My Mate's Mum Lets Us - Airtight!
My Mate's Mum Lets Us
Got any new sexy mags then Seth?
No, sorry guys. Just the copy of Parade you've already seen. I wish I could get my hands on some stronger stuff.
Not round here you won't. We'd have to go up to London I guess. Then they'd never let us buy anything better, even if we had the money!
And they'd probably not show fanny or anything, just tits I imagine. Oh how I'd love to see a girl's pussy!
Me too!
And me. I mean we know what's down there, but getting a look at it... its not going to happen is it? None of the girls at school are likely to look at us three, let alone show us their fannies...
No, that's true, but... well I do have a treat for you two. Hang on a sec and I'll just go and get something.
What's he up to Kyle?
Dunno. Ah, here he comes. What's the big surprise then Seth?
Well we may not get to see a pussy, but... tra la, we can smell one! Have a whiff of the gusset of these beauties. They're my Mum's knickers; I got them out of the laundry basket.
Oh wow! What a great idea! Let's have a sniff.
Hold the crotch-piece against your nose and breathe in the wonderful aroma!
Oh my God, that smells amazing!
Give it here Ryan, let me have a go too! Oh God! So that's what your Mum's pussy smells like Seth!
I reckon so! I'm going to do daily raids on that basket and check out her panties from now on, I don't know why I've never thought of it before!
I almost feel like running home now to check out my Mum's! I hope they're as good as your Mum's ones. Oh, imagine having her, it would be fabulous! I'd want to open her up and smell her pussy for real. That would be amazing!
Yes, I've thought about having her too, even though she's my mother. After sniffing her panties its all I can think about!
Wouldn't it be great if she let us three all have a go at fucking her?
In your dreams Kyle. Seth's Mum would never do that!
She does dress sexily though, Ryan, so you never know. She does wear stockings and stuff doesn't she, Seth?
Oh yes, that's true enough. I sometimes get a glimpse of a stocking-top when she sits on the sofa. But whether she's let us fuck her... I doubt it. Would any Mum?
No harm in asking though, eh Seth? How about it? If she's in a good mood, and, well your Dad's away on business for quite a while isn't he? She may be missing it....
What, just go up to my Mum and say we'd like to have her? Really? You reckon?
Why not? Nothing ventured... I'll ask her if you like! I've got an idea about how...
Go on Kyle, amuse us, tell us your idea!
No, come with me and observe...
Oh, hi there boys. What are you up to then?
Oh just chatting Mrs Hall, boys talk you know...
Well I don't know. Give me a clue Kyle. What do boys talk about, cars, music... girls?
Pretty much yes Mrs Hall. Girls especially! We're all a bit desperate in that regard! Older boys tell us all sorts and it gets us all excited and stuff. Its hard!
OK, indulge me. What sort of things have got you all excited? Seth, you tell me.
I'd rather not Mum; Kyle will tell you, I'm too embarrassed!
Go on then Kyle!
Well, some boys in the sixth form told me about three men having sex with one woman... at the same time!
Oh my God, really?
Yes, shall I tell you about it?
I meant oh my God is that what you talk about!
Well, we are all red-blooded males Mrs Hall!
Its just a bit of a shock! Go on then, tell me what they said, how can three men have sex with a woman at the same time? Its not a bad joke is it?
No, its real. Its called “airtight”!
Yes, it means one man has the woman in her... er her vagina. And another man has her in her bottom at the same time..
Oh my God!
Yes, that's called “double penetration” apparently.
And the third man?
He puts his... his er penis, in her mouth and they all, you know, do it at the same time! So she's... well, she's airtight!
Oh my goodness! Is that just a fantasy? Do people really do that?
Yes, one boy had seen a film of it when he was in Amsterdam. Apparently there are lots of films and pictures of it over there!
What do you think Mum? It sounds... well, it sounds amazing doesn't it?
Why are you asking me that?
Well, Ryan and Kyle and I would … well, we'd like to do it. With you Mum!
Oh God!
Yes, Mrs Hall! It would be fabulous. None of us have ever had sex, and that would be a wonderful way to lose our virginities. And in a safe environment too. And we think you'd enjoy it... you know, having three red-blooded boys!
Oh yes Mrs Hall, it would be amazing!
Please Mum! We would love it so much. We're so frustrated, it would be the best thing in the world for us, it really would!
I bet it would! Good grief! Oh God, let me think! You must be mad thinking a grown woman, a mother, would even contemplate this! And you'd want me to include my own son?!
Yes Mum... oh Mum, please. There's no harm in it!
No harm? Suppose someone found out? I could never hold my head up in society. What would your Dad say? He'd divorce me!
Mrs Hall, none of us would ever say anything! We wouldn't want to spoil it would we? It would just be so fantastic!
God I must be mad! Right.... Look.... Look, no-one must find out. None of you must breathe a word!
Mum, you mean... You mean we can? We CAN all have you?
Yes. Well, yes, but I'll probably regret it...
You won't Mrs Hall!
Well I hope I won't! Crikey, even I find the idea exciting. Having the three of you inside me, pumping away! Oh God! OK, let's get onto it then.
Will you strip for us Mum? Make it special, memorable. I can put on some nice sexy music!
Oh yes that would be great Mrs Hall!
Go on then. But I want you three stripped to your underpants before I begin. I want to see the effect I'm having!
No problem. Let's get stripped down guys!
We're all ready now Mum!
Sit still then and behave yourselves. Does anyone want to undo my blouse for me?
Yes Mrs Hall!
Yes Mum!
Oh yes please Mrs Hall!
Ok Kyle, you can start us off. And call me Evie! That's it, one button at a time. Slowly, enjoy it... Oh a sneaky feel of my boob eh Kyle. OK feel away. Nice?
Oh yes Mrs.. Evie. Very nice. Lovely and soft.
Come round behind me and cup them both in your hands. Feel the weight of them.
Fabulous Evie, thank you! Can I take the blouse off now?
Oh, you want to see my bra do you? Well, you've felt it, so I might as well show it to you all. Yes, slip the blouse off for me.
Oh Evie, your boobs look lovely in that bra. Its so sexy. Black shiny nylon, its fabulous. They're a lovely shape and nice and big. Not too big though...
Thank you Ryan. You're a connoisseur of women's breasts are you?
Err, well, that's all we ever see in magazines or in newspapers, so...
So now you're going to see a pair in real life. I'm glad you like my bra, its very flattering isn't it? Gives me a very good cleavage. OK, sit down Kyle, let Ryan undo it...
Oh wow! Thank you!
Undo the clasp at the back. That's it.
Shall I take it off for you now?
Wait a while. Let me hold the cups in place first. Ready? There....
Oh fabulous! Oh they're so marvellous!
What do you think of them? Quite firm aren't they?
They're wonderful Mum! Your... nipples stick out really far don't they?
Yes, they're a bit of a trial in a T-shirt, but my bra keeps them under control. Give them a feel Ryan. I know you're dying to...
Oh God yes. Oh, they feel amazing! So warm and firm, so heavy too. Can I … er, can I lick your nipples Evie?
Yes, go ahead. Suck them gently, I like that! Yes, that's great Ryan. Oh yes, licking the areolae. That feels lovely...
Mum, can I have a go? And Kyle?
Yes, but I think we should move on, don't you want to see my knickers and my pussy?
Oh fuck yes! Oh please yes!
Sit down then, the three of you. Get comfortable while I blow your minds! OK? Ready?
Oh yes Evie! Cant wait!
Right, let me undo my skirt. There! How do you like my stockings and suspenders and my black nylon knickers then?
Oh God I think I'm going to cum in my pants!
Try to contain yourselves! Do you like my seams? Sexy aren't they? Now as I bend forward you can have a good look at my bottom in my nice knickers. Do you see they have tie-sides? Lucky I chose to wear these today; it'll make the show even better!
I think I'm getting a bit damp down there. I'm enjoying displaying myself!
We're enjoying it too Mum! Really enjoying it! Can we see the front again? Yes, like that, matching underwear, so fabulously sexy!
Why thank you! Now would you like to see my panty-gusset? I'll have to spread my legs to show you that! There! Nice? I bet it is! Now I'll lift my knees up and apart so its a really disgusting pose. I think you may see a wet patch!
Oh Evie, I think I really will cum any moment! That is such a rude position. Oh gosh, its so sexy!
Mum, that's... that's so naughty and so lovely! Yes, it looks damp over where your... pussy is! And your legs look so hot!
My nice open inner thighs you mean? Well, I can't stay with my legs up like this for long so, here goes, brace yourselves, I'm undoing the ties, all is about to be revealed... Now!
Oh fuck!
Oh God Mum!
Evie! Oh wow, we can see everything! Oh God, its all wet. Hair! Lovely big hole and... and your bottom hole too! Oh fuck its … its wonderful!
Yes, see my flaps all open! I can feel juices sliding out of me over my perineum... onto my anus! Can you see my clitoris... here, its what I'm touching!
Oh God Mum I'm so hard!
Me too!
Me too! Wow!
Come close and have a good look. You can see right up inside me can't you?
Oh wow, yes!
Its nice isn't it? All spread open and wet and ready. With my flaps pulled apart like this, its almost like a small plate isn't it? Look inside, you can see the little hole where my pee comes out too. See it?
Oh gosh yes. Its amazing! All open and ready to serve!
That's right! Now come and have a little lick of my clit each of you! Hmmm, yes, that's lovely Ryan. Taste nice?
Oh wow yes Evie, and it smells amazing too, so much better than... er...
Better than what Ryan?
Oh, er better than I'd ever imagined. Wonderful!
OK Kyle, your turn! Oh, that's nice, my, you have a long tongue, its right up inside me! Fabulous. Get lots of juices in your mouth, taste me well, really drink in my juices! Give me a good sniff, you'll get aromas to remember!
Its magnificent Evie! Thank you so much! It smells wonderful. It tastes fabulous!
My pleasure! All right now Seth my boy, come and give your mother a jolly good sucking! Oh, your mouth is right over my open hole. That feels so good... So wrong... but SO right! Oh, I'm in danger of cumming now! Time to get started on your, what did you call it? Airtight! That's it. One in my mouth, one in my pussy and one up my arse! Well, I'm not having any cocks that have just been in my anus, going in my pussy or my mouth, and I don't want to suck a cock that's been in my pussy, so... This is how it'll go... Starting with you Ryan: get that cock out and I'll suck it into life, then you can pop it in my vagina while I suck Kyle, then Ryan can go up my arse while Kyle fucks my pussy and Seth does my throat. Then you can all finish one at a time and end with Seth doing me anally! OK?
Oh wow yes Evie! Here's my cock! Oh that feels wonderful, just licking the end. Licking the tip! Oh, now its in your mouth, oh wow!
I think that's enough Ryan, I don't want you to cum yet. I'll get on all fours and you can fuck me doggy-style. Ready? Pull my bum cheeks apart; I'm nice and wet for you to slip in...
Oh yes. I'm coming in, oh fuck I'm losing my virginity! Oh so lovely and warm and wet up you!
Yes, shaft away a bit, Kyle, slip your cock in my mouth while Ryan is doing me from behind!
That's called a spit-roast Mum! It looks amazing. My turn next?
Yes, Seth, wait a bit while Ryan enjoys my.. cunt!
Sorry, but its so amazing for me! And now Ryan is going to have anal sex with me. Not something I've done much. It'll be tight! Kyle, get on your back first and come into my pussy while I straddle you.
Oh God, now I'M not a virgin any more!
Nice eh? Now stay still and Ryan, get some saliva on your fingers and insert one up my bum. That's it.
Oh I can feel him doing that Evie!
Yes Kyle I guess you can. You'll be feeling his cock soon. OK Ryan, get another finger in there...
Gosh its tight Evie! So tight!
Its opening though. Now try and get your cock up it. Push against my ring-piece. Yes. That's it. Push a little as I push back...
Ahhhh! I'm in. I'm up your bum! Right up!
And I can feel your cock up there while I'm up her.. cunt!
In my mouth now Seth. Make me airtight! Bbbbbbrrrmmmmm!
Oh God Mum, it's half-way down your throat!
Oh, Evie I'm cumming. Its too much! Oh God.
Go for it Ryan, fill up her arse with cum!
Oh fuuuuucccckkkkk! Oh wow, that was great. Thank you Evie!
Out the way Ryan, my turn up her arse!
And my turn to fuck my Mum in her pussy!
Oh and I can breathe again! Yes, that was amazing for me too. Three big boys cocks up inside me all shafting and pumping away. And Kyle, your cock has gone up my arse-hole nice and easily after Ryan reamed it out for you!
Yes, Evie, its really lovely. Tight like Ryan said. Especially your ring-piece! Wow its a fabulous feeling up there! Are you going to join me then Seth?
Not half. Its my turn to do Mum, and my turn to become a man! Your pussy is SO wide open Mum, with Kyle up your arse, its made your pussy really spread! Here I come, one in each hole!
Its a great view guys. Nice to watch!
Shame you've not got a camera Ryan, it'd be good to have a record!
No it isn't, I don't want any evidence of you lads fucking and buggering me thank you very much! What if someone found it? Just get on with it, bang away, its fabulous!
Slow down on the thrusting Seth, I can feel you rubbing against my cock through your Mum! Its... oh... oh... its making me cummmmm... ahhhhh!
God I can feel it filling my colon! I must have loads of boy-spunk up there!
More from me in a minute Mum! Time for your son to sodomise you!
Oh you dirty boy!
Ha ha, I think you're a bit dirty too Mum! Oh wow, yes it is tight isn't it?
I think your cock is a bit thicker than your friends! Wow, it IS tight up me! Gosh I can really feel the whole length! Wow!
Oh Mum I'm buggering you and its so, so good Mum! So, so good! Let me rub your clit while I'm inside your arse... How's that?
Oh God! Its too much! Oh fuuuuucccccckkkkk...
Mum, stop thrashing about its …. oh God I'm cumming too. Ahhhhhh! Oh wow!
Blimey, that looked good Seth, your Mum writhing about and you exploding in her! Oh lovely Evie, keep spread open and we can see the aftermath! Fucking hell, spunk is just pouting out of your bum-hole! Pints of it!
Yes I can feel it dripping out of me. Hand me my panties Ryan. Thanks. I'll mop myself up with them...
Can I do that for you Evie?
Yes Ryan go ahead. That's it, rub the gusset along my slit, get all my juices and your spunk on it, wipe me all clean.
Wow its great Evie!
Push it up my pussy and really get all the juice. Lovely, oh its right up with your fingers in there too! I bet that feels good. Now, push it up my arse and get the remains of the spunk. Wonderful. Thank you.
Pass it on the Kyle and Seth, let them have a sniff. It'll be powerful I expect!
Oh fuck yes Mum, it smells incredible. It could be an amazing souvenir!
Well you're not having them, they cost me a lot those did. Look, tell you what... Seth pop up to my laundry basket in my bedroom and bring down three pairs of my used knickers, I have an idea! Come into the bathroom all of you. …. Right. Now, these should be fairy smelly, but I can enrich them for you and you can take a pair home each to sniff in the privacy of your bedrooms. Watch me as I crouch down and do a small pee on each one!
Oh God, Mum, squatting like that has opened your pussy right up. Oh gosh, and pee is coming out. Oh wonderful.
Yes let me wet each pair for you. Am I aiming at the gussets OK?
Oh yes, Evie. That is... unbelievable! Its amazing watching pee dribble out onto the knickers!
Now I'll rub each pair against my nice damp holes and push them up inside them like I did my best pair. That should ensure they're nice and ripe for you to take home with you. Keep them VERY well hidden!
Thank you Evie. I'll treasure them!
So will I, I'm going to keep them in a bag and hide them inside my laptop bag!
I don't have to hide mine do I Mum? But I'll make sure Dad doesn't see them!
Yes Seth, don't you dare let your Dad find out! Now, I think its time you went home boys...
Can we just have a final look at your bits Evie?
Go on then. I'll spread open and you can have a final explore. Open my flaps Kyle, have a good look inside. Don't rub too hard Seth and Ryan, just touch and finger me very gently, don't make me sore. Yes gently. Just have a good look to remember my private parts until next time.
Next time, Mum?
Oh yes. Do you think that after having three strong boy cocks up me, I don't want to experience it again? Same time next week OK?
Got any new sexy mags then Seth?
No, sorry guys. Just the copy of Parade you've already seen. I wish I could get my hands on some stronger stuff.
Not round here you won't. We'd have to go up to London I guess. Then they'd never let us buy anything better, even if we had the money!
And they'd probably not show fanny or anything, just tits I imagine. Oh how I'd love to see a girl's pussy!
Me too!
And me. I mean we know what's down there, but getting a look at it... its not going to happen is it? None of the girls at school are likely to look at us three, let alone show us their fannies...
No, that's true, but... well I do have a treat for you two. Hang on a sec and I'll just go and get something.
What's he up to Kyle?
Dunno. Ah, here he comes. What's the big surprise then Seth?
Well we may not get to see a pussy, but... tra la, we can smell one! Have a whiff of the gusset of these beauties. They're my Mum's knickers; I got them out of the laundry basket.
Oh wow! What a great idea! Let's have a sniff.
Hold the crotch-piece against your nose and breathe in the wonderful aroma!
Oh my God, that smells amazing!
Give it here Ryan, let me have a go too! Oh God! So that's what your Mum's pussy smells like Seth!
I reckon so! I'm going to do daily raids on that basket and check out her panties from now on, I don't know why I've never thought of it before!
I almost feel like running home now to check out my Mum's! I hope they're as good as your Mum's ones. Oh, imagine having her, it would be fabulous! I'd want to open her up and smell her pussy for real. That would be amazing!
Yes, I've thought about having her too, even though she's my mother. After sniffing her panties its all I can think about!
Wouldn't it be great if she let us three all have a go at fucking her?
In your dreams Kyle. Seth's Mum would never do that!
She does dress sexily though, Ryan, so you never know. She does wear stockings and stuff doesn't she, Seth?
Oh yes, that's true enough. I sometimes get a glimpse of a stocking-top when she sits on the sofa. But whether she's let us fuck her... I doubt it. Would any Mum?
No harm in asking though, eh Seth? How about it? If she's in a good mood, and, well your Dad's away on business for quite a while isn't he? She may be missing it....
What, just go up to my Mum and say we'd like to have her? Really? You reckon?
Why not? Nothing ventured... I'll ask her if you like! I've got an idea about how...
Go on Kyle, amuse us, tell us your idea!
No, come with me and observe...
Oh, hi there boys. What are you up to then?
Oh just chatting Mrs Hall, boys talk you know...
Well I don't know. Give me a clue Kyle. What do boys talk about, cars, music... girls?
Pretty much yes Mrs Hall. Girls especially! We're all a bit desperate in that regard! Older boys tell us all sorts and it gets us all excited and stuff. Its hard!
OK, indulge me. What sort of things have got you all excited? Seth, you tell me.
I'd rather not Mum; Kyle will tell you, I'm too embarrassed!
Go on then Kyle!
Well, some boys in the sixth form told me about three men having sex with one woman... at the same time!
Oh my God, really?
Yes, shall I tell you about it?
I meant oh my God is that what you talk about!
Well, we are all red-blooded males Mrs Hall!
Its just a bit of a shock! Go on then, tell me what they said, how can three men have sex with a woman at the same time? Its not a bad joke is it?
No, its real. Its called “airtight”!
Yes, it means one man has the woman in her... er her vagina. And another man has her in her bottom at the same time..
Oh my God!
Yes, that's called “double penetration” apparently.
And the third man?
He puts his... his er penis, in her mouth and they all, you know, do it at the same time! So she's... well, she's airtight!
Oh my goodness! Is that just a fantasy? Do people really do that?
Yes, one boy had seen a film of it when he was in Amsterdam. Apparently there are lots of films and pictures of it over there!
What do you think Mum? It sounds... well, it sounds amazing doesn't it?
Why are you asking me that?
Well, Ryan and Kyle and I would … well, we'd like to do it. With you Mum!
Oh God!
Yes, Mrs Hall! It would be fabulous. None of us have ever had sex, and that would be a wonderful way to lose our virginities. And in a safe environment too. And we think you'd enjoy it... you know, having three red-blooded boys!
Oh yes Mrs Hall, it would be amazing!
Please Mum! We would love it so much. We're so frustrated, it would be the best thing in the world for us, it really would!
I bet it would! Good grief! Oh God, let me think! You must be mad thinking a grown woman, a mother, would even contemplate this! And you'd want me to include my own son?!
Yes Mum... oh Mum, please. There's no harm in it!
No harm? Suppose someone found out? I could never hold my head up in society. What would your Dad say? He'd divorce me!
Mrs Hall, none of us would ever say anything! We wouldn't want to spoil it would we? It would just be so fantastic!
God I must be mad! Right.... Look.... Look, no-one must find out. None of you must breathe a word!
Mum, you mean... You mean we can? We CAN all have you?
Yes. Well, yes, but I'll probably regret it...
You won't Mrs Hall!
Well I hope I won't! Crikey, even I find the idea exciting. Having the three of you inside me, pumping away! Oh God! OK, let's get onto it then.
Will you strip for us Mum? Make it special, memorable. I can put on some nice sexy music!
Oh yes that would be great Mrs Hall!
Go on then. But I want you three stripped to your underpants before I begin. I want to see the effect I'm having!
No problem. Let's get stripped down guys!
We're all ready now Mum!
Sit still then and behave yourselves. Does anyone want to undo my blouse for me?
Yes Mrs Hall!
Yes Mum!
Oh yes please Mrs Hall!
Ok Kyle, you can start us off. And call me Evie! That's it, one button at a time. Slowly, enjoy it... Oh a sneaky feel of my boob eh Kyle. OK feel away. Nice?
Oh yes Mrs.. Evie. Very nice. Lovely and soft.
Come round behind me and cup them both in your hands. Feel the weight of them.
Fabulous Evie, thank you! Can I take the blouse off now?
Oh, you want to see my bra do you? Well, you've felt it, so I might as well show it to you all. Yes, slip the blouse off for me.
Oh Evie, your boobs look lovely in that bra. Its so sexy. Black shiny nylon, its fabulous. They're a lovely shape and nice and big. Not too big though...
Thank you Ryan. You're a connoisseur of women's breasts are you?
Err, well, that's all we ever see in magazines or in newspapers, so...
So now you're going to see a pair in real life. I'm glad you like my bra, its very flattering isn't it? Gives me a very good cleavage. OK, sit down Kyle, let Ryan undo it...
Oh wow! Thank you!
Undo the clasp at the back. That's it.
Shall I take it off for you now?
Wait a while. Let me hold the cups in place first. Ready? There....
Oh fabulous! Oh they're so marvellous!
What do you think of them? Quite firm aren't they?
They're wonderful Mum! Your... nipples stick out really far don't they?
Yes, they're a bit of a trial in a T-shirt, but my bra keeps them under control. Give them a feel Ryan. I know you're dying to...
Oh God yes. Oh, they feel amazing! So warm and firm, so heavy too. Can I … er, can I lick your nipples Evie?
Yes, go ahead. Suck them gently, I like that! Yes, that's great Ryan. Oh yes, licking the areolae. That feels lovely...
Mum, can I have a go? And Kyle?
Yes, but I think we should move on, don't you want to see my knickers and my pussy?
Oh fuck yes! Oh please yes!
Sit down then, the three of you. Get comfortable while I blow your minds! OK? Ready?
Oh yes Evie! Cant wait!
Right, let me undo my skirt. There! How do you like my stockings and suspenders and my black nylon knickers then?
Oh God I think I'm going to cum in my pants!
Try to contain yourselves! Do you like my seams? Sexy aren't they? Now as I bend forward you can have a good look at my bottom in my nice knickers. Do you see they have tie-sides? Lucky I chose to wear these today; it'll make the show even better!
I think I'm getting a bit damp down there. I'm enjoying displaying myself!
We're enjoying it too Mum! Really enjoying it! Can we see the front again? Yes, like that, matching underwear, so fabulously sexy!
Why thank you! Now would you like to see my panty-gusset? I'll have to spread my legs to show you that! There! Nice? I bet it is! Now I'll lift my knees up and apart so its a really disgusting pose. I think you may see a wet patch!
Oh Evie, I think I really will cum any moment! That is such a rude position. Oh gosh, its so sexy!
Mum, that's... that's so naughty and so lovely! Yes, it looks damp over where your... pussy is! And your legs look so hot!
My nice open inner thighs you mean? Well, I can't stay with my legs up like this for long so, here goes, brace yourselves, I'm undoing the ties, all is about to be revealed... Now!
Oh fuck!
Oh God Mum!
Evie! Oh wow, we can see everything! Oh God, its all wet. Hair! Lovely big hole and... and your bottom hole too! Oh fuck its … its wonderful!
Yes, see my flaps all open! I can feel juices sliding out of me over my perineum... onto my anus! Can you see my clitoris... here, its what I'm touching!
Oh God Mum I'm so hard!
Me too!
Me too! Wow!
Come close and have a good look. You can see right up inside me can't you?
Oh wow, yes!
Its nice isn't it? All spread open and wet and ready. With my flaps pulled apart like this, its almost like a small plate isn't it? Look inside, you can see the little hole where my pee comes out too. See it?
Oh gosh yes. Its amazing! All open and ready to serve!
That's right! Now come and have a little lick of my clit each of you! Hmmm, yes, that's lovely Ryan. Taste nice?
Oh wow yes Evie, and it smells amazing too, so much better than... er...
Better than what Ryan?
Oh, er better than I'd ever imagined. Wonderful!
OK Kyle, your turn! Oh, that's nice, my, you have a long tongue, its right up inside me! Fabulous. Get lots of juices in your mouth, taste me well, really drink in my juices! Give me a good sniff, you'll get aromas to remember!
Its magnificent Evie! Thank you so much! It smells wonderful. It tastes fabulous!
My pleasure! All right now Seth my boy, come and give your mother a jolly good sucking! Oh, your mouth is right over my open hole. That feels so good... So wrong... but SO right! Oh, I'm in danger of cumming now! Time to get started on your, what did you call it? Airtight! That's it. One in my mouth, one in my pussy and one up my arse! Well, I'm not having any cocks that have just been in my anus, going in my pussy or my mouth, and I don't want to suck a cock that's been in my pussy, so... This is how it'll go... Starting with you Ryan: get that cock out and I'll suck it into life, then you can pop it in my vagina while I suck Kyle, then Ryan can go up my arse while Kyle fucks my pussy and Seth does my throat. Then you can all finish one at a time and end with Seth doing me anally! OK?
Oh wow yes Evie! Here's my cock! Oh that feels wonderful, just licking the end. Licking the tip! Oh, now its in your mouth, oh wow!
I think that's enough Ryan, I don't want you to cum yet. I'll get on all fours and you can fuck me doggy-style. Ready? Pull my bum cheeks apart; I'm nice and wet for you to slip in...
Oh yes. I'm coming in, oh fuck I'm losing my virginity! Oh so lovely and warm and wet up you!
Yes, shaft away a bit, Kyle, slip your cock in my mouth while Ryan is doing me from behind!
That's called a spit-roast Mum! It looks amazing. My turn next?
Yes, Seth, wait a bit while Ryan enjoys my.. cunt!
Sorry, but its so amazing for me! And now Ryan is going to have anal sex with me. Not something I've done much. It'll be tight! Kyle, get on your back first and come into my pussy while I straddle you.
Oh God, now I'M not a virgin any more!
Nice eh? Now stay still and Ryan, get some saliva on your fingers and insert one up my bum. That's it.
Oh I can feel him doing that Evie!
Yes Kyle I guess you can. You'll be feeling his cock soon. OK Ryan, get another finger in there...
Gosh its tight Evie! So tight!
Its opening though. Now try and get your cock up it. Push against my ring-piece. Yes. That's it. Push a little as I push back...
Ahhhh! I'm in. I'm up your bum! Right up!
And I can feel your cock up there while I'm up her.. cunt!
In my mouth now Seth. Make me airtight! Bbbbbbrrrmmmmm!
Oh God Mum, it's half-way down your throat!
Oh, Evie I'm cumming. Its too much! Oh God.
Go for it Ryan, fill up her arse with cum!
Oh fuuuuucccckkkkk! Oh wow, that was great. Thank you Evie!
Out the way Ryan, my turn up her arse!
And my turn to fuck my Mum in her pussy!
Oh and I can breathe again! Yes, that was amazing for me too. Three big boys cocks up inside me all shafting and pumping away. And Kyle, your cock has gone up my arse-hole nice and easily after Ryan reamed it out for you!
Yes, Evie, its really lovely. Tight like Ryan said. Especially your ring-piece! Wow its a fabulous feeling up there! Are you going to join me then Seth?
Not half. Its my turn to do Mum, and my turn to become a man! Your pussy is SO wide open Mum, with Kyle up your arse, its made your pussy really spread! Here I come, one in each hole!
Its a great view guys. Nice to watch!
Shame you've not got a camera Ryan, it'd be good to have a record!
No it isn't, I don't want any evidence of you lads fucking and buggering me thank you very much! What if someone found it? Just get on with it, bang away, its fabulous!
Slow down on the thrusting Seth, I can feel you rubbing against my cock through your Mum! Its... oh... oh... its making me cummmmm... ahhhhh!
God I can feel it filling my colon! I must have loads of boy-spunk up there!
More from me in a minute Mum! Time for your son to sodomise you!
Oh you dirty boy!
Ha ha, I think you're a bit dirty too Mum! Oh wow, yes it is tight isn't it?
I think your cock is a bit thicker than your friends! Wow, it IS tight up me! Gosh I can really feel the whole length! Wow!
Oh Mum I'm buggering you and its so, so good Mum! So, so good! Let me rub your clit while I'm inside your arse... How's that?
Oh God! Its too much! Oh fuuuuucccccckkkkk...
Mum, stop thrashing about its …. oh God I'm cumming too. Ahhhhhh! Oh wow!
Blimey, that looked good Seth, your Mum writhing about and you exploding in her! Oh lovely Evie, keep spread open and we can see the aftermath! Fucking hell, spunk is just pouting out of your bum-hole! Pints of it!
Yes I can feel it dripping out of me. Hand me my panties Ryan. Thanks. I'll mop myself up with them...
Can I do that for you Evie?
Yes Ryan go ahead. That's it, rub the gusset along my slit, get all my juices and your spunk on it, wipe me all clean.
Wow its great Evie!
Push it up my pussy and really get all the juice. Lovely, oh its right up with your fingers in there too! I bet that feels good. Now, push it up my arse and get the remains of the spunk. Wonderful. Thank you.
Pass it on the Kyle and Seth, let them have a sniff. It'll be powerful I expect!
Oh fuck yes Mum, it smells incredible. It could be an amazing souvenir!
Well you're not having them, they cost me a lot those did. Look, tell you what... Seth pop up to my laundry basket in my bedroom and bring down three pairs of my used knickers, I have an idea! Come into the bathroom all of you. …. Right. Now, these should be fairy smelly, but I can enrich them for you and you can take a pair home each to sniff in the privacy of your bedrooms. Watch me as I crouch down and do a small pee on each one!
Oh God, Mum, squatting like that has opened your pussy right up. Oh gosh, and pee is coming out. Oh wonderful.
Yes let me wet each pair for you. Am I aiming at the gussets OK?
Oh yes, Evie. That is... unbelievable! Its amazing watching pee dribble out onto the knickers!
Now I'll rub each pair against my nice damp holes and push them up inside them like I did my best pair. That should ensure they're nice and ripe for you to take home with you. Keep them VERY well hidden!
Thank you Evie. I'll treasure them!
So will I, I'm going to keep them in a bag and hide them inside my laptop bag!
I don't have to hide mine do I Mum? But I'll make sure Dad doesn't see them!
Yes Seth, don't you dare let your Dad find out! Now, I think its time you went home boys...
Can we just have a final look at your bits Evie?
Go on then. I'll spread open and you can have a final explore. Open my flaps Kyle, have a good look inside. Don't rub too hard Seth and Ryan, just touch and finger me very gently, don't make me sore. Yes gently. Just have a good look to remember my private parts until next time.
Next time, Mum?
Oh yes. Do you think that after having three strong boy cocks up me, I don't want to experience it again? Same time next week OK?
4 月 前