In Court

In Court

Court Official (CO): All Rise! We are here today to hear the case against Mr Steven Jones who is accused of outraging public decency. How do you plead?

Mr Jones: Not Guilty.

CO: The prosecutor will now bring the case.

Albert Smith (AS) Prosecutor: I call my first witness – Matthew Pryke. Mr Pryke, will you outline exactly what transpired on Wednesday the sixth of May this year?

Matthew Pryke (MP): Certainly. It was a very pleasant day and Mr Jones had his windows and curtains open. This meant I could see right into his house, in particular his bedroom. I could clearly see Mr Jones and a young woman.

AS: Can you describe the woman?

MP: Certainly. She was blonde, about five feet six, wearing a short skirt and a tight jumper. She was wearing very high heels. She was standing talking to Mr Jones who then moved to the side of the room and picked up a camera.

AS: And then what transpired?

MP: It was a scene of debauchery! Mr Jones was filming or taking photographs of her as she began to take off her clothes. Starting with the jumper which she pulled over her head, showing that she had a black under-wired brassiere on. This did not adequately cover her bosoms, the top part of her, of her... ahem... nipples were clearly visible above the bra.

AS: The areolae?

MP: I believe that is what it is called, yes. She began to touch the.. the.. areolae, with her fingers as he filmed her. Then she pulled the front of the brassiere down a little and the nipples were completely exposed. Disgusting. She adopted more lewd poses, holding her hands underneath the brassiere, lifting her bosoms up and towards his camera. She she turned her back to him and undid the brassiere at the back. He continued to film as she turned back to him and dropped the.. the bra. Her bosoms were now fully on show. It was blatant. But worse was to come!

AS: Go on Mr Pryke, the court needs to hear the full sorry saga I'm afraid.

MP (after taking a deep breath): Well, at that point she advanced on Mr Jones and pushed her.. her breasts right into his face. Right into him! And he licked and sucked at her nipples. I couldn't believe it! He put the camera down and just fondled her breasts and sucked her nipples. Then he turned her round and grabbed her bosoms from behind and just sort of massaged them. Shameless. But it got worse even than that! He picked up the camera and the woman went to the bed and lay back on it, then she opened her legs so you could see right up her miniskirt. Right up! It was a sunny day and you could see... everything. Really everything...

AS: Mr Pryke, I'm afraid I have to ask you to give us full details...

MP: All right. Well, the woman was wearing stockings and suspenders and you could see the tops of the stockings and her inner thighs above them. But you could also see her knickers, at least the crotch-piece..

AS: The gusset? Her panty-gusset?

MP: Correct. You could see it easily. And Mr Jones was filming it, he had the camera pointing right up between her thighs. And she opened her legs even more and hitched up her skirt. It was sort of bunched up at her waist. I could see it all very clearly.

AS: Then what?

MP: She opened her legs as wide as possible, the panty-gusset was looking damp to me. Then she, oh do I have to say?

AS: Yes, I think you must. For the benefit of the court...

MP: Very well then.. Well, she started to rub the gusset with her fingers, and she pushed the fabric into herself a bit. You know, where her.. where her..

AS: Vagina is?

MP: Yes. Along the line of her… vagina. Mr Jones was clearly enjoying it. He was red-faced and he seemed to have... to have...

AS: An erection? You could see that Mr Jones was aroused? A bulge in his trousers perhaps?

MP: Exactly, yes. A clearly visible bulge. Disgusting. The woman was writhing on the bed, legs wide open and then she lifted them up so they both pointed at the ceiling. Then spread them apart again and was laughing as she rubbed herself. Then she put them together again, still pointing upwards and... well... she reached under herself and pulled her knickers off and kicked them across the room.

AS: Oh dear!

MP: Indeed yes, although, as she had her legs together I couldn't see much..

AS: A relief I'm sure...

MP: Only for a moment I'm afraid, as she then, slowly and quite deliberately, opened her legs and brought her knees back towards her chest, holding her ankles with her hands, so that her, I can hardly say it, her whole... crotch was on show. Her.. her vagina and her.. her... well, her anus! Yes, her vagina and her anus were fully on show and Mr Jones just keep filming her and getting closer and closer. She was still writhing about as if she was enjoying it! I could see her disgusting holes were getting wetter and wetter. She even started holding herself open for him! She had her fingers inside her, what do you call them, her, her flaps... her vaginal lips! Then she started to put her fingers right inside herself. Inside her vagina! She was extremely wet, I could see juices pouring out of her. Then... Then...

AS: Yes? Yes?

MP: She put a finger up her own bottom. Up her anus! And still he went on filming her! Can you believe it? Then she had a finger in both of her private openings, so he could film it! Then the worst of all happened. There, with the curtains open and the sunlight illuminating it all...

AS: The worst? What on earth?

MP: Mr Jones put the camera onto a tripod and took off all his clothes. Then... Then... I'll just say it... He had sex with the woman, in front of the camera. He had an erect penis and he first of all put it right into her mouth! She sucked him and it looked as if he put it right down her throat. I really don't know how she managed it. Amazing really... He couldn't get it any further, his... testicles were hitting her chin! Then he withdrew and held her legs up and apart and he pushed his face into her crotch; he licked and sucked at her privates, then he plunged his penis up her and thrust in and out as she was laughing and squirming. After a few minutes of that he put a hand under her and stuck a finger up her anus as he had sexual intercourse in her vagina. But he hadn't finished there!

AS: He hadn't?

MP: No, his perversion seemed to know no bounds. Her perversion too. Disgusting!

AS: What did they do?

MP: He buggered her! Yes, I'm sorry to have to use that word, but that's what he did. He thrust his penis up into her anus! It should still be i*****l in my opinion. Dirty! And she was revelling in it. And it was all being filmed by the camera on the tripod. Disgusting. Quite visible. No shame. After he'd ejaculated and it looked like she had had an orgasm too, he climbed off the bed and focused the camera on her again; her lying wantonly there with his ejaculate and her juices dripping out of her. Completely brazen! And as if being buggered wasn't enough, she just lay back with her legs apart again and... urinated! Yes, she urinated all over the bedclothes. What a terrible thing to do. And then, you wouldn't believe it..

AS: Wouldn't believe it? Wouldn't believe what?

MP: He urinated all over her! All over her! And they were both laughing! I couldn't stand it any more; unfortunately they left the room at that point so I wasn't able to see … Sorry, I mean I didn't have to witness any further debauchery. They probably went into the bathroom. So obviously I called the police and here we are...

AS: Well Mr Pryke, I'm so sorry you had to relive all that. Thank you for your testimony. Stay there will you?

CO: Mr Arbuthnot, you are appearing for the defendant, Mr Jones. Do you wish to cross-examine the witness?

Colin Arbuthnot (CA) for the defence: Yes thank you. Mr Pryke, can you confirm your address?

MP: Certainly. I live at “The Hedges” Swallow Road, Castledown.

CA: So not in the same road as Mr Jones?

MP: … Er, No.

CA: Mr Jones lives in Church End, Castledown, isn't that right?

MP: ...Yes.

CA: Can I show the court a map of the area. Here... is Mr Jones' house, and here... is Mr Pryke's. A distance of approximately... Eight Hundred Yards. I would have thought that, at a distance of eight hundred yards, it would have been exceedingly difficult even to see Mr Jones' window let alone inside in such detail, the woman's anus for example, or the damp patch on her knickers...

MP: Well I could. And I did. It was disgusting!

CA: You must have the eyesight of a hawk! Its frankly unbelievable!

MP: Well you're wrong. It was all quite clear to me using my new astronomical telescope, its extremely powerful... err...

(Gasps of breath from the court room.)

Court Officer: Order, order! Case dismissed! Mr Pryke, the police may now want a word with you about voyeurism....

发布者 radionpg
1 年 前
alibodge 2 月 前
sam_barford 1 年 前
Excellent! Very erotic and very funny!
crzs 1 年 前
funny , reminds me of friends son watching the high school cheerleaders with his telescope 
Leomoore 1 年 前
Great post, very erotic, thanks
milroy 1 年 前
an amusing  and quite erotic tale - thank you