I work in the planning department, of which I am the manager, plus I am also responsible for keeping an eye on the finished product inventory. It is late in the day, almost finishing time and I am killing time reading a book given to me by my best friend Janet. It is a very erotic interracial story about this woman about my age, being seduced by an older black man. I am getting very aroused reading this story. My phone rings, I jump, as I am engrossed in the book, it’s my boss Mr, Terry, he tells me, he knows it is late, but we have just received an order that needs to go out immediately fo… 阅读更多内容
Online meeting part two
Steve and I stared in bewilderment as we watched Mark get up from the bed and dress. With barely a goodbye, he was gone. Steve came over to me, neither of us knowing what to say. "What just happened," I asked. Steve took me in his arms and kissed me. His arms held me tight as the kiss became more urgent, filled with a hunger and passion that had not been there for so long. Being almost thrown onto the bed, Steve got between my legs, spreading them wide, kissing and licking his way up my inner thighs towards my cum filled pussy. To my delight and surprise, he seemed to enjoy the taste of ano… 阅读更多内容
First online meeting chapter one
It was mid-November when we were driving from Dorset to Reading for something exciting in my life. After many years of marriage, our sex life had become dull. We had concluded that we needed something more and decided to start with me seeing other men. Steve and I had spent many weeks searching the Internet, chat rooms, and forums. We checked their profiles and pictures, chatting to guys in chat rooms and forums. We made lists. Before choosing those names that we thought possible. Eventually, we ended up with three or four candidates. We exchanged pictures and then chatted on the phone… 阅读更多内容
A new beginning
A little background first, remembering that this was thirty years ago. The third person I had sex with was my husband. You would not have called me promiscuous in any way. I lost my virginity at eighteen during a drunken student party, and I was not impressed with the whole sex thing. The second man came along two years later, he was my first long-term love, at least for a few months before it fizzled out. Then there was Steve, Steve and I dated for a long time, got engaged and eventually married. I didn’t know and didn’t care if our sex life was good or not. It was good enough for me. We wer… 阅读更多内容
A chance encounter
He's married... I keep telling myself as I fumble for my keys to open the door. We started talking at the bar, id only nipped in after a long day at work and ended up being let down by my friend. He'd only just gone in after an argument with his wife. Neither of us planned to go home with someone else! Finally pushing the door open, he is right behind me, pushing me in by my bum, holding both ass cheeks in his hand. I turn to him, pushing him against the closed door. A moment of quiet as we stare into each other’s eyes. We both know it’s wrong, so so wrong, but in this moment, it feels so rig… 阅读更多内容
Every summer for several years we’ve attended my husband’s office party, enjoying the food, drinks and many laughs. Being a medium-to-large company, it brings together co-workers that don’t normally have the time or opportunity to interact on a regular basis. It’s an adults-only event — nice to have a ‘date night’ without ******** — and held on a Friday at a posh golf club of which senior managers are members. For Steve and myself, it’s good to sample such rare surroundings less than an hour’s drive from where we live. Guests sit at round tables, making it easy to carry on conversations betwe… 阅读更多内容
My husbands suggestion
The third person I had sex with was my husband so you certainly wouldn’t have called me promiscuous in my younger years. I actually lost my virginity aged eighteen during a drunken student party and I was not at all impressed with the whole sex thing. The second man came along two years later. He was my first long-term love — well, a few months anyway before it fizzled out. Then came Steve. We dated for a long time, got engaged, and eventually married. I didn’t know and didn’t really care if our sex life was good or not, it was good enough for me. We weren’t particularly adventurous, but we d… 阅读更多内容
How I changed. Part two
Steven asked me to accompany him on a business trip and, as I felt I needed a break from my own business, I accepted his offer. It was only a few days in Eastbourne, but I hoped it would allow me to somehow show myself off a little - or even a lot! It had been ages since I’d last had a ‘naughty experience’ and I sure needed some sexual stimulation again. I think it must have been a month since I’d had even basic sex. We arrived at our hotel late at night and went straight to bed, tired after a long, hectic day. I knew a good sleep would have me randy and raring to go. I awoke at about eight,… 阅读更多内容
How I changed. Part one
I am in my forties, a respectable businesswoman, and a pillar of the community. Well, that’s what everyone thinks. And I suppose I was until this summer. My husband Steve and I had booked a holiday cottage in Devon for a week, but at the last minute, he was unable to make it because of a problem at work. We’d been there before and I decided I’d still go. I loved the area and thought I’d have a relaxing time, hopefully soaking up the sun, reading, and walking. Just what I needed to unwind. The cottage is quite isolated other than for the property next door where the owner lives. I arrived on… 阅读更多内容
An advert I cannot resist
Amateur glamour model "Good morning, my little ray of sunshine,” Tullio, the chubby Italian restaurant owner says as he enters the newsagent shop where I work. “How are you this morning?" "Fine, thank you," I reply, smiling, as I fold his newspaper and take a packet of his usual cigarettes from the shelf. I always look forward to Tullio’s daily visits. He is a happy man, in his mid-forties, with long, black wavy hair, and a big moustache. He always takes the time to flatter me, which Is always appreciated. As he hands over a £10 note, he takes a card from his jacket pocket. "How much wil… 阅读更多内容
August bank holiday
It was during the August Bank Holiday of 1985 that my first marriage came to a crossroads that it never recovered from. I was twenty-three and had been married for just over two years. I worked in a local bed-making factory, and my husband was on the North Sea oil rigs. He spent two weeks away and, in theory, a week at home. We had been "love's young dreams" before marriage and probably for the first six months after. But in the months that followed, he would finish work on a Friday afternoon and take a helicopter to Aberdeen. Instead of rushing home to my heaving bosom, he started staying t… 阅读更多内容
Summer fair
Summer fair (1) It is summer, and the fair is in town. Janet my best friend and her boyfriend and me weave our way through the stalls and rides, until Janet slinks off with her boyfriend for a snog and a fingering on the "Tunnel of Love." The boyfriend smirks, "Join us!" but Janet pokes him in the ribs and says, "Meet us at the candy floss stall in twenty minutes." With that they were gone. I wouldn't have gone with them anyway; I am more likely to have my head in a book than sit on a boy's lap, not like my slutty friend Janet. But I’ve known her since we were five, and she's always… 阅读更多内容
Sailors return
Sailors return It has been a good and uneventful trip down from Cheshire. The train is bang on time, and even now my heart is pumping as we pull into the station. It isn’t the first time I've done this trip, but I always get this excited. My name is Helen, and my husband, Dave (Dusty naval nickname), is a navigation officer in the Navy. Whenever he's gone for an extended period of time, I always make time to come down to Portsmouth and meet him for a filthy sexy night. We always stay at the Naval Home Club because of the spacious rooms, delicious food, and close proximity to the dock… 阅读更多内容
Where is my husband
Where Is My Husband? I sit down at a corner table in the riverside pub. I feel every eye on me as I enter the bar. My embarrassment is made worse by the outfit my husband has begged me to wear. He loves showing me off, and this outfit certainly achieves that. Let me start at the top: my hair is shoulder-length and blonde, my eyes are black and shiny, with mascara that is almost but not quite slutty, and my lips are bright pink and much thicker than a mature wife should wear. Around my neck I wear a black velvet choker, which stretches tightly across my silky white skin. The pink boob-tube… 阅读更多内容
The fair’s in town
It was during the August Bank Holiday of 1985 when my first marriage came to a crossroads that it never recovered from. I was 23 and had been married for just over two years. I worked in a local bed making factory and my husband on the North Sea oil rigs; two weeks away and, in theory a week at home. Before getting married and probably the first six months afterwards we had been 'loves young dream'; but in the months that followed he would finish work on the Friday afternoon; take a helicopter to Aberdeen and instead of rushing home to my heaving bosom, had started staying the weekend in The… 阅读更多内容
work expeience a few weeks later
The day it all started was just a normal day. We were expecting a senior partner. It was someone everyone in the office knew except me. Having just started, I had not met him yet. His name was Dave. He showed up around 10. Now I know he is 52. When I saw him, I thought he was 40-something. He was not super handsome, but he was better than average. He was tall, a bit overweight, but in that way you'd think you wouldn't want to fight him. What stood out was that he was funny. From the moment he walked in, he had me laughing or giggling. He was a flirt, but not in a creepy way. I could see why… 阅读更多内容
Work experience
was 17 and working as an intern at a law firm in Putney Bridge to gain some valuable experience. The senior partner was around mid forties and he often used to have me filing in his office, keeping me there late often while he worked at his desk. One day after everyone else had left I was dutifully organising his paperwork in the filing cabinets when I felt him watching me. Obviously I carried on attending to the task until he commented on my appearance, he just asked something like "where did you get that skirt, don't you think its too short to be bending over like that?" I went red and upped… 阅读更多内容
This is how my husband should have behaved part 5
ooo--- Part Five I had been contacted a few times by Chris wanting another session of the four of us, and I must admit I was keen to have another go at Mary. It was just a matter of arranging a time for the four of us to be together. It didn’t take too much organisation; we often had dinner parties together, so we agreed on an evening, just as we had many times before, but this time Chris and I had a rather special agenda. A day or two beforehand I arranged to meet Chris to agree details and for him to give me a carrier bag of some of Mary’s naughtiest underwear so that I could have it avail… 阅读更多内容
This how my husband should have behaved part 4
Part Four While I was enjoying myself with my wife and with Mary, I was also exploring other possibilities. I had discovered that I didn’t have to waste too much time getting things exactly back to how they had been, and trying to disguise the passing of time, just by planting the idea of an alternative story in the mind of the subject. All I had to do was say something like “when you wake up you will remember that you had a lovely afternoon chatting to Mary and her husband about family and pets” and that got it sorted. Anyway, it was summer time and we liked to go to our local beach. This g… 阅读更多内容
This how my husband should have behaved part 3
Part Three Of course I was expecting to hear from Chris again – it was obvious that he’d want another go at my wife. But I thought “fair do’s”, I should have a go at his wife in return! Surprisingly enough, he had had exactly the same thought and the following morning he phoned me. As luck would have it Sue was due to be away seeing her mother the next day and we hatched a little plot together, where I would drive to his place with my photo gear, after my wife had left, and then I’d put the old ‘fluence on his Mary. Assuming she was a good suggestible subject. I didn’t do anything to Sue that… 阅读更多内容