So, you want to get on my blocked list!

In this handy tutorial I'm going to cover the procedure for getting on my blocked list, which many of you seem so eager to do:

Method 1).
This one is very popular. I send you a friend request and you delete it! Why you wouldn't want to get friendly with my smooth 21 year old puss is a mystery, but when reviewing the list of people I am subscribed to, but who have turned down my request for friendship, it appears that I am anathema to a surprising amount of ladies! I block in this case so as not to waste time with further contact.

Method 2).
I may have mentioned this one before: Have piss in your fetishes or favourite videos or mention piss in chats.
Piss play is disgusting and so are you! Uuuuuuuuurgh! Blocked!

Method 3).
More popular even than method 1. Try to engage me in chat about not legal stuff!
It's mostly the ladies (or at least they say they are ladies) who want to get me talking about u-age sex, b3stiality, inc3st, etc., etc. They are also very keen to get my personal details or get me to chat on a network that can be traced back to my phone or email; I can't imagine why........Blocked!

Method 4).
Pester me, particularly aggressive pestering! Guys (this one is almost exclusively the guys), I will chat to you in my own time if I choose to. I know this is seen by some guys as their route to success, I get this a lot from the spotty boys at uni, and I suppose it must work with some girls otherwise you wouldn't keep doing it, would you? But as I say in my profile I am not actually here looking for guys; although I do chat to some guys, if I have known them for a while and am in the right mood. But be warned; aggressive pestering = blocked!

This all probably makes me sound like some sort of mean blocking bitch! But actually I don't believe in blocking unless there is a very good reason; I'm quite approachable really, not a monster at all!!

Love you all

Stephanie xxxxxxxxxxxx
2 年 前
carlberen 1 月 前
stephanie0222encore 出版商 1 年 前
Getting close dude (finger hovers over block button)!😠
stephanie0222encore 出版商 2 年 前
I've been making paella at the weekend and I'm still in the mood, my Spanish is a bit limited though; andale andale ariba ariba! 😄😄😄
stephanie0222encore 出版商 2 年 前
si, es mi trabajo 😁