He waited this time. Longer than was really necessary. After what felt like an age to Lucy, the officer issued a one word command, "Trousers!". She took a breath and pulled her belt to release the pin. She paced herself again. She wanted to balance so she didn't rush but he had no opportunity to order her to move faster. She got the button undone and began to slide them down past her hips and pushed them down her legs. She knew, at the point he was watching her breasts, but she studiously ignored him and stepped out of her trousers and folded them on to the pile of clothes. She was down to h… 阅读更多内容
Ciara & Lucy-2
Officer Lucy Starr had been a Correctional Officer with the Ministry of Justice since she graduated with first class honours from her Masters in Judicial Correction. She was now in her second year of a five year fast track programme to the senior level rank at the Ministry. She had been placed at this short stay prison facility once she had completed the Level 1 Corporal Punishment module at the end of year one. This facility was aimed at medium level offenders who had passed the seriousness level to be sent to prison, but instead were sent here for short sharp shock treatment in the form of… 阅读更多内容
Chapter 8 Ellie was led into the room and immediately felt a nostalgic sensation remembering her and Elizabeth playing in the room. She was soon shaken back to reality by the stern voice of her former cousin Jacob who commanded “ Shuck off that shift girl and on your knees right quick and show me and my brother what you have to offer. A lot has happened since this morning and I done forgot what that pretty little body looks like naked.” Ellen’s reply came quickly, “ I won’t do any such thing. You bullies don’t scare me.” Her words were brave but her quivering chin led the brothers to believe o… 阅读更多内容
Ashley IS-7
Chapter 9 : The End of Yellow When the lights were turned on in her cell, Ashley simply lay limply on the floor of her cage. The torture had taken so much out of her that she could barely even function any more. The Quantrons grabbed her and dragged her down the hall - there was no way that Ashley could walk with the condition of her feet and toes. When they brought her into the torture chamber, as soon as she saw Astronema she was so filled with terror that her bladder let go and piss streamed down her leg. Astronema laughed, and motioned to Ecliptor, who tossed cold water on Ashley's legs t… 阅读更多内容
Chapter 5 – Bedroom Visitor Cara returned wearily to her room after yet another fourteen-hour shift on the ward. It had been a difficult shift; the young lad with the serious abdominal burns had taken a turn for the worse and in spite of the best efforts of her and the surgeons, the boy had died in great pain that afternoon. Although she was used to death, this had hit her hard as she had dressed his awful wounds for months, each time fighting back the tears as she thought of the terrible pain he must be suffering and the horrific mutilation of his young body. Cara was angry that the boy had… 阅读更多内容
Chapter 9 - Another Night in the Tower The apprentice wiped Bella's bright red face with a soothing damp cloth. She looked up at him with her bright, tearful, green eyes. “Please help me,” she whimpered. “There, there, girlie. No need to fret. It's just you and me again, now, for the whole of the night. I've got us some food and some more mead, 'cos I know 'ow much you liked that last night. We'll 'ave some food and I'll let you rest a little, and when you've got your energy back I'll fuck you. I'll be real gentle with you as long as you make an effort to pleasure me good. That's fair ain't… 阅读更多内容
The hands of two soldiers seized her, and lifted her, forcing her into a semi-standing position. She clung still to the chains, draped on the post, and made the mistake of raising her head. Her eyes immediately met those of Gallus, and she felt horribly her nakedness. Even as her sense of shame overwhelmed her, she was aware of how preposterous it was, feeling embarrassed by her breasts as the skin was being torn from her back. The thirty-first was swept upwards, ripping into her buttocks, making her leap, and she fell again. The sheriff looked on and knew the sentence had been judged just ri… 阅读更多内容
Beatrix Thomson came from humble beginnings, born and raised on Bubba Jim’s Mobile Home Resort. The young girl was known as Trixie to some but to others she was simply TPT – ‘Trailer Park Trash’. Through sheer determination Trixie dragged herself up and out of her hometown of Branchwater, Alabama, and, via the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) at Arlington, Virginia, she graduated as a fully qualified legal secretary. Her first and only posting was to the US Embassy in Singapore where Ms Thomson’s past finally caught up with her and brought her nothing but trouble. The full story of Trixie’s upb… 阅读更多内容
PROLOGUE: Many years ago, in a forest near the Baltic, a small acorn fell to the ground, detached from its parental oak tree by a brief puff of wind. It found fertile soil. Luckily, no squirrels or mice ate it. It put down roots to draw water and minerals from the earth. It pushed up a stem with leaves, finding a few shafts of sunlight that penetrated through the canopy of the mature forest. Soon, it was as tall as a person. In a few years, it had taken its place as a full-fledged member of the forest. Its trunk grew wide and straight, unbending in the strongest storms. The forest and all the… 阅读更多内容
Chapter 1 – Painful Interrogations Milang Maolu was 20 years old, a beautiful, young, marriageable woman, but instead of lying happily in her lover's arms, she stood terrified before a provincial court. The trial was short because there were witnesses who heavily incriminated her... The only thing missing was her confession... The young Chinese woman had given herself to her lover, although her parents had promised her to another, much older man whom she didn't love, whom she didn't even find sympathetic; and yet the two families had decided the marriage over her head. But her intended husba… 阅读更多内容
As always she had argued with her mother. Violet was a rebellious teen and the strains were showing. She left the house in a huff and went to the mall to hang with her friends. She looked and looked but found no one there and nothing to do. Hanging alone was boring!! Not any more fun than going home and listening to her stereo. As she walked up the drive and saw that the house was strangely silent. Only her parents room window was open. From the sounds emanating from it, it appeared that their was some activity in that room. She sneaked up to the open window and heard, "OO OO God OOO You… 阅读更多内容
An Idea
It was around seven one evening in late spring when I first discovered what was to change my life entirely. As usual there was nothing on TV likely to capture my attention for very long despite the plethora of channels available. The usual crop of soap operas, much-repeated news, moronic reality and game shows and second-rate documentaries on obscure topics seemed the standard fare on offer. Consequently, and as so often before I turned to the internet for entertainment. Did I want to play one of the online games I subscribed to? No. I wasn't in the mood for killing monsters or chatting with… 阅读更多内容
It was still daylight when Manu released Aisha from the cross and led her back to the gym. The gym was empty except for the still form of Lila, tied and nailed, motionless to the horse. Her pale skin, covered with dry spunk, which also dribbled from her anus and vagina, bore witness to the repeated r****gs she had endured. Aisha approached her body, with her fist in her mouth, in horror. On Lila’s nailed breasts, trickles of blood dribbled down to the nipples where, beading in crimson pearls, they hanged, like some demonic milk, before dropping to the floor below. Her face, mouth open, eyes… 阅读更多内容
1) Arrested Rebecca stared at the stains on the wall above the door. How long had she been here? Two hours, three? She had no idea. There was no window and the only light came from a flickering bulb set behind thick mesh in the ceiling. Her head ached and her stomach was knotted with apprehension. It was chilly and she rubbed her bare arms trying to encourage some warmth. Part of her wished they would come so they could get it over with, at least get her out of this stinking cell with its peeling paint and stench of sewage. They'd picked her up at the demonstration, one of a few dozen arrest… 阅读更多内容
I guess you could say I was raised in a cult. We lived in a real small town in the boonies that had it's own rules. No one could have a TV or radio and we used horses for transportion. The only modern thing was a electric plant run by a waterfall but that was only for freezer and refrigeration storage so we could be self sufficient. Almost every man in town worked for Mr Dumas who owned all the farms. He worked them real hard but noone complained since if they were fired there would be no place to go and after thirty years he would provide a pension so they knew they would be taken care of in… 阅读更多内容
South Africa
1859 Natal, South Africa Morning With a noisy creak, the heavy door opened and Kleine Kraal's head servant, Hlubi, stood in the entrance, large and forbidding, his presence all the girl needed to know that the time for her punishment had come at last. Scarcely a day after Rodger Blore had left for his yearly trip back to England, his son Kyle, now twenty and in charge of the ranch during his absence, had made a pass at the pretty Boer servant girl, Melissa Meuws, he had desired for the past two years. She was demurely cute, with glorious red hair down to her shoulders and freckles across her… 阅读更多内容