What do Men Want?

It's a conundrum alright! What 99.999% of the guys (and women) on here tell me they want is to get their cock in my little a-hole and fuck me until they cum deep inside me and fill my ass with their jelly (Yes, even the women).
All well and good you might say, but why no interest in my vjayjay or titties! Every time its straight to the a-hole!
I realise that, in part, maybe I don't have the attributes that some other girls have; I don't have big titties or a big fat ass, growing up, I was always that weird girl who reads a lot, looks a bit like a boy and has a funny accent and it was like that until my late teens. So I am used to looking quizzically at what boys are looking for. As far as xh is concerned, I think I have the answer:
So many of the ladies I chat to turn out to be men who are using a fake profile to try and catfish girls like me; it must be psychologically very difficult, a form of self induced schizophrenia. Some will even admit that they have been pretending to be a girl for so long that it has turned them gay! The vagina is no longer of any interest to them! Titties; who needs them.
So much so, that, I think, even when they are talking to me as guys, it's gay sex from the sissy videos they have now taken to watching that turns them on!

That's my theory anyway.

Love you all, sisters.

Stephanie xxxxxxxxxxxxx
2 年 前
n2oral 6 月 前
Re: T,A&V - as a straight man, I can attest that the first thing that attracts my eye is the most obvious secondary sex characteristic of the feminine gender is what she has on her chest; it’s the most obvious marker now that some women have buzzcuts and some men have ponytails.  For me, the smaller the breasts the more I’m attracted; girls with boyish chests rank a “10” for me.  Then I notice their smile and face.  If they are wearing tight leggings or, as some do during the summer, spandex shorts that look like gym underwear, then I appreciate firm buttcheeks and a plump cameltoe.  It’s pretty difficult to tell what her vagina looks like under normal circumstances, though on the beach one can often tell whether she trims or sports a full bush.  
stephanie0222encore : i know, no illusion. Why i'm single, peace is not overrated xxx
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stephanie0222encore 出版商 2 年 前
Fannyfanatic409 : Yeah, the 'less chat' is never gonna happen, sorry to shatter your illusion dude. 💋💋💋
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Dinner on the table after work, blow job from time to time and maybe less chat...sounds like heaven x
dannyrose_6 2 年 前
stephanie0222encore : Hope I can chat more tomorrow, thank you, Danny
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dannyrose_6 2 年 前
stephanie0222encore : Hi Stephanie, Thanks for your reply! You have a great understanding of the men on here. It's a shame their wives don't understand them! It's your confidence that attracts men. Most men know they are supposed to be the confident sex but they are not. When they meet a woman like you they know you can see their weakness and they confess. And so do I ! 💋💋💋
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stephanie0222encore 出版商 2 年 前
dannyrose_6 : Thank you. I get so many men who want to chat to me just to tell me how much they fantasise about cock. They always start off telling me they are straight, but by the end are telling me how much they want to be a sissy and be used by other guys. I actually quite enjoy helping them come out and exploring sissy vids with them. 💋💋💋
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dannyrose_6 2 年 前
Hi Stephanie, Your theory is correct. It is in fact the reality on here for men. Most of the men on here are interested in pussy and cock. It's the consequence of looking at so many attractive women and men doing things to each other! You feel you want to do all of it! So good of you to tell it like it is, Take care, Danny
mangood1 2 年 前
Commenting on it with @users/crissymonroe we both agree there are other “essentials” missed .. like a glance, a gesture a giggle… no Crissie Criss?
mangood1 2 年 前
…lol … there can be surprises for sure and to ignore much is to a point healthy I’d say, but if I had to guess, when the text makes sense towards a one single “target” at the time.. or many times and ways towards the “same target” (such as an ass hole) for a long time and even if linguistically in disarray (either in madness or saneness)… must likely is a male (wants what it wants even if intellectually the facts don’t add up) and in the other hand, IF it is fluid in its eloquence (despite if proper or blasphemous terms are used) no matter how many times an errant topic changes with no apparent target, BUT the eloquent fluidity is there (like if there was a “target”)… maybe is a female talking… I’d say
Befbever 2 年 前
I think you are right
MAMAmiaou 2 年 前
il y a des gars qui aiment les petits seins et les ptit cul comme le tiens
stephanie0222encore : Would be more than happy to assist you in your "research" Stephanie 😊
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stephanie0222encore 出版商 2 年 前
TheBigStickman : I will have to study these videos; purely for research purposes of course.🤔
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stephanie0222encore : Oh wow, you like that idea, multiple cocks, each one taking a turn in your holes? Mine would be in the sweet little vagina, no hesitation 
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stephanie0222encore 出版商 2 年 前
TheBigStickman : Where all the guys queue up! Not that I watch that sort of stuff.........😧
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stephanie0222encore : Oh wow yes, which videos? 
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stephanie0222encore 出版商 2 年 前
TheBigStickman : Hmmm, that sounds like one of those videos.......🤔
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stephanie0222encore : Thats okay Stephanie, I really don't mind being patient & waiting for my turn
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stephanie0222encore : Thats okay Stephanie, I really don't mind being patient & waiting for my turn
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stephanie0222encore 出版商 2 年 前
TheBigStickman : Yes, well until then, you'll just have to whack your big stick yourself! 😎
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stephanie0222encore : Im really very glad to hear you say that 😊🥰 Just like to write as I read what you say. If I was lucky enough to have a night or even a weekend, Im just imagining what could happen between us Stephanie 😊😉
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stephanie0222encore 出版商 2 年 前
TheBigStickman : Thank you! I'm blushing again😊😊😊
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stephanie0222encore : Well you're welcome Miss S 😊 I might never have seen you in person, but you described yourself above in such a way that truly aroused both my writing inspiration and also produced a right swollen erection in my denims. This bit " I was always that weird girl who reads a lot, looks a bit like a boy and has a funny accent and it was like that until my late teens" I always quite fancy the "tomboyish" girls who are never pretending to be someone who is full of themselves and they're much more genuine. Certainly appreciate what I could possibly do if given my opportunity to anyway & I thrive on hearing their pleasure in the form of gasps and moans 🥰😘
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stephanie0222encore 出版商 2 年 前
TheBigStickman : Oooh sir! You're making me blush!😊😊😊
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Stephanie, being completely "cards on tables" and "up front", if ot was a choice between your back door or the enjoyment of your vagina and tits, then well,,,, it would HAVE to be the latter two. No questions about it but anal penetrative sex can be performed on anyone, but there can be NO SUBSTITUTE for the breasts, the play and the softness from a superb pair of tits & no doubt yours are that. As for the obvious!!? Well an open and available spread cunt is unsurpassable which cannot be bettered. If you were offering me the opportunity to partake of yours, well then yes please & your bumhole is out of bounds....
CJayJay86 2 年 前
stephanie0222encore : Can you really blame them? 😍😍
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bluevan 2 年 前
stephanie0222encore : Nice shave pussy on way to shopping 
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bluevan 2 年 前
stephanie0222encore : Boom boom , unfortunately not just a horny bloke with a sometimes horny Mrs , my cock is pic in my favs
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stephanie0222encore 出版商 2 年 前
bluevan : You say you're a bloke, but it's definitely a woman in your avatar. Are you sure you wouldn't like me to send you some links to sissy vids? 💋💋💋
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