Chapter 9 - Another Night in the Tower
The apprentice wiped Bella's bright red face with a soothing damp cloth. She looked up at him with her bright, tearful, green eyes. “Please help me,” she whimpered.
“There, there, girlie. No need to fret. It's just you and me again, now, for the whole of the night. I've got us some food and some more mead, 'cos I know 'ow much you liked that last night. We'll 'ave some food and I'll let you rest a little, and when you've got your energy back I'll fuck you. I'll be real gentle with you as long as you make an effort to pleasure me good. That's fair ain't it, girlie?”
“No. I don't want to be fucked again! I hurt too much. Please don't fuck me. Please help me, please let me go.”
“Look, girlie. We've been through all this before. I'm goin' to fuck you, and I'm not goin' to help you escape. They'd kill me. If you don't change your tune, you and me are goin' to fall out and I'll make things real bad for you. You don't want that now do you, girlie?”
“No, but I don't want to be fucked. I'm scared.”
“I expect you are scared, girlie. But there ain't much I can do about that. I'll clean your cunny up now and then you can 'ave some food. I bet you're glad you've 'ad your cherry popped at long last, aren't you, girlie?”
“No. I didn't want to be fucked. It hurts so much,” wept the poor, wretched girl.
The apprentice wiped the cocktail of blood, cum and grease from her cunt. He opened her raw sex lips and carefully, almost gently cleaned her love channel with his cold cloth. Bella moaned a little at his touch, and he liked that. When he was finished he picked up his jar of tallow and spread it liberally along her slit and in between her lips. His aim was to have many fulfilling fucks during the night, and he knew it would help to keep her cunny in reasonable condition. If she was too dry, he would tear her and then he couldn't use her again without causing injury, and his master would not like that.
He wiped his sticky hands on his cloth and set about eating his supper. He had chatted enthusiastically to the young maid and persuaded her to give him extra rations as well as the mead. He promised himself that he'd fuck her good before he left the Duke's home. He picked up a bowl of broth and some bread and tucked in. When he had finished most of it he offered the remaining broth to Bella, tipping the bowl at her lips as she slurped it down greedily. Some spilt over her pretty cheeks, so he wiped it off her gently. As before, she thanked him politely, in spite of what she knew he was going to do to her. Finally he drank a cup of mead, again giving Bella the last drops. He left plenty for later in the long night to come.
He sat in his big chair, with his feet on a stool and allowed ten minutes for the food to settle. Then he walked over to Bella and gently squeezed her sore right tit, disturbing her rudely from her rest.
“No. Please don't,” whimpered the girl again.
“I can't 'elp what your sexy, little body is doing to my John Thomas, now can I, girlie? Besides, you still need plenty more 'oly seed in that cunny of yours to frighten the Devil away. No, you and me are goin' to have a good time tonight, ain't we, girlie? You remember to wiggle that sexy arse of yours and try and keep in time with me, and we'll get on fine, girlie.”
Bella looked up at him in misery as a tear welled in her eye and trickled slowly down her cheek.
He stripped off his clothes completely, safe in the knowledge that the door was locked and he would not be disturbed.
He clambered on top of the sloping table, his knees either side of the prone girl. He sat on her tummy, as he had the night before, and pulled on his cock. He flopped it down on her chest and shifted his position so the tip of his cock was just under the girl's pretty, trembling chin. She looked down her nose at the boy's lifeless member on the top of her chest.
“Remember this, girlie?”
She nodded slowly.
He moved back down her body a little, rubbing the bottom of his shaft on her breastbone. It began to harden. He grabbed her tits as he had the previous night and squeezed them harder now. She winced in pain but did not scream. His prick swelled as he tweaked her bright pink nipples. She grimaced and gave out a low moan. He pulled on the buds between his fingers, tugging her nipples upwards and stretching her lovely boobs into taught cones. He released them and smiled as her tits bounced back into her chest and regained their previous form.
Bella didn't know quite what to make of the boy's game with her tits. It hurt a little, but not much compared to her previous tortures and his touch was really fairly gentle. She thought she might even enjoy such a game in different circumstances, when she wasn't chained up in a strange prison. She wondered when he was going to fuck her.
He bent over and kissed her slender neck. He teased her smooth skin with his tongue and she twisted to allow him easier access. He sucked hard at her tight flesh and scratched the surface gently with his teeth. When he finished he raised his head, leaving a wet, red mark on the side of her neck. He smiled at the girl, who looked back up at him in puzzlement. What was he doing to her?
His cock had stiffened further and was almost ready. He slipped down her bound body and sat between her widely spread thighs. He delved into her greasy sex, delicately peeling apart her lips and seeking out her clit. Bella groaned louder as he gently pulled at her love bud. She knew this was the most sensitive part of her sex, as she had found out just a few weeks previously, but she had never felt the kind of sensation this boy was giving her now. A wave of sexual energy flooded from her crotch to her brain and Bella moaned her arousal. She writhed on the table, twisting her hips one way and then the other as the boy fiddled with her bud, his own cock growing harder by the second. Finally, he released the moaning girl's clit and threw his body forward on top of hers. He plunged his aching cock deep into her greased pussy as her body went rigid.
“Relax, girlie. Wiggle those hips again and get in time,” he whispered in her cute, little ear. He grabbed her shoulders and rode her, trying to move her body in rhythm with his own energetic thrusts.
Bella twisted her hips and arched her back, trying to match the boy's fast pumping. Her pussy ached and she found it impossible to enjoy her fucking, in spite of the boy's efforts to arouse her. She cried in despair, partly at her desperate situation, partly at her own inability to satisfy the kindly, young apprentice, but mostly at the stabbing pain that accompanied every pistoning thrust of his cock into her sore, stretched pussy. The boy carried on regardless of the girl's suffering, pulling down hard on her bony shoulders as he drove his rock hard cock as deep as he could into her tight, slick cunt. The girl's bloodied bum cheeks scratched back and forth along the table, adding to her discomfort as the boy used his knees and feet for leverage. The old table creaked with his efforts as the joints in the wood loosened under his strong, jerky thrusts. On and on he continued. The girl's cries became shriller, but that just encouraged him further as he looked excitedly down on her beautiful, flushed, tear stained features. “Come on, girlie. Come on!” he encouraged her.
After some minutes of hard but unco-ordinated rutting, the boy finally slowed and rested on top her, his throbbing cock still buried deep within the girl. He released her shoulders and pushed his torso up with his strong arms. A bead of sweat dropped from his nose onto the face of the panting girl below, splashing on her smooth, rosy cheek. She grimaced and looked back at him. The intense sparkle she saw in his eyes frightened her, and she quickly looked away again. After just a few seconds he started pumping again, but more slowly, and the girl groaned in pain. He moaned loudly as he thrust deep into the girl's tight sex and Bella felt yet another dose of holy cum spurt into her womb.
He collapsed on top of the bound, shivering girl.
“I'm sorry,” she sobbed. “It hurts so much. I'm sorry.”
The boy climbed off. “Not to worry, girlie. You tried, and it was our first time. We'll 'ave another go in a minute. You'll get the 'ang of it, girlie,” he gasped, a little out of breath.
He walked away into the shadows to tidy himself and replace his cloak. He took a huge draught of mead and gave some to Bella who politely drank down the sweet liquid. She was getting used to its taste, if not the strange effect it had on her. She belched loudly and the boy laughed at her embarrassment.
He sat in his chair and dozed. He had known the girl would be a good fuck, and her lovely pussy had certainly been tight. Her body was very sexy, with great tits and she sure wriggled about. Yes, that had been pretty good. Now, if he could just get her to improve her timing.
Bella too fell into another fitful, nightmare filled slumber. She felt that awful needle piercing her beautiful body again and again, and she twitched and moaned in her sleep. Finally the needle approached her left eye, appearing bigger and bigger as it came closer. She tried to close her eyelid and to move her head to avoid its horrid, shiny, fine point, but she couldn't. Her heart beat faster and faster as certain blindness and excruciating pain came closer and closer until the tip of the needle touched the watery surface of her vulnerable eyeball. She screamed and woke with a start; fresh, cold sweat covering her body. She panted and tried to control her pounding heartbeat and burst into tears.
Her piercing scream had woken the boy. He looked around the shadowy room, and was relieved to see no intruder there. He got up slowly and walked over to the shaking, sobbing girl.
“What's up, girlie, bad dream?” he asked. Bella nodded her head sadly.
“That 'appens, girlie. I've 'eard all sorts of screams in the middle of the night from witches locked up in their cells. Awful wailings as if they're already burnin' at the stake.”
He walked over to a window and peered into the night outside.
“Looks like the guys are back. There are at least four new witches with 'em by the looks of it. That'll be company for you soon, girlie. And our equipment's 'ere too. Things is taking shape nicely.”
He looked on at the activity below, being supervised by the Grand Inquisitor's assistant. He hoped they would work through the night to set up the interrogation equipment, or the newcomers might want to fuck the young witch lying here next to him. Some were senior to him, and besides, he'd had one turn with the girl, so he couldn't complain if others now wanted to use her. She'd be busy by the morning; that was for sure. His cock rustled under his open cloak.
“Right then, girlie. Time to try again. Just relax a bit more this time and ride with me, girlie.”
Bella looked up at him, a little shocked.
“I'm sorry. I really don't want to. Please just leave me alone.”
“Listen, girlie. Its my duty to fuck you regular tonight and fill your bedevilled body with 'oly seed. I've told you that before. Now, just get yourself used to that idea and sort yourself out. I'm trying to 'elp you, but if you don't want that, I'll just fetch me whip and stripe them pretty boobies of yours until you agree to give me a good ride. Is that what you want, girlie?”
“No. I'm sorry. It's just that it hurts so much,” wept the girl. She could not believe the young apprentice would beat her, and on her sore tits too, but he certainly seemed to mean it.
“Stop moaning, girlie. Come on, let's get on with it.”
He checked the girl's sex and found it still wet with the cocktail of fluids from their earlier coupling. He climbed onto the table and knelt between her thighs with his cock just rubbing her raw sex lips. This time there would be no foreplay for the miserable girl. He rubbed up and down her slit for just a few seconds until his cock was rock hard and then he grabbed her hips and lifted her slight frame easily above the surface of the table. He shuffled forwards a little to achieve the optimum position for a deep penetration and then yanked her hips towards him as he thrust hard with his pelvis.
The girl screamed as the boy's cock parted her sore lips and plunged deep into her in one long, vicious movement. His strong hands pulled her body to and fro like a rag doll, and this time Bella had no illusions about trying to enjoy her fucking. This was brutal. She curled her toes and clenched her fists as she screamed at the boy.
“No. Please. No. Stop. Please. You're hurting me!” she yelled.
The boy smiled lustfully down at her and continued his muscular fucking of the young witch. His cock slurped quickly in and out of her stretched sex, still well lubricated by the tallow and her own fresh blood. He loved the way her perky boobs were thrown about by her body's involuntary, jerky movements. “If they were much bigger, they'd be hitting her in the face,” he thought.
Bella felt the skin on the back of her shoulders begin to burn as the friction grew from their rough scratching up and down the table. She sobbed and implored the boy to stop. She looked up at him through tear filled eyes but saw only that same sadistic lust in his face that had so frightened her earlier.
The apprentice dug his fingers deeper into her slippery bum cheeks to keep his grip firm as he further increased his rate of pumping. He was revelling in the girl's suffering now and didn't want to give her any respite at all. He kept up his brutal and deep fucking of the wailing girl as long as he possibly could; enjoying also the rhythmic creaking of the old table. Eventually he had to bow to the inevitable and spurt his second load of the night into her lovely, young body.
This time he climbed off the girl without a word and replaced his cloak. He took another drink of mead, but offered none to the crying girl lying chained to her table. He sat in his chair and put his feet up, already contemplating how he would take the girl next time.
The constant, quiet sobbing of the young witch didn't prevent the boy quickly falling into another deep and peaceful sleep. Bella, meanwhile, was distraught. This boy, who had seemed so nice, had taken her so brutally, had hurt her without a care, it seemed. Who now could she turn to for help in this hellish place?
A few hours later the apprentice stirred. His cock was hardening again and he looked over to the naked, chained girl. She was sleeping now; exhaustion having overtaken even her pain and despair. He took off his cloak, stood up and walked towards her. The girl's resting body lay splayed out in front of him. Her skin was sweaty and dirty, with dried bloody streaks from his master's needlework still in evidence on her limbs, the top of her chest and her tummy. No doubt the back of her body was similarly stained. Her nipples still looked to be swollen and were clearly very sore indeed, standing out like red lights on her pale boobs. Her exposed sex was red raw, from the needle and her recent fuckings, and a puddle of blood, mixed with some of the tallow and his own semen was slowly soaking into the rough wood of the table.
He walked to where her head lay twitching slightly in her deep, tortured sleep. Her mouth was open and her lips moved as if she were trying to talk to him. Suddenly she thrashed her head from side to side in a nightmare of pain. He smiled. She looked beautiful to him, and in need of another good, hard fuck.
He walked quietly across the room and returned with a length of heavy chain. He silently unfastened the chain binding her wrists to the ring set in the table above her head and attached his new chain in its place. Then he clipped the two chains together to provide a few feet of slack in her fastenings. He moved now to her spread ankles and released them completely.
As his cock rose to attention he grabbed the girl's legs just behind her bent knees and pulled her quickly down the table until her new chains clanked at full extension. The girl woke with a scream as the sudden assault shattered her fitful sleep. Her sore buttocks and shoulders burnt in fiery pain as they scratched down the rough, old table.
“Wakey, wakey, girlie,” greeted the grinning apprentice at the end of her table. “You looked so sexy lying there, I just had to come and say hello again.”
Bella looked down at him, puzzled and confused, not yet fully awake.
“I've just extended your chains, girlie, to freshen things up a bit. I 'ope you don't mind.”
Bella found that her bum was now perched right on the edge of the table with her legs dangling over. She realised her ankles had been freed, but had no way of closing her legs with the boy standing between them. Her bum cheeks soon started to ache as the rough table edge gnawed into her pierced flesh.
The apprentice was already rubbing his cock against Bella's slit and she lay her head back down and prepared for another rough attack. He entered her again without ceremony. This time, in his standing position has was able to use his weight to help his thrusts go deep into the whimpering girl. His hands once again firmly gripped her hips and his strong arms pulled the girl's slim body briskly to and fro in time with his energetic pumping.
Bella felt her sex stretch again as he pumped her painfully sore love channel. She felt the drying blood and tallow inside her mix with fresh lubrication that quickly eased the initial burning sensation. She sobbed and blubbed tired entreaties for her attacker to stop, but she knew he would not heed her wishes. She kicked weakly at his thighs with her unbound feet but he ignored her feeble struggles, and pumped all the more vigorously into her.
His peaceful sleep had rejuvenated the young apprentice and he felt great as he powerfully fucked the squirming, sobbing girl. Her young cunt was still tight and her sexy body responsive, even if her writhing and wriggling was involuntary. He was really enjoying this long night with the girl, and he knew she would never be this good again. He pumped and pumped and pumped; his stamina levels high and his libido strong. The old, overworked table creaked louder than ever as the joints strained under his assault and it skidded with a screech across the stone floor towards the far wall.
At last the boy's legs twitched with the first small signs of cramp and he knew he would have to end this marathon fucking soon. He curled his toes and stretched his hamstrings and calves in a bid to keep the cramp at bay, but he understood it would eventually cripple him. The girl was moaning and groaning constantly, her head right back and her tits bobbling beautifully. He wished he could carry on all night, but another, sharper pain in his right calf made him grimace.
He slowed as his cramp got worse. He had to cum now. He needed an extra stimulation from his sexy, but passive victim. He leant forward and reached out to her slick, left breast. He fumbled for her swollen, red nipple and pinched it as hard as he could. The girl screamed and bucked violently; her head shot up and she looked in anger and agony at her attacker. He twisted her nipple in his iron grip and she wailed in pain and threw her torso sharply round to try and relieve the pressure on her tortured bud. He groaned in pleasure and spurted his holy seed yet again into her writhing body. That hit the spot!
He walked a little stiffly from the girl and collapsed in his chair as the cramps took hold. He was breathing hard but was flushed with a delicious tingling. He couldn't wait to recover his strength and do it all over again. He pulled his cloak over himself and settled down.
Bella had used her new freedom to roll onto her side and curl into a protective ball with her back to her attacker. She had slid her bruised body carefully up the table and used the slack in her chains to allow herself to caress and comfort her throbbing nipple. It felt good to be able to close her legs again after all this time and she rubbed the tops of her thighs together to soothe the pain in her ravaged sex. In spite of her awful ordeal, she soon fell into a deep sleep.
Chapter 10 – The Grand Inquisitor Returns
It seemed like just a few minutes after she fell asleep that Bella was roused again by the apprentice. He gently shook her shoulder like he was tenderly waking his lover and he whispered quietly in her ear, “Wake up, girlie. It's nearly morning.”
She stirred slowly and smiled at the boy, forgetting momentarily his rough treatment of her. “The Grand Inquisitor will be 'ere soon, girlie,” he continued. “'E'll take your arse this time. Best get you ready.”
In her sleepiness, Bella didn't comprehend the apprentice's words. She stretched her aching body and yawned loudly, enjoying the golden rays of the dawn as they warmed her naked body. The boy offered her a cup of water and she drank thirstily. He then gave her a few bites of his remaining bread and she took that, washing it down with more water.
“I need to pee,” she informed the boy.
He rushed to get the bucket and put it on the table. “Hurry up then, girlie. There's enough slack in your chains to squat there and do it.”
She struggled into position and tinkled her yellow pee into the bucket. He quickly took it away again.
“Right, girlie. You lie down on your front now,” he ordered.
Bella looked at him a bit puzzled, but obeyed and slowly turned onto her hands and knees and then lay on the table, resting on her elbows with her toes just over the bottom edge. She looked up at the boy questioningly, grimacing as her sore, stiff body ached with every movement.
“Come on, girlie. Move yourself down a bit. 'Ow's the master supposed to get to your pretty, little arse 'ole with you like that!” he grumbled impatiently.
Swallowing hard as the realisation dawned on her of what was going to happen next, Bella reluctantly squirmed a little way down the table, until the edge dug into the fronts of her thighs.
The apprentice was unimpressed and grasped her legs and pulled her roughly down until the girl was bent at the waist. She howled as her sore tits were cruelly scratched down the rough table, her poor nipples leaving a thin trail of slimy puss in their wakes.
He grasped one ankle at a time and tied it to the bottom of each table leg leaving her widely splayed with her arse cheeks beautifully presented and her sore sex still dripping a reddish liquid onto the floor between her bound ankles. He looked at the sight in front of him and his cock twitched yet again. He just had to fuck her one more time, but he knew he had to be quick about it.
The apprentice ran to fetch his water bucket and quickly rinsed out the cloth. He washed the blood and dirt from her lovely, round arse cheeks and the tops of her smooth, pale thighs. He rinsed his cloth and parted her buttocks to reveal her puckered, little arse hole. He looked at the tiny smears of dried blood from his master's intricate pattern of piercings and wiped them away, leaving just the sore puncture wounds. Finally he tied the cloth round his little finger and inserted it into her tight, little hole to clean it out as far as her could reach. God, this was a tight hole, as tight as any he had known, and the way the young witch wiggled her arse was just incredible. The Grand Inquisitor would struggle to fit his cock in here, but once he did he would be in paradise!
The boy stood back to admire his work. Her virgin arse hole was almost ready now, but it certainly needed some lubrication to make it accessible. He quickly fetched his jar of tallow and dipped in a finger. He spread the cold grease gently around her twitching arse hole and then worked a little inside the tight ring of muscle. The girl whimpered again, now fully understanding the nature of her next assault.
The apprentice looked again at the beautifully exhibited backside of the young witch. He knew he couldn't fuck her arse until his seniors had used her, but her sex still enticed him greatly, twitching there between her legs, still dripping with her own blood and his semen. He looked at his cock, now hard again, and wondered if he had time before his master wanted to take the witch.
He shrugged off his cloak and stepped close up behind her twitching, bound body. He quickly fingered her sore sex and then guided his hard cock towards it. He heard a sobbing squeal from the centre of the table as he entered her forcefully and started another long, hard, pounding fuck of the witch's tight cunt. He knew he didn't have very long, and this was most likely his last chance of a really good fuck with this pretty girl. So he gripped her bent hips and pumped her quicker and stronger than ever, pushing the old, creaking table a few more inches across the room with every thumping hard thrust of his pelvis.
Bella buried her crying eyes in her chained arms and sobbed and wailed as he fucked her for the fourth time in just a few hours. She thought her burning sex would catch fire as his thick cock scoured her tender love channel yet again. Quite quickly, this time, it was over and she felt him cum inside her and withdraw his limp cock from her sopping cunt.
The apprentice wiped his gleaming cock on his cloth, noticing that the liquid covering it was redder in colour this time. It did not surprise him. He watched as drops of the girl's blood continued to drip into the floor from her raw sex lips, but made no attempt to clean her up. The Grand Inquisitor will have expected him to fuck the witch regularly during the night and fill her with his holy seed. His only interest now would be in her virgin arse hole, and as long as that was clean and greased he would be satisfied. He would not wish to use her soiled cunt again, preferring instead first use of the new, young witches recently captured.
The boy tidied his dress and unlocked the door to await the imminent arrival of his master.
Within just a few minutes the door opened and the Grand Inquisitor strode purposefully into the room, followed again by his devoted scribe.
He walked quickly up to the table where the young witch was bound; her round, pale buttocks deliciously presented to his gaze; her smooth, taught thighs spread and chained and quivering in dreadful anticipation.
“I see you have thoroughly impregnated the witch during the night,” he remarked to his bowed apprentice, as he noted her raw, dripping sex. “Good work, boy.”
He carefully pulled apart the girl's bum cheeks to expose her tiny, puckered arse hole. He noted the added lubrication, which he would need in order to penetrate this tight orifice. Bella squealed and wiggled her hips delightfully at his touch. His cock twitched in excitement.
“Well, witch, do you now admit your bedevilment and seek salvation?”
“Please, sir. I beg of you. I am not a witch,” pleaded the petrified girl. “I have no Devil inside me, sir, I promise. Please, sir, let me go. Let me go back to my little cottage. Please don't hurt me any more.”
“Silent, witch! I see the Devil is still strong within you. I will now fill the witch's anal tract with holy seed to drive the Devil from this poor creature,” he stated, nodding at the scribe to ensure the process was properly captured on his scroll. “Leave me while I perform this holy task.”
Again, the scribe and the apprentice left the room, leaving the sobbing girl alone with the Grand Inquisitor.
He again parted her soft, firm bum cheeks as the girl continued to beg him. “Please, sir, please don't touch me there. Please,” she cried. The Grand Inquisitor ignored her as he concentrated on the arse fucking he was about to enjoy. He loved these tight, virgin arse holes and he licked his lips as he saw again the twitching muscles of the girl's sphincter. He knew the pain of his thick cock penetrating her would be horrendous enough, but with the added discomfort of the needle pricks he had so carefully placed around her anus, he knew she would be in agony, and he in turn, in joy!
The Grand Inquisitor pulled his stiffening cock from his flowing robes and rubbed it up and down the girl's spread arse crack, leaving a thin, slimy trail of pre-cum behind. The girl was screaming now, in dreadful anticipation of the horror to come, but he didn't even notice her screams.
With his thick, stubby thumbs the Grand Inquisitor further parted the screaming girl's arse cheeks before he carefully placed the tip of his rock hard cock at the greasy centre of her trembling arse hole. Bella screamed louder than ever at this intimate touch. She clenched her fists and hammered them down on the hard table in desperate distress, clanking her unforgiving chains. She deliberately tightened the muscles surrounding her anus as she fought hard to escape her inevitable fate.
The Grand Inquisitor pushed, letting his body weight fall forward to ease his thick member into the girl's tight, slick anus. His eyes sparkled and he gave a deep grunt as the girl's taught muscles defiantly refused to let him in.
“Aaaah! The Devil inside you seeks to keep me out!” he shouted. “There's no doubt that I have found his hiding place in your witch's body now, girl!”
He thrust harder this time, firmly gripping the girl's sexy hips for added leverage. Still Bella fought to keep his rampant cock from entering her anus, groaning now in her exertion; her face a bright crimson as she lay chained to the table.
The Grand Inquisitor withdrew his cock from the girl's arse cheeks and pulled his witchfinder's awl from his cloak pocket. He would have to weaken the girl's anal ring a little to gain entry. Still, that would only add to the vile witch's suffering.
Bella breathed a sigh of relief as she felt his cock leave the entrance to her anal passage, but she was soon screaming anew as she felt the familiar, cold, sharp tip of her assailant's awful needle prick the muscle of her anus. She felt every fraction of an inch, and it was sheer agony, as the needle entered the muscle and drove deeper and deeper; much deeper than the Inquisitor's earlier prickings of that highly sensitive part of her body. The dreadful needle withdrew equally slowly, only to enter again on the other side of her anus and prick deep, deep into that muscle. Bella screamed continuously, tears flooding down her scarlet cheeks as she writhed in a new deep agony.
Four times the Inquisitor carefully, deliberately and slowly pierced the defiant girl's anal ring with his sharp, thin needle. He licked his lips with every prick, his eyes staring unblinking at the passage of his trusty needle into the screaming girl's quivering flesh; his prick remaining rock hard throughout. He noted the bloody trickles from each of his fresh piercings and how they would add to the lubrication of the girl's tight anus.
At last he wiped his bloody needle and replaced it in his deep cloak pocket. He saw the girl was quieter now, sobbing and breathing heavily, with some of her strength to resist now spent. He pulled her bum cheeks apart again and guided his cock towards its goal, waiting for her to react, which she did with a wail of futile protest. He pushed forward, leaning into the girl, and this time her weakened muscles gradually parted and he felt the tip of his cock begin to enter the girl's tight anus. She let out a heart wrenching scream; a dire mixture of agonised pain and profound defilement. He grinned in evil triumph as he pushed on harder, very slowly entering the girl, inch by agonising inch, as her straining muscles tore, irretrievably injured by his sadistic prodding. The tallow inserted in the girl by the apprentice seemed to do little to ease the Inquisitor's penetration as he forced his huge cock further into the girl's hot, tight arse.
The Grand Inquisitor stopped pushing with his cock half embedded in the screaming girl's back passage. Bella was now throwing her head around in utter despair; the feel of this monster's huge cock ripping slowly into her tight arse hole had been horrendous. The pain was excruciating, as the damaged muscles of her sphincter were stretched and torn, but it was the awful realisation of what this man was doing to her body, the unholy, unnatural debasement of her, that Bella could not comprehend or accept. For the first time Bella understood why the boy had told her she would welcome death when the time eventually came.
After savouring his victim's profound suffering for a few minutes, the Grand Inquisitor thrust again with a triumphant groan as his throbbing cock slowly continued its wondrous journey until it was fully imbedded in the screaming girl's arse. The gripping of her tight anus had been wonderfully stimulating and he knew he would not last long until he came. He wished he could see the agonised girl's tortured face, but he knew there would be time enough for that later when he supervised her questioning in the cellar. For now, her agonised screams and delicious squirming, together with her delightfully sensitive, tight anus gripping his rampant cock would be reward enough for his holy work.
He pulled out fractionally, gaining another high-pitched squeal from the distraught girl as her dry arse burnt with pain. Wow, was this girl tight! He thrust back again, and quickly pulled out a little further this time, grunting at the effort required to move his cock in her tightly gripping passage.
For Bella, the simple feeling of this monster's huge cock filling her arse was appalling. On top of that, every movement he made, either in or out, was agonising as the lining of her back passage stretched and tore and burnt with the dry friction. She hoped to pass out, but the darkness never came, just more tears, more pain and more degradation. She screamed yet again as the Inquisitor thrust back fully into her before pulling out even further. His juices were slicking her passage just a little now and her muscles were slackening, so his movements took less strength and caused Bella a little less pain.
The Grand Inquisitor sought hard to establish a rhythm with his arse fucking. He dug his fingers deep into the girl's sweaty flanks and started to pump in and out the full length of his monster cock; still slowly as her passage remained tight, but more smoothly now. He now felt he could continue longer than he had thought before cumming, and he savoured every scream the girl made as he pulled out and then thrust in again. This was turning out to be even better than he had expected.
For many minutes he fucked the wailing girl's arse, gradually increasing his tempo all the while until he was pumping her almost as hard as he had pumped her virgin cunt the day before. On and on he went, until Bella's cries of pain had subsided to exhausted whimpers and her head lay motionless between her chained arms. Her only movements were the sobbing heaving of her slumped shoulders and the agonised twitching of her tortured arse cheeks.
Finally, the Inquisitor knew he had to finish his glorious arse fucking of this pretty, young, virgin witch. He rested a moment deep within the trembling girl, until she responded by looking fearfully over her shoulder at her tormentor. The wonderful sight of her beautiful, crimson, tear-stained, agonised face brought him towards his climax, as he knew it would. He pulled out and began a last manic pounding of the girl's arse, to the loud accompaniment of her renewed screams of pain and distress, and the rhythmic creaking of the worn out, old, wooden table.
After a few more seconds the Grand Inquisitor groaned in sheer joy as he pumped the young witch's bedevilled arse with huge spurts of his holy seed – surely more than enough to banish the fiercest Devil lurking deep in the girl's bowels.
He withdrew his limp cock at last and wiped its bloody, slimy length on the apprentice's cloth. He crossed himself and bade the Devil depart the witch. Before he left her, he noted the steady stream of bright red blood dripping from the girl's arse to the floor below. He decided to prohibit the further use of her arse for the time being, lest she bleed to death before she could repent and be burned at the stake.
The Grand Inquisitor opened the door and allowed his assistant, scribe and apprentice to enter. He issued his instructions, and the scribe dutifully recorded how the Devil had resisted the Inquisitor's penetration of her bedevilled arse. Then they all left, save the young apprentice. They would have to wait for their time to savour this young witch's exquisite arse.
Chapter 11 – Time to Rest
The boy wrinkled his nose at the sight of the blood still dripping freely from the sobbing, chained girl's arse. He poured a mug of mead and took a mouthful before approaching the girl's bowed head. He gently stroked her hair until she looked up at him with her beautiful, green, tear-filled eyes. He put the mug to her lips and she gulped down the sweet liquid until the mug was empty. Then she buried her face again in her outstretched arms and continued sobbing.
Suddenly there was a quiet knock on the door and the boy walked over to open it. The Duke's pretty, dark-haired maid entered, carrying a large tray. He smiled warmly at the nervous girl and bade her enter. The maid looked anxiously in the direction of the bound witch, and gasped audibly at the shocking sight that greeted her. She rushed to deposit the tray on a table and turned to leave. The boy stood in front of her, smiling broadly.
“Now, now, girlie. There's no need to be in such an 'urry,” he told her. “That young witch over there can't 'urt you. She's well bound down and powerless 'ere. Why don't you stay a while and we can get to know each other. Share a cup of mead with me, girlie, and relax a little. You're a pretty little thing and I'm sure we could 'ave some fun together. The old Duke won't mind, I'm sure.”
“No, sir. I got chores to do. The Duke told me not to get involved with the likes of you, sir,” replied the flustered girl as she dodged around the boy and made for the door.
He grabbed at her arm, and fastened his grip on the sleeve of the maid's dress, holding her tight.
“Not so fast, girlie,” he said, his smile fading. “Just what 'as the Duke said to you about me?”
“N-n-nothing, sir,” replied the girl in a panic now. “He just warned me that nasty things can happen to folk who get involved with the Inquisitor. Please let me go, sir. I must get on with my chores.”
“Only witches and the servants of the Devil need fear the Grand Inquisitor, girl. Are you one of those?” asked the boy gravely.
“No, sir. No. No. Of course not. No, I'm a God fearing girl, me, sir.”
“Then stay a while and keep me company, girl.”
“But the Duke is expecting me to clean his room, sir. And then I must prepare to serve lunch. I'm sorry, sir, I really need to get on with my chores.”
The boy still held the trembling maid fast. It was obvious that her fear for him would preclude any willing liaison, but she was certainly a tasty morsel and he was tempted to take her anyway. After all, the pretty witch chained to the table would not be able to entertain him now. He had so looked forward to fucking her little arse today, and his twitching cock reminded him of his high level of desire for more fucking. Still, the frightened girl was sure to run to the Duke if he delayed her, and he knew relations with the old man were strained, what with them taking over his precious cellar and rounding up all the local girls over the past few days. Best not antagonise him any further at present. Besides, this pretty maid wasn't going anywhere and he'd certainly have other opportunities to try her out.
He released the terrified girl's arm. “Off you go then, girlie,” he said with a smile. “Don't keep the good Duke waiting. Give him my best wishes, and I'll see you later.”
Without a word, the maid rushed off out of the door and scampered away down the narrow staircase.
The boy sighed as he thought of the missed opportunity, but he had work to do himself. He examined the contents of the tray brought in by the maid and was pleased with the food and drink supplied. He also noticed a healing poultice, which he knew he would have to shove up the young witch's arse in the place of his redundant cock. Still, that could wait until he had breakfast.
The apprentice sat down and ate a good meal, oblivious to the quiet sobbing and occasional moaning emanating from the chained witch nearby. When he had finished, he dozed for a while, finally waking near lunchtime, just in time for a snack and another drink of the delicious mead.
Eventually the boy stood up and stretched, yawning loudly enough to wake the fitfully sleeping girl still chained on the wooden table beside him.
“Hello, girlie,” he greeted her. “Feel better after that sleep?”
Bella groaned in her continuing pain and discomfort. “No. I hurt so much,” she wined.
The boy approached her, pleased to see that her arse had stopped leaking blood at last. He offered her a hunk of bread, but Bella found it difficult to eat in her bound position, in spite of her acute hunger.
“OK, girlie. I'll tell you what we'll do. The Grand Inquisitor 'as told me not to fuck you today, as your arse is too sore. I'll put the poultice up it to 'eal it for you and then I'll loosen your chains so you can feed yourself. In return, you can give me some relief with that pretty mouth of yours. OK?”
Bella didn't really understand much of what the boy said. “Please help me. Please let me go. I hurt so much. I just want to go home,” she wept.
The boy ignored her and fetched a cloth, which he dipped in fresh water. He examined her red raw, bloodied arse and carefully wiped the blood and cum from her bruised skin. Bella squealed loudly at his touch on her tender flesh, but the boy ignored that too. Finally the boy rolled up the poultice as tight as he could and pushed it firmly up her ravaged arse hole. Bella screamed loudly as she felt as if her poor arse was being fucked again as the boy buried more and more of the dressing inside her until just a tiny corner of the poultice was visible. He wiped away any more fresh blood that had dripped from her arse, and took the opportunity to clean her sore cunt up as well.
When he had finished his task, the boy released Bella's widely spread ankles from their chains and helped push her up onto the table so she could turn onto her side. He gave her some bread and water, allowing her to feed herself with the movement the slack chains allowed her hands.
“'E's very careful, the Grand Inquisitor, girlie,” said the boy to the chewing girl. “'E's never 'ad a witch die before they got to the flames. That would be very bad, as the flames is what cleanses the witch. That's why 'e won't let anybody take your pretty arse today, in case you bleeds to death. It's a pity, mind. I was really lookin' forward to that today. Still, maybe you'll be alright tomorrow for that, or else I'll just 'ave to find meself another young witch to fuck. I've 'eard there's quite a stock growing downstairs in the cellars. The boys 'ave been very successful roundin' up witches from the villages round 'ere. Later today we'll take you down to join 'em.”
“How do you know they're all witches?” asked Bella between mouthfuls of bread.
“We ask them, silly. They always admit it in the end. It just takes one to admit it and give us the names of all their accomplices. They're always willin' to do that once we put them to the question. You'll admit it yourself, soon enough. You've denied it so far, but we've not really started on you yet and we both know you're a witch and it's only the Devil inside you stoppin' you from admittin' it, girlie.”
“But I'm not a witch. I've told you that!”
“We've been through this before. Course you're a witch, girlie. You'll admit it soon enough when we put you to the question downstairs in the cellar.”
Bella wondered fearfully exactly what he meant, but thought it best not to ask. She ate her bread and drank her water before peeing painfully into the bucket fetched over by the boy. She curled up to sleep some more, but the apprentice had a different idea.
“Oh no, girlie. You've had enough beauty sleep now. You said you'd give me some relief, and my poor cock's about bursting!”
“You can't fuck me, the Inquisitor told you not to.”
“'E told me I could use your mouth, you cheeky witch. And that's what I'm going to do. Now kneel and get yourself ready or I'll skin your arse with an 'orse whip, girlie.”
Still puzzled, Bella thought it better to do what he said, and she slowly manoeuvred her sore, aching body into position as the boy clambered onto the table beside her. He too knelt in front of her and pulled out his half-erect cock before dangling it in front of Bella's shocked face.
“Now, girlie, you use your 'ands to get it nice and 'ard and then your tongue to keep it excited and your lips to suck it until I comes in your pretty, little mouth. And then you swallows all my 'oly seed to poison the Devil in your tummy. You got that, girlie?”
“No. I can't put that horrid thing in my mouth. I can't,” wailed Bella. “I won't even touch it, it's horrible!”
The apprentice quickly grabbed Bella's hair at the top of her head and twisted violently, pulling several long strands from her scalp and raising her pretty, freckled face towards his. “If you don't do what I say, you little witch, I'll whip your arse. Would you rather that?” he hissed.
“No. I'm sorry. Please,” cried Bella as she gingerly gripped his shaft with the ends of her fingers. She sobbed as she found herself doing something she found disgusting, but what choice did she have? It was obvious the boy was serious about whipping her if she didn't comply, and the thought of that was too awful to consider.
Bella followed the boy's detailed instructions as best she could, stroking the shaft of his cock up and down, with particular emphasis on the underside of his member, until she felt it grow thicker and harder in her tiny hands. She looked at the state of her lovely fingernails; still intact but filthy dirty. Every night in her old cottage she had dipped them in a special solution for five minutes to keep them strong, healthy and lustrous. She never believed she would ever use them for this purpose, but the boy certainly liked it when she scored the underside of his cock with her strong, sharp nails.
When he was ready, the boy ordered Bella to take his cock in her mouth. She hesitated and found his hands again tighten in her hair and pull her head towards him until her lips touched the damp, sticky tip of his cock. She tried to twist away, but the boy was too strong and determined. “Open it!” he scowled.
Bella opened her mouth slightly and the boy pulled her head aggressively forward, forcing her to accept his shaft in her mouth. “Use your fucking tongue, girlie, and don't you dare bite!” he spat at her.
Bella timidly touched his shaft with the very tip of her tongue, revolting in the strange taste in her mouth. The boy jerked his reaction to the wondrous touch and groaned his pleasure. “Oh, yes, girlie. That's good, keep doing that,” he gasped. Bella touched him again and he groaned anew. The boy started to push the girl's head away from him and then rock her forward again as he started to fuck her lovely, virgin mouth.
The feel of the girl's lips around his thick shaft delighted the boy, and the occasional and random touches of her little tongue were simply sensational. He doubted the girl really knew what she was doing, but the effect was heavenly. He soon settled into a lovely, gentle rocking rhythm as the girl gave him a blow-job he would remember for ever. The boy quickly forgot his disappointment at missing out on her arse fucking and his rejection by the sexy, young maid.
For Bella, the taste in her mouth was foul, and she took a while to get her breathing regular through her nose, and the experience was unpleasant, but it was better than being pricked with that awful needle, and certainly not as bad as being fucked up her arse, and she assumed a whipping would much more painful. Thus, Bella accepted her situation and tried to please the boy as best she could by following his instructions and repeating any little acts that seemed to get a good reaction. She used her tongue more and more and the boy gradually loosened his painfully tight grip on her hair and allowed Bella to pleasure him.
The apprentice was determined to make this last as long as he could. He looked down at the face of the young witch and saw her flushing cheeks and flaring nostrils. He smiled as he enjoyed her. Eventually, though, he knew it would have to end, and he felt the pressure rising quickly in his cock. He gripped the girl's hair firmly and thrust his cock deep down her throat until his balls slammed into her pretty chin. He ignored her desperate struggles and her snort of panic as his cock blocked her airways. “Swallow it all!” he shouted, hoping the girl would hear him and avoid choking. He held her firm as he spurted his load down the terrified girl's gullet, and noticed the muscles in her throat working hard to swallow his sperm quickly. When she had finished swallowing and was on the verge of asphyxiation he released her head and pulled his limp cock from her mouth.
Bella collapsed onto the table and gasped for breath, wheezing as her airways slowly cleared. Her face was now bright red, with her eyes streaming. Watery sperm seeped from her lips and dribbled onto her cheeks and chin. She coughed up some more phlegmy sperm and grabbed at the cup of water still nearby. She drank down huge mouthfuls to try and rid herself of the awful taste of the boy's cum and then belched long and loud.
“Well done, girlie. You're learning. You'll get used to the taste soon enough,” laughed the apprentice. Bella curled into a ball and closed her eyes. The boy returned to his comfy chair, put his feet up, and drifted off into a contented sleep, dreaming peacefully about his next wonderful fuck.
Chapter 12 – In the Duke's Cellar
A loud banging on the door disturbed the slumbering pair. The apprentice yawned and stretched before casually sauntering over to the door, while Bella woke with a start and stared anxiously towards the door.
The boy opened it, and two uniformed men entered. Bella noticed they were not clad in the Duke's fine livery, but in the sombre, black dress of the Grand Inquisitor's men.
“We're to take the witch to the cellar to be put to the question,” one stated to the boy.
“Very well. I'll come with you.”
“She's to be shown her fate and then left in a cell overnight to contemplate. She's not to be touched until morning. The Grand Inquisitor wishes to keep her until some of the other witches have been burned. That will increase the local peoples' hatred of the evil wench.”
“I understand. Are any of the witches downstairs pretty and available for fucking?”
“I heard you've had your fill of this little witch!” laughed the guard. “And you didn't think to share her with the likes of us! Still, there's plenty to go round now, though none are quite as pretty as this cute, little thing you've kept hidden away up here! Come on. Let's get the witch chained up and get her downstairs.”
The guards approached Bella and one grabbed her arms tightly while the other released her wrists from their manacles. They easily pulled the lightweight girl from her table and stood her on the cold, stone floor. Bella looked pleadingly at her captors, but noted no compassion in their eyes. They seemed fully concentrated on their task as a guard untangled the mass of heavy chains and manacles in his hands.
The other guard looked with interest at his captive. So this was the girl denounced by the Duke and who had brought the Grand Inquisitor and all his entourage to this sleepy rural setting. It was because of this girl that the cellar below had been commandeered and turned into a witches' prison filling quickly with all the pretty girls of the neighbourhood. She was slim, very pretty with a nice body. She had obviously suffered a severe examination with the Inquisitor's needle, as the many bloody smears and scabs on her smooth skin testified. And she'd been well fucked, that was for sure. Still, he sighed, that was nothing compared to what would happen to her downstairs when the Inquisitor ordered his torturers to put her to the question. Even worse was likely to follow for the poor girl when she was handed back to the local populace for execution. They would surely seek the most appalling revenge on the girl before they burnt her. He thought for a moment of his own beautiful daughter back home and prayed she was safe.
The guard mumbled to himself as he tried to sort out the chains. Finally he picked up a large hinged ring and placed it round Bella's slim neck. It was a loose fit, but was small enough to prevent it slipping over the girl's head. It was heavy and rested painfully on the girl's collar bones as the guard fitted the bolts behind her neck to fasten the collar securely. Finally, he pulled her long hair out from where it had been trapped by the collar and allowed it to flow again down her back. At the front of the collar was a metal ring to which was attached a length of heavy chain that reached between her breasts and legs to the floor. Next, the guard picked up a set of manacles joined by a short length of lighter chain. These he fastened around the girl's wrists and he attached the centre link to a ring in the larger chain that hung from her collar. Finally came the ankle manacles, joined again by heavy chain. The centre link of this chain was attached to the end of the heavy chain hanging from her collar.
Bella put up no resistance to the fastening of her chains, having little strength or stomach for a fight against such overwhelming odds, and still unsure of what awaited her in the cellar below.
“Right. That's it. Let's go,” said one of the guards, and he pulled Bella by the arm towards the open door. The chains weighed heavy on the girl, and Bella found movement difficult and painful. She found she had to use her hands to lift the heavy centre chain slightly to allow her feet to move. The heavy collar rubbed hard at her slender neck with every movement and the ankle manacles chaffed her already sore skin quite badly. As she took her first step she groaned at the sharp pain in her anus and begged for the guards to let her rest again. They paid no heed and half dragged the screaming girl to the door and down the tight, spiral staircase.
Once on the ground floor they walked for a while along a corridor before passing through a guarded door to another staircase, this time a wider stairway. After descending many short flights the group came up against a heavy wooden door. A guard knocked and a peep-hole opened. The guard exchanged greetings with someone behind the wooden door and it creaked slowly open. The intense heat and the awful, strong stench of human sweat piss and fear from inside hit Bella and shocked her. She had expected a former wine cellar to be cool and maybe a little musky, but this was a vile, smoky heat that scorched from this underground room. The guards pushed the girl quickly inside and the door creaked slowly closed behind them. Bella heard heavy bolts drawn quickly across the door.
Bella looked in shock at the sight that confronted her.
The old wine cellar had been transformed into a huge prison and interrogation room. The air was thick with smoke from numerous torches that lit the large room. The flickering light from the torches threw scudding shadows across the room from the numerous thick pillars that supported the low, vaulted ceiling and from the many items of large apparatus that filled much of the space between them. The smoke was augmented by charcoal braziers that stood around the room at various points, and was so thick that the girl could not clearly see the full length of the cavernous room. What she could see and hear, though, filled her with a new, morbid dread.
Along one side of the room was a grid of small cages, each no more than four feet square and made of wrought iron grills. There must have been at least twenty of these cages, and many held the huddled bodies of naked girls, curled up on the bare stone floor. The only furnishings in the cages were buckets on the floor and chains hanging from the roof grills. One or two of the girls had been chained upright in their cages, and stood slumped painfully in their bonds. Some were groaning audibly.
In the main part of the room, most of the large items of apparatus seemed to be unused, but Bella could hear agonised screams coming from within the smoky depths. The screams were clearly female, and those producing them were evidently being tortured very painfully. Bella could make out a few shadows moving in the flickering light, and assumed them to be the torturers at work.
As her blood ran cold, Bella realised the guards had left her with the apprentice. He was speaking to a scribe who sat behind a wooden table by the door. He had a large number of scrolls in front of him and was thumbing through them. When he found the one he was seeking, he made a number of entries on the scroll. Then he turned to a large book, like a register, and made an entry there too. Only when he had finished, did he hand the apprentice a large key and wave him on, allowing him to take Bella into the room.
The boy guided Bella over towards the cages. As she walked deeper into the gloomy, smoky cellar Bella's eyes started to sting and she felt sick as the stench grew stronger – apart from the burning torches and braziers she noted fearfully the awful stink of sweat, piss and shit – and even the terrifying stench of burning human flesh hit her twitching nostrils as another scream of agony assaulted her ears.
“This is where you'll stay from now on, girlie,” the apprentice told her cheerfully. “Yours is at the other end. I'll put you in there later, after I've given you a full tour.”
Bella couldn't believe what she was seeing as the boy slowly led her past the cages of girls, pausing at each one.
“They're all here 'cos of you, girlie. All 'cos you seduced the old Duke's son with your witchcraft.”
Bella started sobbing as she looked at each captive girl in turn. She recognised none of them so far, though most remained curled in their little balls trying to block out the outside world. Bella saw that all had been pricked with a needle, and some had been further injured, bearing what looked like whip marks on their backs or legs, and some seemed to have been burnt. Bella could not see their breasts or genitals, but she guessed they would have been treated at least as harshly as herself.
At last the apprentice stopped Bella before a cage where a girl was chained upright. The girl was taller than Bella and had short brown hair, and a round, innocent face, now drawn and tear-stained. She could not have been more than twenty years old. Bella looked in horror at the appalling injuries the girl bore. She had been pricked, shaved and fucked, that much was now normal, but her large, pale breasts had been cruelly treated, being very swollen and bloodied. It looked as if they had been crushed in a vice and then pierced right through with thick skewers. Her nipples looked to have been twisted and pulled so viciously they had nearly been removed from her body. They hung there on her swollen tits, bruised, mis-shapen and reddened. Bella gently fingered her own sore nipples and wondered how painful this poor girl's would be to the same touch.
“Help me, please,” whispered the poor girl, but Bella could do nothing but smile weakly back.
“This witch 'as yet to repent,” the apprentice told Bella. “But I think she will tomorrow.”
“How could you do these awful things to that poor girl?” asked Bella.
“She's a witch. She was denounced by another witch yesterday. It's our 'oly duty to persuade 'er to repent and then to burn 'er to save 'er mortal soul. We'll do the same thing for you, girlie. Just wait your turn.”
Bella shuddered, but was quickly moved on down to the next occupied cage.
Bella thought she recognised the next girl as being from her own village. However, the girl was huddled in the corner and Bella couldn't be sure. She certainly wasn't about to disturb the girl and introduce herself. How all these girls would hate her if they knew it was she who had brought the Inquisitor here!
At last, the boy stopped Bella outside the last, unoccupied cage.
“This one's yours, girlie,” he announced like a proud newlywed about to carry his bride over the threshold of their new home. He opened the cage door with his key and ushered Bella inside. She stepped in reluctantly and looked at the iron grille walls and ceiling, and the bucket in the corner.
“Well come on, get out again. You've had a good look round. Let's now go and see some real action, girlie.”
The boy quickly guided Bella around the unoccupied apparatus. He enthusiastically explained the purpose of each, but Bella closed her ears to his gleeful descriptions of the horrors that would befall the poor soul attached to these hideous contraptions. At one point the apprentice was approached by a large, well-muscled, bare-chested man who was sweating profusely. Bella also noticed blood stains on his hands. He whispered quietly in the boy's ear, and the apprentice nodded and thanked him as he left.
“Well, girlie. I've got a nice surprise for you. Come this way,” he told Bella, as he led her towards the smoky centre of the room.
He held Bella firmly as a girl was removed from one of the cages. The girl had been curled up and Bella had not recognised her earlier. In the gloomy light, she still could not make out if she knew the girl, but could see she was blond haired and slightly bigger built than herself, but that wasn't unusual.
The girl was struggling against two men, who were also bare-chested – one being the man who had approached the apprentice just a few moments previously. She was cursing the men and slapping futilely at them as much as her chains would allow her. She disappeared from Bella's view behind a pillar, but her shouts and threats could still be heard for some minutes.
The apprentice kept Bella at some distance for a few minutes longer, until an awful, long, ear-piercing scream filled the room. He smiled and guided a trembling Bella towards the scream. He pushed Bella round a thick pillar so she could see the girl.
Bella gasped as she saw the young, blond girl stretched out before her. Her chains had been removed and she was now affixed to a large horizontal frame. Her ankles were spread and fixed by short chains to the bottom of the frame, while her wrists were fixed above her head by longer chains that wound round a huge roller. She was stretched tight, and one of the men was pulling on a lever to stretch the poor girl even further. The girl was screaming as a ratchet clicked and the man relaxed his grip, leaving the girl tightly stretched and fighting for breath, only her buttocks touching the surface of the frame.
“This is the rack, girlie, it's a great piece of equipment,” the apprentice informed Bella. “The girl is from the same village as you. Do you want to say hello?”
Bella gasped again. She had been so pre-occupied with the horror of the torture that she had not thought about it. The girl being tortured was Jane, the girl she had argued with all those weeks ago. She had been the first person to have called her a witch. She looked more closely at the pain-filled victim.
Jane was Bella's age, but was slightly taller and more curvy. As she looked down on her one-time enemy, Bella noticed Jane's pretty face contorted with the pain of her stretching. She noticed that Jane's underarm and pubic hair had been removed, but it looked as if she had been roughly shaved rather than the slow plucking Bella had endured. Bella guessed that with all these witches now in the cages, they simply couldn't find the time to pluck them all. Jane's pale flesh was different to Bella's freckled complexion, being almost porcelain white, and thus the Inquisitor had found fewer targets for his searching needle. Nevertheless, Jane's lovely skin bore a few small, dark moles on her chest, tummy and limbs, and all looked to have been well pierced and bloodied. Her long, thick nipples, like Bella's own, had obviously been pricked and were swollen and red on her smooth, pale breasts. These were larger than Bella's, but still firm and they glistened with the sweat of her distress as they rose and fell enticingly on her heaving chest. Jane's genitals were very sore, probably from the Inquisitor's needle and repeated fuckings. Bella assumed the girl had been no virgin before she had attracted the Inquisitor's attentions.
From the shadows the Inquisitor's assistant appeared and leant over the stretched, panting girl.
“Well, girl. Do you now admit you are a witch?”
“No. I'm not a witch. I'm NOT a witch!” screamed the girl.
The torturer leant again on his lever, forcing the roller to turn another notch. The chains holding the girl's arms clanked and ground and fresh blood seeped from around the manacles digging into the tender flesh of her wrists. Jane screamed in agony as she felt the tendons in her limbs stretch again. The ratchet clicked and the torturer relaxed, but for poor Jane the agony continued. She fought for breath as the muscles in her stretched abdomen twitched under tension.
Again, the Inquisitor's assistant asked Jane the question. Again she screamed her defiant answer.
The torturer strained to turn the roller again, using the full length of his lever to achieve the next satisfying click of the rack.
Jane's bum cheeks left the surface of the rack and she was now fully suspended in agonising tension on the diabolical device. Still she refused to admit her heresy.
Again the rollers turned, and Jane threw her head back in agony. Bella gasped in horror at the torture being played out in front of her, and caught Jane's wild, wide-open eyes.
“Bella!” she shrieked. “She's the one! She's the witch! She tried to seduce my man with her witch's potions. She's the one you need to question, not me. She's the one you need to burn. Her! Bella! She's the witch!”
Bella hung her head and sobbed at this outburst.
The apprentice smiled, as the Inquisitor's assistant ensured the scribe sitting close by had recorded Jane's accusation.
“So, Bella's a witch. We know that, girl. But you're a witch too. Admit it. What did Bella and you get up to together? Did you help her with her witch's potions? Tell me, girl. Admit it and let me save your soul.”
“No. I'm not a witch. Bella's the only witch,” squealed the tiring girl.
The Inquisitor's assistant nodded and the torturer grunted with exertion as he pulled yet again on the lever. Jane screamed anew as she felt the tendons in her shoulders tear, and the bones begin to part. The torturer recognised the signs and returned his lever to the previous position, leaving the poor girl still tightly stretched but not disabled.
Tears streamed down the agonised girl's face as the pain in her shoulders started to overwhelm her.
The Inquisitor's assistant quietly instructed the torturer and he extracted a long, thin iron rod from one of the nearby braziers and held it over the panting girl's sore right nipple, letting her feel its intense heat on her tender bud.
“I ask you again, girl. Do you admit that you are a witch?”
“No. Please. No. I beg you. You must believe me,” she screamed.
“I know you are a witch, girl. Find the strength to admit it. Tell me about the others in your coven. Tell me about Bella and all the others.”
“No. I'm not a witch. I know of no coven. The only witch I know is Bella!”
The torturer touched the end of the red hot rod to the girl's pink aureole just alongside her red nipple and rubbed it back and forth on her sweaty, slick skin, gradually turning it a darker and darker red as the layers burnt.
Jane wailed in absolute agony, clenching her fists until her fingernails bloodied her palms.
Again she was asked the question, and again the stubborn girl shook her head.
The torturer replaced his rod and picked out a fresh one. This time he burnt the tip of the girl's right nipple itself, before rubbing his red hot iron time and again up and down the stubby shaft of her burning, blistering bud until his rod began to cool.
Jane screamed louder than ever as the intense pain scorched through her nipple into her trembling breast to invade her whole body. The stench of her burning flesh hung in the air now around the torture rack.
Bella sobbed in empathy and begged the apprentice to take her away to her cage. The boy smiled and shook his head. He was enjoying this much too much, but he'd need to find a girl to fuck soon.
The torture of Jane on the rack continued. Next, the torturer burnt her other nipple, inducing animal-like wailing from the poor girl. But still she would not give in. Bella wondered how she could possibly withstand such awful treatment without confessing, even though she was sure Jane was not a witch.
At last, the torturer relaxed Jane's bondage and allowed her to rest on the rack. She sobbed as the feeling returned to her cramped limbs and the soreness in her joints became evident. She breathed in huge gasps of smoky air as the awful restriction of her breathing was ended. Her respite was short-lived, however, as the torturer fastened a thick leather strap tight over her tummy to fix her body firmly to the surface of the rack. Then he re-positioned the chains attached to her ankles so her legs were as widely spread as possible, fully exposing her sore cunt to the torturer and all the onlookers.
Bella was sure they were going to torture the poor girl's cunt now, and she covered her eyes with her hands. A strange curiosity made her peep through her fingers, however, to see what they would do to the poor girl.
The torturer held a small object in front of Jane's eyes and whispered something to her that obviously frightened her greatly. He turned a handle on the object and it seemed to open like petals on a flower. Jane shook her head wildly, but still refused to admit witchcraft.
“That's a pear. It's probably the most painful instrument we use on a girl,” the apprentice whispered in Bella's ear. “You watch this, girlie. She's going to confess soon.”
Bella looked through her fingers as the torturer moved towards the bottom of the rack and started fingering the squealing girl's sore cunt. He parted her sex lips and placed the rounded end of the pear into her sex. Ignoring the girl's pitiful screams, he pushed on until just the handle was left protruding from the writhing girl's body. Bella somehow knew the torturer would now turn the handle and open the petals inside the poor girl. She sobbed. She couldn't believe someone could do such a horrible thing to a girl, and she didn't have any idea how poor Jane could possibly endure it.
The torturer turned the handle slowly, and Jane howled in pain and begged him to stop, her body bathed in fresh sweat. Yet still she refused to confess. He turned the handle some more, and Jane screeched in agony, blabbing her innocence. After another pause, he turned the handle once more, using more effort this time as the girl's body resisted the hideous implement. Bella could now see a grotesque bulge in Jane's abdomen where the petals were opening, but only Jane could feel the awful pain as the sharp points ripped apart the tender insides of her ravaged love channel, probably causing fatal injury to the agonised girl.
One more turn was all it took. As blood started dripping from her ruined sex, Jane confessed all. She confessed that she had helped Bella make up her witch's potions, she confessed to fornicating with the Devil at clandestine gatherings with Bella and every other girl she could think of, in her own village and many others nearby. The scribe worked overtime writing down all the names, taking particular care to note the names and descriptions of the denounced young females. Throughout her confession, the torturer kept his hand on the handle of the pear still buried deep within the poor girl, and whenever she flagged he twisted his wrist slightly, causing a hideous scream from the defeated girl and eliciting another stream of names of heretic accomplices.
Eventually, when the girl continually repeated herself, the Inquisitor's assistant decided he had gained all he could from his victim. The torturer removed the bloody pear from the girl's cunt and stuffed a rag in the gaping hole to stem the blood loss. The Inquisitor's assistant ordered the girl to be taken back to her cage and for the local magistrate to be informed of her confession. He wanted her burnt within three days. They would need her cage.
“Excellent! That's a great result, girlie,” exclaimed the apprentice.
“But that's all lies,” wept Bella. “None of that's true. We did none of those things. I've never heard of the other girls she named, much less met them, and I've never seen the Devil. You forced her to say that. She only said it to stop you hurting her.”
“Rubbish, girlie! She's a witch, just like you. It was the Devil inside 'er that made 'er deny it. She just needed to be persuaded to fight 'im and tell us the truth, just like you do. Now we can save 'er. She'll burn, just like you will.”
Suddenly there was a commotion at the door, and Bella looked round to see the Duke bursting in, his face even redder than usual. He rushed up to the Inquisitor's assistant in an obvious rage.
“What the Hell's going on?” he bellowed. Pointing to Bella, he stormed, “That's the little witch that poisoned my son. Why are you questioning all these other girls, when she's the one that needs to burn? Two of my men were set upon today by the local villagers who say their daughters are being abducted because of me. And you've turned my best wine cellar into a bloody torture chamber.”
“My dear Duke, please calm down,” replied the Inquisitor's assistant. “It was you who called us here, and we have discovered the evil coven to which this young witch belongs. It is very widely spread amongst the villages here. It is our holy duty to root out and save all the witches now that we have discovered them. I'm sure you would not wish to obstruct the Grand Inquisitor in his holy duty, would you, your Lordship? He would not wish to have to report such a matter to the King!”
“Oh, very well,” conceded the Duke reluctantly. “I suppose you must carry on, but I want this finished quickly and my cellar and home returned to me.”
“I understand, sir. However, this girl has just confessed to witchcraft and has named a large number of accomplices. We must capture them all and question them. We cannot leave until our holy investigation is complete.”
“What about this witch,” he pointed again at Bella. “I want the slut to burn at the stake tomorrow. That should please the villagers.”
“That witch has yet to confess, sir. But I'm sure she will soon. Then she can be burned.”
“She's not confessed! But I denounced the witch! Look at her, there's hardly a mark on her! Have you questioned her yet? No wonder that poor girl on the rack confessed. Look at the state of her. Why didn't you put that little witch on the rack instead? I'm sure she would have confessed too!”
“All in good time, sir. The Grand Inquisitor is conducting this enquiry in full accord with the Church's formal guidelines on such matters. I'm sure you would have it no other way, would you, sir?”
“Well I want to see that little witch suffer. She's the cause of all this. I want to hear her scream her confession. I'll come back first thing tomorrow to see for myself how you do it. You tell your master to expect me, and that I don't wish to be disappointed. If you do your stuff I'll treat you to a banquet with my finest wine. You tell the Grand Inquisitor that!”
With that last salvo the Duke stormed back out of the prison.
The apprentice guided the frightened Bella to her cage. “What's going to happen to me tomorrow?” she fearfully asked the apprentice.
“That depends on the Grand Inquisitor, girlie. It's obvious the Duke's angry, so 'e might want to calm 'im down and give 'im a good show. But 'e won't want you goin' to the stake before some of them other local girls burn. Still, that young blond girl's in the queue ahead of you, and I 'spect a few more'll confess tonight. We'll see in the mornin', girlie.”
The apprentice unlocked Bella's cage and shoved her in, locking the door behind her. Without another word he left, as Bella saw the limp, groaning body of Jane unceremoniously carried back to her cage just a few doors from Bella. At the same time, a skinny, mousy haired girl was being dragged screaming from her cage into the flickering shadows to begin her own hours of torment.
Bella sat on the floor and wept as fresh screams echoed around her. After a while she too curled into a ball and buried her head in her arms, trying to gain the blissful release of fitful sleep.
As she lay on her side, her arms covering her head, Bella tried to stop the awful sounds of the cellar from filling her ears. She thought she could hear the screaming voices of at least three different girls, one of which was presumably the poor, thin girl she had seen earlier being dragged away. She clearly heard the yelps of pain, and the frantic denials, and even thought she could hear the clicking ratchet of the horrible rack stretching another poor, innocent victim beyond endurance. Occasional whiffs of burning flesh wafted into her cage in the smoky atmosphere, and Bella's mind became filled again with the hideous sight of Jane being tortured until she had confessed and implicated all those other poor, innocent girls. Bella cried as she thought of the Inquisitor's men raiding the cottages where these girls lived and snatching them away from loving parents or husbands to bring them here to torture. And all because of her; all because she had inadvertently attracted the attention of the Duke's young son and been discovered with him by the boy's angry father. Oh dear, what a sorry tale!
An especially loud, piercing scream startled Bella and she looked up, but could see nothing different through the hazy smoke. She expected to see all the girls in their cages roused by the scream, but could see no-one else who had stirred. She guessed they must have become used to such happenings. Bella wondered how long she had been in this awful place, but realised she had no way of knowing if it was day or night. She thought she could make out the blabbering confessions of one of the tortured girls, just catching fragments of names between squeals of pain and pleas for mercy. “Oh no, not yet more new victims,” she thought to herself. “Where will it end?”
Then she remembered her own dire predicament. What would they do to her when the Duke returned? How long would she have to wait to find out? She remembered the old poultice in her arse. It was itching a lot now, and was quite uncomfortable. She wondered if she should take it out, and she squirmed in her chains, trying to get a hold of it. The clanking of her chains suddenly seemed very loud, and Bella stopped her movements, worried that her neighbours might stir and be angry with her. She had no wish to draw any attention to herself at all. She sighed deeply and sobbed quietly again as she tried once more to sleep.
Bella woke again with a start as the door to her cage was unlocked. Her heart skipped a beat as she was sure they had come to put her to the question!
Instead, a naked girl, chained just like Bella herself, entered her cage and placed a mug of water and a small knob of hard bread on the floor. She looked in Bella's bucket and saw it was empty, so she left without saying a word. The guard at her door locked her cage again and moved on to the next one. Bella watched the girl as she did the same at the next cage, though the prisoner curled up in that one didn't even seem to notice her visitor's presence. Bella saw that the girl was about her own age, with very dirty blond hair down to her shoulders. Her body was shaved and she too displayed the evidence of the Inquisitor's needle and some painful fuckings, but looked otherwise uninjured. Her face was expressionless, her skin pale, her eyes dull, giving an air of resignation to her situation. Bella supposed she was just another accused witch being used to undertake menial housekeeping tasks until her turn came on the rack.
Having examined the condition of the other girl, Bella looked at herself. She too was filthy, with dirty marks all over her body and smears of dry sweat. The puncture wounds from the Inquisitor's needle had all formed scabs, some of which had now healed and fallen away and her only really painful parts were her tender, slightly swollen nipples and her sore cunt and arse holes. The iron collar had scratched the skin from above her collar bones and the back of her neck, and her manacles had chaffed her wrists and ankles, but overall Bella's body was holding up quite well.
Bella hardly noticed the fresh, girlish screams of agony that still regularly filled the large room as she nibbled at the bread she had been left. She took a drink of water and then crouched over her bucket to pee. Bella scowled as her waste fluid tinkled into the iron bucket; this was still quite a painful activity. She was pleased to note the yellow colour of her foul smelling urine, rather than the reddish tinge she had feared she might see. Bella then decided to remove her itching poultice and she pulled at it with her chained hands. It would not move, probably stuck to the bloody walls of her anal passage. She tugged harder, gritting her teeth at her discomfort, until she felt it loosen inside her. Very slowly, she eased the blood soaked dressing out, trying hard not to open any internal wounds. At last it plopped into the bucket and Bella wrinkled her nose as she looked down at it. She gingerly fingered her anus and found a slight smear of fresh blood on her digits, which she hoped would quickly congeal. Her arse hole still itched, but at least she felt more comfortable now without the poultice shoved inside her. Bella lay down again and waited, knowing that at some point her cage door would open again and this time they would take her outside into the smoky room.
Bella dozed on and off, unable to gauge the passing of time; fearful every time she woke that they were coming for her. Finally she heard a key grinding in a lock and looked up in trepidation, but it was the door next to hers that was creaking open. Bella saw the guard grab the curled up girl's arm and pull her roughly to her feet. Bella got a good sight of the girl for the first time; she had long, flowing ginger hair and a very pale, freckled complexion, rather like her own. Her face was lovely, though she was crying now, with big green eyes peeping fearfully through her straggly, ginger curls. Her body was covered in scabs from the needle, with her large, freckled breasts particularly densely pierced. She was taller than Bella, with long, slim legs and nicely rounded thighs. The girl struggled with the guard, but was no match for his strength, particularly with her wrists and ankles manacled. With the help of a colleague, the guard dragged the protesting girl from her cage and they disappeared behind one of the thick pillars into the smoky interior of the foreboding cellar. Bella didn't dare imagine what they were going to do to the poor girl.
Bella returned to her fitful dozing. Every time she woke, it seemed that another screaming girl was being taken from a cage somewhere in the long row. She guessed the Inquisitor was anxious to gain confessions and get witches burnt, as the apprentice had told her. She wondered why they had not yet come for her; surely it was past morning now and the Duke would be back to see her suffer.
Sometimes Bella would see a girl being dragged back to her cage after interrogation, and presumably confession. They always seemed to be exhausted, being half carried back to their cages by the guards, but they were too far away for Bella to determine what may have been done to them. She waited in morbid anticipation for the return of her next door neighbour. They seemed to be taking a long time with her.
The hot, stale, smoky atmosphere in the airless cellar irritated Bella's throat as she lay in her prison. She coughed and wheezed as she tried to sleep, and her skin itched as sweat oozed from her pores. She felt very dirty, as indeed she was, and longed for the days when she would wash in the clear, clean water of the stream near her cottage and breathe in the fresh air, beautifully fragranced by the lavender that grew so abundantly nearby. It seemed a lifetime away from this hellhole she inhabited now.
At last she sensed more movement nearby and she looked up to see her neighbour being returned to her cage by two burly guards. They each held the girl by an arm, up near her armpit, and were dragging her towards her cage. The girl was not resisting, in fact her head was bowed and her feet were dragging along the stone floor, bouncing painfully as they moved over the uneven flagstones. She was chained again as before, and as she came nearer, Bella was able to see some of the injuries that scarred the girl's lovely body.
The pretty, ginger haired girl's large, full breasts seemed to have taken the brunt of the torturers' attentions, along with her genitals. Already marked by the Inquisitor's hellish needle, the girl's boobs looked to Bella to be very swollen, with bloody, red marks all over them that had dripped blood in streaks down the girl's tight stomach. It looked as if her breasts had been squeezed very hard with some kind of sharp pincers that had bitten deep into her tit flesh. Bella thought the torturers must have used the implement many times on each breast to result in the amount of damage that had been inflicted on the poor girl's boobs. In addition, Bella noticed the girl's nipples had been badly burnt, just like she had seen being done to Jane on the rack. Bella caressed her own boobs absent-mindedly as she tried to comfort herself. Then she looked further down her neighbour's battered body to her sex.
Bella saw the girl's sex lips were mangled and swollen, with more dried blood streaking her smooth inner thighs. “Surely they had not used that awful pear thing on this girl too?” thought Bella. But, no, the pear damaged the insides rather than the outside, so they must have used another hideous instrument on this pitiful victim. Finally, as the girl was thrown unceremoniously to the floor inside her cage, Bella saw the dark horizontal and diagonal welts that covered the girl's heavily freckled back. Bella had no doubts what had caused those injuries; the girl had suffered a frightful whipping!
As the guards turned away and locked the cage door behind them, Bella thought for one dreadful moment they were going to come to her cage and drag her away for some of the same awful treatment; after all, she was overdue, surely. To her relief, the guards paid Bella not the slightest attention and they sauntered back into the gloom of the huge torture chamber.
Bella crawled over to the side of her cage nearest her battered neighbour, but the ginger haired girl did not stir at all. Eventually, Bella returned to her curled position in her cage as yet more anguished screams filled her ears. She cried.
Bella awoke some time later and looked around her. The ginger haired girl next door still lay where the guards had left her, and some newly arrested girls were being pushed struggling into cages nearby. Bella knew they were new as they were still dressed, presumably having just been rounded up after they had been named by Jane and any other poor girls who had been painfully put to the question. Bella watched with interest as one by one the new girls were taken from their cages, only to return some time later with their clothes and pubic hair removed and bearing the tell-tale marks of the Inquisitor's needle. She saw that most were young, pretty girls, and these were the ones that bore the largest number of bloody trails from the pricking and piercing. Many were limping, their genitals raw and bleeding after being repeatedly used, some obviously for the first time. Most were also sobbing hysterically.
Bella wondered what had happened to the girls who had occupied the cages when she had first arrived in the cellar. They must have left to vacate their cages for these new arrivals. She wondered where they had gone, and then she realised. Bella burst into tears yet again.
The pale girl entered Bella's cage and changed her slop bucket and left fresh water and bread. Bella stirred. She tried to recall how many times now the girl had done that, but it was too many to remember. She noticed the cage next door was now empty – they had taken the ginger haired girl away. Although they had never spoken, Bella felt a sense of loss, as if a close friend had deserted her.
Time and again Bella was visited by the pale girl, only now she left two lumps of stale bread each time, and a larger cup of water. Never once did either speak, nor even make eye contact. Bella had got used to the stench, the smoke, the stale air, the darkness and the flickering torches. She had got used to beaten girls coming and going all the time, and didn't even look up any more. She had even got used to the terrible screams that still punctuated the passing of time, and she didn't notice as the screaming became less frequent. Bella was deep in her own thoughts, wondering when at last the torturers would come for her, and wondering what they would do to her when they did. Part of her even wished they would come soon. She longed for someone to talk to, even if it was just the young apprentice coming to fuck her again, with his quick wit and crude thoughts. Even that would be better than this interminable waiting.
Bella crouched and peed in her bucket, and then realised this was the third time she'd used the bucket without it being changed. Her tummy rumbled and she remembered how hungry she was, and that it was a long time since she had been left bread by the pale girl. Bella suddenly took more notice of her surroundings and she realised all the cages she could see were empty, and there was no evidence of screaming or torture. She wondered what was going on, and dreaded that she had been left alone to die slowly in this horrible place. She thought of calling out, but decided against it. She sat down again and peered out into the gloomy room...
The apprentice wiped Bella's bright red face with a soothing damp cloth. She looked up at him with her bright, tearful, green eyes. “Please help me,” she whimpered.
“There, there, girlie. No need to fret. It's just you and me again, now, for the whole of the night. I've got us some food and some more mead, 'cos I know 'ow much you liked that last night. We'll 'ave some food and I'll let you rest a little, and when you've got your energy back I'll fuck you. I'll be real gentle with you as long as you make an effort to pleasure me good. That's fair ain't it, girlie?”
“No. I don't want to be fucked again! I hurt too much. Please don't fuck me. Please help me, please let me go.”
“Look, girlie. We've been through all this before. I'm goin' to fuck you, and I'm not goin' to help you escape. They'd kill me. If you don't change your tune, you and me are goin' to fall out and I'll make things real bad for you. You don't want that now do you, girlie?”
“No, but I don't want to be fucked. I'm scared.”
“I expect you are scared, girlie. But there ain't much I can do about that. I'll clean your cunny up now and then you can 'ave some food. I bet you're glad you've 'ad your cherry popped at long last, aren't you, girlie?”
“No. I didn't want to be fucked. It hurts so much,” wept the poor, wretched girl.
The apprentice wiped the cocktail of blood, cum and grease from her cunt. He opened her raw sex lips and carefully, almost gently cleaned her love channel with his cold cloth. Bella moaned a little at his touch, and he liked that. When he was finished he picked up his jar of tallow and spread it liberally along her slit and in between her lips. His aim was to have many fulfilling fucks during the night, and he knew it would help to keep her cunny in reasonable condition. If she was too dry, he would tear her and then he couldn't use her again without causing injury, and his master would not like that.
He wiped his sticky hands on his cloth and set about eating his supper. He had chatted enthusiastically to the young maid and persuaded her to give him extra rations as well as the mead. He promised himself that he'd fuck her good before he left the Duke's home. He picked up a bowl of broth and some bread and tucked in. When he had finished most of it he offered the remaining broth to Bella, tipping the bowl at her lips as she slurped it down greedily. Some spilt over her pretty cheeks, so he wiped it off her gently. As before, she thanked him politely, in spite of what she knew he was going to do to her. Finally he drank a cup of mead, again giving Bella the last drops. He left plenty for later in the long night to come.
He sat in his big chair, with his feet on a stool and allowed ten minutes for the food to settle. Then he walked over to Bella and gently squeezed her sore right tit, disturbing her rudely from her rest.
“No. Please don't,” whimpered the girl again.
“I can't 'elp what your sexy, little body is doing to my John Thomas, now can I, girlie? Besides, you still need plenty more 'oly seed in that cunny of yours to frighten the Devil away. No, you and me are goin' to have a good time tonight, ain't we, girlie? You remember to wiggle that sexy arse of yours and try and keep in time with me, and we'll get on fine, girlie.”
Bella looked up at him in misery as a tear welled in her eye and trickled slowly down her cheek.
He stripped off his clothes completely, safe in the knowledge that the door was locked and he would not be disturbed.
He clambered on top of the sloping table, his knees either side of the prone girl. He sat on her tummy, as he had the night before, and pulled on his cock. He flopped it down on her chest and shifted his position so the tip of his cock was just under the girl's pretty, trembling chin. She looked down her nose at the boy's lifeless member on the top of her chest.
“Remember this, girlie?”
She nodded slowly.
He moved back down her body a little, rubbing the bottom of his shaft on her breastbone. It began to harden. He grabbed her tits as he had the previous night and squeezed them harder now. She winced in pain but did not scream. His prick swelled as he tweaked her bright pink nipples. She grimaced and gave out a low moan. He pulled on the buds between his fingers, tugging her nipples upwards and stretching her lovely boobs into taught cones. He released them and smiled as her tits bounced back into her chest and regained their previous form.
Bella didn't know quite what to make of the boy's game with her tits. It hurt a little, but not much compared to her previous tortures and his touch was really fairly gentle. She thought she might even enjoy such a game in different circumstances, when she wasn't chained up in a strange prison. She wondered when he was going to fuck her.
He bent over and kissed her slender neck. He teased her smooth skin with his tongue and she twisted to allow him easier access. He sucked hard at her tight flesh and scratched the surface gently with his teeth. When he finished he raised his head, leaving a wet, red mark on the side of her neck. He smiled at the girl, who looked back up at him in puzzlement. What was he doing to her?
His cock had stiffened further and was almost ready. He slipped down her bound body and sat between her widely spread thighs. He delved into her greasy sex, delicately peeling apart her lips and seeking out her clit. Bella groaned louder as he gently pulled at her love bud. She knew this was the most sensitive part of her sex, as she had found out just a few weeks previously, but she had never felt the kind of sensation this boy was giving her now. A wave of sexual energy flooded from her crotch to her brain and Bella moaned her arousal. She writhed on the table, twisting her hips one way and then the other as the boy fiddled with her bud, his own cock growing harder by the second. Finally, he released the moaning girl's clit and threw his body forward on top of hers. He plunged his aching cock deep into her greased pussy as her body went rigid.
“Relax, girlie. Wiggle those hips again and get in time,” he whispered in her cute, little ear. He grabbed her shoulders and rode her, trying to move her body in rhythm with his own energetic thrusts.
Bella twisted her hips and arched her back, trying to match the boy's fast pumping. Her pussy ached and she found it impossible to enjoy her fucking, in spite of the boy's efforts to arouse her. She cried in despair, partly at her desperate situation, partly at her own inability to satisfy the kindly, young apprentice, but mostly at the stabbing pain that accompanied every pistoning thrust of his cock into her sore, stretched pussy. The boy carried on regardless of the girl's suffering, pulling down hard on her bony shoulders as he drove his rock hard cock as deep as he could into her tight, slick cunt. The girl's bloodied bum cheeks scratched back and forth along the table, adding to her discomfort as the boy used his knees and feet for leverage. The old table creaked with his efforts as the joints in the wood loosened under his strong, jerky thrusts. On and on he continued. The girl's cries became shriller, but that just encouraged him further as he looked excitedly down on her beautiful, flushed, tear stained features. “Come on, girlie. Come on!” he encouraged her.
After some minutes of hard but unco-ordinated rutting, the boy finally slowed and rested on top her, his throbbing cock still buried deep within the girl. He released her shoulders and pushed his torso up with his strong arms. A bead of sweat dropped from his nose onto the face of the panting girl below, splashing on her smooth, rosy cheek. She grimaced and looked back at him. The intense sparkle she saw in his eyes frightened her, and she quickly looked away again. After just a few seconds he started pumping again, but more slowly, and the girl groaned in pain. He moaned loudly as he thrust deep into the girl's tight sex and Bella felt yet another dose of holy cum spurt into her womb.
He collapsed on top of the bound, shivering girl.
“I'm sorry,” she sobbed. “It hurts so much. I'm sorry.”
The boy climbed off. “Not to worry, girlie. You tried, and it was our first time. We'll 'ave another go in a minute. You'll get the 'ang of it, girlie,” he gasped, a little out of breath.
He walked away into the shadows to tidy himself and replace his cloak. He took a huge draught of mead and gave some to Bella who politely drank down the sweet liquid. She was getting used to its taste, if not the strange effect it had on her. She belched loudly and the boy laughed at her embarrassment.
He sat in his chair and dozed. He had known the girl would be a good fuck, and her lovely pussy had certainly been tight. Her body was very sexy, with great tits and she sure wriggled about. Yes, that had been pretty good. Now, if he could just get her to improve her timing.
Bella too fell into another fitful, nightmare filled slumber. She felt that awful needle piercing her beautiful body again and again, and she twitched and moaned in her sleep. Finally the needle approached her left eye, appearing bigger and bigger as it came closer. She tried to close her eyelid and to move her head to avoid its horrid, shiny, fine point, but she couldn't. Her heart beat faster and faster as certain blindness and excruciating pain came closer and closer until the tip of the needle touched the watery surface of her vulnerable eyeball. She screamed and woke with a start; fresh, cold sweat covering her body. She panted and tried to control her pounding heartbeat and burst into tears.
Her piercing scream had woken the boy. He looked around the shadowy room, and was relieved to see no intruder there. He got up slowly and walked over to the shaking, sobbing girl.
“What's up, girlie, bad dream?” he asked. Bella nodded her head sadly.
“That 'appens, girlie. I've 'eard all sorts of screams in the middle of the night from witches locked up in their cells. Awful wailings as if they're already burnin' at the stake.”
He walked over to a window and peered into the night outside.
“Looks like the guys are back. There are at least four new witches with 'em by the looks of it. That'll be company for you soon, girlie. And our equipment's 'ere too. Things is taking shape nicely.”
He looked on at the activity below, being supervised by the Grand Inquisitor's assistant. He hoped they would work through the night to set up the interrogation equipment, or the newcomers might want to fuck the young witch lying here next to him. Some were senior to him, and besides, he'd had one turn with the girl, so he couldn't complain if others now wanted to use her. She'd be busy by the morning; that was for sure. His cock rustled under his open cloak.
“Right then, girlie. Time to try again. Just relax a bit more this time and ride with me, girlie.”
Bella looked up at him, a little shocked.
“I'm sorry. I really don't want to. Please just leave me alone.”
“Listen, girlie. Its my duty to fuck you regular tonight and fill your bedevilled body with 'oly seed. I've told you that before. Now, just get yourself used to that idea and sort yourself out. I'm trying to 'elp you, but if you don't want that, I'll just fetch me whip and stripe them pretty boobies of yours until you agree to give me a good ride. Is that what you want, girlie?”
“No. I'm sorry. It's just that it hurts so much,” wept the girl. She could not believe the young apprentice would beat her, and on her sore tits too, but he certainly seemed to mean it.
“Stop moaning, girlie. Come on, let's get on with it.”
He checked the girl's sex and found it still wet with the cocktail of fluids from their earlier coupling. He climbed onto the table and knelt between her thighs with his cock just rubbing her raw sex lips. This time there would be no foreplay for the miserable girl. He rubbed up and down her slit for just a few seconds until his cock was rock hard and then he grabbed her hips and lifted her slight frame easily above the surface of the table. He shuffled forwards a little to achieve the optimum position for a deep penetration and then yanked her hips towards him as he thrust hard with his pelvis.
The girl screamed as the boy's cock parted her sore lips and plunged deep into her in one long, vicious movement. His strong hands pulled her body to and fro like a rag doll, and this time Bella had no illusions about trying to enjoy her fucking. This was brutal. She curled her toes and clenched her fists as she screamed at the boy.
“No. Please. No. Stop. Please. You're hurting me!” she yelled.
The boy smiled lustfully down at her and continued his muscular fucking of the young witch. His cock slurped quickly in and out of her stretched sex, still well lubricated by the tallow and her own fresh blood. He loved the way her perky boobs were thrown about by her body's involuntary, jerky movements. “If they were much bigger, they'd be hitting her in the face,” he thought.
Bella felt the skin on the back of her shoulders begin to burn as the friction grew from their rough scratching up and down the table. She sobbed and implored the boy to stop. She looked up at him through tear filled eyes but saw only that same sadistic lust in his face that had so frightened her earlier.
The apprentice dug his fingers deeper into her slippery bum cheeks to keep his grip firm as he further increased his rate of pumping. He was revelling in the girl's suffering now and didn't want to give her any respite at all. He kept up his brutal and deep fucking of the wailing girl as long as he possibly could; enjoying also the rhythmic creaking of the old table. Eventually he had to bow to the inevitable and spurt his second load of the night into her lovely, young body.
This time he climbed off the girl without a word and replaced his cloak. He took another drink of mead, but offered none to the crying girl lying chained to her table. He sat in his chair and put his feet up, already contemplating how he would take the girl next time.
The constant, quiet sobbing of the young witch didn't prevent the boy quickly falling into another deep and peaceful sleep. Bella, meanwhile, was distraught. This boy, who had seemed so nice, had taken her so brutally, had hurt her without a care, it seemed. Who now could she turn to for help in this hellish place?
A few hours later the apprentice stirred. His cock was hardening again and he looked over to the naked, chained girl. She was sleeping now; exhaustion having overtaken even her pain and despair. He took off his cloak, stood up and walked towards her. The girl's resting body lay splayed out in front of him. Her skin was sweaty and dirty, with dried bloody streaks from his master's needlework still in evidence on her limbs, the top of her chest and her tummy. No doubt the back of her body was similarly stained. Her nipples still looked to be swollen and were clearly very sore indeed, standing out like red lights on her pale boobs. Her exposed sex was red raw, from the needle and her recent fuckings, and a puddle of blood, mixed with some of the tallow and his own semen was slowly soaking into the rough wood of the table.
He walked to where her head lay twitching slightly in her deep, tortured sleep. Her mouth was open and her lips moved as if she were trying to talk to him. Suddenly she thrashed her head from side to side in a nightmare of pain. He smiled. She looked beautiful to him, and in need of another good, hard fuck.
He walked quietly across the room and returned with a length of heavy chain. He silently unfastened the chain binding her wrists to the ring set in the table above her head and attached his new chain in its place. Then he clipped the two chains together to provide a few feet of slack in her fastenings. He moved now to her spread ankles and released them completely.
As his cock rose to attention he grabbed the girl's legs just behind her bent knees and pulled her quickly down the table until her new chains clanked at full extension. The girl woke with a scream as the sudden assault shattered her fitful sleep. Her sore buttocks and shoulders burnt in fiery pain as they scratched down the rough, old table.
“Wakey, wakey, girlie,” greeted the grinning apprentice at the end of her table. “You looked so sexy lying there, I just had to come and say hello again.”
Bella looked down at him, puzzled and confused, not yet fully awake.
“I've just extended your chains, girlie, to freshen things up a bit. I 'ope you don't mind.”
Bella found that her bum was now perched right on the edge of the table with her legs dangling over. She realised her ankles had been freed, but had no way of closing her legs with the boy standing between them. Her bum cheeks soon started to ache as the rough table edge gnawed into her pierced flesh.
The apprentice was already rubbing his cock against Bella's slit and she lay her head back down and prepared for another rough attack. He entered her again without ceremony. This time, in his standing position has was able to use his weight to help his thrusts go deep into the whimpering girl. His hands once again firmly gripped her hips and his strong arms pulled the girl's slim body briskly to and fro in time with his energetic pumping.
Bella felt her sex stretch again as he pumped her painfully sore love channel. She felt the drying blood and tallow inside her mix with fresh lubrication that quickly eased the initial burning sensation. She sobbed and blubbed tired entreaties for her attacker to stop, but she knew he would not heed her wishes. She kicked weakly at his thighs with her unbound feet but he ignored her feeble struggles, and pumped all the more vigorously into her.
His peaceful sleep had rejuvenated the young apprentice and he felt great as he powerfully fucked the squirming, sobbing girl. Her young cunt was still tight and her sexy body responsive, even if her writhing and wriggling was involuntary. He was really enjoying this long night with the girl, and he knew she would never be this good again. He pumped and pumped and pumped; his stamina levels high and his libido strong. The old, overworked table creaked louder than ever as the joints strained under his assault and it skidded with a screech across the stone floor towards the far wall.
At last the boy's legs twitched with the first small signs of cramp and he knew he would have to end this marathon fucking soon. He curled his toes and stretched his hamstrings and calves in a bid to keep the cramp at bay, but he understood it would eventually cripple him. The girl was moaning and groaning constantly, her head right back and her tits bobbling beautifully. He wished he could carry on all night, but another, sharper pain in his right calf made him grimace.
He slowed as his cramp got worse. He had to cum now. He needed an extra stimulation from his sexy, but passive victim. He leant forward and reached out to her slick, left breast. He fumbled for her swollen, red nipple and pinched it as hard as he could. The girl screamed and bucked violently; her head shot up and she looked in anger and agony at her attacker. He twisted her nipple in his iron grip and she wailed in pain and threw her torso sharply round to try and relieve the pressure on her tortured bud. He groaned in pleasure and spurted his holy seed yet again into her writhing body. That hit the spot!
He walked a little stiffly from the girl and collapsed in his chair as the cramps took hold. He was breathing hard but was flushed with a delicious tingling. He couldn't wait to recover his strength and do it all over again. He pulled his cloak over himself and settled down.
Bella had used her new freedom to roll onto her side and curl into a protective ball with her back to her attacker. She had slid her bruised body carefully up the table and used the slack in her chains to allow herself to caress and comfort her throbbing nipple. It felt good to be able to close her legs again after all this time and she rubbed the tops of her thighs together to soothe the pain in her ravaged sex. In spite of her awful ordeal, she soon fell into a deep sleep.
Chapter 10 – The Grand Inquisitor Returns
It seemed like just a few minutes after she fell asleep that Bella was roused again by the apprentice. He gently shook her shoulder like he was tenderly waking his lover and he whispered quietly in her ear, “Wake up, girlie. It's nearly morning.”
She stirred slowly and smiled at the boy, forgetting momentarily his rough treatment of her. “The Grand Inquisitor will be 'ere soon, girlie,” he continued. “'E'll take your arse this time. Best get you ready.”
In her sleepiness, Bella didn't comprehend the apprentice's words. She stretched her aching body and yawned loudly, enjoying the golden rays of the dawn as they warmed her naked body. The boy offered her a cup of water and she drank thirstily. He then gave her a few bites of his remaining bread and she took that, washing it down with more water.
“I need to pee,” she informed the boy.
He rushed to get the bucket and put it on the table. “Hurry up then, girlie. There's enough slack in your chains to squat there and do it.”
She struggled into position and tinkled her yellow pee into the bucket. He quickly took it away again.
“Right, girlie. You lie down on your front now,” he ordered.
Bella looked at him a bit puzzled, but obeyed and slowly turned onto her hands and knees and then lay on the table, resting on her elbows with her toes just over the bottom edge. She looked up at the boy questioningly, grimacing as her sore, stiff body ached with every movement.
“Come on, girlie. Move yourself down a bit. 'Ow's the master supposed to get to your pretty, little arse 'ole with you like that!” he grumbled impatiently.
Swallowing hard as the realisation dawned on her of what was going to happen next, Bella reluctantly squirmed a little way down the table, until the edge dug into the fronts of her thighs.
The apprentice was unimpressed and grasped her legs and pulled her roughly down until the girl was bent at the waist. She howled as her sore tits were cruelly scratched down the rough table, her poor nipples leaving a thin trail of slimy puss in their wakes.
He grasped one ankle at a time and tied it to the bottom of each table leg leaving her widely splayed with her arse cheeks beautifully presented and her sore sex still dripping a reddish liquid onto the floor between her bound ankles. He looked at the sight in front of him and his cock twitched yet again. He just had to fuck her one more time, but he knew he had to be quick about it.
The apprentice ran to fetch his water bucket and quickly rinsed out the cloth. He washed the blood and dirt from her lovely, round arse cheeks and the tops of her smooth, pale thighs. He rinsed his cloth and parted her buttocks to reveal her puckered, little arse hole. He looked at the tiny smears of dried blood from his master's intricate pattern of piercings and wiped them away, leaving just the sore puncture wounds. Finally he tied the cloth round his little finger and inserted it into her tight, little hole to clean it out as far as her could reach. God, this was a tight hole, as tight as any he had known, and the way the young witch wiggled her arse was just incredible. The Grand Inquisitor would struggle to fit his cock in here, but once he did he would be in paradise!
The boy stood back to admire his work. Her virgin arse hole was almost ready now, but it certainly needed some lubrication to make it accessible. He quickly fetched his jar of tallow and dipped in a finger. He spread the cold grease gently around her twitching arse hole and then worked a little inside the tight ring of muscle. The girl whimpered again, now fully understanding the nature of her next assault.
The apprentice looked again at the beautifully exhibited backside of the young witch. He knew he couldn't fuck her arse until his seniors had used her, but her sex still enticed him greatly, twitching there between her legs, still dripping with her own blood and his semen. He looked at his cock, now hard again, and wondered if he had time before his master wanted to take the witch.
He shrugged off his cloak and stepped close up behind her twitching, bound body. He quickly fingered her sore sex and then guided his hard cock towards it. He heard a sobbing squeal from the centre of the table as he entered her forcefully and started another long, hard, pounding fuck of the witch's tight cunt. He knew he didn't have very long, and this was most likely his last chance of a really good fuck with this pretty girl. So he gripped her bent hips and pumped her quicker and stronger than ever, pushing the old, creaking table a few more inches across the room with every thumping hard thrust of his pelvis.
Bella buried her crying eyes in her chained arms and sobbed and wailed as he fucked her for the fourth time in just a few hours. She thought her burning sex would catch fire as his thick cock scoured her tender love channel yet again. Quite quickly, this time, it was over and she felt him cum inside her and withdraw his limp cock from her sopping cunt.
The apprentice wiped his gleaming cock on his cloth, noticing that the liquid covering it was redder in colour this time. It did not surprise him. He watched as drops of the girl's blood continued to drip into the floor from her raw sex lips, but made no attempt to clean her up. The Grand Inquisitor will have expected him to fuck the witch regularly during the night and fill her with his holy seed. His only interest now would be in her virgin arse hole, and as long as that was clean and greased he would be satisfied. He would not wish to use her soiled cunt again, preferring instead first use of the new, young witches recently captured.
The boy tidied his dress and unlocked the door to await the imminent arrival of his master.
Within just a few minutes the door opened and the Grand Inquisitor strode purposefully into the room, followed again by his devoted scribe.
He walked quickly up to the table where the young witch was bound; her round, pale buttocks deliciously presented to his gaze; her smooth, taught thighs spread and chained and quivering in dreadful anticipation.
“I see you have thoroughly impregnated the witch during the night,” he remarked to his bowed apprentice, as he noted her raw, dripping sex. “Good work, boy.”
He carefully pulled apart the girl's bum cheeks to expose her tiny, puckered arse hole. He noted the added lubrication, which he would need in order to penetrate this tight orifice. Bella squealed and wiggled her hips delightfully at his touch. His cock twitched in excitement.
“Well, witch, do you now admit your bedevilment and seek salvation?”
“Please, sir. I beg of you. I am not a witch,” pleaded the petrified girl. “I have no Devil inside me, sir, I promise. Please, sir, let me go. Let me go back to my little cottage. Please don't hurt me any more.”
“Silent, witch! I see the Devil is still strong within you. I will now fill the witch's anal tract with holy seed to drive the Devil from this poor creature,” he stated, nodding at the scribe to ensure the process was properly captured on his scroll. “Leave me while I perform this holy task.”
Again, the scribe and the apprentice left the room, leaving the sobbing girl alone with the Grand Inquisitor.
He again parted her soft, firm bum cheeks as the girl continued to beg him. “Please, sir, please don't touch me there. Please,” she cried. The Grand Inquisitor ignored her as he concentrated on the arse fucking he was about to enjoy. He loved these tight, virgin arse holes and he licked his lips as he saw again the twitching muscles of the girl's sphincter. He knew the pain of his thick cock penetrating her would be horrendous enough, but with the added discomfort of the needle pricks he had so carefully placed around her anus, he knew she would be in agony, and he in turn, in joy!
The Grand Inquisitor pulled his stiffening cock from his flowing robes and rubbed it up and down the girl's spread arse crack, leaving a thin, slimy trail of pre-cum behind. The girl was screaming now, in dreadful anticipation of the horror to come, but he didn't even notice her screams.
With his thick, stubby thumbs the Grand Inquisitor further parted the screaming girl's arse cheeks before he carefully placed the tip of his rock hard cock at the greasy centre of her trembling arse hole. Bella screamed louder than ever at this intimate touch. She clenched her fists and hammered them down on the hard table in desperate distress, clanking her unforgiving chains. She deliberately tightened the muscles surrounding her anus as she fought hard to escape her inevitable fate.
The Grand Inquisitor pushed, letting his body weight fall forward to ease his thick member into the girl's tight, slick anus. His eyes sparkled and he gave a deep grunt as the girl's taught muscles defiantly refused to let him in.
“Aaaah! The Devil inside you seeks to keep me out!” he shouted. “There's no doubt that I have found his hiding place in your witch's body now, girl!”
He thrust harder this time, firmly gripping the girl's sexy hips for added leverage. Still Bella fought to keep his rampant cock from entering her anus, groaning now in her exertion; her face a bright crimson as she lay chained to the table.
The Grand Inquisitor withdrew his cock from the girl's arse cheeks and pulled his witchfinder's awl from his cloak pocket. He would have to weaken the girl's anal ring a little to gain entry. Still, that would only add to the vile witch's suffering.
Bella breathed a sigh of relief as she felt his cock leave the entrance to her anal passage, but she was soon screaming anew as she felt the familiar, cold, sharp tip of her assailant's awful needle prick the muscle of her anus. She felt every fraction of an inch, and it was sheer agony, as the needle entered the muscle and drove deeper and deeper; much deeper than the Inquisitor's earlier prickings of that highly sensitive part of her body. The dreadful needle withdrew equally slowly, only to enter again on the other side of her anus and prick deep, deep into that muscle. Bella screamed continuously, tears flooding down her scarlet cheeks as she writhed in a new deep agony.
Four times the Inquisitor carefully, deliberately and slowly pierced the defiant girl's anal ring with his sharp, thin needle. He licked his lips with every prick, his eyes staring unblinking at the passage of his trusty needle into the screaming girl's quivering flesh; his prick remaining rock hard throughout. He noted the bloody trickles from each of his fresh piercings and how they would add to the lubrication of the girl's tight anus.
At last he wiped his bloody needle and replaced it in his deep cloak pocket. He saw the girl was quieter now, sobbing and breathing heavily, with some of her strength to resist now spent. He pulled her bum cheeks apart again and guided his cock towards its goal, waiting for her to react, which she did with a wail of futile protest. He pushed forward, leaning into the girl, and this time her weakened muscles gradually parted and he felt the tip of his cock begin to enter the girl's tight anus. She let out a heart wrenching scream; a dire mixture of agonised pain and profound defilement. He grinned in evil triumph as he pushed on harder, very slowly entering the girl, inch by agonising inch, as her straining muscles tore, irretrievably injured by his sadistic prodding. The tallow inserted in the girl by the apprentice seemed to do little to ease the Inquisitor's penetration as he forced his huge cock further into the girl's hot, tight arse.
The Grand Inquisitor stopped pushing with his cock half embedded in the screaming girl's back passage. Bella was now throwing her head around in utter despair; the feel of this monster's huge cock ripping slowly into her tight arse hole had been horrendous. The pain was excruciating, as the damaged muscles of her sphincter were stretched and torn, but it was the awful realisation of what this man was doing to her body, the unholy, unnatural debasement of her, that Bella could not comprehend or accept. For the first time Bella understood why the boy had told her she would welcome death when the time eventually came.
After savouring his victim's profound suffering for a few minutes, the Grand Inquisitor thrust again with a triumphant groan as his throbbing cock slowly continued its wondrous journey until it was fully imbedded in the screaming girl's arse. The gripping of her tight anus had been wonderfully stimulating and he knew he would not last long until he came. He wished he could see the agonised girl's tortured face, but he knew there would be time enough for that later when he supervised her questioning in the cellar. For now, her agonised screams and delicious squirming, together with her delightfully sensitive, tight anus gripping his rampant cock would be reward enough for his holy work.
He pulled out fractionally, gaining another high-pitched squeal from the distraught girl as her dry arse burnt with pain. Wow, was this girl tight! He thrust back again, and quickly pulled out a little further this time, grunting at the effort required to move his cock in her tightly gripping passage.
For Bella, the simple feeling of this monster's huge cock filling her arse was appalling. On top of that, every movement he made, either in or out, was agonising as the lining of her back passage stretched and tore and burnt with the dry friction. She hoped to pass out, but the darkness never came, just more tears, more pain and more degradation. She screamed yet again as the Inquisitor thrust back fully into her before pulling out even further. His juices were slicking her passage just a little now and her muscles were slackening, so his movements took less strength and caused Bella a little less pain.
The Grand Inquisitor sought hard to establish a rhythm with his arse fucking. He dug his fingers deep into the girl's sweaty flanks and started to pump in and out the full length of his monster cock; still slowly as her passage remained tight, but more smoothly now. He now felt he could continue longer than he had thought before cumming, and he savoured every scream the girl made as he pulled out and then thrust in again. This was turning out to be even better than he had expected.
For many minutes he fucked the wailing girl's arse, gradually increasing his tempo all the while until he was pumping her almost as hard as he had pumped her virgin cunt the day before. On and on he went, until Bella's cries of pain had subsided to exhausted whimpers and her head lay motionless between her chained arms. Her only movements were the sobbing heaving of her slumped shoulders and the agonised twitching of her tortured arse cheeks.
Finally, the Inquisitor knew he had to finish his glorious arse fucking of this pretty, young, virgin witch. He rested a moment deep within the trembling girl, until she responded by looking fearfully over her shoulder at her tormentor. The wonderful sight of her beautiful, crimson, tear-stained, agonised face brought him towards his climax, as he knew it would. He pulled out and began a last manic pounding of the girl's arse, to the loud accompaniment of her renewed screams of pain and distress, and the rhythmic creaking of the worn out, old, wooden table.
After a few more seconds the Grand Inquisitor groaned in sheer joy as he pumped the young witch's bedevilled arse with huge spurts of his holy seed – surely more than enough to banish the fiercest Devil lurking deep in the girl's bowels.
He withdrew his limp cock at last and wiped its bloody, slimy length on the apprentice's cloth. He crossed himself and bade the Devil depart the witch. Before he left her, he noted the steady stream of bright red blood dripping from the girl's arse to the floor below. He decided to prohibit the further use of her arse for the time being, lest she bleed to death before she could repent and be burned at the stake.
The Grand Inquisitor opened the door and allowed his assistant, scribe and apprentice to enter. He issued his instructions, and the scribe dutifully recorded how the Devil had resisted the Inquisitor's penetration of her bedevilled arse. Then they all left, save the young apprentice. They would have to wait for their time to savour this young witch's exquisite arse.
Chapter 11 – Time to Rest
The boy wrinkled his nose at the sight of the blood still dripping freely from the sobbing, chained girl's arse. He poured a mug of mead and took a mouthful before approaching the girl's bowed head. He gently stroked her hair until she looked up at him with her beautiful, green, tear-filled eyes. He put the mug to her lips and she gulped down the sweet liquid until the mug was empty. Then she buried her face again in her outstretched arms and continued sobbing.
Suddenly there was a quiet knock on the door and the boy walked over to open it. The Duke's pretty, dark-haired maid entered, carrying a large tray. He smiled warmly at the nervous girl and bade her enter. The maid looked anxiously in the direction of the bound witch, and gasped audibly at the shocking sight that greeted her. She rushed to deposit the tray on a table and turned to leave. The boy stood in front of her, smiling broadly.
“Now, now, girlie. There's no need to be in such an 'urry,” he told her. “That young witch over there can't 'urt you. She's well bound down and powerless 'ere. Why don't you stay a while and we can get to know each other. Share a cup of mead with me, girlie, and relax a little. You're a pretty little thing and I'm sure we could 'ave some fun together. The old Duke won't mind, I'm sure.”
“No, sir. I got chores to do. The Duke told me not to get involved with the likes of you, sir,” replied the flustered girl as she dodged around the boy and made for the door.
He grabbed at her arm, and fastened his grip on the sleeve of the maid's dress, holding her tight.
“Not so fast, girlie,” he said, his smile fading. “Just what 'as the Duke said to you about me?”
“N-n-nothing, sir,” replied the girl in a panic now. “He just warned me that nasty things can happen to folk who get involved with the Inquisitor. Please let me go, sir. I must get on with my chores.”
“Only witches and the servants of the Devil need fear the Grand Inquisitor, girl. Are you one of those?” asked the boy gravely.
“No, sir. No. No. Of course not. No, I'm a God fearing girl, me, sir.”
“Then stay a while and keep me company, girl.”
“But the Duke is expecting me to clean his room, sir. And then I must prepare to serve lunch. I'm sorry, sir, I really need to get on with my chores.”
The boy still held the trembling maid fast. It was obvious that her fear for him would preclude any willing liaison, but she was certainly a tasty morsel and he was tempted to take her anyway. After all, the pretty witch chained to the table would not be able to entertain him now. He had so looked forward to fucking her little arse today, and his twitching cock reminded him of his high level of desire for more fucking. Still, the frightened girl was sure to run to the Duke if he delayed her, and he knew relations with the old man were strained, what with them taking over his precious cellar and rounding up all the local girls over the past few days. Best not antagonise him any further at present. Besides, this pretty maid wasn't going anywhere and he'd certainly have other opportunities to try her out.
He released the terrified girl's arm. “Off you go then, girlie,” he said with a smile. “Don't keep the good Duke waiting. Give him my best wishes, and I'll see you later.”
Without a word, the maid rushed off out of the door and scampered away down the narrow staircase.
The boy sighed as he thought of the missed opportunity, but he had work to do himself. He examined the contents of the tray brought in by the maid and was pleased with the food and drink supplied. He also noticed a healing poultice, which he knew he would have to shove up the young witch's arse in the place of his redundant cock. Still, that could wait until he had breakfast.
The apprentice sat down and ate a good meal, oblivious to the quiet sobbing and occasional moaning emanating from the chained witch nearby. When he had finished, he dozed for a while, finally waking near lunchtime, just in time for a snack and another drink of the delicious mead.
Eventually the boy stood up and stretched, yawning loudly enough to wake the fitfully sleeping girl still chained on the wooden table beside him.
“Hello, girlie,” he greeted her. “Feel better after that sleep?”
Bella groaned in her continuing pain and discomfort. “No. I hurt so much,” she wined.
The boy approached her, pleased to see that her arse had stopped leaking blood at last. He offered her a hunk of bread, but Bella found it difficult to eat in her bound position, in spite of her acute hunger.
“OK, girlie. I'll tell you what we'll do. The Grand Inquisitor 'as told me not to fuck you today, as your arse is too sore. I'll put the poultice up it to 'eal it for you and then I'll loosen your chains so you can feed yourself. In return, you can give me some relief with that pretty mouth of yours. OK?”
Bella didn't really understand much of what the boy said. “Please help me. Please let me go. I hurt so much. I just want to go home,” she wept.
The boy ignored her and fetched a cloth, which he dipped in fresh water. He examined her red raw, bloodied arse and carefully wiped the blood and cum from her bruised skin. Bella squealed loudly at his touch on her tender flesh, but the boy ignored that too. Finally the boy rolled up the poultice as tight as he could and pushed it firmly up her ravaged arse hole. Bella screamed loudly as she felt as if her poor arse was being fucked again as the boy buried more and more of the dressing inside her until just a tiny corner of the poultice was visible. He wiped away any more fresh blood that had dripped from her arse, and took the opportunity to clean her sore cunt up as well.
When he had finished his task, the boy released Bella's widely spread ankles from their chains and helped push her up onto the table so she could turn onto her side. He gave her some bread and water, allowing her to feed herself with the movement the slack chains allowed her hands.
“'E's very careful, the Grand Inquisitor, girlie,” said the boy to the chewing girl. “'E's never 'ad a witch die before they got to the flames. That would be very bad, as the flames is what cleanses the witch. That's why 'e won't let anybody take your pretty arse today, in case you bleeds to death. It's a pity, mind. I was really lookin' forward to that today. Still, maybe you'll be alright tomorrow for that, or else I'll just 'ave to find meself another young witch to fuck. I've 'eard there's quite a stock growing downstairs in the cellars. The boys 'ave been very successful roundin' up witches from the villages round 'ere. Later today we'll take you down to join 'em.”
“How do you know they're all witches?” asked Bella between mouthfuls of bread.
“We ask them, silly. They always admit it in the end. It just takes one to admit it and give us the names of all their accomplices. They're always willin' to do that once we put them to the question. You'll admit it yourself, soon enough. You've denied it so far, but we've not really started on you yet and we both know you're a witch and it's only the Devil inside you stoppin' you from admittin' it, girlie.”
“But I'm not a witch. I've told you that!”
“We've been through this before. Course you're a witch, girlie. You'll admit it soon enough when we put you to the question downstairs in the cellar.”
Bella wondered fearfully exactly what he meant, but thought it best not to ask. She ate her bread and drank her water before peeing painfully into the bucket fetched over by the boy. She curled up to sleep some more, but the apprentice had a different idea.
“Oh no, girlie. You've had enough beauty sleep now. You said you'd give me some relief, and my poor cock's about bursting!”
“You can't fuck me, the Inquisitor told you not to.”
“'E told me I could use your mouth, you cheeky witch. And that's what I'm going to do. Now kneel and get yourself ready or I'll skin your arse with an 'orse whip, girlie.”
Still puzzled, Bella thought it better to do what he said, and she slowly manoeuvred her sore, aching body into position as the boy clambered onto the table beside her. He too knelt in front of her and pulled out his half-erect cock before dangling it in front of Bella's shocked face.
“Now, girlie, you use your 'ands to get it nice and 'ard and then your tongue to keep it excited and your lips to suck it until I comes in your pretty, little mouth. And then you swallows all my 'oly seed to poison the Devil in your tummy. You got that, girlie?”
“No. I can't put that horrid thing in my mouth. I can't,” wailed Bella. “I won't even touch it, it's horrible!”
The apprentice quickly grabbed Bella's hair at the top of her head and twisted violently, pulling several long strands from her scalp and raising her pretty, freckled face towards his. “If you don't do what I say, you little witch, I'll whip your arse. Would you rather that?” he hissed.
“No. I'm sorry. Please,” cried Bella as she gingerly gripped his shaft with the ends of her fingers. She sobbed as she found herself doing something she found disgusting, but what choice did she have? It was obvious the boy was serious about whipping her if she didn't comply, and the thought of that was too awful to consider.
Bella followed the boy's detailed instructions as best she could, stroking the shaft of his cock up and down, with particular emphasis on the underside of his member, until she felt it grow thicker and harder in her tiny hands. She looked at the state of her lovely fingernails; still intact but filthy dirty. Every night in her old cottage she had dipped them in a special solution for five minutes to keep them strong, healthy and lustrous. She never believed she would ever use them for this purpose, but the boy certainly liked it when she scored the underside of his cock with her strong, sharp nails.
When he was ready, the boy ordered Bella to take his cock in her mouth. She hesitated and found his hands again tighten in her hair and pull her head towards him until her lips touched the damp, sticky tip of his cock. She tried to twist away, but the boy was too strong and determined. “Open it!” he scowled.
Bella opened her mouth slightly and the boy pulled her head aggressively forward, forcing her to accept his shaft in her mouth. “Use your fucking tongue, girlie, and don't you dare bite!” he spat at her.
Bella timidly touched his shaft with the very tip of her tongue, revolting in the strange taste in her mouth. The boy jerked his reaction to the wondrous touch and groaned his pleasure. “Oh, yes, girlie. That's good, keep doing that,” he gasped. Bella touched him again and he groaned anew. The boy started to push the girl's head away from him and then rock her forward again as he started to fuck her lovely, virgin mouth.
The feel of the girl's lips around his thick shaft delighted the boy, and the occasional and random touches of her little tongue were simply sensational. He doubted the girl really knew what she was doing, but the effect was heavenly. He soon settled into a lovely, gentle rocking rhythm as the girl gave him a blow-job he would remember for ever. The boy quickly forgot his disappointment at missing out on her arse fucking and his rejection by the sexy, young maid.
For Bella, the taste in her mouth was foul, and she took a while to get her breathing regular through her nose, and the experience was unpleasant, but it was better than being pricked with that awful needle, and certainly not as bad as being fucked up her arse, and she assumed a whipping would much more painful. Thus, Bella accepted her situation and tried to please the boy as best she could by following his instructions and repeating any little acts that seemed to get a good reaction. She used her tongue more and more and the boy gradually loosened his painfully tight grip on her hair and allowed Bella to pleasure him.
The apprentice was determined to make this last as long as he could. He looked down at the face of the young witch and saw her flushing cheeks and flaring nostrils. He smiled as he enjoyed her. Eventually, though, he knew it would have to end, and he felt the pressure rising quickly in his cock. He gripped the girl's hair firmly and thrust his cock deep down her throat until his balls slammed into her pretty chin. He ignored her desperate struggles and her snort of panic as his cock blocked her airways. “Swallow it all!” he shouted, hoping the girl would hear him and avoid choking. He held her firm as he spurted his load down the terrified girl's gullet, and noticed the muscles in her throat working hard to swallow his sperm quickly. When she had finished swallowing and was on the verge of asphyxiation he released her head and pulled his limp cock from her mouth.
Bella collapsed onto the table and gasped for breath, wheezing as her airways slowly cleared. Her face was now bright red, with her eyes streaming. Watery sperm seeped from her lips and dribbled onto her cheeks and chin. She coughed up some more phlegmy sperm and grabbed at the cup of water still nearby. She drank down huge mouthfuls to try and rid herself of the awful taste of the boy's cum and then belched long and loud.
“Well done, girlie. You're learning. You'll get used to the taste soon enough,” laughed the apprentice. Bella curled into a ball and closed her eyes. The boy returned to his comfy chair, put his feet up, and drifted off into a contented sleep, dreaming peacefully about his next wonderful fuck.
Chapter 12 – In the Duke's Cellar
A loud banging on the door disturbed the slumbering pair. The apprentice yawned and stretched before casually sauntering over to the door, while Bella woke with a start and stared anxiously towards the door.
The boy opened it, and two uniformed men entered. Bella noticed they were not clad in the Duke's fine livery, but in the sombre, black dress of the Grand Inquisitor's men.
“We're to take the witch to the cellar to be put to the question,” one stated to the boy.
“Very well. I'll come with you.”
“She's to be shown her fate and then left in a cell overnight to contemplate. She's not to be touched until morning. The Grand Inquisitor wishes to keep her until some of the other witches have been burned. That will increase the local peoples' hatred of the evil wench.”
“I understand. Are any of the witches downstairs pretty and available for fucking?”
“I heard you've had your fill of this little witch!” laughed the guard. “And you didn't think to share her with the likes of us! Still, there's plenty to go round now, though none are quite as pretty as this cute, little thing you've kept hidden away up here! Come on. Let's get the witch chained up and get her downstairs.”
The guards approached Bella and one grabbed her arms tightly while the other released her wrists from their manacles. They easily pulled the lightweight girl from her table and stood her on the cold, stone floor. Bella looked pleadingly at her captors, but noted no compassion in their eyes. They seemed fully concentrated on their task as a guard untangled the mass of heavy chains and manacles in his hands.
The other guard looked with interest at his captive. So this was the girl denounced by the Duke and who had brought the Grand Inquisitor and all his entourage to this sleepy rural setting. It was because of this girl that the cellar below had been commandeered and turned into a witches' prison filling quickly with all the pretty girls of the neighbourhood. She was slim, very pretty with a nice body. She had obviously suffered a severe examination with the Inquisitor's needle, as the many bloody smears and scabs on her smooth skin testified. And she'd been well fucked, that was for sure. Still, he sighed, that was nothing compared to what would happen to her downstairs when the Inquisitor ordered his torturers to put her to the question. Even worse was likely to follow for the poor girl when she was handed back to the local populace for execution. They would surely seek the most appalling revenge on the girl before they burnt her. He thought for a moment of his own beautiful daughter back home and prayed she was safe.
The guard mumbled to himself as he tried to sort out the chains. Finally he picked up a large hinged ring and placed it round Bella's slim neck. It was a loose fit, but was small enough to prevent it slipping over the girl's head. It was heavy and rested painfully on the girl's collar bones as the guard fitted the bolts behind her neck to fasten the collar securely. Finally, he pulled her long hair out from where it had been trapped by the collar and allowed it to flow again down her back. At the front of the collar was a metal ring to which was attached a length of heavy chain that reached between her breasts and legs to the floor. Next, the guard picked up a set of manacles joined by a short length of lighter chain. These he fastened around the girl's wrists and he attached the centre link to a ring in the larger chain that hung from her collar. Finally came the ankle manacles, joined again by heavy chain. The centre link of this chain was attached to the end of the heavy chain hanging from her collar.
Bella put up no resistance to the fastening of her chains, having little strength or stomach for a fight against such overwhelming odds, and still unsure of what awaited her in the cellar below.
“Right. That's it. Let's go,” said one of the guards, and he pulled Bella by the arm towards the open door. The chains weighed heavy on the girl, and Bella found movement difficult and painful. She found she had to use her hands to lift the heavy centre chain slightly to allow her feet to move. The heavy collar rubbed hard at her slender neck with every movement and the ankle manacles chaffed her already sore skin quite badly. As she took her first step she groaned at the sharp pain in her anus and begged for the guards to let her rest again. They paid no heed and half dragged the screaming girl to the door and down the tight, spiral staircase.
Once on the ground floor they walked for a while along a corridor before passing through a guarded door to another staircase, this time a wider stairway. After descending many short flights the group came up against a heavy wooden door. A guard knocked and a peep-hole opened. The guard exchanged greetings with someone behind the wooden door and it creaked slowly open. The intense heat and the awful, strong stench of human sweat piss and fear from inside hit Bella and shocked her. She had expected a former wine cellar to be cool and maybe a little musky, but this was a vile, smoky heat that scorched from this underground room. The guards pushed the girl quickly inside and the door creaked slowly closed behind them. Bella heard heavy bolts drawn quickly across the door.
Bella looked in shock at the sight that confronted her.
The old wine cellar had been transformed into a huge prison and interrogation room. The air was thick with smoke from numerous torches that lit the large room. The flickering light from the torches threw scudding shadows across the room from the numerous thick pillars that supported the low, vaulted ceiling and from the many items of large apparatus that filled much of the space between them. The smoke was augmented by charcoal braziers that stood around the room at various points, and was so thick that the girl could not clearly see the full length of the cavernous room. What she could see and hear, though, filled her with a new, morbid dread.
Along one side of the room was a grid of small cages, each no more than four feet square and made of wrought iron grills. There must have been at least twenty of these cages, and many held the huddled bodies of naked girls, curled up on the bare stone floor. The only furnishings in the cages were buckets on the floor and chains hanging from the roof grills. One or two of the girls had been chained upright in their cages, and stood slumped painfully in their bonds. Some were groaning audibly.
In the main part of the room, most of the large items of apparatus seemed to be unused, but Bella could hear agonised screams coming from within the smoky depths. The screams were clearly female, and those producing them were evidently being tortured very painfully. Bella could make out a few shadows moving in the flickering light, and assumed them to be the torturers at work.
As her blood ran cold, Bella realised the guards had left her with the apprentice. He was speaking to a scribe who sat behind a wooden table by the door. He had a large number of scrolls in front of him and was thumbing through them. When he found the one he was seeking, he made a number of entries on the scroll. Then he turned to a large book, like a register, and made an entry there too. Only when he had finished, did he hand the apprentice a large key and wave him on, allowing him to take Bella into the room.
The boy guided Bella over towards the cages. As she walked deeper into the gloomy, smoky cellar Bella's eyes started to sting and she felt sick as the stench grew stronger – apart from the burning torches and braziers she noted fearfully the awful stink of sweat, piss and shit – and even the terrifying stench of burning human flesh hit her twitching nostrils as another scream of agony assaulted her ears.
“This is where you'll stay from now on, girlie,” the apprentice told her cheerfully. “Yours is at the other end. I'll put you in there later, after I've given you a full tour.”
Bella couldn't believe what she was seeing as the boy slowly led her past the cages of girls, pausing at each one.
“They're all here 'cos of you, girlie. All 'cos you seduced the old Duke's son with your witchcraft.”
Bella started sobbing as she looked at each captive girl in turn. She recognised none of them so far, though most remained curled in their little balls trying to block out the outside world. Bella saw that all had been pricked with a needle, and some had been further injured, bearing what looked like whip marks on their backs or legs, and some seemed to have been burnt. Bella could not see their breasts or genitals, but she guessed they would have been treated at least as harshly as herself.
At last the apprentice stopped Bella before a cage where a girl was chained upright. The girl was taller than Bella and had short brown hair, and a round, innocent face, now drawn and tear-stained. She could not have been more than twenty years old. Bella looked in horror at the appalling injuries the girl bore. She had been pricked, shaved and fucked, that much was now normal, but her large, pale breasts had been cruelly treated, being very swollen and bloodied. It looked as if they had been crushed in a vice and then pierced right through with thick skewers. Her nipples looked to have been twisted and pulled so viciously they had nearly been removed from her body. They hung there on her swollen tits, bruised, mis-shapen and reddened. Bella gently fingered her own sore nipples and wondered how painful this poor girl's would be to the same touch.
“Help me, please,” whispered the poor girl, but Bella could do nothing but smile weakly back.
“This witch 'as yet to repent,” the apprentice told Bella. “But I think she will tomorrow.”
“How could you do these awful things to that poor girl?” asked Bella.
“She's a witch. She was denounced by another witch yesterday. It's our 'oly duty to persuade 'er to repent and then to burn 'er to save 'er mortal soul. We'll do the same thing for you, girlie. Just wait your turn.”
Bella shuddered, but was quickly moved on down to the next occupied cage.
Bella thought she recognised the next girl as being from her own village. However, the girl was huddled in the corner and Bella couldn't be sure. She certainly wasn't about to disturb the girl and introduce herself. How all these girls would hate her if they knew it was she who had brought the Inquisitor here!
At last, the boy stopped Bella outside the last, unoccupied cage.
“This one's yours, girlie,” he announced like a proud newlywed about to carry his bride over the threshold of their new home. He opened the cage door with his key and ushered Bella inside. She stepped in reluctantly and looked at the iron grille walls and ceiling, and the bucket in the corner.
“Well come on, get out again. You've had a good look round. Let's now go and see some real action, girlie.”
The boy quickly guided Bella around the unoccupied apparatus. He enthusiastically explained the purpose of each, but Bella closed her ears to his gleeful descriptions of the horrors that would befall the poor soul attached to these hideous contraptions. At one point the apprentice was approached by a large, well-muscled, bare-chested man who was sweating profusely. Bella also noticed blood stains on his hands. He whispered quietly in the boy's ear, and the apprentice nodded and thanked him as he left.
“Well, girlie. I've got a nice surprise for you. Come this way,” he told Bella, as he led her towards the smoky centre of the room.
He held Bella firmly as a girl was removed from one of the cages. The girl had been curled up and Bella had not recognised her earlier. In the gloomy light, she still could not make out if she knew the girl, but could see she was blond haired and slightly bigger built than herself, but that wasn't unusual.
The girl was struggling against two men, who were also bare-chested – one being the man who had approached the apprentice just a few moments previously. She was cursing the men and slapping futilely at them as much as her chains would allow her. She disappeared from Bella's view behind a pillar, but her shouts and threats could still be heard for some minutes.
The apprentice kept Bella at some distance for a few minutes longer, until an awful, long, ear-piercing scream filled the room. He smiled and guided a trembling Bella towards the scream. He pushed Bella round a thick pillar so she could see the girl.
Bella gasped as she saw the young, blond girl stretched out before her. Her chains had been removed and she was now affixed to a large horizontal frame. Her ankles were spread and fixed by short chains to the bottom of the frame, while her wrists were fixed above her head by longer chains that wound round a huge roller. She was stretched tight, and one of the men was pulling on a lever to stretch the poor girl even further. The girl was screaming as a ratchet clicked and the man relaxed his grip, leaving the girl tightly stretched and fighting for breath, only her buttocks touching the surface of the frame.
“This is the rack, girlie, it's a great piece of equipment,” the apprentice informed Bella. “The girl is from the same village as you. Do you want to say hello?”
Bella gasped again. She had been so pre-occupied with the horror of the torture that she had not thought about it. The girl being tortured was Jane, the girl she had argued with all those weeks ago. She had been the first person to have called her a witch. She looked more closely at the pain-filled victim.
Jane was Bella's age, but was slightly taller and more curvy. As she looked down on her one-time enemy, Bella noticed Jane's pretty face contorted with the pain of her stretching. She noticed that Jane's underarm and pubic hair had been removed, but it looked as if she had been roughly shaved rather than the slow plucking Bella had endured. Bella guessed that with all these witches now in the cages, they simply couldn't find the time to pluck them all. Jane's pale flesh was different to Bella's freckled complexion, being almost porcelain white, and thus the Inquisitor had found fewer targets for his searching needle. Nevertheless, Jane's lovely skin bore a few small, dark moles on her chest, tummy and limbs, and all looked to have been well pierced and bloodied. Her long, thick nipples, like Bella's own, had obviously been pricked and were swollen and red on her smooth, pale breasts. These were larger than Bella's, but still firm and they glistened with the sweat of her distress as they rose and fell enticingly on her heaving chest. Jane's genitals were very sore, probably from the Inquisitor's needle and repeated fuckings. Bella assumed the girl had been no virgin before she had attracted the Inquisitor's attentions.
From the shadows the Inquisitor's assistant appeared and leant over the stretched, panting girl.
“Well, girl. Do you now admit you are a witch?”
“No. I'm not a witch. I'm NOT a witch!” screamed the girl.
The torturer leant again on his lever, forcing the roller to turn another notch. The chains holding the girl's arms clanked and ground and fresh blood seeped from around the manacles digging into the tender flesh of her wrists. Jane screamed in agony as she felt the tendons in her limbs stretch again. The ratchet clicked and the torturer relaxed, but for poor Jane the agony continued. She fought for breath as the muscles in her stretched abdomen twitched under tension.
Again, the Inquisitor's assistant asked Jane the question. Again she screamed her defiant answer.
The torturer strained to turn the roller again, using the full length of his lever to achieve the next satisfying click of the rack.
Jane's bum cheeks left the surface of the rack and she was now fully suspended in agonising tension on the diabolical device. Still she refused to admit her heresy.
Again the rollers turned, and Jane threw her head back in agony. Bella gasped in horror at the torture being played out in front of her, and caught Jane's wild, wide-open eyes.
“Bella!” she shrieked. “She's the one! She's the witch! She tried to seduce my man with her witch's potions. She's the one you need to question, not me. She's the one you need to burn. Her! Bella! She's the witch!”
Bella hung her head and sobbed at this outburst.
The apprentice smiled, as the Inquisitor's assistant ensured the scribe sitting close by had recorded Jane's accusation.
“So, Bella's a witch. We know that, girl. But you're a witch too. Admit it. What did Bella and you get up to together? Did you help her with her witch's potions? Tell me, girl. Admit it and let me save your soul.”
“No. I'm not a witch. Bella's the only witch,” squealed the tiring girl.
The Inquisitor's assistant nodded and the torturer grunted with exertion as he pulled yet again on the lever. Jane screamed anew as she felt the tendons in her shoulders tear, and the bones begin to part. The torturer recognised the signs and returned his lever to the previous position, leaving the poor girl still tightly stretched but not disabled.
Tears streamed down the agonised girl's face as the pain in her shoulders started to overwhelm her.
The Inquisitor's assistant quietly instructed the torturer and he extracted a long, thin iron rod from one of the nearby braziers and held it over the panting girl's sore right nipple, letting her feel its intense heat on her tender bud.
“I ask you again, girl. Do you admit that you are a witch?”
“No. Please. No. I beg you. You must believe me,” she screamed.
“I know you are a witch, girl. Find the strength to admit it. Tell me about the others in your coven. Tell me about Bella and all the others.”
“No. I'm not a witch. I know of no coven. The only witch I know is Bella!”
The torturer touched the end of the red hot rod to the girl's pink aureole just alongside her red nipple and rubbed it back and forth on her sweaty, slick skin, gradually turning it a darker and darker red as the layers burnt.
Jane wailed in absolute agony, clenching her fists until her fingernails bloodied her palms.
Again she was asked the question, and again the stubborn girl shook her head.
The torturer replaced his rod and picked out a fresh one. This time he burnt the tip of the girl's right nipple itself, before rubbing his red hot iron time and again up and down the stubby shaft of her burning, blistering bud until his rod began to cool.
Jane screamed louder than ever as the intense pain scorched through her nipple into her trembling breast to invade her whole body. The stench of her burning flesh hung in the air now around the torture rack.
Bella sobbed in empathy and begged the apprentice to take her away to her cage. The boy smiled and shook his head. He was enjoying this much too much, but he'd need to find a girl to fuck soon.
The torture of Jane on the rack continued. Next, the torturer burnt her other nipple, inducing animal-like wailing from the poor girl. But still she would not give in. Bella wondered how she could possibly withstand such awful treatment without confessing, even though she was sure Jane was not a witch.
At last, the torturer relaxed Jane's bondage and allowed her to rest on the rack. She sobbed as the feeling returned to her cramped limbs and the soreness in her joints became evident. She breathed in huge gasps of smoky air as the awful restriction of her breathing was ended. Her respite was short-lived, however, as the torturer fastened a thick leather strap tight over her tummy to fix her body firmly to the surface of the rack. Then he re-positioned the chains attached to her ankles so her legs were as widely spread as possible, fully exposing her sore cunt to the torturer and all the onlookers.
Bella was sure they were going to torture the poor girl's cunt now, and she covered her eyes with her hands. A strange curiosity made her peep through her fingers, however, to see what they would do to the poor girl.
The torturer held a small object in front of Jane's eyes and whispered something to her that obviously frightened her greatly. He turned a handle on the object and it seemed to open like petals on a flower. Jane shook her head wildly, but still refused to admit witchcraft.
“That's a pear. It's probably the most painful instrument we use on a girl,” the apprentice whispered in Bella's ear. “You watch this, girlie. She's going to confess soon.”
Bella looked through her fingers as the torturer moved towards the bottom of the rack and started fingering the squealing girl's sore cunt. He parted her sex lips and placed the rounded end of the pear into her sex. Ignoring the girl's pitiful screams, he pushed on until just the handle was left protruding from the writhing girl's body. Bella somehow knew the torturer would now turn the handle and open the petals inside the poor girl. She sobbed. She couldn't believe someone could do such a horrible thing to a girl, and she didn't have any idea how poor Jane could possibly endure it.
The torturer turned the handle slowly, and Jane howled in pain and begged him to stop, her body bathed in fresh sweat. Yet still she refused to confess. He turned the handle some more, and Jane screeched in agony, blabbing her innocence. After another pause, he turned the handle once more, using more effort this time as the girl's body resisted the hideous implement. Bella could now see a grotesque bulge in Jane's abdomen where the petals were opening, but only Jane could feel the awful pain as the sharp points ripped apart the tender insides of her ravaged love channel, probably causing fatal injury to the agonised girl.
One more turn was all it took. As blood started dripping from her ruined sex, Jane confessed all. She confessed that she had helped Bella make up her witch's potions, she confessed to fornicating with the Devil at clandestine gatherings with Bella and every other girl she could think of, in her own village and many others nearby. The scribe worked overtime writing down all the names, taking particular care to note the names and descriptions of the denounced young females. Throughout her confession, the torturer kept his hand on the handle of the pear still buried deep within the poor girl, and whenever she flagged he twisted his wrist slightly, causing a hideous scream from the defeated girl and eliciting another stream of names of heretic accomplices.
Eventually, when the girl continually repeated herself, the Inquisitor's assistant decided he had gained all he could from his victim. The torturer removed the bloody pear from the girl's cunt and stuffed a rag in the gaping hole to stem the blood loss. The Inquisitor's assistant ordered the girl to be taken back to her cage and for the local magistrate to be informed of her confession. He wanted her burnt within three days. They would need her cage.
“Excellent! That's a great result, girlie,” exclaimed the apprentice.
“But that's all lies,” wept Bella. “None of that's true. We did none of those things. I've never heard of the other girls she named, much less met them, and I've never seen the Devil. You forced her to say that. She only said it to stop you hurting her.”
“Rubbish, girlie! She's a witch, just like you. It was the Devil inside 'er that made 'er deny it. She just needed to be persuaded to fight 'im and tell us the truth, just like you do. Now we can save 'er. She'll burn, just like you will.”
Suddenly there was a commotion at the door, and Bella looked round to see the Duke bursting in, his face even redder than usual. He rushed up to the Inquisitor's assistant in an obvious rage.
“What the Hell's going on?” he bellowed. Pointing to Bella, he stormed, “That's the little witch that poisoned my son. Why are you questioning all these other girls, when she's the one that needs to burn? Two of my men were set upon today by the local villagers who say their daughters are being abducted because of me. And you've turned my best wine cellar into a bloody torture chamber.”
“My dear Duke, please calm down,” replied the Inquisitor's assistant. “It was you who called us here, and we have discovered the evil coven to which this young witch belongs. It is very widely spread amongst the villages here. It is our holy duty to root out and save all the witches now that we have discovered them. I'm sure you would not wish to obstruct the Grand Inquisitor in his holy duty, would you, your Lordship? He would not wish to have to report such a matter to the King!”
“Oh, very well,” conceded the Duke reluctantly. “I suppose you must carry on, but I want this finished quickly and my cellar and home returned to me.”
“I understand, sir. However, this girl has just confessed to witchcraft and has named a large number of accomplices. We must capture them all and question them. We cannot leave until our holy investigation is complete.”
“What about this witch,” he pointed again at Bella. “I want the slut to burn at the stake tomorrow. That should please the villagers.”
“That witch has yet to confess, sir. But I'm sure she will soon. Then she can be burned.”
“She's not confessed! But I denounced the witch! Look at her, there's hardly a mark on her! Have you questioned her yet? No wonder that poor girl on the rack confessed. Look at the state of her. Why didn't you put that little witch on the rack instead? I'm sure she would have confessed too!”
“All in good time, sir. The Grand Inquisitor is conducting this enquiry in full accord with the Church's formal guidelines on such matters. I'm sure you would have it no other way, would you, sir?”
“Well I want to see that little witch suffer. She's the cause of all this. I want to hear her scream her confession. I'll come back first thing tomorrow to see for myself how you do it. You tell your master to expect me, and that I don't wish to be disappointed. If you do your stuff I'll treat you to a banquet with my finest wine. You tell the Grand Inquisitor that!”
With that last salvo the Duke stormed back out of the prison.
The apprentice guided the frightened Bella to her cage. “What's going to happen to me tomorrow?” she fearfully asked the apprentice.
“That depends on the Grand Inquisitor, girlie. It's obvious the Duke's angry, so 'e might want to calm 'im down and give 'im a good show. But 'e won't want you goin' to the stake before some of them other local girls burn. Still, that young blond girl's in the queue ahead of you, and I 'spect a few more'll confess tonight. We'll see in the mornin', girlie.”
The apprentice unlocked Bella's cage and shoved her in, locking the door behind her. Without another word he left, as Bella saw the limp, groaning body of Jane unceremoniously carried back to her cage just a few doors from Bella. At the same time, a skinny, mousy haired girl was being dragged screaming from her cage into the flickering shadows to begin her own hours of torment.
Bella sat on the floor and wept as fresh screams echoed around her. After a while she too curled into a ball and buried her head in her arms, trying to gain the blissful release of fitful sleep.
As she lay on her side, her arms covering her head, Bella tried to stop the awful sounds of the cellar from filling her ears. She thought she could hear the screaming voices of at least three different girls, one of which was presumably the poor, thin girl she had seen earlier being dragged away. She clearly heard the yelps of pain, and the frantic denials, and even thought she could hear the clicking ratchet of the horrible rack stretching another poor, innocent victim beyond endurance. Occasional whiffs of burning flesh wafted into her cage in the smoky atmosphere, and Bella's mind became filled again with the hideous sight of Jane being tortured until she had confessed and implicated all those other poor, innocent girls. Bella cried as she thought of the Inquisitor's men raiding the cottages where these girls lived and snatching them away from loving parents or husbands to bring them here to torture. And all because of her; all because she had inadvertently attracted the attention of the Duke's young son and been discovered with him by the boy's angry father. Oh dear, what a sorry tale!
An especially loud, piercing scream startled Bella and she looked up, but could see nothing different through the hazy smoke. She expected to see all the girls in their cages roused by the scream, but could see no-one else who had stirred. She guessed they must have become used to such happenings. Bella wondered how long she had been in this awful place, but realised she had no way of knowing if it was day or night. She thought she could make out the blabbering confessions of one of the tortured girls, just catching fragments of names between squeals of pain and pleas for mercy. “Oh no, not yet more new victims,” she thought to herself. “Where will it end?”
Then she remembered her own dire predicament. What would they do to her when the Duke returned? How long would she have to wait to find out? She remembered the old poultice in her arse. It was itching a lot now, and was quite uncomfortable. She wondered if she should take it out, and she squirmed in her chains, trying to get a hold of it. The clanking of her chains suddenly seemed very loud, and Bella stopped her movements, worried that her neighbours might stir and be angry with her. She had no wish to draw any attention to herself at all. She sighed deeply and sobbed quietly again as she tried once more to sleep.
Bella woke again with a start as the door to her cage was unlocked. Her heart skipped a beat as she was sure they had come to put her to the question!
Instead, a naked girl, chained just like Bella herself, entered her cage and placed a mug of water and a small knob of hard bread on the floor. She looked in Bella's bucket and saw it was empty, so she left without saying a word. The guard at her door locked her cage again and moved on to the next one. Bella watched the girl as she did the same at the next cage, though the prisoner curled up in that one didn't even seem to notice her visitor's presence. Bella saw that the girl was about her own age, with very dirty blond hair down to her shoulders. Her body was shaved and she too displayed the evidence of the Inquisitor's needle and some painful fuckings, but looked otherwise uninjured. Her face was expressionless, her skin pale, her eyes dull, giving an air of resignation to her situation. Bella supposed she was just another accused witch being used to undertake menial housekeeping tasks until her turn came on the rack.
Having examined the condition of the other girl, Bella looked at herself. She too was filthy, with dirty marks all over her body and smears of dry sweat. The puncture wounds from the Inquisitor's needle had all formed scabs, some of which had now healed and fallen away and her only really painful parts were her tender, slightly swollen nipples and her sore cunt and arse holes. The iron collar had scratched the skin from above her collar bones and the back of her neck, and her manacles had chaffed her wrists and ankles, but overall Bella's body was holding up quite well.
Bella hardly noticed the fresh, girlish screams of agony that still regularly filled the large room as she nibbled at the bread she had been left. She took a drink of water and then crouched over her bucket to pee. Bella scowled as her waste fluid tinkled into the iron bucket; this was still quite a painful activity. She was pleased to note the yellow colour of her foul smelling urine, rather than the reddish tinge she had feared she might see. Bella then decided to remove her itching poultice and she pulled at it with her chained hands. It would not move, probably stuck to the bloody walls of her anal passage. She tugged harder, gritting her teeth at her discomfort, until she felt it loosen inside her. Very slowly, she eased the blood soaked dressing out, trying hard not to open any internal wounds. At last it plopped into the bucket and Bella wrinkled her nose as she looked down at it. She gingerly fingered her anus and found a slight smear of fresh blood on her digits, which she hoped would quickly congeal. Her arse hole still itched, but at least she felt more comfortable now without the poultice shoved inside her. Bella lay down again and waited, knowing that at some point her cage door would open again and this time they would take her outside into the smoky room.
Bella dozed on and off, unable to gauge the passing of time; fearful every time she woke that they were coming for her. Finally she heard a key grinding in a lock and looked up in trepidation, but it was the door next to hers that was creaking open. Bella saw the guard grab the curled up girl's arm and pull her roughly to her feet. Bella got a good sight of the girl for the first time; she had long, flowing ginger hair and a very pale, freckled complexion, rather like her own. Her face was lovely, though she was crying now, with big green eyes peeping fearfully through her straggly, ginger curls. Her body was covered in scabs from the needle, with her large, freckled breasts particularly densely pierced. She was taller than Bella, with long, slim legs and nicely rounded thighs. The girl struggled with the guard, but was no match for his strength, particularly with her wrists and ankles manacled. With the help of a colleague, the guard dragged the protesting girl from her cage and they disappeared behind one of the thick pillars into the smoky interior of the foreboding cellar. Bella didn't dare imagine what they were going to do to the poor girl.
Bella returned to her fitful dozing. Every time she woke, it seemed that another screaming girl was being taken from a cage somewhere in the long row. She guessed the Inquisitor was anxious to gain confessions and get witches burnt, as the apprentice had told her. She wondered why they had not yet come for her; surely it was past morning now and the Duke would be back to see her suffer.
Sometimes Bella would see a girl being dragged back to her cage after interrogation, and presumably confession. They always seemed to be exhausted, being half carried back to their cages by the guards, but they were too far away for Bella to determine what may have been done to them. She waited in morbid anticipation for the return of her next door neighbour. They seemed to be taking a long time with her.
The hot, stale, smoky atmosphere in the airless cellar irritated Bella's throat as she lay in her prison. She coughed and wheezed as she tried to sleep, and her skin itched as sweat oozed from her pores. She felt very dirty, as indeed she was, and longed for the days when she would wash in the clear, clean water of the stream near her cottage and breathe in the fresh air, beautifully fragranced by the lavender that grew so abundantly nearby. It seemed a lifetime away from this hellhole she inhabited now.
At last she sensed more movement nearby and she looked up to see her neighbour being returned to her cage by two burly guards. They each held the girl by an arm, up near her armpit, and were dragging her towards her cage. The girl was not resisting, in fact her head was bowed and her feet were dragging along the stone floor, bouncing painfully as they moved over the uneven flagstones. She was chained again as before, and as she came nearer, Bella was able to see some of the injuries that scarred the girl's lovely body.
The pretty, ginger haired girl's large, full breasts seemed to have taken the brunt of the torturers' attentions, along with her genitals. Already marked by the Inquisitor's hellish needle, the girl's boobs looked to Bella to be very swollen, with bloody, red marks all over them that had dripped blood in streaks down the girl's tight stomach. It looked as if her breasts had been squeezed very hard with some kind of sharp pincers that had bitten deep into her tit flesh. Bella thought the torturers must have used the implement many times on each breast to result in the amount of damage that had been inflicted on the poor girl's boobs. In addition, Bella noticed the girl's nipples had been badly burnt, just like she had seen being done to Jane on the rack. Bella caressed her own boobs absent-mindedly as she tried to comfort herself. Then she looked further down her neighbour's battered body to her sex.
Bella saw the girl's sex lips were mangled and swollen, with more dried blood streaking her smooth inner thighs. “Surely they had not used that awful pear thing on this girl too?” thought Bella. But, no, the pear damaged the insides rather than the outside, so they must have used another hideous instrument on this pitiful victim. Finally, as the girl was thrown unceremoniously to the floor inside her cage, Bella saw the dark horizontal and diagonal welts that covered the girl's heavily freckled back. Bella had no doubts what had caused those injuries; the girl had suffered a frightful whipping!
As the guards turned away and locked the cage door behind them, Bella thought for one dreadful moment they were going to come to her cage and drag her away for some of the same awful treatment; after all, she was overdue, surely. To her relief, the guards paid Bella not the slightest attention and they sauntered back into the gloom of the huge torture chamber.
Bella crawled over to the side of her cage nearest her battered neighbour, but the ginger haired girl did not stir at all. Eventually, Bella returned to her curled position in her cage as yet more anguished screams filled her ears. She cried.
Bella awoke some time later and looked around her. The ginger haired girl next door still lay where the guards had left her, and some newly arrested girls were being pushed struggling into cages nearby. Bella knew they were new as they were still dressed, presumably having just been rounded up after they had been named by Jane and any other poor girls who had been painfully put to the question. Bella watched with interest as one by one the new girls were taken from their cages, only to return some time later with their clothes and pubic hair removed and bearing the tell-tale marks of the Inquisitor's needle. She saw that most were young, pretty girls, and these were the ones that bore the largest number of bloody trails from the pricking and piercing. Many were limping, their genitals raw and bleeding after being repeatedly used, some obviously for the first time. Most were also sobbing hysterically.
Bella wondered what had happened to the girls who had occupied the cages when she had first arrived in the cellar. They must have left to vacate their cages for these new arrivals. She wondered where they had gone, and then she realised. Bella burst into tears yet again.
The pale girl entered Bella's cage and changed her slop bucket and left fresh water and bread. Bella stirred. She tried to recall how many times now the girl had done that, but it was too many to remember. She noticed the cage next door was now empty – they had taken the ginger haired girl away. Although they had never spoken, Bella felt a sense of loss, as if a close friend had deserted her.
Time and again Bella was visited by the pale girl, only now she left two lumps of stale bread each time, and a larger cup of water. Never once did either speak, nor even make eye contact. Bella had got used to the stench, the smoke, the stale air, the darkness and the flickering torches. She had got used to beaten girls coming and going all the time, and didn't even look up any more. She had even got used to the terrible screams that still punctuated the passing of time, and she didn't notice as the screaming became less frequent. Bella was deep in her own thoughts, wondering when at last the torturers would come for her, and wondering what they would do to her when they did. Part of her even wished they would come soon. She longed for someone to talk to, even if it was just the young apprentice coming to fuck her again, with his quick wit and crude thoughts. Even that would be better than this interminable waiting.
Bella crouched and peed in her bucket, and then realised this was the third time she'd used the bucket without it being changed. Her tummy rumbled and she remembered how hungry she was, and that it was a long time since she had been left bread by the pale girl. Bella suddenly took more notice of her surroundings and she realised all the cages she could see were empty, and there was no evidence of screaming or torture. She wondered what was going on, and dreaded that she had been left alone to die slowly in this horrible place. She thought of calling out, but decided against it. She sat down again and peered out into the gloomy room...
6 月 前