Ciara & Lucy-3
He waited this time. Longer than was really necessary. After what felt like an age to Lucy, the officer issued a one word command, "Trousers!".
She took a breath and pulled her belt to release the pin. She paced herself again. She wanted to balance so she didn't rush but he had no opportunity to order her to move faster. She got the button undone and began to slide them down past her hips and pushed them down her legs. She knew, at the point he was watching her breasts, but she studiously ignored him and stepped out of her trousers and folded them on to the pile of clothes.
She was down to her plain white thong. She had decided on these as the best option for the caning. She'd figured on the journey home and the little bit of space between her trousers and her skin might be just enough to not irritate the welts too much.
He looked at her and she looked at him. She knew what he wanted, and he knew that she knew. She stood looking at him. Her hands by her sides, naked except for the thong. She understood she wasn't in charge and that she was the victim of this punishment, but she was going to maintain every bit of control she could.
She'd thought the word 'victim', but she didn't really agree with that. The professional, rationale element of her brain knew she had done wrong and knew she was in fact lucky that the Assistant Director had decided to go the informal route, even if it was to be a little quirky.
"Come on, Officer Starr, let's not delay the inevitable," he said firmly. He used a tone of voice that irritated Lucy immensely. It was pitched somewhere between authority and boredom. It struck her like a slap around the face, that this was probably exactly the same tone she had used a few short hours ago when she was the one who was dressed and some poor other person was stood naked on the painted square. An interesting perspective which might require some professional reflection, but not now. Now, she had to get naked.
The last time she had been naked in front of another person was a boyfriend from about a year or so ago. Now she had to be naked in front of two strangers and her boss. But not any strangers, one a prisoner and one her senior officer. What a mess she'd gotten herself in to.
She'd practiced this manoeuvre too and she swiftly removed the thong and was naked. Her pubic hair was the same orangey-red colour as her hair and she had it trimmed short and into a neat triangle. Her lips were prominent and pink, her clitoris hooded neatly and covered in the short red hair.
"Assume position number 1, Miss Starr," came the next command from him, delivered in a much softer and cooler tone than his previous instructions. Two things struck Lucy immediately. The first was she had been called 'Miss Starr' rather than 'Officer Starr', and position number 1 was about the worst of the non sexual positions in the handbook. This punishment was not going to be good. She took a breath and assumed the position. She didn't see she had much choice.
She moved her legs apart in a wide stance and put her hands on the back of her head interlacing her fingers and pushing her elbows back in line with her ears. This position was, as designed, totally exposing and allowed the officers free access to the prisoner for most things. Unless of course, the prisoner breaks position, but then the 8 strokes she was about to receive would be like a picnic on comparison to the ensuing punishment that would result.
This position has the effect of lifting the breasts so that they stand proudly on the chest, exposing the belly completely and spreading the thighs to leave the vulva on full view with easy access for anyone to touch or cause pain to. She stood in that position for a few moments before Amanda went over to one of the equipment benches and brought across a chain set.
Lucy groaned inwardly. These chains were exactly what the chubbier prisoner was wearing on the other side of the room. It was designed to restrain the prisoner while still allowing movement around the complex. However, Lucy knew that wasn't the only purpose. For example, there was no practical purpose to the chain than runs tightly through the crotch and up into the anal cleft, other than humiliation of the subject.
This time, Amanda spoke, she was clearly in charge for this bit of the punishment and Lucy was certain this was going to be punishment. "I am going to approach you and fit this restraint chain. You are required to maintain the position and keep looking forwards," she said in a firm and even tone.
Lucy didn't reply as she was too busy fighting back the tears. Amanda had delivered the statement exactly as the handbook stated for when dealing with the restraint of prisoners. Her change in status was horribly apparent to Lucy and she hadn't realised how much it was going to hurt. This was far worse than anything they could do with the cane, no matter how temporary it was going to be.
Amanda started behind her, reaching her hands around Lucy's waist to put the chain around, about level with her navel. Lucy felt a tingle in her spine at the proximity of Amanda to her, she could smell her perfume. Amanda got the end lined up against Lucy's spine, just above the top of the anal cleft, and then pulled the longer end tightly, digging the chain into Lucy's soft abdomen. She fixed the chain in place as Lucy grunted involuntarily at the new pressure around her stomach.
Next, Amanda pulled the length of chain, now hanging from the lock down into Lucy's anal cleft. Lucy gasped at the cold metal touched her warm skin.
Keeping hold of the chain, Amanda stepped around her prisoner until she was standing in front of her. She didn't look at Lucy, "Keep still now," she said before pulling the end of the chain sharply upwards so that it pulled tightly into Lucy's vagina, forcing Lucy up onto her tip toes. Struggling against the pressure slightly, Amanda locked the end of the chain to the horizontal length at Lucy's navel and stood back to examine her work.
The chain was biting into the soft flesh as it disappeared down through Lucy's most intimate parts. Even though she was well toned, there was a slight bulge of flesh around the chain. There were a few links of spare chain hanging down from the lock that weren't needed to get around Lucy's slim waist.
Although she was not outwardly crying, tears had welled up in Lucy's eyes. This was, without any doubt, the worst bit. It had taken a lot of self control to stand there in the humiliating position whilst her boss, someone she had professional respect for and hoped there was some reciprocal feeling, treated her like a common prisoner. The nudity was bad enough, but what had really got to Lucy, was the fact that the only purpose they had for chaining her like this, was the humiliation factor. It's not as if she'd even cuffed her wrists, so it wasn't about security.
It then got worse. Amanda stepped back around behind Lucy who was still holding the position with her arms up pushing her breasts forward. "Position two now," she instructed. Lucy wasn't sure, but perhaps there had been a touch of warmth in her tone then?
She moved to do as per the instruction. She placed her legs together and folded her arms horizontality in the small of her back. This gave some relief to her shoulders, but she knew this meant they were moving. She assumed to the punishment bench, but she was wrong.
Amanda took a grip of the chain, just above where it disappeared down Lucy's anal cleft and she whispered in her ear, "you're doing fine," before saying in a louder voice for the benefit of the man, "Ok. On my command you will walk over to prisoner Murphy. Do you understand?"
"Yes ma'am," replied Lucy, with a new sense of hope. Amanda was definitely there for her, which conflicted her, because it was Amanda's order that had got her here in the first place. Actually, no thought Lucy, it was her own error of judgement.
"Go!" Amanda was back to business as she issued the short sharp command. Lucy moved forward and could feel the added pressure on the chain because of Amanda's hand on it. It pulled against her pubis bone and, Lucy realised, it wasn't an entirely unpleasant feeling.
As they got to the seated prisoner, Amanda tugged the chain to stop Lucy walking. Lucy gasped slightly. "One of the conditions of managing this informally," Amanda said, "was that you apologise to Prisoner Murphy here for your unprofessionalism. So now's your chance."
Lucy cleared her throat and gulped. She'd rehearsed this, knowing this would be coming up. However, she now couldn't think of one word of it. She took a breath and opened her mouth and then shut it again. She really was lost for words.
She began to realise just how bad it must be to be a prisoner here. She looked again at the woman in front of her and the bruises and the marks on her soft skin, but appreciated it wasn't the physical pain that was the real punishment. The real punishment came from the chains and the humiliations of being at someone's control for everything. Lucy could feel the warmth of Amanda's fingers against her back, still tugging on her crotch chain which was giving Lucy more empathy for her prisoners, past and future, than any amount of training could. This woman before her, now her equal, was a professional executive in the outside world, but here, she was something else and Lucy couldn't quite put her finger on what that something was.
She tried to speak again, but failed. Amanda took this pause for non compliance and gave the chain a sudden and sharp tug upwards, digging yet further into Lucy's flesh. "Come on, I don't have all night," Amanda hissed, clearly getting impatient.
"I had a speech planned for this," Lucy began, "but I had that planned before I'd really understood what it felt like to be here, like this."
Ciara looked up at her from her seated position. This would normally be unusual behaviour to see a naked, chained, punished prisoner make eye contact with officers, particularly those who had taken part in their punishment. This was a very different circumstance though. Lucy wasn't cuffed and didn't have the bruises, but they were very much on a level.
Their eyes met. "I genuinely want to apologise," Lucy continued, "I now have a small amount of understanding how you must have felt and then for me to score cheap points was the last thing you needed. It was unprofessional of me and I want you to know that it's not the caning I am about to get that is making me want to genuinely apologise to you. I have seen a small glimmer of your point of view." Lucy felt Amanda give her arm a gentle squeeze.
The woman in front of her looked up at her in disbelief and shuffled awkwardly in her seat within the constraints of the chains.
"I don't think you really have any idea what it's like to be here. I don't actually know what you did wrong to me, I'm not sure it made that much difference, but what I do know, is you can't compare what you've just done to being locked up in here!" said Caira. She looked away from the naked officer in front of her.
Without any further discussion, Amanda gripped her harm with one hand, keeping her other hand on the chain and steered Lucy towards the punishment bench.
Within a few paces, she was stood in front of the bench. She had been up close to these things on countless occasions, but never had she appreciated so much detail. The leather straps that would, in a few short moments, be holding her waist tightly against the bench, were marked with stains of what could only be the sweat of the benches previous occupants. There were also marks on the leather where the fastening had been strained hard holding the struggling prisoners to the bench.
It was the male officer who was in charge again. "Miss Starr, I'm sure you know the drill. In a moment I am going to give you the order to mount the punishment bench. Myself and the Assistant Director will fasten the straps, restraining you in place. Any non compliance at this point, will result in my use of the whip when I'm done with the cane. Do you understand?"
"Yes Sir," Lucy said.
He looked her up and down again, somewhat unnecessarily, before giving the order, "Ok. Mount the punishment bench."
Lucy brought her hands infront of her and stepped closer so that her hips were against her edge of the bench. She was surprised how cold the surface felt against her skin.
She opened her legs so the her ankles were near the restraint straps that would hold them in place. She leant forward over the bar that her hips would rest on, and reached for the handles, slightly beyond the wrist straps. She gripped them tightly. She settled her body into place. The bench was not exactly comfortable, but neither was it painful to lie there passively.
She took a deep breath before she felt the man's hand flat on the small of her back, pushing her down firmly against the frame while she felt Amanda fixing the strap across her lower back. She felt the strap being tightened and then being cinched to the point of discomfort. The leather dug into her skin painfully and pushed her crotch chain in to the skin where it crossed on her back, above her buttocks. She was now officially helpless. There was no way she could move off the frame until someone undid the strap for her.
She was about to say something and then realised how ridiculous she'd sound. And then she realised that she'd done exactly the same every time she'd executed this procedure on her own prisoners. She wondered if the pain of the leather was accidental or by design. After all, the Ministry of Justice always seemed to have a way of making things worse for the prisoners.
He was at her left foot and Amanda was at her right wrist. Both were doing up the leather straps around her limbs. The feeling of the cool leather against her skin was odd to Lucy. It somehow felt right, that in her current position, her body should be encircled with tight leather restraints. That thought caught her a little off guard and she tried to examine it, but didn't get much chance. All four limbs were secured now and Amanda was operating the mechanism to pull her arm restraints away from her, straightening her arms. She knew this was going to happen, absolutely standard. But it was terrifying. The stretching, for that is what it was becoming, went on for a few inches more than Lucy was really comfortable with. When it stopped, the leather straps at her wrists were really digging into her flesh. That must be why they are so wide, she thought.
The pull in her shoulders was not painful but she figured she might well feel that in the morning. Her muscles were tight and her and hips were pushed right up against the edge of the frame. She tugged against her restraints, but couldn't move anywhere.
Lying like that, she was looking directly at the floor. She could see marks down there where previous bench occupants had been crying and snotting onto the floor. Her breasts were hanging down freely and her legs were spread wide and she knew from experience the sort of view she was giving to anyone stood behind her. This new position was pulling the crotch chain even tighter into her most intimate areas. She could feel her face burn with the shame of her position.
"So, eight strokes of the cane are coming up. You are required to count each stroke out loud," the male officer said, "do you understand?"
This was another deviation from standard protocol. This certainly wasn't in the rule book, but it was very clear to Lucy that she was in no position to argue.
"Yes sir," she said, keeping her tone even.
"Do you have anything to say before I execute the punishment for this regulation 86 notice?" he asked.
"No sir," she said. There was nothing to say. Other than 'this was gonna hurt!'
"Ok then. I shall commence."
He placed the cane across her buttocks which made her jump. He took aim at the centre mass of her buttocks, swung his arm back and without hesitation, delivered the first stroke of the eight.
Lucy gasped in shock and surprise. She flung her head up and back as she let out a scream. Her shoulders raised until the restraints arrested the movement and she relaxed back down, panting. She knew it was going to hurt, but that was something else.
Now she was passed the shock of it, the burn was radiating across her buttocks and she found she was clenching and unclenching her fingers as that was about the only bit of movement she had control of.
The man spoke, interrupting her thoughts, "I can wait all evening, Miss Starr, you are simply delaying the inevitable."
She had no idea what he was talking about. What was she doing to delay? She then realised her mistake. "Sorry. One," she said. Stubbornly resisting the urge to add 'sir' onto the end.
He didn't say anything, but laid the cane across her buttocks again, this time slightly lower. It made her flinch again and she took a deep breath and held it. Nothing happened so she released it and then he struck.
A whoosh sound, followed by a crack filled the room. Despite all her experience, she had been caught out by the oldest trick in the book. She was left with no air in her lungs so there was no scream this time, just an empty sounding grunt. She pulled uselessly at the restraints again. She was two strokes in which meant she was a quarter of the way through. The pain was just as bad the second time but she didn't forget herself this time.
"Two," she said.
Without reply, he placed the cane again, but this time she remembered not to jump. Nor did she hold her breath, having learnt the lesson last time. A moment later the cane disappeared from her buttocks and a second later the third stroke landed. She managed to tone down her scream this time and immediately said "three."
The same process happened again and two seconds later, the fourth stroke delivered it's searing kiss across her buttocks, right at the crease at the top of her thighs. That stung even more than its predecessors, because of the location he'd chosen.
She was half way through now and decided to wait a moment or two before calling the number out to give herself a breather. She could feel a sheen of sweat coating her skin and her breathing was a little irregular. Her stomach muscles were pushing against the unrelenting waist chain as she took deep breaths. She spent the moment getting herself together a bit. The pull on her shoulders has eased slightly, whether the straps had given a bit, or the muscles in her shoulder, she wasn't sure.
She took a breath and said "four."
Nothing happened for a moment, and then she felt the man touch her buttocks with his hand. It was unmistakable. He traced the lines of the strokes, eliciting a spike in pain, which Lucy managed to swallow. This was again, highly irregular, but whether it was technically against the rules or not, Lucy wasn't sure and thought that it was probably something of an academic point in any event. It certainly felt wrong to Lucy and she fought the urge to complain at the assault. He was taking liberties now and she was not happy about it. She felt the flush of anger on her face. She swallowed it down though, making a scene now would not help her, especially in the position she was in, completely at his mercy. Unless Amanda would intervene? She was surprised about how upset she was about what he had done. She wouldn't have thought it would be such a big deal, but the abuse of his power over her was appalling to her.
He removed his had and she heard his feet shuffle, then the whoosh of the cane through the air. The pain, entirely unexpected this time, caught her off guard and she let out a scream that even to her own ears sounded strained and desperate.
She gulped to calm her breathing a little, before readying herself for the next stroke. She had no idea the percentage calculation of 5 out of 8, but she was more than half way, she knew that. "Five," she said, somewhat reluctantly.
This time, he sized up the target area again, laying the cane across the upper most part of her buttocks -- this was going to be the highest stroke so far and she was confident that it was virgin skin. She felt the cane disappear to be almost immediately replaced by another line of searing pain across her butt. She pulled again against the straps holding her in place, an action she knew to be useless but it seemed to make her feel better.
The sweat was visible upon her skin now. She could feel a rivulet running down from her arm and down the side of her hanging breast. She could feel the dampness on her back and overall she figured she probably wasn't looking her best right now.
"Six," she said. She knew the maths now -- three quarters done and two to go. Even that simple thought process felt like a small victory against the pain.
He waited for a few beats this time, but he didn't measure up his stroke. This hit right across the centre mass of her buttocks and the pain merged together with the hangover of the previous strokes. Again, she managed to resist a full on scream but let out a sob saying "seven" at the same time to encourage a slightly more rapid conclusion.
This time, he obliged and the eighth and final stroke came crashing down across her buttocks bringing this punishment to it's conclusion. She was crying openly now and, as many before her, her tears were dripping onto the floor under the punishment bench.
Realising the end of this punishment was in fact in her hands, she whispered, "eight," and then after a pause added "sir," with enough tone in her voice to make her point.
"Very well," he said, "Assistant Director, I can confirm this corporal punishment has been completed to my satisfaction." He moved away from Lucy as she sobbed, her wrists still restrained so she was unable to even wipe her tears. She instead stroked her cheek against her arm on both sides, transferring the dampness.
"Thank you," she replied. "Miss Starr, you will remain in position for a short time whilst I have this prisoner removed.
It didn't sound like there was to be any choice, but Lucy couldn't believe this. Yet another indignity that didn't happen to prisoners. When their caning was finished, they get taken away immediately. Fair enough, that is often to be displayed for others to see, but still. She heard Amanda on the phone arranging for a transport officer to return Murphy to her cell for the night. Oh no! That meant a colleague was going to see her like this!
Nobody in the room spoke for the few minutes it took for the transport officer to arrive. Lucy's butt felt like it was on fire. She wanted desperately to reach around and touch it to ease the pain, but she imagined she wouldn't be allowed this small relief, certainly prisoners weren't. She was starting to feel the discomfort of her position which was unnatural and her hips were pushed uncomfortably into the bench by the tight strap. She had been crying and she could only imagine what her face must look like.
The pain was passed it's peak now, but it felt like her whole butt was on fire. She was desperate to put her hands on her injured buttocks but the reastraints made this impossible. As she laid there, she promised herself she would never be in this position again and that while she was in charge in a Punishment Room, she would deliver a greater degree of compassion than she had done previously. Compassion was not impossible when delivering punishment. Her training had not in any way helped her to understand the reality of being the subject of a corporal punishment.
Lucy made sure her head was tucked down between her arms that remained stretched forward to hide. In reality though, Amanda pushed the woman to the door, so the transport officer didn't even step into the room.
The man then said, "Right then, I think I am done, I will leave you finish here Ms Richards. Miss Starr, I trust if our paths cross again, it will be in remarkably different circumstances," and with that Lucy heard the door close.
She didn't understand what was happening, she was now left in the room with her boss, still stark naked and strapped to the Punishment Bench! The sweat that came from the punishment had dried away and she was beginning to feel a chill.
"Right Lucy. You did well there and now it's nearly over and you can put this whole thing behind you and move on with your career," Amanda said in a soothing tone.
Lucy bucked a little at that, when she realised that Amanda had used the word 'nearly'.
Amanda continued, "I have brought some lotion in with me and I will put this on for you before I release you from the Punishment Bench."
She didn't wait for a reply before Lucy felt the soothing coolness of the lotion being rubbed into her cheeks that were burning with heat from the caning, but now her face was also burning, but from embarrassment. She really didn't want this, the second time someone had handled her in the last hour and she was really feeling the lack of control. Well, actually, the soothing rub on her hot skin felt kind of good, but she didn't want her boss to be the one to do the rubbing. The pressure of her hands on the bruised flesh caused more pain, but the manner in which she was rubbing the oily lotion was soothing, almost pleasurable.
She found her muscles relaxing at Amanda's touch, but she hadn't realised she was this tense. Amanda kept rubbing and Lucy was relaxing nicely which she registered as entirely ridiculous given her current position and what had just happened to her. She was beginning to really move to enjoyment and she realised there was definitely a stirring in her crotch, but she pushed the thought out of her mind. She definitely shouldn't be aroused by this. It was probably meant as an act of kindness, but the humiliation was still high. Her boss was rubbing lotion in her wounds that she had herself ordered and now Lucy couldn't understand why she was lying there, bound to the bench feeling arousal.
She just managed to stop herself making a satisfied moan noise when Amanda said, "Right then, I am going to release your legs, then your waist and then your hands. I want you to then stand up but above all else, do not touch your bottom. Do you understand?"
"Err, yes ma'am," Lucy said a little confused and then surprised by her own use of the word 'ma'am', it just didn't feel right to call her Amanda. She got to work releasing Lucy from her confinement. When she released the waist strap, there was a bit of pain as the blood rushed back to where the leather had been digging into her skin. Then it was time to stand up.
She carefully got to her feet, her legs were a little shaky, which she assumed was due to them being held in an unnatural position. She could see the strap marks around her wrists and as she stepped away from the bench and the chain rubbed in her vagina, she realised to her surprise that she was wet with arousal. There had been such a complex mix of emotions in the last hour, this had crept up on her, but she didn't have time to think about it as Amanda done again.
"I want you to get dressed now please Lucy," she said, softly.
"Wait . . . What?" Lucy stammered, gesturing at the chain that was still pressing tightly into her flesh.
"Yes. I'm going to send you home with the chain in place, and I want you to return to my office before shift in the morning and I will remove it then," Amanda said. "I told you that I want to make sure that this experience leaves an impression upon you that you will not forget.
"Spending a night in the chain, in your own bed rather than a cell, I might add, will help focus your mind on this experience in future. Now get dressed."
Lucy didn't know what to do. She knew there wasn't much she could she practically do. She didn't have access to the key, at least not until she was back on shift. To get the key, she'd need to explain to whoever she spoke to what had happened and she'd be ultimately no better off, with a formal charge to answer, but with 8 cane marks across her butt.
She sighed and moved to get dressed. She went over to her pile of clothes and as she walked, it was obvious to her just how wet she was as the chain moved against her crotch. The chain pulling against her felt really good. The pressure of it around her stomach wasn't actually unpleasant either. She found herself using her stomach muscles to push against it and feel the unyielding bondage of the hard steel. This gave her a little thrill and she had to consciously keep her hands away from her crotch as she really wanted to touch herself.
Then there was the pain in her buttocks. The sting had subsided a bit but she could feel her buttocks throbbing and knew they'd be hot to the touch. They were definitely tender and she wondered how she was going to cope sitting down. The shame of the situation was intense too, but thinking about it, was definitely piquing her arousal still further. She was being sent home chained like a prisoner. She should be infuriated, but she wasn't and she was surprised it was turning her on.
She pushed these thoughts from her mind as she bent down to pick up her clothes. This movement though, pulled the chain tight into her crotch and pulled into her belly. She realised she was going to have to be careful here -- having an orgasm in front of Amanda really would be a step too far.
She got her thong and her bra on without any drama. She looked down at her thong, the chain disappeared below the waist band, but the shape of the chain could clearly be seen through the light material, until it went between her lips. She had half an eye on Amanda who wasn't even pretending to look away. She simply watching her, quite openly.
The uniform shirt was next which was fine. She'd been putting off the trousers which was now the only thing that was left. She stepped into them and gingerly pulled them up past her knees and paused. She clenched her buttocks in subconscious preparation of the trousers sliding over her freshly caned skin. That had the effect of her muscles clamping down on the chain again and she had to concentrate on the task in hand. This chain was going to be big trouble!
She pulled her trousers over her buttocks and immediately regretted that thong choice. The rough material pulled across her skin sending a sharp pain through her, but then it was done. It was a bit awkward doing her trousers up over her waist chain, but she got there and once her boots were on, she was dressed and no one would know any different. There was a small bulge where the padlock was sitting, but Lucy was confident people wouldn't notice unless they were properly looking.
Amanda passed her a pack of wipes, "you might want to clean up on your face a little. Wipe away the tear steaks," she said. Lucy was grateful for the discretion that would allow her. If she saw any of her colleagues, not that she expected to, she wanted to be able to act normally.
She did the business with the wipe and looked back at Amanda. She could feel the pain in her buttocks but an increasing arousal because of the chain. She was desperate to get home.
"Right then," Amanda said, "see you in the morning before shift for you to be released. Don't be late or it'll have to be the end of the day."
This made Lucy shudder at the thought of trying to do a day at work like this. Before she could reply, Amanda spoke again. "I may well take a view tomorrow on whether this regulation 86 notice even needs to be filed. See you tomorrow," and she left the room.
Lucy was left in the Punishment Room alone. She looked around, surveying the room with all it's instruments of pain and humiliation, to which she had been subject to only a couple tonight, gave herself another push with her stomach muscles to feel the restraint of the chain, and left the room.
She made it out of the building without incident and got into her car, squealing involuntarily when she sat in her seat. She waved at the guard on the barrier gate and she was out and into the freedom of the town.
She walked through her door ten minutes later and went straight to her bathroom. She took her clothes off as quickly as possible and then looked at the chain. She gave it a little tug and there was a corresponding response in her pussy. She wasn't prevented from touching herself. It wasn't a chastity device, she could easily get her fingers around and inside herself, she thought she could probably get a vibrator in there too, at least her smaller one.
First though, she turned to inspect the damage in the mirror. She gasped at the sight. Her bum wasn't red all over like it felt, but there were 8 clear individual lines, detailing perfectly her ordeal from earlier. The lines had little raised ridges on each side which were super red and a paler bit of pink where the cane had actually hit. The effect was 8 sets of red tramlines across her round pale bottom.
She touched the marks for the first time and the sting it elicited made her gasp again. But she didn't stop. She pushed down to make the sting worse and with her other hand reached down to grab the chain just above her mound. She tugged the chain which tightened against her clit. She kept pulling at the chain and pushing at the marks on her bum until she could feel herself on the edge of orgasm.
The feeling had been developing since she climbed off the caning bench and now it was getting to a peak, but it wasn't quite there. She quickened her pace and as she was about to go over the edge, she moved her fingers down to her pussy lips, slick with juices and rubbed vigorously and then slapped her own buttocks as hard as she could with the other hand.
The effect was immediate and profound. The orgasm crashed over her immediately and she was lost in her own pleasure. She had her eyes clamped shut and had been panting but now shouted, "Fuck!" elongating the word as the waves of pleasure rode over her.
She didn't realise she'd done it, but several minutes later, she found herself on the floor, naked but for the chain, her body coated again with a sheen of sweat and her ragged breathing beginning to calm down. She was sitting on her bruised arse, but the sting had transformed into a warm, comforting feeling. She barely knew what had happened, the feelings and reaction had been so intense. She pulled herself together and got back to her feet. Her legs were wobbly but she was up. She looked at herself in the mirror and it was obvious that a shower was needed and so she turned it on and watched her reflection disappear into the steam.
Her hand went back to her crotch, partially locked away and she realised that the chain couldn't stop the jet of water from the shower and in she stepped.
It was suddenly apparent to Lucy that she wasn't going to want a lot of sleep tonight as the high sexual charge of her submission, pain and humiliation from the day came together into realisation that a little part of her had enjoyed what she had gone through and that particular genie was out of the box now.
She stepped into the stream of hot gushing water and took the shower head off its stand and set to work on her second orgasm. Damn! She was as horny as hell and she was in for a great night.
She took a breath and pulled her belt to release the pin. She paced herself again. She wanted to balance so she didn't rush but he had no opportunity to order her to move faster. She got the button undone and began to slide them down past her hips and pushed them down her legs. She knew, at the point he was watching her breasts, but she studiously ignored him and stepped out of her trousers and folded them on to the pile of clothes.
She was down to her plain white thong. She had decided on these as the best option for the caning. She'd figured on the journey home and the little bit of space between her trousers and her skin might be just enough to not irritate the welts too much.
He looked at her and she looked at him. She knew what he wanted, and he knew that she knew. She stood looking at him. Her hands by her sides, naked except for the thong. She understood she wasn't in charge and that she was the victim of this punishment, but she was going to maintain every bit of control she could.
She'd thought the word 'victim', but she didn't really agree with that. The professional, rationale element of her brain knew she had done wrong and knew she was in fact lucky that the Assistant Director had decided to go the informal route, even if it was to be a little quirky.
"Come on, Officer Starr, let's not delay the inevitable," he said firmly. He used a tone of voice that irritated Lucy immensely. It was pitched somewhere between authority and boredom. It struck her like a slap around the face, that this was probably exactly the same tone she had used a few short hours ago when she was the one who was dressed and some poor other person was stood naked on the painted square. An interesting perspective which might require some professional reflection, but not now. Now, she had to get naked.
The last time she had been naked in front of another person was a boyfriend from about a year or so ago. Now she had to be naked in front of two strangers and her boss. But not any strangers, one a prisoner and one her senior officer. What a mess she'd gotten herself in to.
She'd practiced this manoeuvre too and she swiftly removed the thong and was naked. Her pubic hair was the same orangey-red colour as her hair and she had it trimmed short and into a neat triangle. Her lips were prominent and pink, her clitoris hooded neatly and covered in the short red hair.
"Assume position number 1, Miss Starr," came the next command from him, delivered in a much softer and cooler tone than his previous instructions. Two things struck Lucy immediately. The first was she had been called 'Miss Starr' rather than 'Officer Starr', and position number 1 was about the worst of the non sexual positions in the handbook. This punishment was not going to be good. She took a breath and assumed the position. She didn't see she had much choice.
She moved her legs apart in a wide stance and put her hands on the back of her head interlacing her fingers and pushing her elbows back in line with her ears. This position was, as designed, totally exposing and allowed the officers free access to the prisoner for most things. Unless of course, the prisoner breaks position, but then the 8 strokes she was about to receive would be like a picnic on comparison to the ensuing punishment that would result.
This position has the effect of lifting the breasts so that they stand proudly on the chest, exposing the belly completely and spreading the thighs to leave the vulva on full view with easy access for anyone to touch or cause pain to. She stood in that position for a few moments before Amanda went over to one of the equipment benches and brought across a chain set.
Lucy groaned inwardly. These chains were exactly what the chubbier prisoner was wearing on the other side of the room. It was designed to restrain the prisoner while still allowing movement around the complex. However, Lucy knew that wasn't the only purpose. For example, there was no practical purpose to the chain than runs tightly through the crotch and up into the anal cleft, other than humiliation of the subject.
This time, Amanda spoke, she was clearly in charge for this bit of the punishment and Lucy was certain this was going to be punishment. "I am going to approach you and fit this restraint chain. You are required to maintain the position and keep looking forwards," she said in a firm and even tone.
Lucy didn't reply as she was too busy fighting back the tears. Amanda had delivered the statement exactly as the handbook stated for when dealing with the restraint of prisoners. Her change in status was horribly apparent to Lucy and she hadn't realised how much it was going to hurt. This was far worse than anything they could do with the cane, no matter how temporary it was going to be.
Amanda started behind her, reaching her hands around Lucy's waist to put the chain around, about level with her navel. Lucy felt a tingle in her spine at the proximity of Amanda to her, she could smell her perfume. Amanda got the end lined up against Lucy's spine, just above the top of the anal cleft, and then pulled the longer end tightly, digging the chain into Lucy's soft abdomen. She fixed the chain in place as Lucy grunted involuntarily at the new pressure around her stomach.
Next, Amanda pulled the length of chain, now hanging from the lock down into Lucy's anal cleft. Lucy gasped at the cold metal touched her warm skin.
Keeping hold of the chain, Amanda stepped around her prisoner until she was standing in front of her. She didn't look at Lucy, "Keep still now," she said before pulling the end of the chain sharply upwards so that it pulled tightly into Lucy's vagina, forcing Lucy up onto her tip toes. Struggling against the pressure slightly, Amanda locked the end of the chain to the horizontal length at Lucy's navel and stood back to examine her work.
The chain was biting into the soft flesh as it disappeared down through Lucy's most intimate parts. Even though she was well toned, there was a slight bulge of flesh around the chain. There were a few links of spare chain hanging down from the lock that weren't needed to get around Lucy's slim waist.
Although she was not outwardly crying, tears had welled up in Lucy's eyes. This was, without any doubt, the worst bit. It had taken a lot of self control to stand there in the humiliating position whilst her boss, someone she had professional respect for and hoped there was some reciprocal feeling, treated her like a common prisoner. The nudity was bad enough, but what had really got to Lucy, was the fact that the only purpose they had for chaining her like this, was the humiliation factor. It's not as if she'd even cuffed her wrists, so it wasn't about security.
It then got worse. Amanda stepped back around behind Lucy who was still holding the position with her arms up pushing her breasts forward. "Position two now," she instructed. Lucy wasn't sure, but perhaps there had been a touch of warmth in her tone then?
She moved to do as per the instruction. She placed her legs together and folded her arms horizontality in the small of her back. This gave some relief to her shoulders, but she knew this meant they were moving. She assumed to the punishment bench, but she was wrong.
Amanda took a grip of the chain, just above where it disappeared down Lucy's anal cleft and she whispered in her ear, "you're doing fine," before saying in a louder voice for the benefit of the man, "Ok. On my command you will walk over to prisoner Murphy. Do you understand?"
"Yes ma'am," replied Lucy, with a new sense of hope. Amanda was definitely there for her, which conflicted her, because it was Amanda's order that had got her here in the first place. Actually, no thought Lucy, it was her own error of judgement.
"Go!" Amanda was back to business as she issued the short sharp command. Lucy moved forward and could feel the added pressure on the chain because of Amanda's hand on it. It pulled against her pubis bone and, Lucy realised, it wasn't an entirely unpleasant feeling.
As they got to the seated prisoner, Amanda tugged the chain to stop Lucy walking. Lucy gasped slightly. "One of the conditions of managing this informally," Amanda said, "was that you apologise to Prisoner Murphy here for your unprofessionalism. So now's your chance."
Lucy cleared her throat and gulped. She'd rehearsed this, knowing this would be coming up. However, she now couldn't think of one word of it. She took a breath and opened her mouth and then shut it again. She really was lost for words.
She began to realise just how bad it must be to be a prisoner here. She looked again at the woman in front of her and the bruises and the marks on her soft skin, but appreciated it wasn't the physical pain that was the real punishment. The real punishment came from the chains and the humiliations of being at someone's control for everything. Lucy could feel the warmth of Amanda's fingers against her back, still tugging on her crotch chain which was giving Lucy more empathy for her prisoners, past and future, than any amount of training could. This woman before her, now her equal, was a professional executive in the outside world, but here, she was something else and Lucy couldn't quite put her finger on what that something was.
She tried to speak again, but failed. Amanda took this pause for non compliance and gave the chain a sudden and sharp tug upwards, digging yet further into Lucy's flesh. "Come on, I don't have all night," Amanda hissed, clearly getting impatient.
"I had a speech planned for this," Lucy began, "but I had that planned before I'd really understood what it felt like to be here, like this."
Ciara looked up at her from her seated position. This would normally be unusual behaviour to see a naked, chained, punished prisoner make eye contact with officers, particularly those who had taken part in their punishment. This was a very different circumstance though. Lucy wasn't cuffed and didn't have the bruises, but they were very much on a level.
Their eyes met. "I genuinely want to apologise," Lucy continued, "I now have a small amount of understanding how you must have felt and then for me to score cheap points was the last thing you needed. It was unprofessional of me and I want you to know that it's not the caning I am about to get that is making me want to genuinely apologise to you. I have seen a small glimmer of your point of view." Lucy felt Amanda give her arm a gentle squeeze.
The woman in front of her looked up at her in disbelief and shuffled awkwardly in her seat within the constraints of the chains.
"I don't think you really have any idea what it's like to be here. I don't actually know what you did wrong to me, I'm not sure it made that much difference, but what I do know, is you can't compare what you've just done to being locked up in here!" said Caira. She looked away from the naked officer in front of her.
Without any further discussion, Amanda gripped her harm with one hand, keeping her other hand on the chain and steered Lucy towards the punishment bench.
Within a few paces, she was stood in front of the bench. She had been up close to these things on countless occasions, but never had she appreciated so much detail. The leather straps that would, in a few short moments, be holding her waist tightly against the bench, were marked with stains of what could only be the sweat of the benches previous occupants. There were also marks on the leather where the fastening had been strained hard holding the struggling prisoners to the bench.
It was the male officer who was in charge again. "Miss Starr, I'm sure you know the drill. In a moment I am going to give you the order to mount the punishment bench. Myself and the Assistant Director will fasten the straps, restraining you in place. Any non compliance at this point, will result in my use of the whip when I'm done with the cane. Do you understand?"
"Yes Sir," Lucy said.
He looked her up and down again, somewhat unnecessarily, before giving the order, "Ok. Mount the punishment bench."
Lucy brought her hands infront of her and stepped closer so that her hips were against her edge of the bench. She was surprised how cold the surface felt against her skin.
She opened her legs so the her ankles were near the restraint straps that would hold them in place. She leant forward over the bar that her hips would rest on, and reached for the handles, slightly beyond the wrist straps. She gripped them tightly. She settled her body into place. The bench was not exactly comfortable, but neither was it painful to lie there passively.
She took a deep breath before she felt the man's hand flat on the small of her back, pushing her down firmly against the frame while she felt Amanda fixing the strap across her lower back. She felt the strap being tightened and then being cinched to the point of discomfort. The leather dug into her skin painfully and pushed her crotch chain in to the skin where it crossed on her back, above her buttocks. She was now officially helpless. There was no way she could move off the frame until someone undid the strap for her.
She was about to say something and then realised how ridiculous she'd sound. And then she realised that she'd done exactly the same every time she'd executed this procedure on her own prisoners. She wondered if the pain of the leather was accidental or by design. After all, the Ministry of Justice always seemed to have a way of making things worse for the prisoners.
He was at her left foot and Amanda was at her right wrist. Both were doing up the leather straps around her limbs. The feeling of the cool leather against her skin was odd to Lucy. It somehow felt right, that in her current position, her body should be encircled with tight leather restraints. That thought caught her a little off guard and she tried to examine it, but didn't get much chance. All four limbs were secured now and Amanda was operating the mechanism to pull her arm restraints away from her, straightening her arms. She knew this was going to happen, absolutely standard. But it was terrifying. The stretching, for that is what it was becoming, went on for a few inches more than Lucy was really comfortable with. When it stopped, the leather straps at her wrists were really digging into her flesh. That must be why they are so wide, she thought.
The pull in her shoulders was not painful but she figured she might well feel that in the morning. Her muscles were tight and her and hips were pushed right up against the edge of the frame. She tugged against her restraints, but couldn't move anywhere.
Lying like that, she was looking directly at the floor. She could see marks down there where previous bench occupants had been crying and snotting onto the floor. Her breasts were hanging down freely and her legs were spread wide and she knew from experience the sort of view she was giving to anyone stood behind her. This new position was pulling the crotch chain even tighter into her most intimate areas. She could feel her face burn with the shame of her position.
"So, eight strokes of the cane are coming up. You are required to count each stroke out loud," the male officer said, "do you understand?"
This was another deviation from standard protocol. This certainly wasn't in the rule book, but it was very clear to Lucy that she was in no position to argue.
"Yes sir," she said, keeping her tone even.
"Do you have anything to say before I execute the punishment for this regulation 86 notice?" he asked.
"No sir," she said. There was nothing to say. Other than 'this was gonna hurt!'
"Ok then. I shall commence."
He placed the cane across her buttocks which made her jump. He took aim at the centre mass of her buttocks, swung his arm back and without hesitation, delivered the first stroke of the eight.
Lucy gasped in shock and surprise. She flung her head up and back as she let out a scream. Her shoulders raised until the restraints arrested the movement and she relaxed back down, panting. She knew it was going to hurt, but that was something else.
Now she was passed the shock of it, the burn was radiating across her buttocks and she found she was clenching and unclenching her fingers as that was about the only bit of movement she had control of.
The man spoke, interrupting her thoughts, "I can wait all evening, Miss Starr, you are simply delaying the inevitable."
She had no idea what he was talking about. What was she doing to delay? She then realised her mistake. "Sorry. One," she said. Stubbornly resisting the urge to add 'sir' onto the end.
He didn't say anything, but laid the cane across her buttocks again, this time slightly lower. It made her flinch again and she took a deep breath and held it. Nothing happened so she released it and then he struck.
A whoosh sound, followed by a crack filled the room. Despite all her experience, she had been caught out by the oldest trick in the book. She was left with no air in her lungs so there was no scream this time, just an empty sounding grunt. She pulled uselessly at the restraints again. She was two strokes in which meant she was a quarter of the way through. The pain was just as bad the second time but she didn't forget herself this time.
"Two," she said.
Without reply, he placed the cane again, but this time she remembered not to jump. Nor did she hold her breath, having learnt the lesson last time. A moment later the cane disappeared from her buttocks and a second later the third stroke landed. She managed to tone down her scream this time and immediately said "three."
The same process happened again and two seconds later, the fourth stroke delivered it's searing kiss across her buttocks, right at the crease at the top of her thighs. That stung even more than its predecessors, because of the location he'd chosen.
She was half way through now and decided to wait a moment or two before calling the number out to give herself a breather. She could feel a sheen of sweat coating her skin and her breathing was a little irregular. Her stomach muscles were pushing against the unrelenting waist chain as she took deep breaths. She spent the moment getting herself together a bit. The pull on her shoulders has eased slightly, whether the straps had given a bit, or the muscles in her shoulder, she wasn't sure.
She took a breath and said "four."
Nothing happened for a moment, and then she felt the man touch her buttocks with his hand. It was unmistakable. He traced the lines of the strokes, eliciting a spike in pain, which Lucy managed to swallow. This was again, highly irregular, but whether it was technically against the rules or not, Lucy wasn't sure and thought that it was probably something of an academic point in any event. It certainly felt wrong to Lucy and she fought the urge to complain at the assault. He was taking liberties now and she was not happy about it. She felt the flush of anger on her face. She swallowed it down though, making a scene now would not help her, especially in the position she was in, completely at his mercy. Unless Amanda would intervene? She was surprised about how upset she was about what he had done. She wouldn't have thought it would be such a big deal, but the abuse of his power over her was appalling to her.
He removed his had and she heard his feet shuffle, then the whoosh of the cane through the air. The pain, entirely unexpected this time, caught her off guard and she let out a scream that even to her own ears sounded strained and desperate.
She gulped to calm her breathing a little, before readying herself for the next stroke. She had no idea the percentage calculation of 5 out of 8, but she was more than half way, she knew that. "Five," she said, somewhat reluctantly.
This time, he sized up the target area again, laying the cane across the upper most part of her buttocks -- this was going to be the highest stroke so far and she was confident that it was virgin skin. She felt the cane disappear to be almost immediately replaced by another line of searing pain across her butt. She pulled again against the straps holding her in place, an action she knew to be useless but it seemed to make her feel better.
The sweat was visible upon her skin now. She could feel a rivulet running down from her arm and down the side of her hanging breast. She could feel the dampness on her back and overall she figured she probably wasn't looking her best right now.
"Six," she said. She knew the maths now -- three quarters done and two to go. Even that simple thought process felt like a small victory against the pain.
He waited for a few beats this time, but he didn't measure up his stroke. This hit right across the centre mass of her buttocks and the pain merged together with the hangover of the previous strokes. Again, she managed to resist a full on scream but let out a sob saying "seven" at the same time to encourage a slightly more rapid conclusion.
This time, he obliged and the eighth and final stroke came crashing down across her buttocks bringing this punishment to it's conclusion. She was crying openly now and, as many before her, her tears were dripping onto the floor under the punishment bench.
Realising the end of this punishment was in fact in her hands, she whispered, "eight," and then after a pause added "sir," with enough tone in her voice to make her point.
"Very well," he said, "Assistant Director, I can confirm this corporal punishment has been completed to my satisfaction." He moved away from Lucy as she sobbed, her wrists still restrained so she was unable to even wipe her tears. She instead stroked her cheek against her arm on both sides, transferring the dampness.
"Thank you," she replied. "Miss Starr, you will remain in position for a short time whilst I have this prisoner removed.
It didn't sound like there was to be any choice, but Lucy couldn't believe this. Yet another indignity that didn't happen to prisoners. When their caning was finished, they get taken away immediately. Fair enough, that is often to be displayed for others to see, but still. She heard Amanda on the phone arranging for a transport officer to return Murphy to her cell for the night. Oh no! That meant a colleague was going to see her like this!
Nobody in the room spoke for the few minutes it took for the transport officer to arrive. Lucy's butt felt like it was on fire. She wanted desperately to reach around and touch it to ease the pain, but she imagined she wouldn't be allowed this small relief, certainly prisoners weren't. She was starting to feel the discomfort of her position which was unnatural and her hips were pushed uncomfortably into the bench by the tight strap. She had been crying and she could only imagine what her face must look like.
The pain was passed it's peak now, but it felt like her whole butt was on fire. She was desperate to put her hands on her injured buttocks but the reastraints made this impossible. As she laid there, she promised herself she would never be in this position again and that while she was in charge in a Punishment Room, she would deliver a greater degree of compassion than she had done previously. Compassion was not impossible when delivering punishment. Her training had not in any way helped her to understand the reality of being the subject of a corporal punishment.
Lucy made sure her head was tucked down between her arms that remained stretched forward to hide. In reality though, Amanda pushed the woman to the door, so the transport officer didn't even step into the room.
The man then said, "Right then, I think I am done, I will leave you finish here Ms Richards. Miss Starr, I trust if our paths cross again, it will be in remarkably different circumstances," and with that Lucy heard the door close.
She didn't understand what was happening, she was now left in the room with her boss, still stark naked and strapped to the Punishment Bench! The sweat that came from the punishment had dried away and she was beginning to feel a chill.
"Right Lucy. You did well there and now it's nearly over and you can put this whole thing behind you and move on with your career," Amanda said in a soothing tone.
Lucy bucked a little at that, when she realised that Amanda had used the word 'nearly'.
Amanda continued, "I have brought some lotion in with me and I will put this on for you before I release you from the Punishment Bench."
She didn't wait for a reply before Lucy felt the soothing coolness of the lotion being rubbed into her cheeks that were burning with heat from the caning, but now her face was also burning, but from embarrassment. She really didn't want this, the second time someone had handled her in the last hour and she was really feeling the lack of control. Well, actually, the soothing rub on her hot skin felt kind of good, but she didn't want her boss to be the one to do the rubbing. The pressure of her hands on the bruised flesh caused more pain, but the manner in which she was rubbing the oily lotion was soothing, almost pleasurable.
She found her muscles relaxing at Amanda's touch, but she hadn't realised she was this tense. Amanda kept rubbing and Lucy was relaxing nicely which she registered as entirely ridiculous given her current position and what had just happened to her. She was beginning to really move to enjoyment and she realised there was definitely a stirring in her crotch, but she pushed the thought out of her mind. She definitely shouldn't be aroused by this. It was probably meant as an act of kindness, but the humiliation was still high. Her boss was rubbing lotion in her wounds that she had herself ordered and now Lucy couldn't understand why she was lying there, bound to the bench feeling arousal.
She just managed to stop herself making a satisfied moan noise when Amanda said, "Right then, I am going to release your legs, then your waist and then your hands. I want you to then stand up but above all else, do not touch your bottom. Do you understand?"
"Err, yes ma'am," Lucy said a little confused and then surprised by her own use of the word 'ma'am', it just didn't feel right to call her Amanda. She got to work releasing Lucy from her confinement. When she released the waist strap, there was a bit of pain as the blood rushed back to where the leather had been digging into her skin. Then it was time to stand up.
She carefully got to her feet, her legs were a little shaky, which she assumed was due to them being held in an unnatural position. She could see the strap marks around her wrists and as she stepped away from the bench and the chain rubbed in her vagina, she realised to her surprise that she was wet with arousal. There had been such a complex mix of emotions in the last hour, this had crept up on her, but she didn't have time to think about it as Amanda done again.
"I want you to get dressed now please Lucy," she said, softly.
"Wait . . . What?" Lucy stammered, gesturing at the chain that was still pressing tightly into her flesh.
"Yes. I'm going to send you home with the chain in place, and I want you to return to my office before shift in the morning and I will remove it then," Amanda said. "I told you that I want to make sure that this experience leaves an impression upon you that you will not forget.
"Spending a night in the chain, in your own bed rather than a cell, I might add, will help focus your mind on this experience in future. Now get dressed."
Lucy didn't know what to do. She knew there wasn't much she could she practically do. She didn't have access to the key, at least not until she was back on shift. To get the key, she'd need to explain to whoever she spoke to what had happened and she'd be ultimately no better off, with a formal charge to answer, but with 8 cane marks across her butt.
She sighed and moved to get dressed. She went over to her pile of clothes and as she walked, it was obvious to her just how wet she was as the chain moved against her crotch. The chain pulling against her felt really good. The pressure of it around her stomach wasn't actually unpleasant either. She found herself using her stomach muscles to push against it and feel the unyielding bondage of the hard steel. This gave her a little thrill and she had to consciously keep her hands away from her crotch as she really wanted to touch herself.
Then there was the pain in her buttocks. The sting had subsided a bit but she could feel her buttocks throbbing and knew they'd be hot to the touch. They were definitely tender and she wondered how she was going to cope sitting down. The shame of the situation was intense too, but thinking about it, was definitely piquing her arousal still further. She was being sent home chained like a prisoner. She should be infuriated, but she wasn't and she was surprised it was turning her on.
She pushed these thoughts from her mind as she bent down to pick up her clothes. This movement though, pulled the chain tight into her crotch and pulled into her belly. She realised she was going to have to be careful here -- having an orgasm in front of Amanda really would be a step too far.
She got her thong and her bra on without any drama. She looked down at her thong, the chain disappeared below the waist band, but the shape of the chain could clearly be seen through the light material, until it went between her lips. She had half an eye on Amanda who wasn't even pretending to look away. She simply watching her, quite openly.
The uniform shirt was next which was fine. She'd been putting off the trousers which was now the only thing that was left. She stepped into them and gingerly pulled them up past her knees and paused. She clenched her buttocks in subconscious preparation of the trousers sliding over her freshly caned skin. That had the effect of her muscles clamping down on the chain again and she had to concentrate on the task in hand. This chain was going to be big trouble!
She pulled her trousers over her buttocks and immediately regretted that thong choice. The rough material pulled across her skin sending a sharp pain through her, but then it was done. It was a bit awkward doing her trousers up over her waist chain, but she got there and once her boots were on, she was dressed and no one would know any different. There was a small bulge where the padlock was sitting, but Lucy was confident people wouldn't notice unless they were properly looking.
Amanda passed her a pack of wipes, "you might want to clean up on your face a little. Wipe away the tear steaks," she said. Lucy was grateful for the discretion that would allow her. If she saw any of her colleagues, not that she expected to, she wanted to be able to act normally.
She did the business with the wipe and looked back at Amanda. She could feel the pain in her buttocks but an increasing arousal because of the chain. She was desperate to get home.
"Right then," Amanda said, "see you in the morning before shift for you to be released. Don't be late or it'll have to be the end of the day."
This made Lucy shudder at the thought of trying to do a day at work like this. Before she could reply, Amanda spoke again. "I may well take a view tomorrow on whether this regulation 86 notice even needs to be filed. See you tomorrow," and she left the room.
Lucy was left in the Punishment Room alone. She looked around, surveying the room with all it's instruments of pain and humiliation, to which she had been subject to only a couple tonight, gave herself another push with her stomach muscles to feel the restraint of the chain, and left the room.
She made it out of the building without incident and got into her car, squealing involuntarily when she sat in her seat. She waved at the guard on the barrier gate and she was out and into the freedom of the town.
She walked through her door ten minutes later and went straight to her bathroom. She took her clothes off as quickly as possible and then looked at the chain. She gave it a little tug and there was a corresponding response in her pussy. She wasn't prevented from touching herself. It wasn't a chastity device, she could easily get her fingers around and inside herself, she thought she could probably get a vibrator in there too, at least her smaller one.
First though, she turned to inspect the damage in the mirror. She gasped at the sight. Her bum wasn't red all over like it felt, but there were 8 clear individual lines, detailing perfectly her ordeal from earlier. The lines had little raised ridges on each side which were super red and a paler bit of pink where the cane had actually hit. The effect was 8 sets of red tramlines across her round pale bottom.
She touched the marks for the first time and the sting it elicited made her gasp again. But she didn't stop. She pushed down to make the sting worse and with her other hand reached down to grab the chain just above her mound. She tugged the chain which tightened against her clit. She kept pulling at the chain and pushing at the marks on her bum until she could feel herself on the edge of orgasm.
The feeling had been developing since she climbed off the caning bench and now it was getting to a peak, but it wasn't quite there. She quickened her pace and as she was about to go over the edge, she moved her fingers down to her pussy lips, slick with juices and rubbed vigorously and then slapped her own buttocks as hard as she could with the other hand.
The effect was immediate and profound. The orgasm crashed over her immediately and she was lost in her own pleasure. She had her eyes clamped shut and had been panting but now shouted, "Fuck!" elongating the word as the waves of pleasure rode over her.
She didn't realise she'd done it, but several minutes later, she found herself on the floor, naked but for the chain, her body coated again with a sheen of sweat and her ragged breathing beginning to calm down. She was sitting on her bruised arse, but the sting had transformed into a warm, comforting feeling. She barely knew what had happened, the feelings and reaction had been so intense. She pulled herself together and got back to her feet. Her legs were wobbly but she was up. She looked at herself in the mirror and it was obvious that a shower was needed and so she turned it on and watched her reflection disappear into the steam.
Her hand went back to her crotch, partially locked away and she realised that the chain couldn't stop the jet of water from the shower and in she stepped.
It was suddenly apparent to Lucy that she wasn't going to want a lot of sleep tonight as the high sexual charge of her submission, pain and humiliation from the day came together into realisation that a little part of her had enjoyed what she had gone through and that particular genie was out of the box now.
She stepped into the stream of hot gushing water and took the shower head off its stand and set to work on her second orgasm. Damn! She was as horny as hell and she was in for a great night.
2 月 前