Strip For Me Mum/Mom !
Yes, my love?
You know you took me to see that film the other day? Escape to Athena?
Yes, love?
Well I've been having dreams about it. Strange dreams and strange feelings.
Oh, why is that do you think? Was it scary? Did the guns and the fighting scare you? I'm sorry I shouldn't have taken you, but it said it was OK if an adult was with you.
No Mummy, it wasn't the guns.... It was the lovely bit when the lady danced and took her clothes off.
She looked so lovely and I was so excited by it, it made me feel all funny. I can't stop thinking about the lady...
Oh, I see, well she was a very pretty lady wasn't she? Her name is Stephanie; she's quite a famous actor. You obviously liked her.
Yes, Mummy, but it wasn't just her... it was... it was her taking off her clothes and how that made me feel. I got a nice feeling in my tummy and it made my.. my.. willy go hard Mummy! It keeps going hard when I think about it. I can't stop it. I don't know what to do!
Yes, darling?
What should I do? I can't feel proper. I'm thinking of it all the time, Mummy.
What do you mean about not feeling proper my love?
Well, I sort of feel I need to do something to make the feeling finish. I feel like I'm going to burst.
Oh, I see. I think I understand. You're a bit young to be having these feelings. There is a way of getting relief, but its not appropriate for a Mummy to show you really.
But I cant stand it Mummy! Why can't you show me?
Its not appropriate lovey, its a private thing, its not right for mummies to do certain private things with their little boys. But.... Well, sometimes you body will give you relief, just by yourself! Sometimes if you are really, really excited, your willy will get very hard indeed and it will produce seed and that will bring you relief.
Yes, its how daddies and mummies have babies. The seed comes out of your willy and goes inside the Mummy...
How can I get the relief then Mummy?
You would have to see something like the lady taking off her clothes and hope that made your willy produce the seed. I suppose we could go and see it again, but it wouldn't be good for you if that happens in the cinema!
Could you do the dancing and the taking off clothes Mummy?
If you did it for me, I'm sure I'd get the relief... Please Mummy. Oh, please Mummy. Just for me!
Oh gosh I don't know! I don't think its right... You actually want to watch me taking off my clothes, like that nice Stephanie lady did in the film?
Yes Mummy, like the nice lady. A dance like she did. And wearing the nice clothes and things like she did. Please Mummy, it would make me really happy and I feel sad now that I can't get the relief... Please Mummy!
Please Mummy!
Oh.. alright then! Just this once; I'll try it and see if it gets you relief. What clothes do you want me to put on? What did you like that the film lady wore?
Oh thank you Mummy! The lady had lovely frilly knickers and nice stockings. I remember those best. I think she had a dress on too, and I loved it when she took the things off... I liked seeing her top thing too, but she didn't take it off, or the frilly knickers, and that made me feel unhappy.
The top thing?
Yes, the thing she wore on her top, the thing that holds her.. chests up. That was nice too.
Oh, her brassiere... her bra?
Yes Mummy. Bra...
Well I can't remember exactly what that was like; do you mind if I choose a nice one of mine? One that will match my knickers? You know I can't believe I'm saying this. I can't believe I'm doing this! Ok, wait here lovey and I'll get changed. I won't be long... Put some nice music on the radiogram...
Oh Mummy, you look lovely Mummy. My willy is getting hard already!
Well thank you! Its my nice summer dress that buttons up the front. I have high heels on. I think I look good myself! Strangely enough I feel quite good. I did have a little drink while I got ready. I'll turn the music up...
Mummy its great! You're dancing like the lady did. Oh, that's nice..
Yes I'm going to unbutton the dress. There, now you can see my bra. Do you like it?
Oh yes Mummy. I can't see much of it but its holding your... your chests up so lovely... so... err, lovelyly... err.. They look lovely Mummy!
They're my breasts lovey, not my chests. Breasts.
Breasts Mummy. Bra. Lovely Mummy!
Now I'll unbutton all the dress for you. There, now its open all down the front.
Oh wow Mummy... The frilly knickers! And the stockings. Just like the lady in the film. And the... the bra is wonderful Mummy. My willy is really hard now Mummy, and I have a nice feeling in my tummy. Will I get the relief now Mummy?
Well I thought you might. This is how far Stephanie went in the film, then she pretended to take off her bra but she wrapped a flag or something around herself so you couldn't see her bare breasts...
Yes Mummy I remember that, I was all excited and I thought I was going to see her all bare... But she didn't do any more and I felt unhappy then...
So maybe if I show you my breasts that will help?
Yes Mummy, but keep dancing Mummy.
I'm undoing the clasp at the back. There, now I'll shimmy a bit and … there, I've dropped the bra.
Oh Mummy. Oh... you're all bare at the top. I love your... breasts. The dark bits on them... oh lovely Mummy. So big Mummy. My willy is so hard its hurting Mummy!
The dark bits are my nipples. You've got them too, but not like mine... Have you produced seed yet lovey?
No Mummy, but I feel like bursting!
Oh dear... look... I shouldn't do this but it might do the trick. Look at me now as I sit down and open my legs. That's a really rude thing for a lady to do. I'm showing you my knicker gusset. Do you like it?
Oh... oh...
Have you shot out seed?
No Mummy.... Oh Mummy... please Mummy, show me more Mummy...
I shouldn't... I really shouldn't...
Mummy you're taking your knickers off Mummy!
Yes, but its wrong. I shouldn't...
Mummy you have lovely hair at the front. Oh lovely!
Do you like my bottom? I'll turn around..
Its lovely Mummy. I'm so excited Mummy... Oh... oh wow Mummy..
Yes, I've opened up fully. Look at my.. my... vagina! My pussy!
Have you shot seed yet?
Oh no Mummy. Its lovely. Its all wet and open. I can see your bottom hole too. I need to get my willy out Mummy, its hurting in my pants. I'll take off my shorts and my pants. There...
Oh lovey. Your willy... its... its.. very stiff isn't it? And very large for a little boy. What are you doing. Stay over there lovey!
Stay there lovey. Its wrong. Oh, no... don't do that! Its wrong to put your willy inside your Mummy!
Mummy I cant help it! It feels so nice Mummy.
You're thrusting up me. Its wonderful. But its wrong...
Ohhhhh, wow, oh wow, Mummy I've got the relief! Oh! The seed has shot out! Oh its a wonderful feeling Mummy... oh so lovely! Oh Mummy, thank you! Thank you Mummy!
Oh I'm so pleased you got relief. Look baby, can you give me relief now?
Yes Mummy. How do I do that?
Take your willy out of me and give me a nice kiss and a licking on my pussy!
Oh wow, really?
Yes, that's it. Get your tongue on that little hard bit above my hole.
Oh I see, where those flaps at the side of the hole meet at the top?
Yes, just there. That's it. Gently. Oh That's lovely. Now put a couple of your fingers inside the hole.
And keep licking the hard bit?
Yes keep licking and now put your fingers up me.
Can I pull the flaps apart a bit first Mummy?
Yes, that's good.
You're very wet in there Mummy!
Yes love, I'm producing lubrication and with your licking...
OK Mummy here come my fingers!
Ah! Oh, oh dear... I meant both fingers in my pussy, my vagina, the front bottom. Oh god! One finger is in my bottom! My back bottom! My anus! Oh god!
Sorry Mummy, they just slipped in, you are so wet and slippery. Shall I take them out?
Ahhh! NO! Oh gosh! Push them in and out. Both holes! Oh shit!
Oh... I'm cumming... Oh wow! Oh its so intense!
Mummy you're jumping all over the place!
Ahhh! Yes! Ohhh.... ahhh. Yes, I've got my relief! That was wonderful. Really wonderful.
I loved it Mummy!
So did I baby! So did I. I really shouldn't have done that. I should have just told you how to masturbate!
Master... what Mummy?
You can get relief by rubbing your willy. Its called masturbation. Or wanking is the rude word. I didn't think it was right to show you when we chatted earlier. And I've ended up letting you have sex with me!
But we both loved it didn't we Mummy? And I'm getting a hard willy again thinking about it!
Yes I loved it too. And you are hard again aren't you?! OK, now get that hard willy up my bum-hole and bugger me senseless. Don't tell anybody! We can do this every day....
Yes, my love?
You know you took me to see that film the other day? Escape to Athena?
Yes, love?
Well I've been having dreams about it. Strange dreams and strange feelings.
Oh, why is that do you think? Was it scary? Did the guns and the fighting scare you? I'm sorry I shouldn't have taken you, but it said it was OK if an adult was with you.
No Mummy, it wasn't the guns.... It was the lovely bit when the lady danced and took her clothes off.
She looked so lovely and I was so excited by it, it made me feel all funny. I can't stop thinking about the lady...
Oh, I see, well she was a very pretty lady wasn't she? Her name is Stephanie; she's quite a famous actor. You obviously liked her.
Yes, Mummy, but it wasn't just her... it was... it was her taking off her clothes and how that made me feel. I got a nice feeling in my tummy and it made my.. my.. willy go hard Mummy! It keeps going hard when I think about it. I can't stop it. I don't know what to do!
Yes, darling?
What should I do? I can't feel proper. I'm thinking of it all the time, Mummy.
What do you mean about not feeling proper my love?
Well, I sort of feel I need to do something to make the feeling finish. I feel like I'm going to burst.
Oh, I see. I think I understand. You're a bit young to be having these feelings. There is a way of getting relief, but its not appropriate for a Mummy to show you really.
But I cant stand it Mummy! Why can't you show me?
Its not appropriate lovey, its a private thing, its not right for mummies to do certain private things with their little boys. But.... Well, sometimes you body will give you relief, just by yourself! Sometimes if you are really, really excited, your willy will get very hard indeed and it will produce seed and that will bring you relief.
Yes, its how daddies and mummies have babies. The seed comes out of your willy and goes inside the Mummy...
How can I get the relief then Mummy?
You would have to see something like the lady taking off her clothes and hope that made your willy produce the seed. I suppose we could go and see it again, but it wouldn't be good for you if that happens in the cinema!
Could you do the dancing and the taking off clothes Mummy?
If you did it for me, I'm sure I'd get the relief... Please Mummy. Oh, please Mummy. Just for me!
Oh gosh I don't know! I don't think its right... You actually want to watch me taking off my clothes, like that nice Stephanie lady did in the film?
Yes Mummy, like the nice lady. A dance like she did. And wearing the nice clothes and things like she did. Please Mummy, it would make me really happy and I feel sad now that I can't get the relief... Please Mummy!
Please Mummy!
Oh.. alright then! Just this once; I'll try it and see if it gets you relief. What clothes do you want me to put on? What did you like that the film lady wore?
Oh thank you Mummy! The lady had lovely frilly knickers and nice stockings. I remember those best. I think she had a dress on too, and I loved it when she took the things off... I liked seeing her top thing too, but she didn't take it off, or the frilly knickers, and that made me feel unhappy.
The top thing?
Yes, the thing she wore on her top, the thing that holds her.. chests up. That was nice too.
Oh, her brassiere... her bra?
Yes Mummy. Bra...
Well I can't remember exactly what that was like; do you mind if I choose a nice one of mine? One that will match my knickers? You know I can't believe I'm saying this. I can't believe I'm doing this! Ok, wait here lovey and I'll get changed. I won't be long... Put some nice music on the radiogram...
Oh Mummy, you look lovely Mummy. My willy is getting hard already!
Well thank you! Its my nice summer dress that buttons up the front. I have high heels on. I think I look good myself! Strangely enough I feel quite good. I did have a little drink while I got ready. I'll turn the music up...
Mummy its great! You're dancing like the lady did. Oh, that's nice..
Yes I'm going to unbutton the dress. There, now you can see my bra. Do you like it?
Oh yes Mummy. I can't see much of it but its holding your... your chests up so lovely... so... err, lovelyly... err.. They look lovely Mummy!
They're my breasts lovey, not my chests. Breasts.
Breasts Mummy. Bra. Lovely Mummy!
Now I'll unbutton all the dress for you. There, now its open all down the front.
Oh wow Mummy... The frilly knickers! And the stockings. Just like the lady in the film. And the... the bra is wonderful Mummy. My willy is really hard now Mummy, and I have a nice feeling in my tummy. Will I get the relief now Mummy?
Well I thought you might. This is how far Stephanie went in the film, then she pretended to take off her bra but she wrapped a flag or something around herself so you couldn't see her bare breasts...
Yes Mummy I remember that, I was all excited and I thought I was going to see her all bare... But she didn't do any more and I felt unhappy then...
So maybe if I show you my breasts that will help?
Yes Mummy, but keep dancing Mummy.
I'm undoing the clasp at the back. There, now I'll shimmy a bit and … there, I've dropped the bra.
Oh Mummy. Oh... you're all bare at the top. I love your... breasts. The dark bits on them... oh lovely Mummy. So big Mummy. My willy is so hard its hurting Mummy!
The dark bits are my nipples. You've got them too, but not like mine... Have you produced seed yet lovey?
No Mummy, but I feel like bursting!
Oh dear... look... I shouldn't do this but it might do the trick. Look at me now as I sit down and open my legs. That's a really rude thing for a lady to do. I'm showing you my knicker gusset. Do you like it?
Oh... oh...
Have you shot out seed?
No Mummy.... Oh Mummy... please Mummy, show me more Mummy...
I shouldn't... I really shouldn't...
Mummy you're taking your knickers off Mummy!
Yes, but its wrong. I shouldn't...
Mummy you have lovely hair at the front. Oh lovely!
Do you like my bottom? I'll turn around..
Its lovely Mummy. I'm so excited Mummy... Oh... oh wow Mummy..
Yes, I've opened up fully. Look at my.. my... vagina! My pussy!
Have you shot seed yet?
Oh no Mummy. Its lovely. Its all wet and open. I can see your bottom hole too. I need to get my willy out Mummy, its hurting in my pants. I'll take off my shorts and my pants. There...
Oh lovey. Your willy... its... its.. very stiff isn't it? And very large for a little boy. What are you doing. Stay over there lovey!
Stay there lovey. Its wrong. Oh, no... don't do that! Its wrong to put your willy inside your Mummy!
Mummy I cant help it! It feels so nice Mummy.
You're thrusting up me. Its wonderful. But its wrong...
Ohhhhh, wow, oh wow, Mummy I've got the relief! Oh! The seed has shot out! Oh its a wonderful feeling Mummy... oh so lovely! Oh Mummy, thank you! Thank you Mummy!
Oh I'm so pleased you got relief. Look baby, can you give me relief now?
Yes Mummy. How do I do that?
Take your willy out of me and give me a nice kiss and a licking on my pussy!
Oh wow, really?
Yes, that's it. Get your tongue on that little hard bit above my hole.
Oh I see, where those flaps at the side of the hole meet at the top?
Yes, just there. That's it. Gently. Oh That's lovely. Now put a couple of your fingers inside the hole.
And keep licking the hard bit?
Yes keep licking and now put your fingers up me.
Can I pull the flaps apart a bit first Mummy?
Yes, that's good.
You're very wet in there Mummy!
Yes love, I'm producing lubrication and with your licking...
OK Mummy here come my fingers!
Ah! Oh, oh dear... I meant both fingers in my pussy, my vagina, the front bottom. Oh god! One finger is in my bottom! My back bottom! My anus! Oh god!
Sorry Mummy, they just slipped in, you are so wet and slippery. Shall I take them out?
Ahhh! NO! Oh gosh! Push them in and out. Both holes! Oh shit!
Oh... I'm cumming... Oh wow! Oh its so intense!
Mummy you're jumping all over the place!
Ahhh! Yes! Ohhh.... ahhh. Yes, I've got my relief! That was wonderful. Really wonderful.
I loved it Mummy!
So did I baby! So did I. I really shouldn't have done that. I should have just told you how to masturbate!
Master... what Mummy?
You can get relief by rubbing your willy. Its called masturbation. Or wanking is the rude word. I didn't think it was right to show you when we chatted earlier. And I've ended up letting you have sex with me!
But we both loved it didn't we Mummy? And I'm getting a hard willy again thinking about it!
Yes I loved it too. And you are hard again aren't you?! OK, now get that hard willy up my bum-hole and bugger me senseless. Don't tell anybody! We can do this every day....
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