A few days had passed since my last visit to Mr. J’s house with nothing much to do. I hadn’t bothered canvasing the neighborhood for work, I was making good money at Mr. J’s, and I much preferred the work at his place to what I’d have to do elsewhere. So, telling my mother I was off to look for work, instead I would just go to various locations and masturbate. Sometimes it would just be the Junior High across the street from home, sometimes further afield. A nice woody park was a favorite, and, if I was on my bike, there were a few bays around where I could play. Sometimes there would be sunb… 阅读更多内容
My Summer Job Part Two
The next morning I rose a little late, around 9am. I had spent quite a few hours the night before engaged in vigorous and repeated masturbation reliving the events of the day before. Half an hour later I was excitedly riding to Mr. J’s house. Arriving at his house, I was suddenly nervous. I definitely wanted more, a repeat of yesterday’s activities, and maybe more. I had been thinking of his cock all night, and I was pretty sure I wanted to do more than just touch it. I wanted to taste it. To lick it and take him in my mouth. I wanted to taste his cum, like he had tasted mine, but most of all… 阅读更多内容
My Summer Job
In the summer of 1980-1981 I was ************. In the southern hemisphere, summer starts on December 1st and ends at the end of February. For much of that time is the summer school holidays. School ends two weeks before Christmas and starts up again at the end of January. That’s six weeks off – a fantastically long time when you’re 11. Between hanging out with some friends and biking around and masturbating in secluded spots I had quite a lot of free time and my parents sat me down one day and suggested I could maybe look at getting some kind of summer job. I had never had a job, so I wasn’t… 阅读更多内容
My Birthday weekend at Danny's
First things first – you should read “A Surprise at Danny’s House” before reading this. In fact, you should read the other Danny stories as well before reading this. All my writings are true, they all happened. My 10th Birthday. The week of my 10th birthday dragged. After the events of the previous weekend, I couldn’t wait for the week to end. I had a two-day sleepover at Danny’s organized for the coming weekend and I had a feeling it was going to be epic. I wasn’t wrong! At school on Friday, Danny was so excited. He had been excited all week, as had I, and the anticipation was almost over… 阅读更多内容
A Surprise at Danny's House
The occasion of my tenth birthday was a special memory. My birthday fell on a Monday, with all the usual fanfare and fuss made when reaching double digits. I got some great presents and had a nice family dinner, but what I was really looking forward to was staying over at Danny’s house that coming weekend. Not just for one night, but two! I was to head home after school on Friday, grab my bag and stay at Danny’s Friday and Saturday nights. By this time, I had stayed at Danny’s numerous times and his house was easily my favorite place on Earth. His Mom was a big part of that, of course. Just t… 阅读更多内容
Sonia and Amy
When I was about ten, we moved house. The new house was situated directly across from the only junior high school in town. We had a thick hedge at the front of the yard, and I remember having fun many times, stripped naked and stroking my cock as students, parents and others walked past. I couldn’t say how many times I shot my load just feet away from some hot young schoolgirl. It was a brilliant place to live! Junior High went for two years, from the ages of 10 or 11 through to 12 or 13, then it was off to high school. The high school I attended was less than a 10-minute walk and was situate… 阅读更多内容
My First Sleepover at Danny's Part 2
I watched Mrs. Gordon exit the room, marveling at the way her nightgown swayed with the movement of her hips and ass as she walked. I turned, thinking I would say as much to Danny, and found his head still resting beside me on my pillow. He smiled a smile that said he knew exactly how incredible his mother was. “Your Mom is amazing!” I said. “I know” he replied smiling. He shuffled a little on his side, and brought his knees up to rest against my right leg. “I’m really glad you came, this is my first sleepover.” “Mine too” I replied. He asked if I had had fun and I replied that I had.… 阅读更多内容
My First Sleepover at Danny's Part 1
I saw Danny again at school on Monday. We didn’t directly talk about what happened at his house on the weekend, but the dynamic between us had changed. We spent more time together in breaks, usually sitting under a tree chatting or in the library mulling over a book. He would always sit very close so our legs touched and, a couple of times in the library, his fingers would sometimes brush against my leg under the desk. He was always very careful to make sure no one was watching though . By Tuesday, Danny had asked if I wanted to come over again after school, but I wasn’t allowed. The next day,… 阅读更多内容
My Love Affair With My Cock
I have been in love with my cock as far back as I can remember. Some of my earliest memories are of humping my bed as a very young boy, around the age of four or five. I loved to rub my cock against the mattress, burying my face in the pillow until I brought myself to the point of extasy. At some point I discovered the joy my tight little ass could provide as well. I remember rubbing the tip of my finger against my hole as I humped, and the increased pleasure it would bring. As time went by, I noticed a small discharge of fluid from the tip of my little boy cock. Paranoid that my mother woul… 阅读更多内容
Danny and I by Michael T Dick
In my third year of Primary School (Grade School) I made a few new friends, mostly new fellow classmates. One was a boy named Danny. He was quiet and shy. He didn’t hang out on the field or the playground, he could usually be found in the library or sitting under a tree reading during breaks. He was about the same size as me so, during PE we would often get teamed up together. As I wasn’t a whole lot sportier than he was, we would often just chat and half-ass our way through class. I discovered he was into some of the same things I was, sci fi for example, so we got along well. After school… 阅读更多内容