City fucks vs Country folk

Ran across a rather stupid person claiming that the rual people of America must be forced into basic endentured servitude to the city fuck like him and his ilk .

What right do you or the government have to tell me I must trabe my goods with you hateful city leftists? None of us have to sell you the food or goods we make . I can choose to trade locally . Or are you an asshole who is pro forcing people to trade with 0 compensation like it seem you are as you hate anyone who dares to stand against a tyrannical far left government. I am for non violent protest against you so called liberals aka rad democrats .

You claim the Republican or conservatives are a cancer. Thus you must support a authoritarian single party rule dictatorship like north Korea or say China . You think giving the Dems a supper majority would lead to good things for America if so I got a ask are you retarded? They would the instant they gained full power destroy our constitution any and all concept of individual rights and pull a full bore communist state . So no you would not be defending anything but assholes in Washington from the revenge of the Average Americans who love this nation .

Look you blue state and city fucks think the rest of America owes you all of our crops all of our labor making goods . No we owe y'all nothing. So if a group of large scale farmers and their communities wish to limit or stop trade with you people who hate them for the way they think act and vote well . Come go ahead and try your take over. You think all Military members would take up arms against their own communities or that all cops with side you you federal scum fucks . I am gonna guess many will rightfully defect to the side of their home communities against a tyrannical federal government.

You seem to forget it's WE THE PEOPLE WHO RUN THIS NATION NOT THEY THE GOVERNENT . We average right of center people out number the members of the federal gov we whom can fight to defend our land out number you city shit stains who are terrified of picking up a gun to defend anything. I do not want a civil war but you wanna push for one, I'm your huckleberry.
发布者 asher86
1 年 前
yariman 1 年 前
Totally agree with you asher86
Penguin-Lad 1 年 前
asher86 : Trump is just another rich war-dodging brat who thinks he has a right to tell working people what to do. Regardless of what Bill Clinton is now, back then he was a country boy who pulled himself up by his bootstraps. Sick of all these politicians with millionaire/billionaire parents acting like they know what real life is like for normal people.
回答 原始评论
asher86 出版商 1 年 前
Penguin-Lad : I disagree with your asesment of Clintion and that of Trump . 
回答 原始评论
Penguin-Lad 1 年 前
I certainly see where you are coming from. It’s impossible for privileged assholes like Trump and Biden to ever represent true working people from rural America. The last US president to have an actual connection with rural America was Bill Clinton and he got hounded by privileged private education fucks just for getting a blow job.
bigbeaverbill 1 年 前