My Birthday weekend at Danny's
First things first – you should read “A Surprise at Danny’s House” before reading this. In fact, you should read the other Danny stories as well before reading this.
All my writings are true, they all happened.
My 10th Birthday.
The week of my 10th birthday dragged. After the events of the previous weekend, I couldn’t wait for the week to end. I had a two-day sleepover at Danny’s organized for the coming weekend and I had a feeling it was going to be epic. I wasn’t wrong!
At school on Friday, Danny was so excited. He had been excited all week, as had I, and the anticipation was almost over. Danny couldn’t contain himself but, to his credit, he wouldn’t give me any details. All he did give away was that his mom had bought me a present I was going to love. After imparting that little tip, he couldn’t wipe the smile from his face. Checking that no one was around, he stole a quick kiss and off to class we went.
We walked halfway home together in the afternoon as always and excitedly split at the normal intersection. I was to race home, pack my gear and head to his place. I had packed my bag that morning before school, so all I had to do was change and head off, but the weather decided it would do its best to fuck with my plans. Halfway home, the weather closed in and a minute later it started bucketing down. Torrential rain soaked me to the bone in less than a minute and, by the time I got home, I looked like a drowned rat.
As soon as I stepped in the door, my mother insisted I get out of my wet clothes immediately and have a hot shower. Once out, and warm and dry, she then insisted I couldn’t ride my bike to Danny’s as planned. We would wait until my father got home, around 6pm, and then she would drive me. I called Danny’s house and spoke to his mother, and she agreed – it was horrible weather outside, and we could both wait until after 6. It seemed like a huge deal at the time – 6 o’clock! It was a huge deal. I mumbled and grumbled through the early evening until my father got home from work, and then we were off.
My mother had never met Danny’s Mom. They had talked over the phone a couple of times, but that was it. Pulling into the driveway, I was nervous. For the first time, I hoped Danny’s Mom wasn’t wearing anything too sexy. I needn’t have worried, she had me covered. As we parked, the front door opened and Danny and his Mom both stood in the doorway. Both were dressed in bulky warm dressing gowns. I should explain – my birthday is in July. July in my part of the world is winter and, as well as raining heavily, it was bitterly cold.
Mrs. Gordon produced an umbrella and, leaving Danny in the doorway, she popped open the umbrella and ventured out towards the car. Under cover, I opened the car door and Mrs. Gordon bent down and greeted my mother and me. After a few moments of friendly banter between the two mothers, I was out and walking beside Mrs. Gordon to the house. We stood and waved as my mother backed down the drive and drove away. Shaking off the umbrella, Mrs. Gordon turned to me, winked and smiled, and we headed inside.
Mrs. Gordon told me to go put my stuff in Danny’s room and we headed off to do just that. In his room, Danny turned and, as soon as my bag hit the floor, he grabbed me and hugged me tight. We kissed and he grinned widely.
“This is going to be an amazing weekend”, he beamed.
We headed back out to the kitchen to find Mrs. Gordon busying herself with dinner. I offered to help as Danny was asked to set up in the living room. Dinner was homemade pizza, and it smelled delicious. Mrs. Gordon let me slice the pizza with one of those pizza wheel thingies – which I like to call an infinity knife. A brilliant name if you ask me. You didn’t, but I’m saying it anyway.
We sat down in the living room and ate. It tasted as delicious as it smelt, and we chatted and laughed together as we ate. The tv was on in the corner, but no one was paying any attention to it. We were having so much fun enjoying each other’s company. Although there was a fire burning in the fireplace, it wasn’t overly warm in the room, and Danny and his mom had their gowns still tightly drawn.
After eating, we all cleaned up and went back to sit in the living room. They both looked at each other and smiled and nodded, and Mrs. Gordon turned to me and placed her hand on my knee.
“Sweetie, I know it’s still early but, would you like to open your present?”
I nodded and smiled and said, “Yes”. They smiled at each other again and Danny got up and left the room. As he left, Mrs. Gordon leaned over and softly kissed my cheek. She then got up, moved over to the fireplace and placed a couple of logs on the fire. Stoking it, the fire blazed into life.
“It’s going to get pretty warm in here soon”, she giggled, and gave me a sly smile.
Danny returned with a package wrapped in some Star Wars wrapping paper. Mrs. Gordon sat down close beside me as Danny knelt on the floor in front of me. With a wide smile he placed the gift on my lap. I flipped it over to the taped side and began to carefully unwrap it. As the paper gave way, four small packages came into view. They were all small and soft.
I looked up at the two happy faces expectantly watching my every move. Mrs. Gordon smiled and nodded at the packages, and I picked up the first one and opened it. She watched me carefully as I unwrapped it and what was inside came into view. My eyes widened and my whole body tingled as I lifted the item out of its wrapper.
“I think he likes them Honey”, said Mrs. Gordon as my face beamed.
“I think so, Mom”, replied Danny, “Hold them up for us.”
I held up the most exquisite pair of white lace panties. They were skimpy, and exactly like the ones I had seen Danny in the weekend before. The only difference was that these ones had no back to them, just a single string. Mrs. Gordon leaned over and half-whispered,
”It’s called a G-string Honey.”
I turned to her, grinning like an idiot, and she smiled back at me. She giggled and kissed the tip of my nose before telling me to open the next gift.
I didn’t want to let go of the panties, but I was excited to see what else was in there. I placed them down on my lap and picked up the second package.
The second package revealed two items, two white lace stockings! They were as exquisite as the panties and matched them perfectly. With a close-knit mesh and silky bands at the top, they were beautiful! I ran my hands over them, soaking them up. My cock was rock hard by now and twitching in excitement. Mrs. Gordon inched closer and placed her hand high on my right thigh. She smelt incredible and I could feel heat coming from her. I could feel the heat coming from the fireplace as well, which was now a fully roaring fire.
With further encouragement, I set the stockings down with the panties in my lap and reached for package number 3. I eagerly opened it to discover a white lace band with straps hanging from it. Mrs. Gordon told me it was a garter belt, used to hold my stockings up. It looked beautiful and, if it was possible, my cock got even harder. Mrs. Gordon’s fingers began to idly fondle the lace stocking on my lap, just an inch or so from my cock. Heaven again!
I tucked the sexy garter belt into my lap with the other beautiful items, taking the opportunity to subtlety adjust my cock which was now pressing uncomfortably against my pants, and reached for the final present. Opening it revealed another gorgeous white lace treat, this time a bra. I held it up and studied it with glee. It had a wire underlay with a half-cup that featured almost completely see-through frilly lace. Over the top was a single strand of material with decorative lace hanging from it. Again, Mrs. Gordon had to explain. It was a peek-a-boo bra, designed to be sexy and revealing.
Danny leaned forward and, with one hand on my knee, removed the wrappings. I was left sitting there with these incredible feminine garments across my lap. I couldn’t believe all these gorgeous items were mine. I just wanted to put them all on and masturbate repeatedly until I passed out. I looked down at Danny who was looking up at me with a huge grin. He looked as eager for me to put them on as I was!
“Do you like them, Sweetie?”, asked Mrs. Gordon.
“Oh Yes!”, I replied.
“Would you like to see what they look like on?”, she asked.
I nodded my head and replied, “Yes.”
Mrs. Gordon smiled and looked down to Danny.
“Honey”, she said to him, “Would you like to show Michael?”
Danny grinned and nodded. He stood in front of me, undid his dressing gown, and let it drop to the floor. He was wearing the same white peek-a-boo bra as the one in my lap. He looked amazing! The cup material, without the benefit have having breasts to cling to, billowed out a little. The over-strap, with its frilly lace dropping down framed his nipples perfectly.
He was wearing pajama bottoms, but the top of a white garter belt clearly poked out of the top of his pants. I looked down and noticed, for the first time, that his “socks” were white mesh lace. He followed my gaze down and then looked back at my face. Our eyes met and he grinned even wider before sliding his pajama bottoms down. He rested a hand on my knee and removed one leg, then the other from the pants.
“Tada!”, he exclaimed.
“Give us a twirl, Honey”, Mrs. Gordon instructed, and Danny obliged. He looked stunning as he spun around, arms in the air. He wiggled his bottom at us, the G-string tucked between his cheeks. I almost came in my pants!
“What do you think, Sweetie?”, Mrs. Gordon asked.
“He looks amazing!”, I replied.
Danny jumped for joy and bent over and wrapped his arms around me before standing upright again, spinning around and wagging in bottom in my face.
Mrs. Gordon giggled and said, “Spank it, Michael!”
I happily slapped his right cheek playfully and Danny squealed and poked his ass towards me further.
“Again”, said Mrs. Gordon, and I happily slapped him again.
Mrs. Gordon leaned in close and hugged me to her. Her left arm remained around my shoulder as she told me to slap him again and again. Danny squealed with delight and waggled his bottom left and right just inches from my face as I slapped him playfully. Mrs. Gordon leaned forward and kissed her son’s right cheek before giving it a nibble. She looked back at me with a smirk, her eyes darted to Danny’s other cheek. I needed no more encouragement.
I joined her in kissing and nibbling her son’s cheeks, our eyes locked as she led, and I followed. She gripped Danny’s right cheek and kissed it before extending her tongue and licking it. I copied her with his left cheek and Danny moaned with pleasure. We licked his cheeks together for a minute before she reached in front of me and gripped both his cheeks, squeezed them together for a second before pulling them apart. The G-string disappeared and then reappeared, running over his hole and down to his balls.
Mrs. Gordon ran her finger down the string and over his tight little hole, causing Danny to moan again. I sat, transfixed as she licked her finger and traced around Danny’s hole. Danny moaned again and Mrs. Gordon looked at me, smiling. I licked my finger and followed her movements, tracing his hole. I looked up to find Danny had turned his head and was watching me as I rimmed his sweet little hole. He smiled and pushed back a little as my finger rubbed him, causing my cock to twitch more and leak precum into my underwear.
We continued for a few more minutes, with Danny moaning and groaning in pleasure as our fingers, mouths and tongues explored his behind until Mrs. Gordon playfully bit his right cheek harder, causing him to yelp and jump forward. We all laughed, and Danny turned to face us, holding his right cheek in his hand. His face was flushed bright red, and his very hard cock poked out of his panties.
Mrs. Gordon giggled and leaned forward, traced her finger over the wet tip of his cock and brought it to her lips. She licked her finger and smiled at me. I was about to follow her lead when she raised her finger in a “halt” gesture. Her finger traced Danny’s tip again and this time she brought her finger to my lips. She traced my lips with the tip, Danny’s juices coating them, before I opened my mouth and she slid her finger in. I licked her finger clean, tasting his delicious salty sweet precum.
Mrs. Gordon leaned in and kissed me, softly at first. Her tongue parted my lips and entwinned with mine in a passionate, precum tasting French kiss. We both moaned in pleasure. She pulled away and stared into my eyes.
“Would you like to try your presents on now, Honey?”, she asked.
I smiled and nodded, and she smiled back at me. She gathered up the sexy items still in my lap, and her fingers brushed against my hard cock. She looked down at the wet spot on the front of my pants and smiled back at me.
“It’s cold up the other end of the house, but its nice and warm by the fire…. why don’t you get changed over there? Danny will help, won’t you Honey?”
Danny nodded quickly, smiled, and took my hand. I stood and he led me over to the fire. He smiled as he took the bottom of my sweatshirt and started lifting it. I raised my hands, and he brought it up and over my head, dropping it to the floor. My T-shirt followed. He ran his hand softly down my sides and I held him by the waist as his fingers unbuttoned and unzipped my pants.
He slipped my pants part-way down, then knelt and pulled them the rest of the way. I leant on him as I lifted one leg and then the other as Danny removed them completely. I was now naked in front of them both, except for my little boy underwear with a large wet spot and a tenting hard cock pressing against them. He ran his hands up my legs, slowly over my hard cock from base to tip, before slipping my underwear down and off.
I looked over to Mrs. Gordon who had a look of pure lust on her face. Her hand had disappeared under her gown and between her legs as she watched wide-eyed. Danny picked up one of the stockings and, as I leaned against the wall, he slid them up my left leg. He pulled then tight and straight before repeating with the other leg. I looked down with glee at my legs, and my hard, bobbing cock sticking out in excitement. Danny was at eye level with my cock and, looking up at me, he ran his finger over the tip and brought my leaking precum to his lips, smearing it before licking his finger clean.
He rose, paused to kiss me softly, allowing me to taste my juices on his lips, then collected the garter belt. He knelt again and I stepped into the belt. He brought it up to my waist and showed me how to clip it to my stockings. He couldn’t resist running his hands up and down my legs, the sensation almost making me cum. I don’t know how I held off. Next came the panties, and he brought them up, tucking my hard cock into them. They pressed my cock against my stomach, the tip poking out as his had. His hands urged me to turn, and I turned to face the fire. He straightened the string between my cheeks and gave my bottom a playful slap. I gasped and jerked, and he slapped me again.
“Oh yes, baby!”, I heard Mrs. Gordon say, “Do it again!”
Danny spanked me a few more times and I bent forward, showing my ass to him and his mother as he slapped me. Again, I have no idea how I didn’t cum! I felt Danny’s lips on my cheek as he kissed the spot he had slapped. Then he urged me to turn back around.
Lastly came the bra. Standing in front of me, Danny slipped the delicate item over my arms and pulled it together over my chest. It clasped together in the front, and he adjusted the shoulder straps to fit. Finally, he fussed with the cups and over-straps to straighten them. He ran his hands over me and turned to face his mother. His arm around my waist, his body pressed into mine, he beamed with excitement as we stood together.
“Oh! Look at my lovely boys!”, Mrs. Gordon exclaimed. “What do you think Michael? Do you like your presents?”
“I love them!’, I replied, excitedly. And I did! I absolutely loved being dressed in sexy lingerie, and I’ve loved it ever since.
“What do you think, Honey?”, she asked Danny.
“He looks beautiful!”, he replied.
“So do you”, I said, and hugged him to me.
Our hands roamed over each other’s bodies as we took each other in. With our matching outfits and similar bodies, it was like looking into a mirror. We rubbed our bodies together and mashed our hard dicks against each other’s. Mrs. Gordon put on some music, and we danced together, holding hands, hugging and kissing, hands roaming.
“Come here my pretty boys”, asked Mrs. Gordon and we both walked arm in arm to her. She ran her hands over us both, telling us to turn now and then. Her hands stroked and gripped our ass cheeks ran up and down our legs and down our sides. She spanked us both and, as we both jerked, we all moaned and giggled. At her command, we turned again to face her, and she stroked and fondled our bodies. She ran her hand over both of our lace covered cocks and fingered the tips before bringing both precum covered fingers to her lips and licking them clean.
Next, she told us to sit on the sofa with her, one on each side. She asked if we would lean over and kiss in front of her. Just inches from her face, Danny and I leaned in and kissed. Softly at first. With her encouragement, we kissed harder, our lips parted and our tongues explored each other’s mouths. Mrs. Gordon sighed as our kiss became more erotic, we drew back from each other’s lips, our tongues out and still entwinned. Mrs. Gordon gasped as we tongued each other in front of her. She ran her hands over our backs and down to our bottoms where she gripped and slapped us again.
Danny moaned and I followed suit, egging her on further. I jolted involuntarily when her finger found my hole and pressed against it. She must have done the same to Danny as his eyes bulged and he moaned before leaning back in and kissing me hard. Mrs. Gordon’s finger twitched against and rimmed my hole expertly for a minute before her fingers ran down to my balls. She gently fondled them and the base of my cock as her thumb replaced her finger on my anus.
Suddenly, Danny released my tongue and arched up, a look of pure delight on his face. He let out an ecstatic moan and he threw his head back as he began to tremble and jerk. Mrs. Gordon smiled at me and told me to have a look. She tilted her head to indicate behind her son. I got up and stepped over to see. I was astounded to see her thumb buried inside Danny’s ass to the knuckle! Danny was writhing as he slowly rose and lowered his ass onto his mother’s thumb, moaning and groaning as he did.Danny’s hand rested on his mother’s thighs as he began to slowly grind his lace covered cock into his mother’s leg.
My cock leaked more precum as I watched this glorious sight. Then, just as Danny was really getting into it, she unexpectedly withdrew her thumb. Danny let out a sound that was a mixture of ecstatic bliss and utter disappointment in one and gave his mother a look that portrayed the same.
“Not to fast, Honey”, she said, “We have a guest, remember.”
Danny slumped against me, panting and trembling as he came down from the waves of pleasure his mother’s thumb had given him. His arms hugged me close, and my own hand came to rest on his left cheek.
“Yes Mommy”, he uttered softly.
“Did you like that, Michael?” Mrs. Gordon asked me.
I had no words, so I merely grinned hornily and nodded repeatedly. Little did she know, I had played with my ass for years and had had many different things up there. Now I wanted her thumb inside me more than anything else. Mrs. Gordon giggled at my response. I suspect she knew exactly how horny I was and how much I wanted what I had just seen Danny getting.
She took Danny’s face in her hand and said, “I’m sorry Honey”, before drawing him to her and kissing him deeply. Her tongue delved into his mouth deeply and they passionately kissed as I stood there, my hard cock poking out of my panties and dripping with desire. I saw her look to my cock and then up to meet my eyes as she kissed her son. Her eyes smiled at the sight of my excited face, mouth agape.
Mother and son separated, and Danny slipped to his knees on the couch next to his mother. Mrs. Gordon eyed me up and down and gasped suddenly.
“Oh! Honey! I forgot. We have one more present for you Michael”, she exclaimed.
With that, she extended her left leg and her foot rested against my cock. As her toes wriggled against the tip of my cock I moaned softly and looked down. It was then that I noticed her socks. They weren’t socks at all. They were white stockings!
If it was possible, my jaw dropped even more. As Mrs. Gordon began to giggle, I looked up to find her eyes locked on mine. She grinned a deviously sexy grin and winked at me. Her foot dropped away, and she shuffled up and off the couch.
“Would you like to unwrap your gift my sweet boy?” she asked.
I stood like a statue, frozen to the spot.
“Hmmmm”, she said, and reached out and took my hand in hers, guiding it towards the sash knotted around her waist. Tied in a bow, her hand led me to one of the dangling ends. She released my hand and I pulled. Down. Hard! The knot untied and her robe parted an inch or two, allowing me a glimpse of the wonders beneath. Mrs. Gordon looked down, then at me, and said,
“Are you just going to stop there?”
Emboldened by lust, I reached out with both hands and pulled the sash away completely. The robe fell open and the most glorious site was exposed. Mrs. Gordon had purchased the same outfit for herself! The robe didn’t completely expose everything, but what I could see was incredible.
White lace stockings held up by a garter belt, the same stockings and garter Danny and I were wearing. White panties matching ours as well, although they were much tighter on her and showed almost everything. They were very low cut, and her sexy brown pubes were clearly visible through the see-through lace. Then there was the bra. Oh, the bra! The robe only allowed me to see the middle, but what a middle!
Her breasts were crammed into the half-cups and squeezed tightly together. The excess flesh spilled over, but the over-straps held everything in place, making her chest appear even bigger than it was. She was a Goddess! She smiled down at me as I ogled, letting me drink her in with my eyes. She lifted my head with one hand and smiled.
“You’re going to have to take it off if you want to see more. Don’t you want to see more?”
I nodded and she grinned. She took a hand in each of hers and lifted them to her shoulders. I shifted up to the collar and slowly slid it off her shoulders. Her arms dropped to her sides and the gown slid to the floor. Again, I have no idea how I didn’t cum right then!
She was perfect. Her waist looked slimmer because of the belt, which made her hips look incredible, but those breasts were sensational! The lace fabric of the half-cups were filled to overflowing, and her nipples were fully exposed. Light brown and hard, with areolas the size of silver dollars, they were mesmerizing! She watched me as I stared at her, unable to look away from those amazing breasts. Her hands came up to them and she pinched each nipple between her thumb and forefinger, making a show for me.
“Would you like to try?’ she asked, and I nodded eagerly.
She let her hands drop and mine replaced hers in an instant. I cupped her breasts in my hands and my thumb and forefinger traced and gently tweaked each nipple. She moaned softly as I massaged her breasts and nipples for what seemed like hours. Time stood still as I was completely hypnotized by her. I honestly had no idea what I was doing, but we were both having a great time indeed.
After a time, she took both of my hands in hers and kissed them. She took a couple of steps backwards, my hands still in hers, and led me back to the couch. She sat down next to Danny, who had been passing the time watching us and rubbing his cock and pulled me down to sit next to her opposite her son.
“Now, Honey,” she said to me, cradling my face in her right hand, “It’s your birthday, a special birthday, so we can do anything you want.”
I couldn’t believe it! She continued,
“You can play with, or touch, or kiss anything you want, you both can. But there are a couple of rules.”
I nodded as I waited for her to continue.
“I won’t have full sex with you, I think you’re a little too young for that. And I don’t want you to lose your virginity without really being sure. Ok?”
I nodded again.
“One more thing… and this is more for me than for you… but I want you both to call me Mommy, ok?”
I looked over to Danny, who was grinning widely, and then back to Mrs. Gordon. With a huge grin on my face, and, in unison with Danny, we both replied “Yes, Mommy”.
“Wonderful!” replied Mrs. Gordon, overjoyed with our response, “Now, I don’t know what my two lovely girly boys would like to do first, but… Mommy would love it if you kissed and sucked my nipples! They are so eager for attention.”
Danny and I grinned at each other, and we both knelt facing Mommy. Mommy held a breast up with each hand, her excited nipples pointing towards us. In one smooth movement, our heads both lowered and we took each nipple into our mouths. Mommy moaned with pleasure as we tongued, licked and nibbled on her hard nipples. Her hands slipped to between her legs and Danny and I fondled her breasts as we sucked.
Suddenly, Mommy squealed loudly, and her chest thrust forward. Her whole body quivered and bucked as an orgasm rippled through her body. She shouted “I’m cumming!” as Danny and I lifted away from her and watched her breasts jiggle and shake. The look on her face was amazing.
She slumped back into the couch, panting and trembling as her orgasm subsided. Her eyes opened and she smiled broadly at us both, before reaching for our heads and pulling us toward her. She kissed Danny first, deeply and sensually, before turning to me, her tongue delving deep into my mouth in a passionate wet kiss. She kissed us both a few more times before exclaiming,
“Oh! My sweet boys! You made Mommy cum so hard! I love you both so much!”
We replied that we loved her too and she sighed and smiled at us both.
“I think it’s you turn now my lovelies.”
Mommy told us to kneel up beside her and we excitedly obeyed. Her hands slid up our legs and against our hard little lace covered cocks. We were both dripping, and our panties were soaked with precum, which Mommy loved. She slipped our cocks out the side of our panties and began softly stroking us. She ran her fingers up and down our shafts and slid her thumbs over the tips. We both moaned and groaned together in ecstasy.
When Mommy let go of our cocks, we both looked down, disappointed, but she smiled up at us as she grabbed her breasts again and lifted them towards us.
“Rub your hard dickies against my tits, my lovelies!”, she instructed, and we both smiled with glee and positioned ourselves over her chest. I took my cock in hand and rubbed the tip against Mommy’s nipple. Mommy moaned and smiled up at me as Danny rubbed his cock against Mommy’s other nipple. We slid and slipped our wet cocks against her tits, smearing our precum over them.
“Ohhhh!” Mommy exclaimed. “Fuck my tits my lovelies. Fuck them!”
I reached down and took her breast in my hand and, pressing my cock against it, began to hump my cock against her flesh. Danny followed my lead and soon we were both humping her tits with glee. Mommy squealed and pressed her body up into our cocks as we increased our pace. Mommy’s face was pure ecstasy as her boys humped and slid our cocks against her.
We grunted and groaned as our orgasms neared, and Mommy cried out,
“Cum for me boys! I know you want to! Cum all over Mommy’s tits!!”
I slipped past the point of no return and pounded my cock against her with wild abandon.
“Cum Michael! Cum for Mommy!” she shouted.
I gasped and grunted hard as I humped one final time and released my hot cum. The biggest spurt of cum I had ever produced shot from my cock and splashed down on Mommy’s face from brow to chin. Mommy squealed and I followed up with another big spurt that landed on her cheek and neck. Now Danny unleashed, his first spurt hitting Mommy’s chin and running down her neck. As my third shot splattered down on her neck and breast, Danny’s second shot hit her neck again and trickled down to the other breast. We both shot two more spurts each, coating Mommy’s big sexy tits in hot sticky cum.
Mommy was shouting “OH YES!” over and over as we shot our loads all over her, and as we all came down, she continued to moan and sigh “Mmmmm, yes, I love it”. We both continued to rub our cocks on Mommy’s cum covered chest as our orgasms subsided.
Then Mommy said,
“Oh, my lovely boys, that was wonderful. Michael, you came so much! You hit my face! That was amazing!”
She looked down at the cum smeared and dripping all over her and smiled.
“Looks like quite a mess you two boys made. So naughty!”
She giggled and looked up at us both.
“Such naughty boys!”, she repeated, “You’re going to have to clean this up now!”
As Danny and I both shot a glance at each other, Mommy said,
“Both you naughty boys stand up now.”
We both stood up in front of her, our cocks still dripping, a little confused as to what was going to happen next. Mommy told us to swap places, which we did. She then told us to kneel back down next to her, and we complied again.
“Now, use your tongues and lick me clean you naughty lovers.”
Mommy’s obedient boys leaned in and began to lick each other’s cum clean. Danny gleefully licked my cum from his mother’s face as I began licking his cum from her chin and neck. We made our way down to her breasts and licked them clean, lifting to meet in the middle. Our lips touched and, just inches from Mommy’s face, we tongued each other’s cum into our mouths. Mommy lifted her head and her tongue extended to meet ours in a three-way cummy tongue kiss.
“Stand up boys”, Mommy instructed, “It’s my turn”.
We both stood again, and Mommy sat on the edge of the couch and pulled us to stand side by side, hips touching. She smiled at us both before leaning forward and taking Danny’s cum stained cock into her mouth. She sucked and licked his cock clean. Mmm-ing and ahh-ing as she did so. She released his cock, which was now fully hard again, before turning her attention to mine. Her mouth engulfed my cock, which was already hard from watching her with Danny, and swirled her tongue around my shaft.
She sucked and licked away as I struggled to hole myself together. I began to slowly edge forward, deeper into her mouth, and she looked up to meet my eyes and winked. Her hands reached around and grasped my butt cheeks, pulling me further into her warm, wet mouth. Her hands guided me slowly at first, in and out in small motions. Our eyes locked together, she began sucking harder as she guided me in and out with her hands.
As my excitement rose, she suddenly pulled back, and my hard cock popped out of her mouth.
“Come here”, she said, and she laid back down lengthways on the couch. She told me to swing my leg over and sit on her chest. I did as instructed and she took my hands and guided them to the arm of the sofa above her head.
“I said I wouldn’t let you fuck me, Sweetie, but that was my pussy. I want you to fuck my mouth!”
With that, she grinned, opened her mouth wide and poked her tongue out. I needed no more enticement! I positioned my cock in front of her and she took me into her mouth. Her lips clamped around the base of my cock and, leaning forward with my arms on the rest and my knees beside her head, I began to fuck her mouth. It started slowly at first, but I couldn’t hold back for long. The sight and sounds were too much. Within a minute I was hammer fucking her face. She grunted and gargled, making incredible sounds as my cock hit her throat. I couldn’t look away as she stared directly into my eyes, willing me to fuck her sweet mouth hard.
A moment later I tensed and released another hot load, this time deep in Mommy’s mouth! I pumped four or five spurts of cum into her until I was spent. She swirled her tongue around my shaft, and I felt her swallow before her lips slackened and my wet cock slid from her mouth. Her lips remained parted as my cock slid out and rested on her chin. She grinned up at me and I smiled back.
A moment later her gaze shifted, and I followed it to find Danny standing next to us, stroking his cock. Precum at the tip, he had masturbated as he watched me facefucking his mother. His cock was so close to my face, and looked so fucking hot… I had to!
I reached over and grabbed his ass, pulled him close and, with a final glance at Mommy, who was lustfully nodding wide-eyed at me, I opened my mouth and drew Danny’s hard cock in. The sensation was incredible! His cock was soft and hard, and so warm and wet. I tasted his precum on my tongue as I drew him in further.
“Oh yes, Michael!” exclaimed Mommy, “Suck his sweet cock, baby!”
Mommy gripped my ass as I still sat straddled upon her as I took Danny’s cock deeper into my mouth. I swirled my tongue over and around his shaft as Mommy had done with me. Danny gasped and moaned and tried to stay as still as possible as my head bobbed on his cock. Mommy continued to encourage me as I sucked her son’s cock above her, and her tongue licked my tip as my cock hardened again.
Soon, Danny began to slowly thrust forward into my mouth, and I could feel his tip against the roof of my mouth as I took more and more of him into me. Mommy adjusted her head a little and my cock slid back into her mouth as Danny’s cock finally slid all the way into mine. My nose nestled against his stomach, he started moving faster, fucking his cock into my eager mouth as Mommy began sucking me again.
Danny grunted and held my head gently in his hands as he thrusted a half dozen more times before tensing and unloading his cum into me. My eyes bulged as I tasted his hot cum! He flooded my mouth with his load, and each time I felt his cock twitch I was rewarded with a flood of cum in my mouth. The sensation was overwhelming, and I gasped and shot another load into Mommy’s mouth as I swallowed Danny’s hot load.
Danny’s softening cock slipped out of my mouth, and I licked his dripping tip and my own cock popped out of Mommy’s mouth for the second time. We all collapsed on the couch in our ecstatic afterglow, smiling at each other lovingly. We hugged and kissed and fondled each other for a long time after. The room was hot and smelled of sex and cum, and we were all exhausted.
We laid together for the longest time, enjoying each other in our bliss. Mommy asked me if I liked my birthday presents and I replied that, of course, I did. Very much! Danny smiled and told Mommy that he loved her, and she replied that she loved him too.
“I love you too, Michael”, Danny said to me, and Mommy said she loved me too. My heart was overjoyed, and I replied that I loved them both as well. We all kissed and cuddled some more and then it was bedtime.
Mommy said we could wear our lingerie to bed, and we smiled and headed off to bed. Mommy tucked us in and kissed us goodnight.
The most incredible night of my young life was over, and Danny and I fell sound asleep in each other’s arms.
And that was just Friday!
All my writings are true, they all happened.
My 10th Birthday.
The week of my 10th birthday dragged. After the events of the previous weekend, I couldn’t wait for the week to end. I had a two-day sleepover at Danny’s organized for the coming weekend and I had a feeling it was going to be epic. I wasn’t wrong!
At school on Friday, Danny was so excited. He had been excited all week, as had I, and the anticipation was almost over. Danny couldn’t contain himself but, to his credit, he wouldn’t give me any details. All he did give away was that his mom had bought me a present I was going to love. After imparting that little tip, he couldn’t wipe the smile from his face. Checking that no one was around, he stole a quick kiss and off to class we went.
We walked halfway home together in the afternoon as always and excitedly split at the normal intersection. I was to race home, pack my gear and head to his place. I had packed my bag that morning before school, so all I had to do was change and head off, but the weather decided it would do its best to fuck with my plans. Halfway home, the weather closed in and a minute later it started bucketing down. Torrential rain soaked me to the bone in less than a minute and, by the time I got home, I looked like a drowned rat.
As soon as I stepped in the door, my mother insisted I get out of my wet clothes immediately and have a hot shower. Once out, and warm and dry, she then insisted I couldn’t ride my bike to Danny’s as planned. We would wait until my father got home, around 6pm, and then she would drive me. I called Danny’s house and spoke to his mother, and she agreed – it was horrible weather outside, and we could both wait until after 6. It seemed like a huge deal at the time – 6 o’clock! It was a huge deal. I mumbled and grumbled through the early evening until my father got home from work, and then we were off.
My mother had never met Danny’s Mom. They had talked over the phone a couple of times, but that was it. Pulling into the driveway, I was nervous. For the first time, I hoped Danny’s Mom wasn’t wearing anything too sexy. I needn’t have worried, she had me covered. As we parked, the front door opened and Danny and his Mom both stood in the doorway. Both were dressed in bulky warm dressing gowns. I should explain – my birthday is in July. July in my part of the world is winter and, as well as raining heavily, it was bitterly cold.
Mrs. Gordon produced an umbrella and, leaving Danny in the doorway, she popped open the umbrella and ventured out towards the car. Under cover, I opened the car door and Mrs. Gordon bent down and greeted my mother and me. After a few moments of friendly banter between the two mothers, I was out and walking beside Mrs. Gordon to the house. We stood and waved as my mother backed down the drive and drove away. Shaking off the umbrella, Mrs. Gordon turned to me, winked and smiled, and we headed inside.
Mrs. Gordon told me to go put my stuff in Danny’s room and we headed off to do just that. In his room, Danny turned and, as soon as my bag hit the floor, he grabbed me and hugged me tight. We kissed and he grinned widely.
“This is going to be an amazing weekend”, he beamed.
We headed back out to the kitchen to find Mrs. Gordon busying herself with dinner. I offered to help as Danny was asked to set up in the living room. Dinner was homemade pizza, and it smelled delicious. Mrs. Gordon let me slice the pizza with one of those pizza wheel thingies – which I like to call an infinity knife. A brilliant name if you ask me. You didn’t, but I’m saying it anyway.
We sat down in the living room and ate. It tasted as delicious as it smelt, and we chatted and laughed together as we ate. The tv was on in the corner, but no one was paying any attention to it. We were having so much fun enjoying each other’s company. Although there was a fire burning in the fireplace, it wasn’t overly warm in the room, and Danny and his mom had their gowns still tightly drawn.
After eating, we all cleaned up and went back to sit in the living room. They both looked at each other and smiled and nodded, and Mrs. Gordon turned to me and placed her hand on my knee.
“Sweetie, I know it’s still early but, would you like to open your present?”
I nodded and smiled and said, “Yes”. They smiled at each other again and Danny got up and left the room. As he left, Mrs. Gordon leaned over and softly kissed my cheek. She then got up, moved over to the fireplace and placed a couple of logs on the fire. Stoking it, the fire blazed into life.
“It’s going to get pretty warm in here soon”, she giggled, and gave me a sly smile.
Danny returned with a package wrapped in some Star Wars wrapping paper. Mrs. Gordon sat down close beside me as Danny knelt on the floor in front of me. With a wide smile he placed the gift on my lap. I flipped it over to the taped side and began to carefully unwrap it. As the paper gave way, four small packages came into view. They were all small and soft.
I looked up at the two happy faces expectantly watching my every move. Mrs. Gordon smiled and nodded at the packages, and I picked up the first one and opened it. She watched me carefully as I unwrapped it and what was inside came into view. My eyes widened and my whole body tingled as I lifted the item out of its wrapper.
“I think he likes them Honey”, said Mrs. Gordon as my face beamed.
“I think so, Mom”, replied Danny, “Hold them up for us.”
I held up the most exquisite pair of white lace panties. They were skimpy, and exactly like the ones I had seen Danny in the weekend before. The only difference was that these ones had no back to them, just a single string. Mrs. Gordon leaned over and half-whispered,
”It’s called a G-string Honey.”
I turned to her, grinning like an idiot, and she smiled back at me. She giggled and kissed the tip of my nose before telling me to open the next gift.
I didn’t want to let go of the panties, but I was excited to see what else was in there. I placed them down on my lap and picked up the second package.
The second package revealed two items, two white lace stockings! They were as exquisite as the panties and matched them perfectly. With a close-knit mesh and silky bands at the top, they were beautiful! I ran my hands over them, soaking them up. My cock was rock hard by now and twitching in excitement. Mrs. Gordon inched closer and placed her hand high on my right thigh. She smelt incredible and I could feel heat coming from her. I could feel the heat coming from the fireplace as well, which was now a fully roaring fire.
With further encouragement, I set the stockings down with the panties in my lap and reached for package number 3. I eagerly opened it to discover a white lace band with straps hanging from it. Mrs. Gordon told me it was a garter belt, used to hold my stockings up. It looked beautiful and, if it was possible, my cock got even harder. Mrs. Gordon’s fingers began to idly fondle the lace stocking on my lap, just an inch or so from my cock. Heaven again!
I tucked the sexy garter belt into my lap with the other beautiful items, taking the opportunity to subtlety adjust my cock which was now pressing uncomfortably against my pants, and reached for the final present. Opening it revealed another gorgeous white lace treat, this time a bra. I held it up and studied it with glee. It had a wire underlay with a half-cup that featured almost completely see-through frilly lace. Over the top was a single strand of material with decorative lace hanging from it. Again, Mrs. Gordon had to explain. It was a peek-a-boo bra, designed to be sexy and revealing.
Danny leaned forward and, with one hand on my knee, removed the wrappings. I was left sitting there with these incredible feminine garments across my lap. I couldn’t believe all these gorgeous items were mine. I just wanted to put them all on and masturbate repeatedly until I passed out. I looked down at Danny who was looking up at me with a huge grin. He looked as eager for me to put them on as I was!
“Do you like them, Sweetie?”, asked Mrs. Gordon.
“Oh Yes!”, I replied.
“Would you like to see what they look like on?”, she asked.
I nodded my head and replied, “Yes.”
Mrs. Gordon smiled and looked down to Danny.
“Honey”, she said to him, “Would you like to show Michael?”
Danny grinned and nodded. He stood in front of me, undid his dressing gown, and let it drop to the floor. He was wearing the same white peek-a-boo bra as the one in my lap. He looked amazing! The cup material, without the benefit have having breasts to cling to, billowed out a little. The over-strap, with its frilly lace dropping down framed his nipples perfectly.
He was wearing pajama bottoms, but the top of a white garter belt clearly poked out of the top of his pants. I looked down and noticed, for the first time, that his “socks” were white mesh lace. He followed my gaze down and then looked back at my face. Our eyes met and he grinned even wider before sliding his pajama bottoms down. He rested a hand on my knee and removed one leg, then the other from the pants.
“Tada!”, he exclaimed.
“Give us a twirl, Honey”, Mrs. Gordon instructed, and Danny obliged. He looked stunning as he spun around, arms in the air. He wiggled his bottom at us, the G-string tucked between his cheeks. I almost came in my pants!
“What do you think, Sweetie?”, Mrs. Gordon asked.
“He looks amazing!”, I replied.
Danny jumped for joy and bent over and wrapped his arms around me before standing upright again, spinning around and wagging in bottom in my face.
Mrs. Gordon giggled and said, “Spank it, Michael!”
I happily slapped his right cheek playfully and Danny squealed and poked his ass towards me further.
“Again”, said Mrs. Gordon, and I happily slapped him again.
Mrs. Gordon leaned in close and hugged me to her. Her left arm remained around my shoulder as she told me to slap him again and again. Danny squealed with delight and waggled his bottom left and right just inches from my face as I slapped him playfully. Mrs. Gordon leaned forward and kissed her son’s right cheek before giving it a nibble. She looked back at me with a smirk, her eyes darted to Danny’s other cheek. I needed no more encouragement.
I joined her in kissing and nibbling her son’s cheeks, our eyes locked as she led, and I followed. She gripped Danny’s right cheek and kissed it before extending her tongue and licking it. I copied her with his left cheek and Danny moaned with pleasure. We licked his cheeks together for a minute before she reached in front of me and gripped both his cheeks, squeezed them together for a second before pulling them apart. The G-string disappeared and then reappeared, running over his hole and down to his balls.
Mrs. Gordon ran her finger down the string and over his tight little hole, causing Danny to moan again. I sat, transfixed as she licked her finger and traced around Danny’s hole. Danny moaned again and Mrs. Gordon looked at me, smiling. I licked my finger and followed her movements, tracing his hole. I looked up to find Danny had turned his head and was watching me as I rimmed his sweet little hole. He smiled and pushed back a little as my finger rubbed him, causing my cock to twitch more and leak precum into my underwear.
We continued for a few more minutes, with Danny moaning and groaning in pleasure as our fingers, mouths and tongues explored his behind until Mrs. Gordon playfully bit his right cheek harder, causing him to yelp and jump forward. We all laughed, and Danny turned to face us, holding his right cheek in his hand. His face was flushed bright red, and his very hard cock poked out of his panties.
Mrs. Gordon giggled and leaned forward, traced her finger over the wet tip of his cock and brought it to her lips. She licked her finger and smiled at me. I was about to follow her lead when she raised her finger in a “halt” gesture. Her finger traced Danny’s tip again and this time she brought her finger to my lips. She traced my lips with the tip, Danny’s juices coating them, before I opened my mouth and she slid her finger in. I licked her finger clean, tasting his delicious salty sweet precum.
Mrs. Gordon leaned in and kissed me, softly at first. Her tongue parted my lips and entwinned with mine in a passionate, precum tasting French kiss. We both moaned in pleasure. She pulled away and stared into my eyes.
“Would you like to try your presents on now, Honey?”, she asked.
I smiled and nodded, and she smiled back at me. She gathered up the sexy items still in my lap, and her fingers brushed against my hard cock. She looked down at the wet spot on the front of my pants and smiled back at me.
“It’s cold up the other end of the house, but its nice and warm by the fire…. why don’t you get changed over there? Danny will help, won’t you Honey?”
Danny nodded quickly, smiled, and took my hand. I stood and he led me over to the fire. He smiled as he took the bottom of my sweatshirt and started lifting it. I raised my hands, and he brought it up and over my head, dropping it to the floor. My T-shirt followed. He ran his hand softly down my sides and I held him by the waist as his fingers unbuttoned and unzipped my pants.
He slipped my pants part-way down, then knelt and pulled them the rest of the way. I leant on him as I lifted one leg and then the other as Danny removed them completely. I was now naked in front of them both, except for my little boy underwear with a large wet spot and a tenting hard cock pressing against them. He ran his hands up my legs, slowly over my hard cock from base to tip, before slipping my underwear down and off.
I looked over to Mrs. Gordon who had a look of pure lust on her face. Her hand had disappeared under her gown and between her legs as she watched wide-eyed. Danny picked up one of the stockings and, as I leaned against the wall, he slid them up my left leg. He pulled then tight and straight before repeating with the other leg. I looked down with glee at my legs, and my hard, bobbing cock sticking out in excitement. Danny was at eye level with my cock and, looking up at me, he ran his finger over the tip and brought my leaking precum to his lips, smearing it before licking his finger clean.
He rose, paused to kiss me softly, allowing me to taste my juices on his lips, then collected the garter belt. He knelt again and I stepped into the belt. He brought it up to my waist and showed me how to clip it to my stockings. He couldn’t resist running his hands up and down my legs, the sensation almost making me cum. I don’t know how I held off. Next came the panties, and he brought them up, tucking my hard cock into them. They pressed my cock against my stomach, the tip poking out as his had. His hands urged me to turn, and I turned to face the fire. He straightened the string between my cheeks and gave my bottom a playful slap. I gasped and jerked, and he slapped me again.
“Oh yes, baby!”, I heard Mrs. Gordon say, “Do it again!”
Danny spanked me a few more times and I bent forward, showing my ass to him and his mother as he slapped me. Again, I have no idea how I didn’t cum! I felt Danny’s lips on my cheek as he kissed the spot he had slapped. Then he urged me to turn back around.
Lastly came the bra. Standing in front of me, Danny slipped the delicate item over my arms and pulled it together over my chest. It clasped together in the front, and he adjusted the shoulder straps to fit. Finally, he fussed with the cups and over-straps to straighten them. He ran his hands over me and turned to face his mother. His arm around my waist, his body pressed into mine, he beamed with excitement as we stood together.
“Oh! Look at my lovely boys!”, Mrs. Gordon exclaimed. “What do you think Michael? Do you like your presents?”
“I love them!’, I replied, excitedly. And I did! I absolutely loved being dressed in sexy lingerie, and I’ve loved it ever since.
“What do you think, Honey?”, she asked Danny.
“He looks beautiful!”, he replied.
“So do you”, I said, and hugged him to me.
Our hands roamed over each other’s bodies as we took each other in. With our matching outfits and similar bodies, it was like looking into a mirror. We rubbed our bodies together and mashed our hard dicks against each other’s. Mrs. Gordon put on some music, and we danced together, holding hands, hugging and kissing, hands roaming.
“Come here my pretty boys”, asked Mrs. Gordon and we both walked arm in arm to her. She ran her hands over us both, telling us to turn now and then. Her hands stroked and gripped our ass cheeks ran up and down our legs and down our sides. She spanked us both and, as we both jerked, we all moaned and giggled. At her command, we turned again to face her, and she stroked and fondled our bodies. She ran her hand over both of our lace covered cocks and fingered the tips before bringing both precum covered fingers to her lips and licking them clean.
Next, she told us to sit on the sofa with her, one on each side. She asked if we would lean over and kiss in front of her. Just inches from her face, Danny and I leaned in and kissed. Softly at first. With her encouragement, we kissed harder, our lips parted and our tongues explored each other’s mouths. Mrs. Gordon sighed as our kiss became more erotic, we drew back from each other’s lips, our tongues out and still entwinned. Mrs. Gordon gasped as we tongued each other in front of her. She ran her hands over our backs and down to our bottoms where she gripped and slapped us again.
Danny moaned and I followed suit, egging her on further. I jolted involuntarily when her finger found my hole and pressed against it. She must have done the same to Danny as his eyes bulged and he moaned before leaning back in and kissing me hard. Mrs. Gordon’s finger twitched against and rimmed my hole expertly for a minute before her fingers ran down to my balls. She gently fondled them and the base of my cock as her thumb replaced her finger on my anus.
Suddenly, Danny released my tongue and arched up, a look of pure delight on his face. He let out an ecstatic moan and he threw his head back as he began to tremble and jerk. Mrs. Gordon smiled at me and told me to have a look. She tilted her head to indicate behind her son. I got up and stepped over to see. I was astounded to see her thumb buried inside Danny’s ass to the knuckle! Danny was writhing as he slowly rose and lowered his ass onto his mother’s thumb, moaning and groaning as he did.Danny’s hand rested on his mother’s thighs as he began to slowly grind his lace covered cock into his mother’s leg.
My cock leaked more precum as I watched this glorious sight. Then, just as Danny was really getting into it, she unexpectedly withdrew her thumb. Danny let out a sound that was a mixture of ecstatic bliss and utter disappointment in one and gave his mother a look that portrayed the same.
“Not to fast, Honey”, she said, “We have a guest, remember.”
Danny slumped against me, panting and trembling as he came down from the waves of pleasure his mother’s thumb had given him. His arms hugged me close, and my own hand came to rest on his left cheek.
“Yes Mommy”, he uttered softly.
“Did you like that, Michael?” Mrs. Gordon asked me.
I had no words, so I merely grinned hornily and nodded repeatedly. Little did she know, I had played with my ass for years and had had many different things up there. Now I wanted her thumb inside me more than anything else. Mrs. Gordon giggled at my response. I suspect she knew exactly how horny I was and how much I wanted what I had just seen Danny getting.
She took Danny’s face in her hand and said, “I’m sorry Honey”, before drawing him to her and kissing him deeply. Her tongue delved into his mouth deeply and they passionately kissed as I stood there, my hard cock poking out of my panties and dripping with desire. I saw her look to my cock and then up to meet my eyes as she kissed her son. Her eyes smiled at the sight of my excited face, mouth agape.
Mother and son separated, and Danny slipped to his knees on the couch next to his mother. Mrs. Gordon eyed me up and down and gasped suddenly.
“Oh! Honey! I forgot. We have one more present for you Michael”, she exclaimed.
With that, she extended her left leg and her foot rested against my cock. As her toes wriggled against the tip of my cock I moaned softly and looked down. It was then that I noticed her socks. They weren’t socks at all. They were white stockings!
If it was possible, my jaw dropped even more. As Mrs. Gordon began to giggle, I looked up to find her eyes locked on mine. She grinned a deviously sexy grin and winked at me. Her foot dropped away, and she shuffled up and off the couch.
“Would you like to unwrap your gift my sweet boy?” she asked.
I stood like a statue, frozen to the spot.
“Hmmmm”, she said, and reached out and took my hand in hers, guiding it towards the sash knotted around her waist. Tied in a bow, her hand led me to one of the dangling ends. She released my hand and I pulled. Down. Hard! The knot untied and her robe parted an inch or two, allowing me a glimpse of the wonders beneath. Mrs. Gordon looked down, then at me, and said,
“Are you just going to stop there?”
Emboldened by lust, I reached out with both hands and pulled the sash away completely. The robe fell open and the most glorious site was exposed. Mrs. Gordon had purchased the same outfit for herself! The robe didn’t completely expose everything, but what I could see was incredible.
White lace stockings held up by a garter belt, the same stockings and garter Danny and I were wearing. White panties matching ours as well, although they were much tighter on her and showed almost everything. They were very low cut, and her sexy brown pubes were clearly visible through the see-through lace. Then there was the bra. Oh, the bra! The robe only allowed me to see the middle, but what a middle!
Her breasts were crammed into the half-cups and squeezed tightly together. The excess flesh spilled over, but the over-straps held everything in place, making her chest appear even bigger than it was. She was a Goddess! She smiled down at me as I ogled, letting me drink her in with my eyes. She lifted my head with one hand and smiled.
“You’re going to have to take it off if you want to see more. Don’t you want to see more?”
I nodded and she grinned. She took a hand in each of hers and lifted them to her shoulders. I shifted up to the collar and slowly slid it off her shoulders. Her arms dropped to her sides and the gown slid to the floor. Again, I have no idea how I didn’t cum right then!
She was perfect. Her waist looked slimmer because of the belt, which made her hips look incredible, but those breasts were sensational! The lace fabric of the half-cups were filled to overflowing, and her nipples were fully exposed. Light brown and hard, with areolas the size of silver dollars, they were mesmerizing! She watched me as I stared at her, unable to look away from those amazing breasts. Her hands came up to them and she pinched each nipple between her thumb and forefinger, making a show for me.
“Would you like to try?’ she asked, and I nodded eagerly.
She let her hands drop and mine replaced hers in an instant. I cupped her breasts in my hands and my thumb and forefinger traced and gently tweaked each nipple. She moaned softly as I massaged her breasts and nipples for what seemed like hours. Time stood still as I was completely hypnotized by her. I honestly had no idea what I was doing, but we were both having a great time indeed.
After a time, she took both of my hands in hers and kissed them. She took a couple of steps backwards, my hands still in hers, and led me back to the couch. She sat down next to Danny, who had been passing the time watching us and rubbing his cock and pulled me down to sit next to her opposite her son.
“Now, Honey,” she said to me, cradling my face in her right hand, “It’s your birthday, a special birthday, so we can do anything you want.”
I couldn’t believe it! She continued,
“You can play with, or touch, or kiss anything you want, you both can. But there are a couple of rules.”
I nodded as I waited for her to continue.
“I won’t have full sex with you, I think you’re a little too young for that. And I don’t want you to lose your virginity without really being sure. Ok?”
I nodded again.
“One more thing… and this is more for me than for you… but I want you both to call me Mommy, ok?”
I looked over to Danny, who was grinning widely, and then back to Mrs. Gordon. With a huge grin on my face, and, in unison with Danny, we both replied “Yes, Mommy”.
“Wonderful!” replied Mrs. Gordon, overjoyed with our response, “Now, I don’t know what my two lovely girly boys would like to do first, but… Mommy would love it if you kissed and sucked my nipples! They are so eager for attention.”
Danny and I grinned at each other, and we both knelt facing Mommy. Mommy held a breast up with each hand, her excited nipples pointing towards us. In one smooth movement, our heads both lowered and we took each nipple into our mouths. Mommy moaned with pleasure as we tongued, licked and nibbled on her hard nipples. Her hands slipped to between her legs and Danny and I fondled her breasts as we sucked.
Suddenly, Mommy squealed loudly, and her chest thrust forward. Her whole body quivered and bucked as an orgasm rippled through her body. She shouted “I’m cumming!” as Danny and I lifted away from her and watched her breasts jiggle and shake. The look on her face was amazing.
She slumped back into the couch, panting and trembling as her orgasm subsided. Her eyes opened and she smiled broadly at us both, before reaching for our heads and pulling us toward her. She kissed Danny first, deeply and sensually, before turning to me, her tongue delving deep into my mouth in a passionate wet kiss. She kissed us both a few more times before exclaiming,
“Oh! My sweet boys! You made Mommy cum so hard! I love you both so much!”
We replied that we loved her too and she sighed and smiled at us both.
“I think it’s you turn now my lovelies.”
Mommy told us to kneel up beside her and we excitedly obeyed. Her hands slid up our legs and against our hard little lace covered cocks. We were both dripping, and our panties were soaked with precum, which Mommy loved. She slipped our cocks out the side of our panties and began softly stroking us. She ran her fingers up and down our shafts and slid her thumbs over the tips. We both moaned and groaned together in ecstasy.
When Mommy let go of our cocks, we both looked down, disappointed, but she smiled up at us as she grabbed her breasts again and lifted them towards us.
“Rub your hard dickies against my tits, my lovelies!”, she instructed, and we both smiled with glee and positioned ourselves over her chest. I took my cock in hand and rubbed the tip against Mommy’s nipple. Mommy moaned and smiled up at me as Danny rubbed his cock against Mommy’s other nipple. We slid and slipped our wet cocks against her tits, smearing our precum over them.
“Ohhhh!” Mommy exclaimed. “Fuck my tits my lovelies. Fuck them!”
I reached down and took her breast in my hand and, pressing my cock against it, began to hump my cock against her flesh. Danny followed my lead and soon we were both humping her tits with glee. Mommy squealed and pressed her body up into our cocks as we increased our pace. Mommy’s face was pure ecstasy as her boys humped and slid our cocks against her.
We grunted and groaned as our orgasms neared, and Mommy cried out,
“Cum for me boys! I know you want to! Cum all over Mommy’s tits!!”
I slipped past the point of no return and pounded my cock against her with wild abandon.
“Cum Michael! Cum for Mommy!” she shouted.
I gasped and grunted hard as I humped one final time and released my hot cum. The biggest spurt of cum I had ever produced shot from my cock and splashed down on Mommy’s face from brow to chin. Mommy squealed and I followed up with another big spurt that landed on her cheek and neck. Now Danny unleashed, his first spurt hitting Mommy’s chin and running down her neck. As my third shot splattered down on her neck and breast, Danny’s second shot hit her neck again and trickled down to the other breast. We both shot two more spurts each, coating Mommy’s big sexy tits in hot sticky cum.
Mommy was shouting “OH YES!” over and over as we shot our loads all over her, and as we all came down, she continued to moan and sigh “Mmmmm, yes, I love it”. We both continued to rub our cocks on Mommy’s cum covered chest as our orgasms subsided.
Then Mommy said,
“Oh, my lovely boys, that was wonderful. Michael, you came so much! You hit my face! That was amazing!”
She looked down at the cum smeared and dripping all over her and smiled.
“Looks like quite a mess you two boys made. So naughty!”
She giggled and looked up at us both.
“Such naughty boys!”, she repeated, “You’re going to have to clean this up now!”
As Danny and I both shot a glance at each other, Mommy said,
“Both you naughty boys stand up now.”
We both stood up in front of her, our cocks still dripping, a little confused as to what was going to happen next. Mommy told us to swap places, which we did. She then told us to kneel back down next to her, and we complied again.
“Now, use your tongues and lick me clean you naughty lovers.”
Mommy’s obedient boys leaned in and began to lick each other’s cum clean. Danny gleefully licked my cum from his mother’s face as I began licking his cum from her chin and neck. We made our way down to her breasts and licked them clean, lifting to meet in the middle. Our lips touched and, just inches from Mommy’s face, we tongued each other’s cum into our mouths. Mommy lifted her head and her tongue extended to meet ours in a three-way cummy tongue kiss.
“Stand up boys”, Mommy instructed, “It’s my turn”.
We both stood again, and Mommy sat on the edge of the couch and pulled us to stand side by side, hips touching. She smiled at us both before leaning forward and taking Danny’s cum stained cock into her mouth. She sucked and licked his cock clean. Mmm-ing and ahh-ing as she did so. She released his cock, which was now fully hard again, before turning her attention to mine. Her mouth engulfed my cock, which was already hard from watching her with Danny, and swirled her tongue around my shaft.
She sucked and licked away as I struggled to hole myself together. I began to slowly edge forward, deeper into her mouth, and she looked up to meet my eyes and winked. Her hands reached around and grasped my butt cheeks, pulling me further into her warm, wet mouth. Her hands guided me slowly at first, in and out in small motions. Our eyes locked together, she began sucking harder as she guided me in and out with her hands.
As my excitement rose, she suddenly pulled back, and my hard cock popped out of her mouth.
“Come here”, she said, and she laid back down lengthways on the couch. She told me to swing my leg over and sit on her chest. I did as instructed and she took my hands and guided them to the arm of the sofa above her head.
“I said I wouldn’t let you fuck me, Sweetie, but that was my pussy. I want you to fuck my mouth!”
With that, she grinned, opened her mouth wide and poked her tongue out. I needed no more enticement! I positioned my cock in front of her and she took me into her mouth. Her lips clamped around the base of my cock and, leaning forward with my arms on the rest and my knees beside her head, I began to fuck her mouth. It started slowly at first, but I couldn’t hold back for long. The sight and sounds were too much. Within a minute I was hammer fucking her face. She grunted and gargled, making incredible sounds as my cock hit her throat. I couldn’t look away as she stared directly into my eyes, willing me to fuck her sweet mouth hard.
A moment later I tensed and released another hot load, this time deep in Mommy’s mouth! I pumped four or five spurts of cum into her until I was spent. She swirled her tongue around my shaft, and I felt her swallow before her lips slackened and my wet cock slid from her mouth. Her lips remained parted as my cock slid out and rested on her chin. She grinned up at me and I smiled back.
A moment later her gaze shifted, and I followed it to find Danny standing next to us, stroking his cock. Precum at the tip, he had masturbated as he watched me facefucking his mother. His cock was so close to my face, and looked so fucking hot… I had to!
I reached over and grabbed his ass, pulled him close and, with a final glance at Mommy, who was lustfully nodding wide-eyed at me, I opened my mouth and drew Danny’s hard cock in. The sensation was incredible! His cock was soft and hard, and so warm and wet. I tasted his precum on my tongue as I drew him in further.
“Oh yes, Michael!” exclaimed Mommy, “Suck his sweet cock, baby!”
Mommy gripped my ass as I still sat straddled upon her as I took Danny’s cock deeper into my mouth. I swirled my tongue over and around his shaft as Mommy had done with me. Danny gasped and moaned and tried to stay as still as possible as my head bobbed on his cock. Mommy continued to encourage me as I sucked her son’s cock above her, and her tongue licked my tip as my cock hardened again.
Soon, Danny began to slowly thrust forward into my mouth, and I could feel his tip against the roof of my mouth as I took more and more of him into me. Mommy adjusted her head a little and my cock slid back into her mouth as Danny’s cock finally slid all the way into mine. My nose nestled against his stomach, he started moving faster, fucking his cock into my eager mouth as Mommy began sucking me again.
Danny grunted and held my head gently in his hands as he thrusted a half dozen more times before tensing and unloading his cum into me. My eyes bulged as I tasted his hot cum! He flooded my mouth with his load, and each time I felt his cock twitch I was rewarded with a flood of cum in my mouth. The sensation was overwhelming, and I gasped and shot another load into Mommy’s mouth as I swallowed Danny’s hot load.
Danny’s softening cock slipped out of my mouth, and I licked his dripping tip and my own cock popped out of Mommy’s mouth for the second time. We all collapsed on the couch in our ecstatic afterglow, smiling at each other lovingly. We hugged and kissed and fondled each other for a long time after. The room was hot and smelled of sex and cum, and we were all exhausted.
We laid together for the longest time, enjoying each other in our bliss. Mommy asked me if I liked my birthday presents and I replied that, of course, I did. Very much! Danny smiled and told Mommy that he loved her, and she replied that she loved him too.
“I love you too, Michael”, Danny said to me, and Mommy said she loved me too. My heart was overjoyed, and I replied that I loved them both as well. We all kissed and cuddled some more and then it was bedtime.
Mommy said we could wear our lingerie to bed, and we smiled and headed off to bed. Mommy tucked us in and kissed us goodnight.
The most incredible night of my young life was over, and Danny and I fell sound asleep in each other’s arms.
And that was just Friday!
1 年 前