Oh the fucking Nashvile bullshit keeps trending both sides fucking keep fucking screaming over it I am so sick and fucking tired of Americans being treated like shit by our so called Government . I rather talk about how corupt the system is now maybe like 4 people in our government are worth a fuck guess what fuckos none are Democrats or Democratic Socialists, 2 are Reps 1 is independant the other LP . We print trillions of dollars in debt money to fund bullshit like helping Ukraine and other shit hole nations that do not do a motherfucking thing to help Americans when we are in need of aid , We have a homeless vet issue not a single motherfucker has balls to call the fuck out or try to actually fix our VA medical sytem is fucking garbage It is shameful how our mentally and body scared vets are treated when they return home mother fuckers on the left fucking hate them and wish them ill because they were selfless enough to go and fight in some bullshit war because they bought into the fighting terrorism myth that our military indoctinates Us men mostly with from damn near birth. It is shameful we are letting fucking 5 and 6 year old start gender transition. It is shameful our federal education system does not teach our younglings actual skills or how things are in the real world just fucking teaches the to reapeat the correct woke garbage of the current year . Its shameful or god damn general mental healthcare system suck so bad and has such a sigma too many fucking men who get put through hell by the family court system end up fucking off themselves . Personal shit has me in motherfucking mood from hell I had to fucking vent

Part 2 So the Soros funded DA in Manhattan just formally Charged Trump...?

So you far letf assholes finally crossed that line 200 plus year and this never happened here.but whatever go on attacking political front runners and former President with criminal charges..... You must really want him to win 24 you woke a sleeping b**st in the American right wing and independants who are not blind to reality here .Good Luck hope it never backfires on you . You people think the charges will stick ? 1 statue of limitations 2 very much a political move not a real legit legal 1 . 3 THE federal election comission refused to pursue charges. I welcome this circus to continue ... You rabid TDS suffers will just handed him the 2024 election on a gold plater . You think people who back trump even a little bit will let any of this stand .... Non violent civil disobedience. Not like the shit of the 2020 summer of love but we have morals and logic on our side . I do not condone any violent acts in the name of the charges . MAGA gang we have to really watch out for the Glowing fed bois for the next few years they are itching to paint all of us as the violent extremist the left groups like antifa and blm have proven to be. Not much can surprise me in this clown world circus . Former VP Biden will get BTFO. Invest in a ton of valuable metals my friends. Lead brass Sliver Gold and Steel. May wanna buy some 3d printers too . Trump when you win 24 do enact Schedule F burn the fucking beruocratic system to the god dam ground
发布者 asher86
1 年 前
ogbull 1 年 前
stop crying and go try to make the world a better place or is that asking more the you can do people like you only think 1 way
yariman 1 年 前
Totally agree.  Go woke, go broke.  My best friend is my AR, it keeps me safe and gives me security in this fucked up world.
alanr 1 年 前