do Men Want?

It's a conundrum alright! What 99.999% of the guys (and women) on here tell me they want is to get their cock in my little a-hole and fuck me until they cum deep inside me and fill my ass with their jelly (Yes, even the women). All well and good you might say, but why no interest in my vjayjay or titties! Every time its straight to the a-hole! I realise that, in part, maybe I don't have the attributes that some other girls have; I don't have big titties or a big fat ass, growing up, I was always that weird girl who reads a lot, looks a bit like a boy and has a funny accent and it was like that… 阅读更多内容

发表者 stephanie0222encore 2 年 前 38


I wrote in my post on languages about 'guyspeak' and how guys seem to hear things differently to what is actually being said, which can lead to some confusion. It occurs to me though that guys might need some help understanding how I interpret what they are saying; Stephspeak, so to speak. So, for example, when a guy says : 'Stephanie I think you are a man' What I understand it to mean is : 'Stephanie, I am a massive cunt, a bell end and a dick head. Please block me and never speak to me again' Another example would be when a guy says : 'Stephanie, how would you like a cum tribute' In Ste… 阅读更多内容

发表者 stephanie0222encore 2 年 前 8

Happy Christmas!

I probably won't be on here much over Christmas guys, but I will be thinking of you all and doing lots of this: https://xhamster.com/videos/sit-back-and-watch-paige-turnah-putting-out-a-christmas-snack-for-santa-and-gets-too-horny-so-she-pleasures-herself-xhsHm3h Have fun! xxxxxxxxxxxx P.S. Check out my new avatar pic! It's my Christmas present to all you sexy xhamsterers. Yes! It's my a-hole; just what you all keep telling me you want to get your hands on! So get your cocks out (you too 'ladies') and have a gooood wank imagining what you'd like to do to it! You can tell me all about it af… 阅读更多内容

发表者 stephanie0222encore 2 年 前 3

Languages I Speak

I speak English, bad French and even worse Spanish. I am happy to have a go at any language using a translator, but don't be surprised if it comes out as gobbledygook! One language I am having quite a lot of trouble with is guyspeak. for example; I write 'I am not looking for cock' and in guyspeak apparently this means 'please show me your cock guys I so want it and could you please pester me every day please, please, please!' Obviously this is leading to some confusion. But I accept that it is my fault, I am after all here in guys native territory, pornland, and it is up to me to learn the… 阅读更多内容

发表者 stephanie0222encore 2 年 前 5


I announce the launch of Ca.R.P. The Campaign for Real Penises! (It would have been campaign for real cock, but I couldn't make a catchy acronym out of that. After yet another 'girl' on here telling me that she wants to bend me over and shove her 12" strapon as hard and fast (and as far) as she can up my little a-hole, I am getting a little tired of telling 'girls' that I don't want massive lumps of plastic ruining my orifices, I get no kick out of it, it does not turn me on. What do they think will happen; that I will be overcome with wave after wave of ecstasy and declare my undying love fo… 阅读更多内容

发表者 stephanie0222encore 2 年 前 15