Our Neighbour Lets Me
Our Neighbour Lets Me
Oh, hello Tommy. Nice to see you. What can I do for you, young man?
Oh... er Mrs Chambers, do you mind if I come in?
No, of course not. Come in, sit yourself down. Now, how can I help you?
Errmm... can I bugger you please Mrs Chambers?
Hold on, hold on, slow down! You want to... bugger me? Is that right?
Yes. You see we're doing sex education at school, and my friend Bobby says they don't cover everything. There are nice things like a lady sucking your willy, and buggering a lady which is much better because it feels tighter and its very naughty and...
And you thought you'd like to do it with me?
Yes! Would that be OK?
Why me? Why don't you ask your Mum?
Well Mum has been cross with me 'cos I haven't been doing my chores, so I know that if she lets me bugger her, she'll make me do things in the house. Lots of things probably! And I thought that, since Mr Chambers... you know...
That because my husband left me recently, I'd be happy to let you do it with me? And you'd avoid doing chores?
Yes. Is that OK?
Well, first of all, I don't like calling it buggering or sodomising. Those are horrible words. Its called anal sex. Or rectal sex. Yes it is very nice for the man... or boy in your case! My husband and I did it occasionally. So... have you actually ever had normal sex? In a lady's vagina? Like they will have told you in your lessons?
No, Mrs Chambers. But the bugger... sorry, the anal sounds much nicer! I would really like to do it. I would like to do any sex of course! It must be so exciting! My willy got all hard in the lesson, thinking about a lady's... reproductive parts, you know, down there...
Oh yes I know exactly what you mean! I can imagine! You're desperate to see a woman's private places aren't you?
Yes Mrs Chambers. I'd love to see yours and then, you know...
Put your willy in me, especially in my bottom!
I get it! Well, I'm damned if I'm just going to drop my knickers and let you look at my parts, then dry hump me!
Dry... ?
Have anal or any kind of sex with me just like that! A lady needs to enjoy it too, there needs to be some foreplay young man! Its not just about sticking your... cock, inside me! I need to be lubricated and ready to receive!
Errr... Foreplay? Lubricated?
Yes, we have a bit of fun first and you get me nice and ready, like I guess you think you are already! My private parts need to be relaxed and slippery before its nice to have a cock inside me. Are you going to do some pleasing for my benefit, so I can be nice and ready to let you inside me?
Oh yes please Mrs Chambers!
Well you need to get me ready for you. I have to want it too you know! Come over here and give me a cuddle. That's it. Yes, hold me in your arms. Oh, that's nice. Do you like that, feeling your body next to mine?
Oh yes Mrs Chambers, your body feels all nice and warm and curvy and soft. I feel like I'm all snuggling up against you!
Yes, its nice isn't it? Give my front a nice feel...
Really? Touch your... your bosoms?
Yes, you've been pressed against them anyway, give them a feel with your hands. Yes, like that. Oh its ages since anyone did that to me! Can you feel my bra?
Oh yes, lovely!
I think you'd like to see it. Undo my blouse. Gently! That's it, lift it off me. There, its a nice bra isn't it?
Its wonderful Mrs Chambers. Your bosoms look marvellous in it!
Put your face on my cleavage. The bit above my bra, that's right.
Oh wow!
Its nicer if I push them together like this. Yes you're enjoying that aren't you? Give them a nice feel over my bra now that my blouse isn't in the way. Oh yes, that's lovely Tommy. Its making me feel a bit wet. I bet your cock is getting hard isn't it?
Oh yes, but its been hard since we started cuddling! What do you mean about getting wet?
My private parts are getting wet! Its my body responding to you feeling me. I'm enjoying it and my private parts are getting ready for your cock! That's the lubrication I need!
Oh wow!
Unzip my skirt for me Tommy. Great, let it fall down. Do you like my tights and my panty-girdle?
I love them. The panty-girdle is like knickers isn't it?
Yes, it hold my tights up nicely. Some ladies just have tights over their knickers, but I've always liked a panty-girdle too... Especially this one. Its nice and tight; I think it shows off my bottom well, and the white is a nice contrast with the dark tan tights. Do you like the pattern on it?
Its fabulous Mrs Chambers. I love how it goes over your... your front bit. There's a little bulge there. That looks so nice! Oh, can... can I feel you there?
Yes, please do! You like my little bulge do you? Its my Mound of Venus. You'll see more of that later. Oh that's nice, just a nice rub. Lovely. Now rub between my legs. Oh fabulous..
Oh wow, its so hot. It feels so rude doing this to you!
Its nice though. And I'm getting even wetter. Pull the panty-girdle off for me now. That's it. Its tight isn't it? You're doing fine. Right, I'll step out of it.
Oh I can see your knickers through the tights!
Pull the tights off then if you like, then you can see my knickers properly. That's it, pull them down my legs. I'll kick off my slippers. Now, pull the tights right off. How's that?
You look lovely in your bra and knickers! So lovely!
I think we should get you down to your underwear too Tommy. Hands up and I'll pull off your t-shirt. Hmm, nice body Tommy! Let me undo your jeans. Oooh, a big bulge in your front there! Bigger than my mound! I wonder what that is?
Heee hee...
Oh its a nice big one by the look of it. Your underpants are hardly able to keep it in!
It is very hard!
Do you think it'll get harder if I take off my bra?
Oh gosh yes! Oh wow, they are amazing. Ohh!
That's it Tommy give them a nice suck! Lick my nipples. Oh that feels so good!
They're getting harder. Oh, they taste wonderful!
I'll rub your face with them.
I think I might explode!
Not yet young man! Calm down a bit. Come and lie next to me on the sofa. Now, do you like my knickers? They're very thin nylon. Very soft. I love how they feel. You can feel them now. Yes, gently rub over my mound. Lovely!
Can I feel between your legs Mrs Chambers?
Yes, that's the best bit. I'll open my legs so you can get your hand on my panty-gusset. Oh lovely! Yes, gently rub there.
That's where you're all wet isn't it? I can feel how damp your knickers are there. I can feel your.. er, your vagina! I can feel its open, I can push your panties in a bit! Oh its wonderful and wet and hot!
Ohhh! Ahhh! Yes its fabulous. Its been so long... Oh so lovely Tommy thank you!
Thank YOU Mrs Chambers.... Mrs Chambers... er.. can I take your knickers off?
I think you'd better! Actually, I'll pull them off, and you get in position to get a good view. Gosh they really are soaking wet! OK! Ready? I'm going to open up for you now... there...
Oh God! Oh wow! Oh, that's so wonderful! I never knew a lady would look so lovely down there. I thought it would be just a slit or a hole!
Didn't they tell you about it in your sex ed lessons?
Well, only about bits inside, and how babies are made and so on, not how lovely it looks from the outside. Oh my God! Its amazing! All wet and open! And the lovely hair on your... mound!
Well, take a good close look. I'm pulling my labia apart, they're the nice big flaps...
Oh God!
See how wet I am inside my... pussy? My inner lips are there around the hole. Do you see the little hard bit at the top where the flaps meet?
Oh God!
That's my clitoris. My clit! That's what you've been rubbing. That's what got me all wet. And you see the little hole above my big pussy hole?
Oh God!
That's where I pee from! That's where my pee comes out! And of course you can see... hold on while I get into a REALLY disgusting pose; my legs wide apart and pulled right back against my boobs... there, my anus! My bum-hole! All nice and wet from the juices dripping out of my pussy! That's where you want to... bugger me! Isn't it?
Oh God! Yes, Oh God!
Take a nice long look at all my parts. Lovely view isn't it? Disgusting really! I don't think many women display themselves like this... even to their husbands! Make the most of it Tommy!
Oh Crikey Mrs Chambers!
So, what do you want to do now? Just keep looking? Or something else while its all there on show for you?
I want to lick it! I want to touch it!
Ha ha yes of course you do! But first I need to see what you've got in those pants of yours! Get them off! Oh God you're a nice big boy aren't you? That is one big red throbbing bit of boy-meat! I think I want to lick and touch that first! Come over here and let me...
Oh Mrs Chambers that feels lovely. Just licking the end of my willy... er my cock! Oh wow!
Now just let me get the head in my mouth...
Oh wow! Your mouth is sucking on it. Oh..
Take care, don't thrust or you'll be wasting cum. I'm getting you too close to it. So... Your turn now, get your face in there! Suck my flaps, lick my hole, rub your face all over it! Yes... oh wow, yes just like that! Ohh. Oh fabulous! I'll hold my bum cheeks open so you can really get at me!
Oh gosh this is amazing! You're just gushing with juices. It tastes and smells so wonderful! Oh I've got your juices all over my face. Oh wow! I need to put my cock up you! Is that all right?
Oh God yes quick get up me, I'm going to cum any moment at this rate! Oh wow, yes slide it right up. Oh fuck yes, oh blimey you really are right up me! Enjoy it, don't waste it yet. You're hard enough to bugger me now, and my bum-hole will dilate no problem. Stick that lovely tool in my arse-hole Tommy! Sodomise me young man!
Oh thank you Mrs Chambers. Are you sure? Will it go in? It looks tight!
Rub your finger over it a bit. Yes, that's fine. Nice and smooth and slippery. Now put a finger up inside. Lovely! You can finger my pussy at the same time, I always loved that. Get lots of pussy juices up there. Yes it makes me relax my ring-piece. Feel it opening?
Oh yes, I can get two fingers in, I can see it opening. OK here goes!
Push Tommy, push! Ahhhhhhh right up. Oh so wonderful. I'd forgotten how wonderful it is! Wank my clit while you're in there. Oh wow!
I'm... buggering you Mrs Chambers! I can't believe it! Its fantastic! Oh so tight! Tighter than your pussy. Fabulous...
Oh God Tommy... I can't take it... Oh God... I'm cummiiiiinnnggggg!!!!
Mrs Chambers you're weeing! Its shooting out! Oh gosh, are you OK?
Oh fuck yes! Sorry I've wet you... Been holding it in...
Its great! Oh wow... I'm... I'm... Going to shoot off... oh ohhhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhh! Its fantastic. Oh I never knew it could feel so great. Oh.. lovely....
Ahhhh... Was it good up my arse? Did you like the anal sex? The buggering?
Oh yes Mrs Chambers. It was so lovely. The boy at school was right. Fabulous. But they never told us how amazing fucking is!
Ha ha, no they wouldn't! Especially not the anal sex! So... what did you like best, what bit of what we've just done was best for you?
Oh, when you held your bottom cheeks in your hands, with your legs all apart and back against your boobs, then you pulled yourself all open so I could see right up your holes and it was all wet and lovely and dipping and your pussy was like big open O! And having my cock right up your arse of course!
Yes I can imagine that for a boy to have grown woman spreading her legs apart and holding her pussy wide open for you to examine... and suck and lick... must have been pretty wonderful! You should ask your Mum to do it for you too! Don't worry about her wanting you to do chores, she'll probably just need you to give her a fucking good rogering! I'd like to know how her holes compare to mine! Anyway, you had a good go at me and my bits didn't you? And then your lovely cock sliding right up inside me.. Oooh super! Are you up for a bit more fun? Shame to waste all my nice wet privates and that nice stiff cock!
Oh yes please Mrs Chambers, I can go again, I'm hard again, no problem!
OK, I'll try and make it special again. Hang on while I pull some stockings on, that'll be nice for you. There... now my suspender belt. Can you do it up for me at the back? Yes, that's great. Are my seams nice and straight?
Oh yes, they look super!
Right then, get on your back. Wow, that cock is good and hard isn't it? Now, get ready, I'm going to plaster my holes all over your face. Nice view as I lower myself down?
Oh God Yes!
Here we go... A nice face-sit for you! Gosh I'm wet, I'm sliding all over your face! Ahh, that's nice, I can feel your nose going in my anus! Let me pull my flaps open a bit more...
Gmmm yuuuummmmm
Now I need to get that cock in my mouth...
Yes, you like that A LOT don't you? Don't answer, your mouth's full! Just enjoy the sensation of my warm wet lips gently teasing your cock-head and next letting the full length of your lovely shaft go right into my throat.... Ggggrggrrrrrmmmmm....
Time to have me again Tommy! I'll get on all fours and you can bugger me doggy-style!
Oh wow, that's a lovely view! Let me pull your cheeks open and have a good look. I'll just put a couple of fingers in your bottom first, lots of juices coming out of your pussy! There...
Oh, right up me. Ream me and get me ready!
Here it comes, oh gosh this is a rude position over your back. Let me feel your bosoms as they hang down too. Oh right up your arse. Oh God! Wonderful...
Yes give it to me! I love you deep in my bum, its amazing. Right up to the balls. Marvellous. Get a hand underneath me and rub my clit. Oh wow! Oh great, now put your fingers up my pussy while you do my arse! Oh God! Yes...
Mrs Chambers I've got... oh God I've got my whole hand inside you! Your pussy is SO wide open! Its unbelievable!
Yes, you're fisting my pussy while you're right up my colon! Its opened up hugely... must be because you're right up my anus! Oh God! Its too much! Ohhhhh!
Now you're peeing again! All over the floor! Oh fuckkkkk I'm shooting... Ahhhhhh!
Me too... Ohhh Christ, Tommy that was wonderful! Thank you so much! Oh wow! Let me lie down, I need a rest after all that...
Oh yes Mrs Chambers. Oh I like how you're lying down... legs all wide and everything on display!
Yes, go ahead and explore me and feel me or whatever you like. I'll just lie here; I'm exhausted!
Well you certainly had a great time didn't you? Did you enjoy that half-hour of licking and sucking and opening me up and putting your fingers up my holes?
Oh yes, it was all great.
Well, you'd better be getting home now, your Mum will wonder where you've been. Make sure you get her to strip off for you. You need to explore her holes too! Let me know how they compare with mine. Is she hairier than me, or maybe she shaves herself? Can she open her legs as far as I can? Does she take it up the arse? Have a good look at her pussy flaps when you get the chance; are they as nice as mine are? Does she get as wet as I do? Oh, and can you get your whole hand up her? That'll be interesting!
I'll try Mrs Chambers. I'm a bit nervous about asking her!
Oh don't be. Just wait 'til the two of you are alone. Does she wear skirts often?
Oh yes, most of the time. Why?
Well I'd suggest you come up behind her sometime, with your nice erect cock out, lift up her skirt and pull down her panties... if she's wearing any... then tell her to bend and spread cos you want to shag her!
Just like that?
Yes. Go for it. Tell her I told you to! Tell her she'll love it up her! Or just wait 'til she's sitting watching the TV, get your cock out and stick it in her mouth!
Yes, either way will be fine...
Right, thanks Mrs Chambers. I'll pop over again soon..
Let me know what your Mum's like to fuck!
Will do.
Good luck Tommy. Bye.
Bye Mrs Chambers
Mum! I'm home! Where are you Mum, I've got a surprise for you...
Oh, hello Tommy. Nice to see you. What can I do for you, young man?
Oh... er Mrs Chambers, do you mind if I come in?
No, of course not. Come in, sit yourself down. Now, how can I help you?
Errmm... can I bugger you please Mrs Chambers?
Hold on, hold on, slow down! You want to... bugger me? Is that right?
Yes. You see we're doing sex education at school, and my friend Bobby says they don't cover everything. There are nice things like a lady sucking your willy, and buggering a lady which is much better because it feels tighter and its very naughty and...
And you thought you'd like to do it with me?
Yes! Would that be OK?
Why me? Why don't you ask your Mum?
Well Mum has been cross with me 'cos I haven't been doing my chores, so I know that if she lets me bugger her, she'll make me do things in the house. Lots of things probably! And I thought that, since Mr Chambers... you know...
That because my husband left me recently, I'd be happy to let you do it with me? And you'd avoid doing chores?
Yes. Is that OK?
Well, first of all, I don't like calling it buggering or sodomising. Those are horrible words. Its called anal sex. Or rectal sex. Yes it is very nice for the man... or boy in your case! My husband and I did it occasionally. So... have you actually ever had normal sex? In a lady's vagina? Like they will have told you in your lessons?
No, Mrs Chambers. But the bugger... sorry, the anal sounds much nicer! I would really like to do it. I would like to do any sex of course! It must be so exciting! My willy got all hard in the lesson, thinking about a lady's... reproductive parts, you know, down there...
Oh yes I know exactly what you mean! I can imagine! You're desperate to see a woman's private places aren't you?
Yes Mrs Chambers. I'd love to see yours and then, you know...
Put your willy in me, especially in my bottom!
I get it! Well, I'm damned if I'm just going to drop my knickers and let you look at my parts, then dry hump me!
Dry... ?
Have anal or any kind of sex with me just like that! A lady needs to enjoy it too, there needs to be some foreplay young man! Its not just about sticking your... cock, inside me! I need to be lubricated and ready to receive!
Errr... Foreplay? Lubricated?
Yes, we have a bit of fun first and you get me nice and ready, like I guess you think you are already! My private parts need to be relaxed and slippery before its nice to have a cock inside me. Are you going to do some pleasing for my benefit, so I can be nice and ready to let you inside me?
Oh yes please Mrs Chambers!
Well you need to get me ready for you. I have to want it too you know! Come over here and give me a cuddle. That's it. Yes, hold me in your arms. Oh, that's nice. Do you like that, feeling your body next to mine?
Oh yes Mrs Chambers, your body feels all nice and warm and curvy and soft. I feel like I'm all snuggling up against you!
Yes, its nice isn't it? Give my front a nice feel...
Really? Touch your... your bosoms?
Yes, you've been pressed against them anyway, give them a feel with your hands. Yes, like that. Oh its ages since anyone did that to me! Can you feel my bra?
Oh yes, lovely!
I think you'd like to see it. Undo my blouse. Gently! That's it, lift it off me. There, its a nice bra isn't it?
Its wonderful Mrs Chambers. Your bosoms look marvellous in it!
Put your face on my cleavage. The bit above my bra, that's right.
Oh wow!
Its nicer if I push them together like this. Yes you're enjoying that aren't you? Give them a nice feel over my bra now that my blouse isn't in the way. Oh yes, that's lovely Tommy. Its making me feel a bit wet. I bet your cock is getting hard isn't it?
Oh yes, but its been hard since we started cuddling! What do you mean about getting wet?
My private parts are getting wet! Its my body responding to you feeling me. I'm enjoying it and my private parts are getting ready for your cock! That's the lubrication I need!
Oh wow!
Unzip my skirt for me Tommy. Great, let it fall down. Do you like my tights and my panty-girdle?
I love them. The panty-girdle is like knickers isn't it?
Yes, it hold my tights up nicely. Some ladies just have tights over their knickers, but I've always liked a panty-girdle too... Especially this one. Its nice and tight; I think it shows off my bottom well, and the white is a nice contrast with the dark tan tights. Do you like the pattern on it?
Its fabulous Mrs Chambers. I love how it goes over your... your front bit. There's a little bulge there. That looks so nice! Oh, can... can I feel you there?
Yes, please do! You like my little bulge do you? Its my Mound of Venus. You'll see more of that later. Oh that's nice, just a nice rub. Lovely. Now rub between my legs. Oh fabulous..
Oh wow, its so hot. It feels so rude doing this to you!
Its nice though. And I'm getting even wetter. Pull the panty-girdle off for me now. That's it. Its tight isn't it? You're doing fine. Right, I'll step out of it.
Oh I can see your knickers through the tights!
Pull the tights off then if you like, then you can see my knickers properly. That's it, pull them down my legs. I'll kick off my slippers. Now, pull the tights right off. How's that?
You look lovely in your bra and knickers! So lovely!
I think we should get you down to your underwear too Tommy. Hands up and I'll pull off your t-shirt. Hmm, nice body Tommy! Let me undo your jeans. Oooh, a big bulge in your front there! Bigger than my mound! I wonder what that is?
Heee hee...
Oh its a nice big one by the look of it. Your underpants are hardly able to keep it in!
It is very hard!
Do you think it'll get harder if I take off my bra?
Oh gosh yes! Oh wow, they are amazing. Ohh!
That's it Tommy give them a nice suck! Lick my nipples. Oh that feels so good!
They're getting harder. Oh, they taste wonderful!
I'll rub your face with them.
I think I might explode!
Not yet young man! Calm down a bit. Come and lie next to me on the sofa. Now, do you like my knickers? They're very thin nylon. Very soft. I love how they feel. You can feel them now. Yes, gently rub over my mound. Lovely!
Can I feel between your legs Mrs Chambers?
Yes, that's the best bit. I'll open my legs so you can get your hand on my panty-gusset. Oh lovely! Yes, gently rub there.
That's where you're all wet isn't it? I can feel how damp your knickers are there. I can feel your.. er, your vagina! I can feel its open, I can push your panties in a bit! Oh its wonderful and wet and hot!
Ohhh! Ahhh! Yes its fabulous. Its been so long... Oh so lovely Tommy thank you!
Thank YOU Mrs Chambers.... Mrs Chambers... er.. can I take your knickers off?
I think you'd better! Actually, I'll pull them off, and you get in position to get a good view. Gosh they really are soaking wet! OK! Ready? I'm going to open up for you now... there...
Oh God! Oh wow! Oh, that's so wonderful! I never knew a lady would look so lovely down there. I thought it would be just a slit or a hole!
Didn't they tell you about it in your sex ed lessons?
Well, only about bits inside, and how babies are made and so on, not how lovely it looks from the outside. Oh my God! Its amazing! All wet and open! And the lovely hair on your... mound!
Well, take a good close look. I'm pulling my labia apart, they're the nice big flaps...
Oh God!
See how wet I am inside my... pussy? My inner lips are there around the hole. Do you see the little hard bit at the top where the flaps meet?
Oh God!
That's my clitoris. My clit! That's what you've been rubbing. That's what got me all wet. And you see the little hole above my big pussy hole?
Oh God!
That's where I pee from! That's where my pee comes out! And of course you can see... hold on while I get into a REALLY disgusting pose; my legs wide apart and pulled right back against my boobs... there, my anus! My bum-hole! All nice and wet from the juices dripping out of my pussy! That's where you want to... bugger me! Isn't it?
Oh God! Yes, Oh God!
Take a nice long look at all my parts. Lovely view isn't it? Disgusting really! I don't think many women display themselves like this... even to their husbands! Make the most of it Tommy!
Oh Crikey Mrs Chambers!
So, what do you want to do now? Just keep looking? Or something else while its all there on show for you?
I want to lick it! I want to touch it!
Ha ha yes of course you do! But first I need to see what you've got in those pants of yours! Get them off! Oh God you're a nice big boy aren't you? That is one big red throbbing bit of boy-meat! I think I want to lick and touch that first! Come over here and let me...
Oh Mrs Chambers that feels lovely. Just licking the end of my willy... er my cock! Oh wow!
Now just let me get the head in my mouth...
Oh wow! Your mouth is sucking on it. Oh..
Take care, don't thrust or you'll be wasting cum. I'm getting you too close to it. So... Your turn now, get your face in there! Suck my flaps, lick my hole, rub your face all over it! Yes... oh wow, yes just like that! Ohh. Oh fabulous! I'll hold my bum cheeks open so you can really get at me!
Oh gosh this is amazing! You're just gushing with juices. It tastes and smells so wonderful! Oh I've got your juices all over my face. Oh wow! I need to put my cock up you! Is that all right?
Oh God yes quick get up me, I'm going to cum any moment at this rate! Oh wow, yes slide it right up. Oh fuck yes, oh blimey you really are right up me! Enjoy it, don't waste it yet. You're hard enough to bugger me now, and my bum-hole will dilate no problem. Stick that lovely tool in my arse-hole Tommy! Sodomise me young man!
Oh thank you Mrs Chambers. Are you sure? Will it go in? It looks tight!
Rub your finger over it a bit. Yes, that's fine. Nice and smooth and slippery. Now put a finger up inside. Lovely! You can finger my pussy at the same time, I always loved that. Get lots of pussy juices up there. Yes it makes me relax my ring-piece. Feel it opening?
Oh yes, I can get two fingers in, I can see it opening. OK here goes!
Push Tommy, push! Ahhhhhhh right up. Oh so wonderful. I'd forgotten how wonderful it is! Wank my clit while you're in there. Oh wow!
I'm... buggering you Mrs Chambers! I can't believe it! Its fantastic! Oh so tight! Tighter than your pussy. Fabulous...
Oh God Tommy... I can't take it... Oh God... I'm cummiiiiinnnggggg!!!!
Mrs Chambers you're weeing! Its shooting out! Oh gosh, are you OK?
Oh fuck yes! Sorry I've wet you... Been holding it in...
Its great! Oh wow... I'm... I'm... Going to shoot off... oh ohhhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhh! Its fantastic. Oh I never knew it could feel so great. Oh.. lovely....
Ahhhh... Was it good up my arse? Did you like the anal sex? The buggering?
Oh yes Mrs Chambers. It was so lovely. The boy at school was right. Fabulous. But they never told us how amazing fucking is!
Ha ha, no they wouldn't! Especially not the anal sex! So... what did you like best, what bit of what we've just done was best for you?
Oh, when you held your bottom cheeks in your hands, with your legs all apart and back against your boobs, then you pulled yourself all open so I could see right up your holes and it was all wet and lovely and dipping and your pussy was like big open O! And having my cock right up your arse of course!
Yes I can imagine that for a boy to have grown woman spreading her legs apart and holding her pussy wide open for you to examine... and suck and lick... must have been pretty wonderful! You should ask your Mum to do it for you too! Don't worry about her wanting you to do chores, she'll probably just need you to give her a fucking good rogering! I'd like to know how her holes compare to mine! Anyway, you had a good go at me and my bits didn't you? And then your lovely cock sliding right up inside me.. Oooh super! Are you up for a bit more fun? Shame to waste all my nice wet privates and that nice stiff cock!
Oh yes please Mrs Chambers, I can go again, I'm hard again, no problem!
OK, I'll try and make it special again. Hang on while I pull some stockings on, that'll be nice for you. There... now my suspender belt. Can you do it up for me at the back? Yes, that's great. Are my seams nice and straight?
Oh yes, they look super!
Right then, get on your back. Wow, that cock is good and hard isn't it? Now, get ready, I'm going to plaster my holes all over your face. Nice view as I lower myself down?
Oh God Yes!
Here we go... A nice face-sit for you! Gosh I'm wet, I'm sliding all over your face! Ahh, that's nice, I can feel your nose going in my anus! Let me pull my flaps open a bit more...
Gmmm yuuuummmmm
Now I need to get that cock in my mouth...
Yes, you like that A LOT don't you? Don't answer, your mouth's full! Just enjoy the sensation of my warm wet lips gently teasing your cock-head and next letting the full length of your lovely shaft go right into my throat.... Ggggrggrrrrrmmmmm....
Time to have me again Tommy! I'll get on all fours and you can bugger me doggy-style!
Oh wow, that's a lovely view! Let me pull your cheeks open and have a good look. I'll just put a couple of fingers in your bottom first, lots of juices coming out of your pussy! There...
Oh, right up me. Ream me and get me ready!
Here it comes, oh gosh this is a rude position over your back. Let me feel your bosoms as they hang down too. Oh right up your arse. Oh God! Wonderful...
Yes give it to me! I love you deep in my bum, its amazing. Right up to the balls. Marvellous. Get a hand underneath me and rub my clit. Oh wow! Oh great, now put your fingers up my pussy while you do my arse! Oh God! Yes...
Mrs Chambers I've got... oh God I've got my whole hand inside you! Your pussy is SO wide open! Its unbelievable!
Yes, you're fisting my pussy while you're right up my colon! Its opened up hugely... must be because you're right up my anus! Oh God! Its too much! Ohhhhh!
Now you're peeing again! All over the floor! Oh fuckkkkk I'm shooting... Ahhhhhh!
Me too... Ohhh Christ, Tommy that was wonderful! Thank you so much! Oh wow! Let me lie down, I need a rest after all that...
Oh yes Mrs Chambers. Oh I like how you're lying down... legs all wide and everything on display!
Yes, go ahead and explore me and feel me or whatever you like. I'll just lie here; I'm exhausted!
Well you certainly had a great time didn't you? Did you enjoy that half-hour of licking and sucking and opening me up and putting your fingers up my holes?
Oh yes, it was all great.
Well, you'd better be getting home now, your Mum will wonder where you've been. Make sure you get her to strip off for you. You need to explore her holes too! Let me know how they compare with mine. Is she hairier than me, or maybe she shaves herself? Can she open her legs as far as I can? Does she take it up the arse? Have a good look at her pussy flaps when you get the chance; are they as nice as mine are? Does she get as wet as I do? Oh, and can you get your whole hand up her? That'll be interesting!
I'll try Mrs Chambers. I'm a bit nervous about asking her!
Oh don't be. Just wait 'til the two of you are alone. Does she wear skirts often?
Oh yes, most of the time. Why?
Well I'd suggest you come up behind her sometime, with your nice erect cock out, lift up her skirt and pull down her panties... if she's wearing any... then tell her to bend and spread cos you want to shag her!
Just like that?
Yes. Go for it. Tell her I told you to! Tell her she'll love it up her! Or just wait 'til she's sitting watching the TV, get your cock out and stick it in her mouth!
Yes, either way will be fine...
Right, thanks Mrs Chambers. I'll pop over again soon..
Let me know what your Mum's like to fuck!
Will do.
Good luck Tommy. Bye.
Bye Mrs Chambers
Mum! I'm home! Where are you Mum, I've got a surprise for you...
5 月 前