Buying That Mag – Losing My Virginity
Buying That Mag – Losing My Virginity
(Note: If pee play turns you off, skip over the italicised parts)
Are you OK over there young man?
Errr. Oh err. Yes thank you Miss.
It's Mrs actually. Do you need any help? Its just that you've been quite a while, and I have to shut the shop up soon ...
Oh, er no. Sorry. Err... I... er.. OK I'll take this please.
Fine. Umm. Look, don't be embarrassed but.. well, I don't want you to waste your money. This magazine.. well, I'm sure you could do better.
I'm sorry, what do you mean?
Well I guess you saved up your pocket money to buy it didn't you?
Well... yes.
You like it because it has pictures of naked ladies in it, is that right?
Err.... Yes. I'm sorry.
Don't be sorry, you're welcome to have it, I completely understand, but you know these aren't very good photos don't you?
I'm sorry I don't know...
Look, I've embarrassed you, I can see you've gone red. Its just... Have you bought any other magazines like this one before?
Err no, this is the first one. I had to save up. Oh dear... err....
I'm so sorry. Please don't be embarrassed, I understand why you like it, its just... Look, the ladies in this book do have bare breasts and bottoms, but even some newspapers show that these days. But as far as the rest of them goes, they are air-brushed.
Yes, where the ladies have... their sex organs, their... er.. front bottoms, the pictures are censored so you only see a blank place with no features. Ladies either have hair down there or their front bottom, which would show in these types of poses. I've looked through most of these little mags and they're all the same. Even some poses where the models have their legs a bit apart, there's nothing to see. They use an air-brush on the negative to blank that out. They can't show it in a magazine legally, as it counts as pornography. Its supposed deprave and corrupt young people like you!
Of course you can spend you pocket money how you like but I feel a bit sorry for you, I know you'd like to see everything a lady has down there but these magazines promise more on the cover than they show inside. Look, I'll break the seal on this one and show you. There... See? The lady looks like one of the mannequins you see in a shop window.
Oh yes I see.
Are you OK with that?
No, not really. I mean I like seeing the ladies bosoms. And you can see her bottom... but... well, there's nothing at the front is there?
No, and ladies are not like that when they take all their clothes off. So you're not seeing anything much really. And paying out your pocket money too!
The thing is... Its just that... well, I really want to see that part of a lady! I keep thinking about it, imagining what it must be like. We have sex lessons at school, so I know what should be there, but we only have diagrams of what's inside... I thought this magazine would show those parts...
What a lady has from the outside?
Yes. I know about.. well, about ovaries and uteruses and things.. But I want to see, you know, what she has down there, in her... you know, inside her knickers and that...
I understand. It must be frustrating for you. Hmmmm...
Pardon? What's the matter Mrs....
Mrs Hall. Call me Julie... Look. I'm not sure I should be doing this, but I feel sorry for you. You're just a young lad and I could help you out I suppose. Hold on while I shut the shop, its closing time now anyway.
Right, follow me, we'll go up into my flat.
Oh, OK... ….
Sit down then... Oh, I'm so rude I didn't ask your name?
Its Alan
All right Alan, sit yourself down. Now, you mustn't tell anyone about this, but I'll show you what a lady has in her knickers; what those magazines don't show.
Oh gosh! Really?
Yes. Really! Here, take a tissue, this might be a bit too much for you and I don't want you making a mess that I'm going to have to clean up...
You might want to have to get your... er.. your willy out at some stage, if I'm right in thinking the effect this may have. So you'll need that tissue...
Here goes. I'm going to strip off for you. You can unbutton my cardigan if you like... That's it. Take it slowly...
My hands are shaking, err... Julie...
Of course they are! Never mind. Take the cardigan off now. Lovely. Do you like my blouse?
Its lovely and silky. I love how it... how it goes over your.. your bra!
Have a feel of it!
Yes give my boobs a fondle through my blouse... That's it.. Oooh that's nice!
Oh wow Julie they feel wonderful. My willy is getting all hard!
Ha ha I'm not surprised! Take the blouse off then, so you can see my bra and get a better feel. There, what do you think of those? Do you like my bra, and how it holds my boobs? Its one of my best bras actually, you're lucky I wore it today. Its called a balconette bra; its under-wired and low cut so you can see the tops of my breasts and it gives me a nice look under my blouse and nice cleavage.
Oh your boobs do look so lovely in your bra. I can see so much of them. It looks like there are darker bits at the edge of the bra...
Oh yes, you noticed that did you? Because its so low cut my nipples are almost not covered. The bra has slipped a bit so you can see what's called part of the areolae, the edge of my nipples. Its nice isn't it?
Oh they're so nice... can I feel them again?
Yes, go ahead. Have a good feel while I undo them, then you can really get to grips with them!
Oh my god! Wonderful! Your lovely naked breasts. Real boobs, wow!
I thought you'd like them. Must better than just pictures eh? Go ahead, fondle them properly, especially my nipples...
They're so nice, they're all hard. Oh they look amazing. Oh I want to suck them!
Go on then... Oh lovely, you do that well. Give them a nice lick. Feel their weight, take them in your hands. Nice eh?
Oh yes Julie. I think my willy is going to explode!
It may well do! Try to hold on! Undo my skirt for me, there's a zip at the back. That's it, pull the zip right down. There, it's off... I'll step out of it. Now do you like what you see?
Oh gosh. Its a … a suspender belt! I've seen my mum's one on the washing line.. and stockings! Oh my god... You look lovely!
And … Don't forget my knickers! That's what you want to explore isn't it? See what I look like when they're off?
Oh wow yes!
Well, ladies wear their knickers over their suspenders so they can come off for using the toilet, without having to take off the stockings. I think you'd like me to keep the stockings on... am I right?
Oh yes Julie. Lovely! Can I.. Can I touch your knickers?
Of course. They're nice and silky aren't they? Feel the back, over my bottom cheeks.
Oh fabulous... They feel so soft. They're lovely. Thank you so much...
You're welcome... Now, do you see my little mound at the front of my knickers?
Oh yes...
Now just gently feel that too. Very gently.
Oh its so smooth and warm. It feels wonderful. Can I feel between your legs?
Well, hold your horses. That might be a bit too much for now. I think that, before I show you my private parts, I'll give you an extra teasing thrill. Maybe you can feel me there later. I'll have to think about that! Now, shift along the sofa and I'll sit at this end. Ready?
Oh yes!
OK I'm going to lean back and open my legs, so that you can see my knicker gusset. That's the bit between my legs; the bit that covers my vagina and everything. I think you'll enjoy this. Its a really naughty pose for ladies to do. Ladies don't open their legs like that, except for their husbands really. Or if they're strippers... Or at the Doctors sometimes I suppose.... Anyway... Here we go...
Oh crikey Julie. Oh that's so... so sexy! Your legs wide open and your knicker gusset on show. My willy is hurting! The inside of your legs are shiny! Your gusset looks damp! It all seems so hot! Its so lovely.
Its rude isn't it? Can you imagine what is under my knickers? My vagina and my anus are in there. All open and ready for you to see. Not like those photographs where the ladies don't have anything. There's a lot for you to see. Ready?
Oh god!!
Off they come, there they go.. Now I'll open up again.
Ahhhh! I'm... Oh god...
Get your willy out quick, you're cumming! Use that tissue! Good boy! Oh you are a big boy aren't you?
Ahhhhh... oh wow I'm spurting off! Oh that's wonderful! Thank you thank you Julie. Oh god! You're all open and wet! All those folds and open holes. And the hairy bit... It looks fabulous!
Ha ha, I thought you'd cum when I did that! Well, you do have a very large willy for your age! Its better than my useless ex-husband's one! Right.... Have a good look... Do you see my nice open vagina? See the lips along each side... here, I'll pull them open a bit more. Now you can see right up me. See this little hard bud at the top of my nice big hole? That's my clitoris. They probably didn't tell you about it in your sex education lessons, but a nice soft touch or a lick on that can give a lady the same kind of feeling you just had!
Oh wow, I'd love to feel it and lick it!
In a moment! Look at it as I gently touch it. See how its getting wetter down there. That's my vagina getting lubricated so I could have sex comfortably.
Oh yes, I can see it. Its wonderful! Its dripping!
Yes, you can see my juices coming out. See my little bum-hole too. That's my anus. My juices are sliding down over it... And just below my clitoris is a tiny hole where my wee comes out. See it? There's lots to see isn't there?
Oh gosh yes Julie. Amazing! Its all so hot and wet!
Come on then, give my clitoris a nice lick!
Oh yes...
Mmmmmmm yummmmmm mmmmmm
Oh fuckkkkkk...Lovely. You're good at this!
You taste so wonderful! I can get my tongue right up inside you!
Oh yes, ream me out, suck me. Oh you're a natural! Now let me have a suck of that lovely big willy. Get yourself on your back and I'll get on top of you! That's it. Pull my bum cheeks apart...
Oh Julie that's a wonderful view! I can see right up inside you. All your holes are opening...
Now I'm going to face-sit you! There... Is it good? And your willy is hard again!
Ahhh its gone right down your throat! It feels so great!
Yummmm yummmm. Gosh its so big! It tastes lovely too!
So do you Julie! So wonderful! So wet, all over my face! So lovely... Errr.... Julie... Can I put it up you? You know, up your... your vagina...
Ha ha, I was thinking the same thing! Are your ready to lose your virginity? I really shouldn't be doing this but it feels so right!
Yes I'm ready. Can I?
Come up me from behind. I'll kneel down, with my hands on the sofa. I'm pulling my cheeks open. Oh, and I'm on the pill, so go ahead...
Here I go! Ahhhh so lovely. Oh an amazing feeling! So deep inside you..
So deep! Wow! Oh, lovely thrusts. Keep it up. Wow! Hold my boobs while you do me! Great!
They feel so wonderful! Can I feel your... clitoris now?
Oh god yes. Reach under me while you shaft me!
Like this?
Oh god yes! Oh I'm flooding with juices. Can you feel it?
Yes, its so, so wet. I'm slipping in and out so easily.
Alan... put your cock up my bottom next! Get your hand full of my juice and rub it up my anus!
What? Really?
Yes, I'm so wet and slimy it'll be fine. Anal sex! It'll be my first time! Go on, put it in my bum-hole! That's it, get lots of my juice. There, your finger's up my bum! Now, get that willy up me!
Oh god! Here I come. I'm pushing. Still pushing. Ahhhhh in I go!
So tight Julie. So fabulous! Wow, right up your arse!
Now diddle my clitoris!
OK, yes, so damp and slippery.
Oh god! Oh god! Oh.... fucccckkkk... oh I'm cummmmmmmiiiinnnnggg!
Julie you're thrashing around. Oh god I'm shooting off again! Oh I'm cumming in your bottom.
That was amazing Alan! You lost your virginity and I lost my anal virginity! Wonderful.
Thank you Julie!
You can take that ridiculous magazine hope with you if you like. Its my treat!
I've had rather a lot of treats today Julie....
Well, we'd better get cleaned up now.
Yes, I suppose so, my Mum thinks I'm at my friend's house after school, but I'll need to be back eventually. Can I use your toilet before I go?
Yes of course. Can you wait a bit while I go, I'm bursting?
Oh yes of course. Errr... Julie... can I watch you?
Watch me having a wee?
Errr.. yes. I've never seen a lady weeing. I saw your little hole where it comes out, but I'd love to actually see that!
Well I don't see why not. You've seen just about all there is to see of me already. Come into the bathroom. There, I'll sit down and you can watch.
But I can't see the wee come out with you sitting!
Oh, no, of course you can't. You want to see me spread open while I do it, don't you? Let me think. OK, I've got it, I'll wee into the bath. There, I'll straddle the bath-tub, knees on the sides. I'm really wide open now – good view?
Oh yes, a wonderful view! Your holes are really open. Oh, the little hole is opening now. Oh wow, pee is coming out! Fabulous! Can I pull your lips apart while you pee?
Yes, go ahead. Enjoy!
Oh that is so lovely! I can put a finger in your bottom as you wee. Amazing. My other hand is getting wet. Oh I can get three fingers in your vagina now, you opened up so wide as you peed. Oh great! Oh you've stopped...
Yes, all done. Did you like seeing a lady pee? I bet it was quite a sight for you!
It was fabulous. It was wonderful seeing all your special secret places, but seeing all the pee come out as well was just amazing! So naughty and rude but so lovely! And you're all so open and available now, spread open on the bath. I can't believe it.
I'm so pleased for you...
Julie... errr I need to pee now... can I pee on you? Is that disgusting? I'd love to do it!
Oh gosh! Where do you get your ideas from? You actually want to pee on me?
Or... maybe pee IN you? You're all open like that. If you stay like that, with your holes all open and wet, I could aim my pee inside you... Please?
Well, its been quite an afternoon. In for a penny... OK, let's see what its like. Go ahead, pee up me!
Here goes... Hold on... Ahhh, here it comes. Oh, yes, its going up your vagina...
Oh god it feels amazing. Gosh there's a lot of it...
Yes I was bursting too. I'm getting hard as I pee. Oh, I can put my willy up your bottom as I pee.
Oh my god!
Yes, I'm peeing up inside. It feels wonderful!
You're filling my bum with pee!
Oh wow. So lovely. I'm finished now. Willy going soft again. That was wonderful. Oh... my pee is coming out of your bottom!
Oh, that was nice All your warm pee in my bottom. Like a nice warm enema! Gosh! Get all your clothes off Alan. I'm taking off my stockings and suspenders.
You look so wonderful Julie, all naked and lovely!
Thank you Alan, I'll run the bath and we can both get in.
Oh wow, that'll be lovely Julie!
Let's get in. Soap me up Alan! Let's cuddle. So, what did you like best?
Oh everything. Just everything! I loved feeling your bosoms, I loved your lovely underwear, your bra is great and the way it holds your bosoms up, and the dark part – your nipples so lovely to suck. Then when you had your legs apart and your panty-gusset was all spread over your private parts! Oh god, that nearly made me shoot off it was so wonderful, then... wow, when you took your knickers off and showed me all you have down there! That was too much, it was amazing. Your special places were all hot and wet, and when you pulled yourself open and I could see up inside you. Oh god I feel like I'm going to shoot off again, I'm getting all hard, look!
I can see that! Shooting off is called ejaculating, or cumming. You really, really liked seeing my holes didn't you?
Oh gosh yes. And then... wow, then being able to have sex with you. To have my willy up inside you. Inside both of your holes! Wow. So wonderful. So tight and hot and wet oh god... wonderful!
And I loved you being up inside me too, You have a lovely... cock! Willy isn't doing it justice. You have a fabulous cock and I loved it thrusting up me! Let me hold it a while....
Oh Julie, that's great!
Look, ummm, get yourself dry, wait a couple of minutes and then come into my bedroom. I think we can use that cock a bit more...
Oh wow Julie! That is amazing!
Do you like this outfit too? I thought I'd give you another gusset thrill before you go! How do you like this pose, you don't get poses like this in those magazines!
Oh gosh! Lying on your back with your legs all open and apart and your feet closer together. Lovely white shiny knickers. And... oh wow, the gusset is a bit wet....
Yes, your cock turned me on, I'm dripping wet. I need you up me again. Come and snuggle that face against my wet gusset. That's it. Really rub yourself against it...
Oh I can feel your flaps through the nylon!
Good isn't it? Now, look at my knickers, they're actually a panty-girdle and they have little press-studs at the crotch. Pull them apart and it all opens for you!
Oh wow! Your lovely holes again!
Now, a special treat for you. This will make it nicer for you to lick me. And for me. I'm just quickly going to use this lady shaver to remove my pubic hair...
Oh wow! Oh gosh that's amazing. Oh wow, its all coming off! Fantastic!
There! All gone. Nice and smooth. I'll just rub some nice lotion on it...
Julie it looks super! All oily and smooth, and it smells so nice too. I must suck it!
Suck it you shall! Get on your back and we'll sixty-nine it. I need your cock in my throat! Let me get on top of you again, I know you liked the face-sit earlier!
Oh yummy yes Julie. Oh its so wonderful, all open and hot and it smells wonderful. Yummm, it tastes so good too. All spread open on my face, dripping on me...
And oh God! Your cock is so hard! Let me take it in...
Oh Julie... so wonderful! My cock is right in your throat. Oh god that's an amazing feeling! Oh, slow down or I'm going to cum... I want to lick and suck and look up inside you a bit longer...
Ok Alan, I'll slow it down, but your cock is wonderful, and it smells and tastes wonderful too...
Oh and your bottom is all open as well. Can I lick you there as well? Is that too naughty?
No, go ahead, I'm nice and clean after our bath, get your tongue up there...
Oh wow, my nose has gone up it, yum now I can lick it. Oh wow its so naughty and lovely! Both holes wide open an inch above my face!
Put your fingers up them if you want!
Oh fabulous... Oh great! Fingers right up both your lovely holes!
That's it, frig me hard. Oh God, so wonderful Alan! Oh my.... I don't think I can last much longer... I must suck you deep...
Ahhh, oh wow... cumming Julie...
Ahhhh, here I go too...
Julie... You're squiring all over me... ahhhh so wet and lovely...
Yes, that was fabulous!!! That's me finished!
Me too Julie. Thank you so much. I'd better get dressed.. Look at the time!
Yes Alan, let me help you. You'd better be on your way. Here, take this pair of knickers with you, I'll just rub them against my pussy for you.
Oh thank you Julie, that was a wonderful afternoon! Can we do it all again another day?
Oh yes Alan! I need that big willy of yours up my holes again. Tomorrow? Bring those knickers back and I'll swap them for another fresh smelly pair. Don't let your mum find them...
Julie, what did you say was the reason they can't show ladies naughty bits in the magazines?
It would deprave and corrupt you...
Ha ha.....
(Note: If pee play turns you off, skip over the italicised parts)
Are you OK over there young man?
Errr. Oh err. Yes thank you Miss.
It's Mrs actually. Do you need any help? Its just that you've been quite a while, and I have to shut the shop up soon ...
Oh, er no. Sorry. Err... I... er.. OK I'll take this please.
Fine. Umm. Look, don't be embarrassed but.. well, I don't want you to waste your money. This magazine.. well, I'm sure you could do better.
I'm sorry, what do you mean?
Well I guess you saved up your pocket money to buy it didn't you?
Well... yes.
You like it because it has pictures of naked ladies in it, is that right?
Err.... Yes. I'm sorry.
Don't be sorry, you're welcome to have it, I completely understand, but you know these aren't very good photos don't you?
I'm sorry I don't know...
Look, I've embarrassed you, I can see you've gone red. Its just... Have you bought any other magazines like this one before?
Err no, this is the first one. I had to save up. Oh dear... err....
I'm so sorry. Please don't be embarrassed, I understand why you like it, its just... Look, the ladies in this book do have bare breasts and bottoms, but even some newspapers show that these days. But as far as the rest of them goes, they are air-brushed.
Yes, where the ladies have... their sex organs, their... er.. front bottoms, the pictures are censored so you only see a blank place with no features. Ladies either have hair down there or their front bottom, which would show in these types of poses. I've looked through most of these little mags and they're all the same. Even some poses where the models have their legs a bit apart, there's nothing to see. They use an air-brush on the negative to blank that out. They can't show it in a magazine legally, as it counts as pornography. Its supposed deprave and corrupt young people like you!
Of course you can spend you pocket money how you like but I feel a bit sorry for you, I know you'd like to see everything a lady has down there but these magazines promise more on the cover than they show inside. Look, I'll break the seal on this one and show you. There... See? The lady looks like one of the mannequins you see in a shop window.
Oh yes I see.
Are you OK with that?
No, not really. I mean I like seeing the ladies bosoms. And you can see her bottom... but... well, there's nothing at the front is there?
No, and ladies are not like that when they take all their clothes off. So you're not seeing anything much really. And paying out your pocket money too!
The thing is... Its just that... well, I really want to see that part of a lady! I keep thinking about it, imagining what it must be like. We have sex lessons at school, so I know what should be there, but we only have diagrams of what's inside... I thought this magazine would show those parts...
What a lady has from the outside?
Yes. I know about.. well, about ovaries and uteruses and things.. But I want to see, you know, what she has down there, in her... you know, inside her knickers and that...
I understand. It must be frustrating for you. Hmmmm...
Pardon? What's the matter Mrs....
Mrs Hall. Call me Julie... Look. I'm not sure I should be doing this, but I feel sorry for you. You're just a young lad and I could help you out I suppose. Hold on while I shut the shop, its closing time now anyway.
Right, follow me, we'll go up into my flat.
Oh, OK... ….
Sit down then... Oh, I'm so rude I didn't ask your name?
Its Alan
All right Alan, sit yourself down. Now, you mustn't tell anyone about this, but I'll show you what a lady has in her knickers; what those magazines don't show.
Oh gosh! Really?
Yes. Really! Here, take a tissue, this might be a bit too much for you and I don't want you making a mess that I'm going to have to clean up...
You might want to have to get your... er.. your willy out at some stage, if I'm right in thinking the effect this may have. So you'll need that tissue...
Here goes. I'm going to strip off for you. You can unbutton my cardigan if you like... That's it. Take it slowly...
My hands are shaking, err... Julie...
Of course they are! Never mind. Take the cardigan off now. Lovely. Do you like my blouse?
Its lovely and silky. I love how it... how it goes over your.. your bra!
Have a feel of it!
Yes give my boobs a fondle through my blouse... That's it.. Oooh that's nice!
Oh wow Julie they feel wonderful. My willy is getting all hard!
Ha ha I'm not surprised! Take the blouse off then, so you can see my bra and get a better feel. There, what do you think of those? Do you like my bra, and how it holds my boobs? Its one of my best bras actually, you're lucky I wore it today. Its called a balconette bra; its under-wired and low cut so you can see the tops of my breasts and it gives me a nice look under my blouse and nice cleavage.
Oh your boobs do look so lovely in your bra. I can see so much of them. It looks like there are darker bits at the edge of the bra...
Oh yes, you noticed that did you? Because its so low cut my nipples are almost not covered. The bra has slipped a bit so you can see what's called part of the areolae, the edge of my nipples. Its nice isn't it?
Oh they're so nice... can I feel them again?
Yes, go ahead. Have a good feel while I undo them, then you can really get to grips with them!
Oh my god! Wonderful! Your lovely naked breasts. Real boobs, wow!
I thought you'd like them. Must better than just pictures eh? Go ahead, fondle them properly, especially my nipples...
They're so nice, they're all hard. Oh they look amazing. Oh I want to suck them!
Go on then... Oh lovely, you do that well. Give them a nice lick. Feel their weight, take them in your hands. Nice eh?
Oh yes Julie. I think my willy is going to explode!
It may well do! Try to hold on! Undo my skirt for me, there's a zip at the back. That's it, pull the zip right down. There, it's off... I'll step out of it. Now do you like what you see?
Oh gosh. Its a … a suspender belt! I've seen my mum's one on the washing line.. and stockings! Oh my god... You look lovely!
And … Don't forget my knickers! That's what you want to explore isn't it? See what I look like when they're off?
Oh wow yes!
Well, ladies wear their knickers over their suspenders so they can come off for using the toilet, without having to take off the stockings. I think you'd like me to keep the stockings on... am I right?
Oh yes Julie. Lovely! Can I.. Can I touch your knickers?
Of course. They're nice and silky aren't they? Feel the back, over my bottom cheeks.
Oh fabulous... They feel so soft. They're lovely. Thank you so much...
You're welcome... Now, do you see my little mound at the front of my knickers?
Oh yes...
Now just gently feel that too. Very gently.
Oh its so smooth and warm. It feels wonderful. Can I feel between your legs?
Well, hold your horses. That might be a bit too much for now. I think that, before I show you my private parts, I'll give you an extra teasing thrill. Maybe you can feel me there later. I'll have to think about that! Now, shift along the sofa and I'll sit at this end. Ready?
Oh yes!
OK I'm going to lean back and open my legs, so that you can see my knicker gusset. That's the bit between my legs; the bit that covers my vagina and everything. I think you'll enjoy this. Its a really naughty pose for ladies to do. Ladies don't open their legs like that, except for their husbands really. Or if they're strippers... Or at the Doctors sometimes I suppose.... Anyway... Here we go...
Oh crikey Julie. Oh that's so... so sexy! Your legs wide open and your knicker gusset on show. My willy is hurting! The inside of your legs are shiny! Your gusset looks damp! It all seems so hot! Its so lovely.
Its rude isn't it? Can you imagine what is under my knickers? My vagina and my anus are in there. All open and ready for you to see. Not like those photographs where the ladies don't have anything. There's a lot for you to see. Ready?
Oh god!!
Off they come, there they go.. Now I'll open up again.
Ahhhh! I'm... Oh god...
Get your willy out quick, you're cumming! Use that tissue! Good boy! Oh you are a big boy aren't you?
Ahhhhh... oh wow I'm spurting off! Oh that's wonderful! Thank you thank you Julie. Oh god! You're all open and wet! All those folds and open holes. And the hairy bit... It looks fabulous!
Ha ha, I thought you'd cum when I did that! Well, you do have a very large willy for your age! Its better than my useless ex-husband's one! Right.... Have a good look... Do you see my nice open vagina? See the lips along each side... here, I'll pull them open a bit more. Now you can see right up me. See this little hard bud at the top of my nice big hole? That's my clitoris. They probably didn't tell you about it in your sex education lessons, but a nice soft touch or a lick on that can give a lady the same kind of feeling you just had!
Oh wow, I'd love to feel it and lick it!
In a moment! Look at it as I gently touch it. See how its getting wetter down there. That's my vagina getting lubricated so I could have sex comfortably.
Oh yes, I can see it. Its wonderful! Its dripping!
Yes, you can see my juices coming out. See my little bum-hole too. That's my anus. My juices are sliding down over it... And just below my clitoris is a tiny hole where my wee comes out. See it? There's lots to see isn't there?
Oh gosh yes Julie. Amazing! Its all so hot and wet!
Come on then, give my clitoris a nice lick!
Oh yes...
Mmmmmmm yummmmmm mmmmmm
Oh fuckkkkkk...Lovely. You're good at this!
You taste so wonderful! I can get my tongue right up inside you!
Oh yes, ream me out, suck me. Oh you're a natural! Now let me have a suck of that lovely big willy. Get yourself on your back and I'll get on top of you! That's it. Pull my bum cheeks apart...
Oh Julie that's a wonderful view! I can see right up inside you. All your holes are opening...
Now I'm going to face-sit you! There... Is it good? And your willy is hard again!
Ahhh its gone right down your throat! It feels so great!
Yummmm yummmm. Gosh its so big! It tastes lovely too!
So do you Julie! So wonderful! So wet, all over my face! So lovely... Errr.... Julie... Can I put it up you? You know, up your... your vagina...
Ha ha, I was thinking the same thing! Are your ready to lose your virginity? I really shouldn't be doing this but it feels so right!
Yes I'm ready. Can I?
Come up me from behind. I'll kneel down, with my hands on the sofa. I'm pulling my cheeks open. Oh, and I'm on the pill, so go ahead...
Here I go! Ahhhh so lovely. Oh an amazing feeling! So deep inside you..
So deep! Wow! Oh, lovely thrusts. Keep it up. Wow! Hold my boobs while you do me! Great!
They feel so wonderful! Can I feel your... clitoris now?
Oh god yes. Reach under me while you shaft me!
Like this?
Oh god yes! Oh I'm flooding with juices. Can you feel it?
Yes, its so, so wet. I'm slipping in and out so easily.
Alan... put your cock up my bottom next! Get your hand full of my juice and rub it up my anus!
What? Really?
Yes, I'm so wet and slimy it'll be fine. Anal sex! It'll be my first time! Go on, put it in my bum-hole! That's it, get lots of my juice. There, your finger's up my bum! Now, get that willy up me!
Oh god! Here I come. I'm pushing. Still pushing. Ahhhhh in I go!
So tight Julie. So fabulous! Wow, right up your arse!
Now diddle my clitoris!
OK, yes, so damp and slippery.
Oh god! Oh god! Oh.... fucccckkkk... oh I'm cummmmmmmiiiinnnnggg!
Julie you're thrashing around. Oh god I'm shooting off again! Oh I'm cumming in your bottom.
That was amazing Alan! You lost your virginity and I lost my anal virginity! Wonderful.
Thank you Julie!
You can take that ridiculous magazine hope with you if you like. Its my treat!
I've had rather a lot of treats today Julie....
Well, we'd better get cleaned up now.
Yes, I suppose so, my Mum thinks I'm at my friend's house after school, but I'll need to be back eventually. Can I use your toilet before I go?
Yes of course. Can you wait a bit while I go, I'm bursting?
Oh yes of course. Errr... Julie... can I watch you?
Watch me having a wee?
Errr.. yes. I've never seen a lady weeing. I saw your little hole where it comes out, but I'd love to actually see that!
Well I don't see why not. You've seen just about all there is to see of me already. Come into the bathroom. There, I'll sit down and you can watch.
But I can't see the wee come out with you sitting!
Oh, no, of course you can't. You want to see me spread open while I do it, don't you? Let me think. OK, I've got it, I'll wee into the bath. There, I'll straddle the bath-tub, knees on the sides. I'm really wide open now – good view?
Oh yes, a wonderful view! Your holes are really open. Oh, the little hole is opening now. Oh wow, pee is coming out! Fabulous! Can I pull your lips apart while you pee?
Yes, go ahead. Enjoy!
Oh that is so lovely! I can put a finger in your bottom as you wee. Amazing. My other hand is getting wet. Oh I can get three fingers in your vagina now, you opened up so wide as you peed. Oh great! Oh you've stopped...
Yes, all done. Did you like seeing a lady pee? I bet it was quite a sight for you!
It was fabulous. It was wonderful seeing all your special secret places, but seeing all the pee come out as well was just amazing! So naughty and rude but so lovely! And you're all so open and available now, spread open on the bath. I can't believe it.
I'm so pleased for you...
Julie... errr I need to pee now... can I pee on you? Is that disgusting? I'd love to do it!
Oh gosh! Where do you get your ideas from? You actually want to pee on me?
Or... maybe pee IN you? You're all open like that. If you stay like that, with your holes all open and wet, I could aim my pee inside you... Please?
Well, its been quite an afternoon. In for a penny... OK, let's see what its like. Go ahead, pee up me!
Here goes... Hold on... Ahhh, here it comes. Oh, yes, its going up your vagina...
Oh god it feels amazing. Gosh there's a lot of it...
Yes I was bursting too. I'm getting hard as I pee. Oh, I can put my willy up your bottom as I pee.
Oh my god!
Yes, I'm peeing up inside. It feels wonderful!
You're filling my bum with pee!
Oh wow. So lovely. I'm finished now. Willy going soft again. That was wonderful. Oh... my pee is coming out of your bottom!
Oh, that was nice All your warm pee in my bottom. Like a nice warm enema! Gosh! Get all your clothes off Alan. I'm taking off my stockings and suspenders.
You look so wonderful Julie, all naked and lovely!
Thank you Alan, I'll run the bath and we can both get in.
Oh wow, that'll be lovely Julie!
Let's get in. Soap me up Alan! Let's cuddle. So, what did you like best?
Oh everything. Just everything! I loved feeling your bosoms, I loved your lovely underwear, your bra is great and the way it holds your bosoms up, and the dark part – your nipples so lovely to suck. Then when you had your legs apart and your panty-gusset was all spread over your private parts! Oh god, that nearly made me shoot off it was so wonderful, then... wow, when you took your knickers off and showed me all you have down there! That was too much, it was amazing. Your special places were all hot and wet, and when you pulled yourself open and I could see up inside you. Oh god I feel like I'm going to shoot off again, I'm getting all hard, look!
I can see that! Shooting off is called ejaculating, or cumming. You really, really liked seeing my holes didn't you?
Oh gosh yes. And then... wow, then being able to have sex with you. To have my willy up inside you. Inside both of your holes! Wow. So wonderful. So tight and hot and wet oh god... wonderful!
And I loved you being up inside me too, You have a lovely... cock! Willy isn't doing it justice. You have a fabulous cock and I loved it thrusting up me! Let me hold it a while....
Oh Julie, that's great!
Look, ummm, get yourself dry, wait a couple of minutes and then come into my bedroom. I think we can use that cock a bit more...
Oh wow Julie! That is amazing!
Do you like this outfit too? I thought I'd give you another gusset thrill before you go! How do you like this pose, you don't get poses like this in those magazines!
Oh gosh! Lying on your back with your legs all open and apart and your feet closer together. Lovely white shiny knickers. And... oh wow, the gusset is a bit wet....
Yes, your cock turned me on, I'm dripping wet. I need you up me again. Come and snuggle that face against my wet gusset. That's it. Really rub yourself against it...
Oh I can feel your flaps through the nylon!
Good isn't it? Now, look at my knickers, they're actually a panty-girdle and they have little press-studs at the crotch. Pull them apart and it all opens for you!
Oh wow! Your lovely holes again!
Now, a special treat for you. This will make it nicer for you to lick me. And for me. I'm just quickly going to use this lady shaver to remove my pubic hair...
Oh wow! Oh gosh that's amazing. Oh wow, its all coming off! Fantastic!
There! All gone. Nice and smooth. I'll just rub some nice lotion on it...
Julie it looks super! All oily and smooth, and it smells so nice too. I must suck it!
Suck it you shall! Get on your back and we'll sixty-nine it. I need your cock in my throat! Let me get on top of you again, I know you liked the face-sit earlier!
Oh yummy yes Julie. Oh its so wonderful, all open and hot and it smells wonderful. Yummm, it tastes so good too. All spread open on my face, dripping on me...
And oh God! Your cock is so hard! Let me take it in...
Oh Julie... so wonderful! My cock is right in your throat. Oh god that's an amazing feeling! Oh, slow down or I'm going to cum... I want to lick and suck and look up inside you a bit longer...
Ok Alan, I'll slow it down, but your cock is wonderful, and it smells and tastes wonderful too...
Oh and your bottom is all open as well. Can I lick you there as well? Is that too naughty?
No, go ahead, I'm nice and clean after our bath, get your tongue up there...
Oh wow, my nose has gone up it, yum now I can lick it. Oh wow its so naughty and lovely! Both holes wide open an inch above my face!
Put your fingers up them if you want!
Oh fabulous... Oh great! Fingers right up both your lovely holes!
That's it, frig me hard. Oh God, so wonderful Alan! Oh my.... I don't think I can last much longer... I must suck you deep...
Ahhh, oh wow... cumming Julie...
Ahhhh, here I go too...
Julie... You're squiring all over me... ahhhh so wet and lovely...
Yes, that was fabulous!!! That's me finished!
Me too Julie. Thank you so much. I'd better get dressed.. Look at the time!
Yes Alan, let me help you. You'd better be on your way. Here, take this pair of knickers with you, I'll just rub them against my pussy for you.
Oh thank you Julie, that was a wonderful afternoon! Can we do it all again another day?
Oh yes Alan! I need that big willy of yours up my holes again. Tomorrow? Bring those knickers back and I'll swap them for another fresh smelly pair. Don't let your mum find them...
Julie, what did you say was the reason they can't show ladies naughty bits in the magazines?
It would deprave and corrupt you...
Ha ha.....
7 月 前