An advert I cannot resist
Amateur glamour model
"Good morning, my little ray of sunshine,” Tullio, the chubby Italian restaurant owner says as he enters the newsagent shop where I work.
“How are you this morning?"
"Fine, thank you," I reply, smiling, as I fold his newspaper and take a packet of his usual cigarettes from the shelf. I always look forward to Tullio’s daily visits.
He is a happy man, in his mid-forties, with long, black wavy hair, and a big moustache. He always takes the time to flatter me, which Is always appreciated.
As he hands over a £10 note, he takes a card from his jacket pocket.
"How much will it cost to place an advertisement in your window?" he asks as he passes it over the counter.
Local Camera Club
Glamour & Portraiture
Over the age of 18 only.
Generous hourly rate.
“It’s fifty pence per week," I reply.
Tullio smiles. "I’ll go for the whole month then.” He replies in perfect English, but with a sexy Italian accent.
“I didn’t know that you were a photographer," I say to him as I take his change from the till.
"I am sure that there are many things that we don’t know about each other, he laughs. Yes, I love to take pictures of beautiful things, the sunrise, a bright red Ferrari, a beautiful girl—it is all the same to me. My friend and I have a small studio above one of my shops, where we have a darkroom and some of our friends can take pictures in private."
As there are no other customers we continue our conversation.
"What sort of photos need to be taken in private?" I ask giving him a cheeky smile.
Tullio raises his eyebrows and grins. “Wouldn’t you like to know, a woman like yourself would always be welcome."
I am laughing as a young boy enters the shop.
At this point, Tullio starts to leave, but when he reaches the door he turns and pauses.
“We will talk about this tomorrow.” He smiles and leaves the shop.
I spend the rest of the day fantasizing about being a model or a girl in one of the “top shelf" magazines. It’s fun, but even though I have always been considered "pretty," I feel that I am too tall (5 ft. 9 in.) and my boobs (34DD) are too big. My fantasy, however, is fun while it lasts.
The following day Tullio comes into the shop at his usual time.
“Good morning, my ray of sunshine; can I say that you look even more beautiful today?"
I have his paper and cigarettes prepared and hand them over.
He passes me a £5 note, smiles, and says, “I have told my friend that you are interested in modelling for us, and I have arranged for him to meet you in my restaurant. We will meet you at 1.30, so don’t be late."
My head is in a spin; he can’t possibly be serious, can he?
At 1.30, I am outside the restaurant, debating whether to go in or not, my heart is beating like a drum and I have butterflies in my stomach.
"Helen, you are on time. I appreciate that in a person.”
Tullio greets me with two kisses, then holds the door open for me, guides me past a couple of customers, and then to a secluded table at the back of the restaurant where a younger man is sitting.
Tullio makes the introductions, “This is Ian, he owns the camera shop next door, and this is the beautiful Helen."
I blush as we shake hands.
As we sit down, an extremely gorgeous waiter appears, and speaking Italian, Tullio orders some pasta and a bottle of wine for the three of us.
Ian turns to me. “Tullio, tells me that you would like to pose for our club."
“This is all happening too quickly. I didn’t say that I would."
“You didn’t say that you wouldn’t!" Tullio responded.
"Why do you want me? Surely there are plenty of younger girls who would love to model for you," I ask them as the food arrives.
Ian looks at Tullio, who nods.
“Yes, we do get quite a few girls from the college who like the money and enjoy showing off, but some of our members would like to photograph a more... voluptuous, older woman. Not that you fall into the category of 'older.'”
I should hope not! I am only twenty-*************, married for the second time, and have a daughter who is *************.
"If I am interested, what will I have to do—nothing rude, I hope?"
They look at each other and smile, they know that I am interested, but how will they get me to commit?
When we finish eating, Tullio suggests visiting the studio.
We go outside, and Ian unlocks the door next to the restaurant. He leads the way up the stairs.
Tullio follows, muttering something in Italian,
“What did you just say?" I ask,
“I am sorry, I was just telling myself that you have a fantastic arse!"
I am wearing my favourite jeans, which are very tight and emphasize my shape.
The wine is having an effect. I giggle.
Upstairs there is an office, a studio which appears quite large, and a couple of other rooms which are locked leading off.
The studio has a small stage and is surrounded by some very professional-looking lights, tripods, and an assortment of chairs.
There are also two large cupboards that, when I open them, are full of theatrical props, hats, and some women’s clothing.
I turn towards Tullio, “My God, I thought that you said this was just for a few of your friends."
“It is, but if a job is worth doing, it’s worth doing properly," he chuckles, "the members who use this all shop with Ian, so the expense is worth it."
As I walk around I find there are also three small bedrooms with showers and toilets, there is even a pool table.
“What are these for?" I ask,
“Sometimes my new waiters have nowhere to stay, and sometimes I like a bit of privacy." They laugh at the in-joke.
"So, what do you think?" Ian asks me,
“You haven’t told me what sort of pictures you want me to pose for," I reply.
“Well, there is a meeting on Friday, you can do some portraits and, if you want, some glamour shots with your jeans and top on."
He looks at Tullio, who smiles. “You're not required to do topless... unless you want to."
The butterflies are back in my stomach. “Okay!" I stutter.
Friday will be good for me, as my daughter will be with her father for the weekend.
And my husband, Dave, will be working, setting up a stand for an exhibition somewhere, and will not be home until Tuesday, as usual.
I arrive at the restaurant at the agreed time, wearing my western boots, tight jeans, and a Lycra t-shirt, with a sports bag full of t-shirts, blouses, and bras.
Tullio meets me and greets me with a kiss on the lips. We go upstairs, where there are six guys and Ian standing around, drinking coffee, chatting, and fiddling with their cameras.
As I am being introduced, I hear two guys talking about my breasts.
"Fucking Hell! Have you seen the size of them? I hope she gets them out.”The shorter one says
His friend replies. “Tullio hasn’t let us down yet!"
They both laugh.
As Tullio returns downstairs, Ian takes me to a small changing room, which has a table, chair, and large mirror.
"This should give you some privacy when you want to change outfits."
He tells me this as he produces a bottle of wine and a glass.
"What should I wear?" I ask him,
"You look fine, so why not start like that? Just come out when you’re ready," he replies
I gulp two mouthfuls of wine and make my way onto the stage. Ian places a gold-coloured chair next to me and announces, “As you know, this is Helen’s first time, and she’s nervous, so whatever poses you want, ask me instead of shouting at her."
Over the next half-hour, I go through several poses, straddling the chair and bending over it. It is easier than I expect, and I quickly relax, even suggesting some poses myself.
Ian hands me my glass and asks if I would mind changing my top. I nod in agreement as I again gulp at the wine.
In the changing room, I have just taken off my t-shirt when I hear the clicking of a camera. Startled, I turn around, I had not closed the door completely and I see two of the men taking shots of me in my bra.
“OOPS! "Sorry, we should have asked, but we couldn’t resist a couple of "voyeur" shots."
The others are watching, smiling. I smile back.
“It’s okay, but you should have asked."
I wear a white silk shirt for the next session. A larger "throne" type chair has replaced the original.
The poses are similar until someone asks me to unbutton my shirt. I look at Ian, who grins and shrugs his shoulders.
I slowly comply, leaving one fastened at my bust. I can tell from their faces that this is what they want, my cleavage looks huge, and I feel my nipples poking through the lace of my bra.
The poses all consist of me bending over, which I find quite stimulating. On impulse, I opened the last button, giving them a better view.
As I leave the stage to change, Ian again approaches me, ”How do you feel about going topless? The guys would appreciate it.”
I smile and raise my eyebrows.
He gives a "thumbs up" to his friends.
In the changing room, I remove my shirt and bra and look at myself in the mirror, my breasts are swollen; it is now or never; I tease my brown nipples. I take another long gulp of wine and the bottle is empty, now.
I slip on a chiffon blouse, which is see-through, again, only fastening one button, and leave my bra on the table.
When I take my place on the stage, the guys are nudging each other and looking very excited.
I move around, bending over and squatting. My tits never actually come into view.
With my back to them, I undo the button and take off my top. I am shaking with excitement, but the wine has made me very relaxed, and I am now losing all of my inhibitions.
I turn around, with my arms in the air, and the camera clicks sound like machine-gun fire!
I pose for about twenty minutes, getting more excited by the second.
"Drop your jeans and show us your knickers!" someone shouts.
Immediately, I undo the top button and pull the zip down, exposing my red G-string.
I can’t stop grinning as I turn around and slide the jeans down over my bum, flashing my cheeks, then pulling them up just as quickly. As I flee the stage feeling extremely naughty and my breasts wobbling.
Ian joins me in my room. “Thanks for a great night; the guys want to know if you’ll come back next week."
I don’t need to ask twice. I nod my head frantically.
When I have dressed, only Ian is left.
“Tullio would like you to join us for supper," he says as we walk downstairs.
The restaurant is busy, but we are led to the same secluded table, where I sit between the two men.
Tullio calls the same waiter as before and orders food and wine for us.
“Tell me, did you enjoy yourself?" He asks as he puts his arm around my shoulder, he feels warm and is wearing very expensive cologne.
“Yes, it was wonderful, so exciting. Ian has asked me back next week."
“I’m sure he has, but you didn’t show anything that you didn’t want to, did you?" Tullio looks at Ian for confirmation.
With a big smile, Ian replies. “Well, you won the bet, we did see her tits and with a flash of arse too!"
Both men laugh out loud.
The young waiter arrives with our wine,
"Good health!" Tullio toasts me.
"What bet was that?" I ask.
Tullio tightens his grip on me and kisses my brow. “We always have a small wager on how long it takes a new model to go topless, and my dear, I am looking forward to seeing the evidence.”
His big hand squeeze’s my breast.
When we finish our meal, Tullio calls the young waiter over to our table and hands him his car keys, muttering something in Italian. The boy smiles and nods.
"His name is Sandro, and I’ve told him, no Hanky-Panky we are busy, so he must come straight back.”
As I squeeze past Tullio he grabs my arse, he laughs as I drunkenly sit on his knee, wriggling on his groin.
As his English is very poor, the conversation is kept to a minimum as Sandro drives me home in the large Mercedes.
When we arrive at my home I am now feeling very, very horny, and I invite him in "for a coffee," which he politely refuses and drives off.
I feel in desperate need of release as soon as possible, but with no one here to satisfy that need I get into bed, frustrated, and my pussy is on fire, I have to take out my dildo and fuck myself to sleep.
The next three Fridays follow the same pattern, with more men turning up each week, as they are now, guaranteed to see my enormous breasts.
I use my wages to buy new underwear and stockings, which I wear in the scenarios that they create for me.
The skimpier the underwear or costume, the more photos they will take.
Their favourite positions are me leaning forward over a chair, drooping my breasts, licking my breasts, or with my legs open, trying to get a flash of my pussy. I, too, wear some of the outfits from the wardrobes: "wench," "policewoman" (with truncheon! ), and everybody’s favourite, "naughty schoolgirl"!
Tullio starts to attend with his camcorder, getting up very close to my tits and between my legs. I don’t like to ask what he does with the tape, but it is fun thinking about it!
When we finish, Ian and I join Tullio for supper, as I have no one at home waiting for me we look at the pictures from the previous week. Seeing the pictures of myself showing my body, especially my tits, to a bunch of strangers is becoming more of a turn-on each week.
Each week, Sandro takes me home and always refuses my offer of "coffee," so my trusty dildo is used to great effect.
My husband, Dave, is also feeling the benefit, as I jump on him the moment he returns from working away. He thinks that I have been missing him! Bless!
Although I still refuse to take my pants off, I know that it will only be a matter of time before I give in.
As we are having supper on the fourth Friday, Tullio says, “I am sorry, but we won't be needing you next Friday, my heart sinks. we have decided to use some of the girls from the college for a few weeks."
Then he looks at Ian, who takes up the conversation.
“Now that you are enjoying yourself, Tullio and I would like to ask a favour of you!
If you would be willing, we would like to use you for some private pictures, without the others. Of course, it would mean more money, but the pictures would be beautiful private pictures but the pictures would be," Again, he looks at Tullio, Fully naked, and... well, personal, "top shelf," you understand?"
He whispers the last few words. "Because I am drunk and still horny from my last session, I ask, How personal?"
The butterflies have returned to my stomach, and I feel my nipples expanding as the words come out.
"How personnel would you let us go?" Tullio asks.
I look up and grin. They strike while the iron is hot, and the following lunchtime, I meet both men outside of the camera shop with my bag of goodies in my hand.
"Are you sure about this?" Ian asks.
"Of course she is; look at her titties," Tullio tells him, as he stares at my nipples, which are poking out of my shirt, again.
I blush; he is right.
I am up for anything this afternoon.
The studio is empty as Tullio opens a bottle of wine and Ian turns on the lights.
I look at them. “I’ll get ready, then, what do you want me to wear?"
For the first time, I feel in charge of the situation.
"Anything black would be nice," Ian replies.
I go into the changing room and take out an array of underwear and my collection of dildos from a small bag.
Guessing what they want, I undress, only leaving my knickers on. When I enter the studio, they whistle their approval.
As I walk towards them, my tits swing from side to side.
"Is this what you want?" I ask.
Tullio, smiles, “Let’s use one of the bedrooms," he says, and he guides me to one of the small rooms.
Ian quickly sets up a camera and lights.
I begin by rolling around on the bed, posing in any number of provocative positions. Then, as I am on all fours, facing away from them, I remove my knickers, showing my neatly trimmed pussy for the first time.
"My God! That is beautiful, can I touch it?" Tullio asks.
I shake my head. “No!" I tell him.
Rolling onto my back, I pull my legs up to my shoulders, my mouth gaping open for them. Tullio is so close that he nearly puts his camcorder inside.
When Ian’s film runs out, I decide to put on one of my new outfits, a black blouse, tiny knickers, seamed stockings, and high heels.
After applying an extra coat of lipstick, I make my entrance.
"Wow!" Tullio gasps.
"Where would like me, on the stage?"
I place my small bag at the front and start parading around the large gold chair.
Ian has three cameras set up, and Tullio is using his camcorder.
I bend over in several seductive ways, pulling my top down and letting my tits swing free. Holding onto the chair, with my arse facing them, I stroke my pussy; it is as wet as I hope. Moving my fingers across, I pull the tiny strip to one side, exposing my fanny again.
Tullio is kneeling beside me, getting a close-up shot.
He moves away, allowing me the room to sit down and remove my knickers.
I open my legs as far as possible, letting them feast their eyes on my huge tits and soaking wet cunt.
I begin rubbing myself, slipping at first one then three fingers into the sopping hole. Biting my lip I whisper, “Open the bag,"
Ian does as I’d ask.
“Fucking hell, have you seen this lot?" He shouts as he pours the contents onto the floor.
"Give me the black one!" I whisper huskily.
Opening my hole with my fingers, I move the tip along the slit two or three times then slowly slide it inside.
I don’t use this one very often because at thirteen inches long I have to be very wet to accept it. It slides in very easily.
With one leg over the chair arm, I fuck myself with my "black monster," purring and groaning with pleasure. I hope they are still taking pictures.
I needn’t worry; Tullio is back between my legs, with his camera.
I rub my clitoral area and give a breathtaking climax after a few minutes of this exquisite fucking.
I pull the dildo out and drop it onto the floor, landing with a thump.
“Is that personal enough for you?" I ask as I stand up and walk back to my dressing room.
"Too fucking true!" Tullio says as he inserts a new film into his camcorder while adjusting his headset.
Ian speaks up. “Let’s use the pool table next."
I change into my white Wonderbra, stockings, suspenders and no knickers.
When I walk out, they have moved some lights around the table and set the balls up as if we were going to start a game.
"I’ll help you," Tullio says as I try to climb up onto the table, he places one hand on my hip and the other inside my thigh.
I cock my left leg up onto the edge, allowing him to slide his hand between my legs and touch my throbbing pussy he tries to get a finger inside; I scramble away.
"Cheeky bugger! You can stop that; that’s for later.”
The words are out of my mouth before I can stop myself.
They look at each other and then at me.
“I’ll keep my hands to myself... until later. “Tullio emphasises the last words.
I playfully stick my tongue out at him.
Ian positions me in the corner of the table as if my hole were the pocket that the balls are going into. As he unclips my bra he slyly feels my tits.
I do some poses kneeling, pretending to "suck" the cue, and then I rub the "fat" end against my pussy, spreading my legs, eventually sliding it inside.
This is too much for Tullio, who has already stripped off and climbed up to join me.
I lay on my back, sliding the cue in and out, as he proudly shows me his cock.
It is about six inches long and quite thick he places it in my mouth, it tasted salty which is wonderful.
Lying on my side, I start to suck him like crazy, while continuing to fuck myself with the cue. After a couple of minutes of my blow-job and him fondling my enormous tits, his body tenses up, and hot cum flows into my mouth and down my throat.
As he pulls it out some seed drips down my chin and onto my tits, I scoop it up with my finger and put it in my mouth,
I am aware of Ian pulling the cue out of my pussy and replacing it with his face his tongue lapping against my clitoral region, I go into spasms as my orgasm rips through my body.
As Ian raises his head, his mouth and his chin are covered in my love juice, as he pulls his trousers down he says,
"It might not be as big as that dildo, but it is real!"
"Quick, put it in!" I shout, while still swallowing Tullio’s spunk.
He does as he is told, burying his face in my breasts, he rams into me like a nervous virgin. In under a minute, I feel the hot wave enter my womb, he is shaking as he lies on top of me.
As we climb off the table, Ian thanks me for letting him fuck me!
I kiss him on the cheek.
Looking at Tullio I say, “ I hope that you’re not finished, I'm just getting started!"
I go into the changing room and I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror; I have cum on my chin and cheek.
Just four short weeks ago I was a housewife working in a shop, now I'm semi-naked in front of a group of 14 men, masturbating for two others, sucking one and letting the other fuck me. I grin at the thought.
When I open the door just wearing my black stockings and suspenders with a pair of high heels,
Sandro is standing next to Tullio.
They are both only wearing boxer shorts, and for as short and fat as Tullio is, Sandro is six feet tall, with rippling muscles, and completely hairless.
The elder man laughs. “I hope you don’t mind, but Ian is a "one shot" man, and well, we know that you like my son, so..."
His son!
We go back into the bedroom, and I lay on the bed, where I am quickly joined by Tullio, who immediately begins suckling my tits and stroking me between the legs.
Ian is taking photos of "the action," as he calls it.
I look at Sandro. “Aren’t you going to join us?"
He grins and slips off his shorts, releasing the biggest cock that I have ever seen.
It is huge—nearly as big as my black monster dildo, my eyes are locked on his cock as Ian tells him to kneel beside my head. Up close, it looks even bigger.
I take hold and kiss the purple tip. He lets out a sigh and then runs his fingers through my hair.
I can only get four or five inches in, but as I work up a head of steam, sucking and licking as if my life depends on it. Meanwhile, Tullio has managed to get his whole hand inside my fanny!
After five or six minutes Ian asks them to change positions.
Tullio is "rock hard" again, as he pushes his cock into my mouth.
I can still taste his spunk from my earlier blow job.
With my knees raised to my stomach and my legs wide apart I think that I am prepared for Sandro, but when the tip enters my hole I began to panic, it feels massive.
I try to take the cock from my mouth to tell him to stop, but Tullio is too excited and is holding my head in place as his hips push his cock down my throat.
I am struggling to get free when the "monster" enters me in one long push.
Ian is now standing next to us with the camcorder, urging him on.
"Go on, fuck her; the bitch loves it, she can take it! I’ve never seen anyone take the whole thing! Fucking Hell! Tullio, she can take it all!"
My panic subsides as Sandro slides in with ease.
I am now enjoying myself, every thrust feels like it will split my fanny and womb.
This is awesome, sucking Tullio’s fat cock and having my sweaty tits roughly squeezed and fondled as I am being fucked by a handsome young stud with a huge cock.
“Spunk on her face! I want to see her swallow your spunk.
Ian was shouting as he captures every moment on videotape.
Grab her tits, shake them!" He continues.
Tullio eases out of my mouth and starts wanking in front of me.
Sandro's fucking suddenly picks up speed taking my breath away.
Then, squatting over my tits he joins his father, tugging on his long, shiny weapon. Within a minute, the first of their spunk shoots out of Tullio’s knob, hitting me on the cheek.
"Open your mouth; I want to see it on your tongue; go on, Sandro, make her drink it!"
I obliged, opening my mouth as wide as possible.
Tullio fires even more goo at me, which goes straight in; seconds later, Sandro erupts, emptying even more hot, sticky spaghetti into my mouth.
It is like a game as I move my head, trying to catch every last drop from each man. I manage to get most of it out, but some lands in my hair and on my face.
Together, Sandro and Tullio place their cocks against my lips for me to lick the last drops off.
Holding their softening cocks I pull both knobs into my mouth and flick my tongue over the tips.
As they move away from the bed, Ian says, “Open your mouth again and squeeze your tits. And focus the camera on my full mouth.
"Now swallow it."
I keep my mouth open for the camera. It is still hot and lumpy, and the taste is divine.
As the men move away from the bed, my hand slips between my legs.
My pussy is swollen, wet, and throbbing. Closing my eyes, I begin rubbing my pussy with two fingers.
Ian quickly positions himself at the bottom of the bed with the camera, filming the final moments of this fantastic afternoon.
When I have orgasmed, with an almighty scream, Tullio kisses me on the lips, flicking his tongue inside and tasting their juice. “If you would like, we will leave you for a few moments."
I lay on the bed, reliving the last couple of hours, playing with myself twice.
When I re-enter the studio, the men have already dressed.
"For you, Tullio says as he hands me a large glass of wine.” did you enjoy yourself?" he asks.
Still only wearing my stockings and shoes, I nod.
"Yes, it is a dream come true," I say grinning and revelling in the effect that my nakedness is still having on them.
Sandro adjusting his hard-on.
Tullio, look at his watch. “I am sorry, my dear, as much as I would like to continue, I must get back to the restaurant. He kisses me on the cheek. however, Sandro will drive you home and "stay for a coffee, if you like!"
Sandro drives me home and does come in but coffee is the last thing on my mind!
We are hardly through the door before I am pulling his jeans down and pulling his huge, soft cock out of his shorts. Kneeling in my hallway, I take him in my mouth and suck him until he is hard again. Leading him by the cock, we go into the living room, where we fuck and suck for another hour.
Tullio calls later to invite me back the next Friday.
After my "topless" session with the members, we have supper with Ian, discussing how much I had enjoyed our Saturday session, we agree for me to alternate Friday night glamour one week and Saturday "hardcore" the next.
As I leave the table, Ian hands me a package.
"Open it when you get home. He tells me, then, looking at Tullio, he says: “We have some more friends, that would pay a lot of money to be present the next time. Will you think about it, please?"
I raise my eyebrows and smile. “You never know!"
Sandro drives me home but wouldn’t come in, but this time he plays with my tits as I give him a quick blowjob.
I open the package; it has a collection of photos, and a video, from the previous Saturday. As I pour myself a large G & T, I am shocked, but turned on at the range of things that we had done. I spend the next two hours, and most of the weekend, masturbating and fucking myself with dildos, as I watch my very own ‘porno tape’.
"Good morning, my little ray of sunshine,” Tullio, the chubby Italian restaurant owner says as he enters the newsagent shop where I work.
“How are you this morning?"
"Fine, thank you," I reply, smiling, as I fold his newspaper and take a packet of his usual cigarettes from the shelf. I always look forward to Tullio’s daily visits.
He is a happy man, in his mid-forties, with long, black wavy hair, and a big moustache. He always takes the time to flatter me, which Is always appreciated.
As he hands over a £10 note, he takes a card from his jacket pocket.
"How much will it cost to place an advertisement in your window?" he asks as he passes it over the counter.
Local Camera Club
Glamour & Portraiture
Over the age of 18 only.
Generous hourly rate.
“It’s fifty pence per week," I reply.
Tullio smiles. "I’ll go for the whole month then.” He replies in perfect English, but with a sexy Italian accent.
“I didn’t know that you were a photographer," I say to him as I take his change from the till.
"I am sure that there are many things that we don’t know about each other, he laughs. Yes, I love to take pictures of beautiful things, the sunrise, a bright red Ferrari, a beautiful girl—it is all the same to me. My friend and I have a small studio above one of my shops, where we have a darkroom and some of our friends can take pictures in private."
As there are no other customers we continue our conversation.
"What sort of photos need to be taken in private?" I ask giving him a cheeky smile.
Tullio raises his eyebrows and grins. “Wouldn’t you like to know, a woman like yourself would always be welcome."
I am laughing as a young boy enters the shop.
At this point, Tullio starts to leave, but when he reaches the door he turns and pauses.
“We will talk about this tomorrow.” He smiles and leaves the shop.
I spend the rest of the day fantasizing about being a model or a girl in one of the “top shelf" magazines. It’s fun, but even though I have always been considered "pretty," I feel that I am too tall (5 ft. 9 in.) and my boobs (34DD) are too big. My fantasy, however, is fun while it lasts.
The following day Tullio comes into the shop at his usual time.
“Good morning, my ray of sunshine; can I say that you look even more beautiful today?"
I have his paper and cigarettes prepared and hand them over.
He passes me a £5 note, smiles, and says, “I have told my friend that you are interested in modelling for us, and I have arranged for him to meet you in my restaurant. We will meet you at 1.30, so don’t be late."
My head is in a spin; he can’t possibly be serious, can he?
At 1.30, I am outside the restaurant, debating whether to go in or not, my heart is beating like a drum and I have butterflies in my stomach.
"Helen, you are on time. I appreciate that in a person.”
Tullio greets me with two kisses, then holds the door open for me, guides me past a couple of customers, and then to a secluded table at the back of the restaurant where a younger man is sitting.
Tullio makes the introductions, “This is Ian, he owns the camera shop next door, and this is the beautiful Helen."
I blush as we shake hands.
As we sit down, an extremely gorgeous waiter appears, and speaking Italian, Tullio orders some pasta and a bottle of wine for the three of us.
Ian turns to me. “Tullio, tells me that you would like to pose for our club."
“This is all happening too quickly. I didn’t say that I would."
“You didn’t say that you wouldn’t!" Tullio responded.
"Why do you want me? Surely there are plenty of younger girls who would love to model for you," I ask them as the food arrives.
Ian looks at Tullio, who nods.
“Yes, we do get quite a few girls from the college who like the money and enjoy showing off, but some of our members would like to photograph a more... voluptuous, older woman. Not that you fall into the category of 'older.'”
I should hope not! I am only twenty-*************, married for the second time, and have a daughter who is *************.
"If I am interested, what will I have to do—nothing rude, I hope?"
They look at each other and smile, they know that I am interested, but how will they get me to commit?
When we finish eating, Tullio suggests visiting the studio.
We go outside, and Ian unlocks the door next to the restaurant. He leads the way up the stairs.
Tullio follows, muttering something in Italian,
“What did you just say?" I ask,
“I am sorry, I was just telling myself that you have a fantastic arse!"
I am wearing my favourite jeans, which are very tight and emphasize my shape.
The wine is having an effect. I giggle.
Upstairs there is an office, a studio which appears quite large, and a couple of other rooms which are locked leading off.
The studio has a small stage and is surrounded by some very professional-looking lights, tripods, and an assortment of chairs.
There are also two large cupboards that, when I open them, are full of theatrical props, hats, and some women’s clothing.
I turn towards Tullio, “My God, I thought that you said this was just for a few of your friends."
“It is, but if a job is worth doing, it’s worth doing properly," he chuckles, "the members who use this all shop with Ian, so the expense is worth it."
As I walk around I find there are also three small bedrooms with showers and toilets, there is even a pool table.
“What are these for?" I ask,
“Sometimes my new waiters have nowhere to stay, and sometimes I like a bit of privacy." They laugh at the in-joke.
"So, what do you think?" Ian asks me,
“You haven’t told me what sort of pictures you want me to pose for," I reply.
“Well, there is a meeting on Friday, you can do some portraits and, if you want, some glamour shots with your jeans and top on."
He looks at Tullio, who smiles. “You're not required to do topless... unless you want to."
The butterflies are back in my stomach. “Okay!" I stutter.
Friday will be good for me, as my daughter will be with her father for the weekend.
And my husband, Dave, will be working, setting up a stand for an exhibition somewhere, and will not be home until Tuesday, as usual.
I arrive at the restaurant at the agreed time, wearing my western boots, tight jeans, and a Lycra t-shirt, with a sports bag full of t-shirts, blouses, and bras.
Tullio meets me and greets me with a kiss on the lips. We go upstairs, where there are six guys and Ian standing around, drinking coffee, chatting, and fiddling with their cameras.
As I am being introduced, I hear two guys talking about my breasts.
"Fucking Hell! Have you seen the size of them? I hope she gets them out.”The shorter one says
His friend replies. “Tullio hasn’t let us down yet!"
They both laugh.
As Tullio returns downstairs, Ian takes me to a small changing room, which has a table, chair, and large mirror.
"This should give you some privacy when you want to change outfits."
He tells me this as he produces a bottle of wine and a glass.
"What should I wear?" I ask him,
"You look fine, so why not start like that? Just come out when you’re ready," he replies
I gulp two mouthfuls of wine and make my way onto the stage. Ian places a gold-coloured chair next to me and announces, “As you know, this is Helen’s first time, and she’s nervous, so whatever poses you want, ask me instead of shouting at her."
Over the next half-hour, I go through several poses, straddling the chair and bending over it. It is easier than I expect, and I quickly relax, even suggesting some poses myself.
Ian hands me my glass and asks if I would mind changing my top. I nod in agreement as I again gulp at the wine.
In the changing room, I have just taken off my t-shirt when I hear the clicking of a camera. Startled, I turn around, I had not closed the door completely and I see two of the men taking shots of me in my bra.
“OOPS! "Sorry, we should have asked, but we couldn’t resist a couple of "voyeur" shots."
The others are watching, smiling. I smile back.
“It’s okay, but you should have asked."
I wear a white silk shirt for the next session. A larger "throne" type chair has replaced the original.
The poses are similar until someone asks me to unbutton my shirt. I look at Ian, who grins and shrugs his shoulders.
I slowly comply, leaving one fastened at my bust. I can tell from their faces that this is what they want, my cleavage looks huge, and I feel my nipples poking through the lace of my bra.
The poses all consist of me bending over, which I find quite stimulating. On impulse, I opened the last button, giving them a better view.
As I leave the stage to change, Ian again approaches me, ”How do you feel about going topless? The guys would appreciate it.”
I smile and raise my eyebrows.
He gives a "thumbs up" to his friends.
In the changing room, I remove my shirt and bra and look at myself in the mirror, my breasts are swollen; it is now or never; I tease my brown nipples. I take another long gulp of wine and the bottle is empty, now.
I slip on a chiffon blouse, which is see-through, again, only fastening one button, and leave my bra on the table.
When I take my place on the stage, the guys are nudging each other and looking very excited.
I move around, bending over and squatting. My tits never actually come into view.
With my back to them, I undo the button and take off my top. I am shaking with excitement, but the wine has made me very relaxed, and I am now losing all of my inhibitions.
I turn around, with my arms in the air, and the camera clicks sound like machine-gun fire!
I pose for about twenty minutes, getting more excited by the second.
"Drop your jeans and show us your knickers!" someone shouts.
Immediately, I undo the top button and pull the zip down, exposing my red G-string.
I can’t stop grinning as I turn around and slide the jeans down over my bum, flashing my cheeks, then pulling them up just as quickly. As I flee the stage feeling extremely naughty and my breasts wobbling.
Ian joins me in my room. “Thanks for a great night; the guys want to know if you’ll come back next week."
I don’t need to ask twice. I nod my head frantically.
When I have dressed, only Ian is left.
“Tullio would like you to join us for supper," he says as we walk downstairs.
The restaurant is busy, but we are led to the same secluded table, where I sit between the two men.
Tullio calls the same waiter as before and orders food and wine for us.
“Tell me, did you enjoy yourself?" He asks as he puts his arm around my shoulder, he feels warm and is wearing very expensive cologne.
“Yes, it was wonderful, so exciting. Ian has asked me back next week."
“I’m sure he has, but you didn’t show anything that you didn’t want to, did you?" Tullio looks at Ian for confirmation.
With a big smile, Ian replies. “Well, you won the bet, we did see her tits and with a flash of arse too!"
Both men laugh out loud.
The young waiter arrives with our wine,
"Good health!" Tullio toasts me.
"What bet was that?" I ask.
Tullio tightens his grip on me and kisses my brow. “We always have a small wager on how long it takes a new model to go topless, and my dear, I am looking forward to seeing the evidence.”
His big hand squeeze’s my breast.
When we finish our meal, Tullio calls the young waiter over to our table and hands him his car keys, muttering something in Italian. The boy smiles and nods.
"His name is Sandro, and I’ve told him, no Hanky-Panky we are busy, so he must come straight back.”
As I squeeze past Tullio he grabs my arse, he laughs as I drunkenly sit on his knee, wriggling on his groin.
As his English is very poor, the conversation is kept to a minimum as Sandro drives me home in the large Mercedes.
When we arrive at my home I am now feeling very, very horny, and I invite him in "for a coffee," which he politely refuses and drives off.
I feel in desperate need of release as soon as possible, but with no one here to satisfy that need I get into bed, frustrated, and my pussy is on fire, I have to take out my dildo and fuck myself to sleep.
The next three Fridays follow the same pattern, with more men turning up each week, as they are now, guaranteed to see my enormous breasts.
I use my wages to buy new underwear and stockings, which I wear in the scenarios that they create for me.
The skimpier the underwear or costume, the more photos they will take.
Their favourite positions are me leaning forward over a chair, drooping my breasts, licking my breasts, or with my legs open, trying to get a flash of my pussy. I, too, wear some of the outfits from the wardrobes: "wench," "policewoman" (with truncheon! ), and everybody’s favourite, "naughty schoolgirl"!
Tullio starts to attend with his camcorder, getting up very close to my tits and between my legs. I don’t like to ask what he does with the tape, but it is fun thinking about it!
When we finish, Ian and I join Tullio for supper, as I have no one at home waiting for me we look at the pictures from the previous week. Seeing the pictures of myself showing my body, especially my tits, to a bunch of strangers is becoming more of a turn-on each week.
Each week, Sandro takes me home and always refuses my offer of "coffee," so my trusty dildo is used to great effect.
My husband, Dave, is also feeling the benefit, as I jump on him the moment he returns from working away. He thinks that I have been missing him! Bless!
Although I still refuse to take my pants off, I know that it will only be a matter of time before I give in.
As we are having supper on the fourth Friday, Tullio says, “I am sorry, but we won't be needing you next Friday, my heart sinks. we have decided to use some of the girls from the college for a few weeks."
Then he looks at Ian, who takes up the conversation.
“Now that you are enjoying yourself, Tullio and I would like to ask a favour of you!
If you would be willing, we would like to use you for some private pictures, without the others. Of course, it would mean more money, but the pictures would be beautiful private pictures but the pictures would be," Again, he looks at Tullio, Fully naked, and... well, personal, "top shelf," you understand?"
He whispers the last few words. "Because I am drunk and still horny from my last session, I ask, How personal?"
The butterflies have returned to my stomach, and I feel my nipples expanding as the words come out.
"How personnel would you let us go?" Tullio asks.
I look up and grin. They strike while the iron is hot, and the following lunchtime, I meet both men outside of the camera shop with my bag of goodies in my hand.
"Are you sure about this?" Ian asks.
"Of course she is; look at her titties," Tullio tells him, as he stares at my nipples, which are poking out of my shirt, again.
I blush; he is right.
I am up for anything this afternoon.
The studio is empty as Tullio opens a bottle of wine and Ian turns on the lights.
I look at them. “I’ll get ready, then, what do you want me to wear?"
For the first time, I feel in charge of the situation.
"Anything black would be nice," Ian replies.
I go into the changing room and take out an array of underwear and my collection of dildos from a small bag.
Guessing what they want, I undress, only leaving my knickers on. When I enter the studio, they whistle their approval.
As I walk towards them, my tits swing from side to side.
"Is this what you want?" I ask.
Tullio, smiles, “Let’s use one of the bedrooms," he says, and he guides me to one of the small rooms.
Ian quickly sets up a camera and lights.
I begin by rolling around on the bed, posing in any number of provocative positions. Then, as I am on all fours, facing away from them, I remove my knickers, showing my neatly trimmed pussy for the first time.
"My God! That is beautiful, can I touch it?" Tullio asks.
I shake my head. “No!" I tell him.
Rolling onto my back, I pull my legs up to my shoulders, my mouth gaping open for them. Tullio is so close that he nearly puts his camcorder inside.
When Ian’s film runs out, I decide to put on one of my new outfits, a black blouse, tiny knickers, seamed stockings, and high heels.
After applying an extra coat of lipstick, I make my entrance.
"Wow!" Tullio gasps.
"Where would like me, on the stage?"
I place my small bag at the front and start parading around the large gold chair.
Ian has three cameras set up, and Tullio is using his camcorder.
I bend over in several seductive ways, pulling my top down and letting my tits swing free. Holding onto the chair, with my arse facing them, I stroke my pussy; it is as wet as I hope. Moving my fingers across, I pull the tiny strip to one side, exposing my fanny again.
Tullio is kneeling beside me, getting a close-up shot.
He moves away, allowing me the room to sit down and remove my knickers.
I open my legs as far as possible, letting them feast their eyes on my huge tits and soaking wet cunt.
I begin rubbing myself, slipping at first one then three fingers into the sopping hole. Biting my lip I whisper, “Open the bag,"
Ian does as I’d ask.
“Fucking hell, have you seen this lot?" He shouts as he pours the contents onto the floor.
"Give me the black one!" I whisper huskily.
Opening my hole with my fingers, I move the tip along the slit two or three times then slowly slide it inside.
I don’t use this one very often because at thirteen inches long I have to be very wet to accept it. It slides in very easily.
With one leg over the chair arm, I fuck myself with my "black monster," purring and groaning with pleasure. I hope they are still taking pictures.
I needn’t worry; Tullio is back between my legs, with his camera.
I rub my clitoral area and give a breathtaking climax after a few minutes of this exquisite fucking.
I pull the dildo out and drop it onto the floor, landing with a thump.
“Is that personal enough for you?" I ask as I stand up and walk back to my dressing room.
"Too fucking true!" Tullio says as he inserts a new film into his camcorder while adjusting his headset.
Ian speaks up. “Let’s use the pool table next."
I change into my white Wonderbra, stockings, suspenders and no knickers.
When I walk out, they have moved some lights around the table and set the balls up as if we were going to start a game.
"I’ll help you," Tullio says as I try to climb up onto the table, he places one hand on my hip and the other inside my thigh.
I cock my left leg up onto the edge, allowing him to slide his hand between my legs and touch my throbbing pussy he tries to get a finger inside; I scramble away.
"Cheeky bugger! You can stop that; that’s for later.”
The words are out of my mouth before I can stop myself.
They look at each other and then at me.
“I’ll keep my hands to myself... until later. “Tullio emphasises the last words.
I playfully stick my tongue out at him.
Ian positions me in the corner of the table as if my hole were the pocket that the balls are going into. As he unclips my bra he slyly feels my tits.
I do some poses kneeling, pretending to "suck" the cue, and then I rub the "fat" end against my pussy, spreading my legs, eventually sliding it inside.
This is too much for Tullio, who has already stripped off and climbed up to join me.
I lay on my back, sliding the cue in and out, as he proudly shows me his cock.
It is about six inches long and quite thick he places it in my mouth, it tasted salty which is wonderful.
Lying on my side, I start to suck him like crazy, while continuing to fuck myself with the cue. After a couple of minutes of my blow-job and him fondling my enormous tits, his body tenses up, and hot cum flows into my mouth and down my throat.
As he pulls it out some seed drips down my chin and onto my tits, I scoop it up with my finger and put it in my mouth,
I am aware of Ian pulling the cue out of my pussy and replacing it with his face his tongue lapping against my clitoral region, I go into spasms as my orgasm rips through my body.
As Ian raises his head, his mouth and his chin are covered in my love juice, as he pulls his trousers down he says,
"It might not be as big as that dildo, but it is real!"
"Quick, put it in!" I shout, while still swallowing Tullio’s spunk.
He does as he is told, burying his face in my breasts, he rams into me like a nervous virgin. In under a minute, I feel the hot wave enter my womb, he is shaking as he lies on top of me.
As we climb off the table, Ian thanks me for letting him fuck me!
I kiss him on the cheek.
Looking at Tullio I say, “ I hope that you’re not finished, I'm just getting started!"
I go into the changing room and I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror; I have cum on my chin and cheek.
Just four short weeks ago I was a housewife working in a shop, now I'm semi-naked in front of a group of 14 men, masturbating for two others, sucking one and letting the other fuck me. I grin at the thought.
When I open the door just wearing my black stockings and suspenders with a pair of high heels,
Sandro is standing next to Tullio.
They are both only wearing boxer shorts, and for as short and fat as Tullio is, Sandro is six feet tall, with rippling muscles, and completely hairless.
The elder man laughs. “I hope you don’t mind, but Ian is a "one shot" man, and well, we know that you like my son, so..."
His son!
We go back into the bedroom, and I lay on the bed, where I am quickly joined by Tullio, who immediately begins suckling my tits and stroking me between the legs.
Ian is taking photos of "the action," as he calls it.
I look at Sandro. “Aren’t you going to join us?"
He grins and slips off his shorts, releasing the biggest cock that I have ever seen.
It is huge—nearly as big as my black monster dildo, my eyes are locked on his cock as Ian tells him to kneel beside my head. Up close, it looks even bigger.
I take hold and kiss the purple tip. He lets out a sigh and then runs his fingers through my hair.
I can only get four or five inches in, but as I work up a head of steam, sucking and licking as if my life depends on it. Meanwhile, Tullio has managed to get his whole hand inside my fanny!
After five or six minutes Ian asks them to change positions.
Tullio is "rock hard" again, as he pushes his cock into my mouth.
I can still taste his spunk from my earlier blow job.
With my knees raised to my stomach and my legs wide apart I think that I am prepared for Sandro, but when the tip enters my hole I began to panic, it feels massive.
I try to take the cock from my mouth to tell him to stop, but Tullio is too excited and is holding my head in place as his hips push his cock down my throat.
I am struggling to get free when the "monster" enters me in one long push.
Ian is now standing next to us with the camcorder, urging him on.
"Go on, fuck her; the bitch loves it, she can take it! I’ve never seen anyone take the whole thing! Fucking Hell! Tullio, she can take it all!"
My panic subsides as Sandro slides in with ease.
I am now enjoying myself, every thrust feels like it will split my fanny and womb.
This is awesome, sucking Tullio’s fat cock and having my sweaty tits roughly squeezed and fondled as I am being fucked by a handsome young stud with a huge cock.
“Spunk on her face! I want to see her swallow your spunk.
Ian was shouting as he captures every moment on videotape.
Grab her tits, shake them!" He continues.
Tullio eases out of my mouth and starts wanking in front of me.
Sandro's fucking suddenly picks up speed taking my breath away.
Then, squatting over my tits he joins his father, tugging on his long, shiny weapon. Within a minute, the first of their spunk shoots out of Tullio’s knob, hitting me on the cheek.
"Open your mouth; I want to see it on your tongue; go on, Sandro, make her drink it!"
I obliged, opening my mouth as wide as possible.
Tullio fires even more goo at me, which goes straight in; seconds later, Sandro erupts, emptying even more hot, sticky spaghetti into my mouth.
It is like a game as I move my head, trying to catch every last drop from each man. I manage to get most of it out, but some lands in my hair and on my face.
Together, Sandro and Tullio place their cocks against my lips for me to lick the last drops off.
Holding their softening cocks I pull both knobs into my mouth and flick my tongue over the tips.
As they move away from the bed, Ian says, “Open your mouth again and squeeze your tits. And focus the camera on my full mouth.
"Now swallow it."
I keep my mouth open for the camera. It is still hot and lumpy, and the taste is divine.
As the men move away from the bed, my hand slips between my legs.
My pussy is swollen, wet, and throbbing. Closing my eyes, I begin rubbing my pussy with two fingers.
Ian quickly positions himself at the bottom of the bed with the camera, filming the final moments of this fantastic afternoon.
When I have orgasmed, with an almighty scream, Tullio kisses me on the lips, flicking his tongue inside and tasting their juice. “If you would like, we will leave you for a few moments."
I lay on the bed, reliving the last couple of hours, playing with myself twice.
When I re-enter the studio, the men have already dressed.
"For you, Tullio says as he hands me a large glass of wine.” did you enjoy yourself?" he asks.
Still only wearing my stockings and shoes, I nod.
"Yes, it is a dream come true," I say grinning and revelling in the effect that my nakedness is still having on them.
Sandro adjusting his hard-on.
Tullio, look at his watch. “I am sorry, my dear, as much as I would like to continue, I must get back to the restaurant. He kisses me on the cheek. however, Sandro will drive you home and "stay for a coffee, if you like!"
Sandro drives me home and does come in but coffee is the last thing on my mind!
We are hardly through the door before I am pulling his jeans down and pulling his huge, soft cock out of his shorts. Kneeling in my hallway, I take him in my mouth and suck him until he is hard again. Leading him by the cock, we go into the living room, where we fuck and suck for another hour.
Tullio calls later to invite me back the next Friday.
After my "topless" session with the members, we have supper with Ian, discussing how much I had enjoyed our Saturday session, we agree for me to alternate Friday night glamour one week and Saturday "hardcore" the next.
As I leave the table, Ian hands me a package.
"Open it when you get home. He tells me, then, looking at Tullio, he says: “We have some more friends, that would pay a lot of money to be present the next time. Will you think about it, please?"
I raise my eyebrows and smile. “You never know!"
Sandro drives me home but wouldn’t come in, but this time he plays with my tits as I give him a quick blowjob.
I open the package; it has a collection of photos, and a video, from the previous Saturday. As I pour myself a large G & T, I am shocked, but turned on at the range of things that we had done. I spend the next two hours, and most of the weekend, masturbating and fucking myself with dildos, as I watch my very own ‘porno tape’.
1 年 前