Episode #17 - Why women don't talk to men
Member name: TonyyyTouchhh
Dec 15, 2024
H̲i̲m̲: Hello hello hello ......How naughty could we get? ..... would you try a double dildo with me? :)12:11
M̲e̲: What might be the relevant nature of your inquiry with me, per my profile description?12:53
H̲i̲m̲: I saw "Dirty Talk" 12:55
H̲i̲m̲: But its ok. Didn't want to bother you12:55
M̲e̲: Hi again. "Dirty talk" is under my personal "Interests and fetishes" section. However, a profile description is designed to tell the reader exactly why he/she is here, what they seek/don't seek, what they offer, what their expectations are, what their outlined rules and conduct should be and so on. Strange that you conveniently bypassed and overrode my entire profile description, contacted me with contrary nonsense, then later indicate that you "didn't want to bother me" after already reaching out to me with irrelevant criteria and intent.
I'm not trying to give you the third degree. Just read profiles entirely. Had you done so past the "Personal information" section, I think you would easily have read that you do not fit the description, and thus, could easily have bypassed me altogether. Hopefully it's a learning curve for you.
On a brighter note, I thank you for replying and I do feel your follow-up was on a sincere and genuine level, so I do appreciate that.
Well, I suppose there's nothing more to go on from here, unless you feel otherwise. Do take care. :)
H̲i̲m̲: Okay. Got it.13:10
M̲e̲: Excellent! Just know that REAL women will ALWAYS expect men to read their profiles entirely. Don't believe me? Start reading blogs. Or go visit profiles of men and real through random wall comment sections and see how many women are universally saying "read my profile" or "no" or "no content, no add". Read through female profiles and see how many expect men to read and cooperate. Also, be able to differentiate between a REAL woman and plenty of fakes, bots, scammers and catfish. Hope this helps shape your interactions better. :)13:15
Dec 30, 2024
H̲i̲m̲: Are you trying to play the morality police here?
Why don't you just relax and accept that other people have different opinions and behave differently than you want? Do you have too much time on your hands for such trivia?20:07
H̲i̲m̲: Stop being annoying.20:07 (Special note here: At this point, he's now angry at me for leaving testimony on him for not reading, irrelevant contact and for his continual efforts to try to cover-up the feedback being left on him on four different occasions...hence his "stop being annoying" comment).
Dec 31, 2024
M̲e̲: You: "Are you trying to play the morality police here?"
It's called testimony and feedback. You have chosen to join a public social media site of your peers. It's everyone due diligence to give feedback to the community of people and their interactions, when things don't go well. Sites like these have many people behind the scenes as "watchers" and "record-keepers". Why? Because feedback is vital in informing other people about people/interactions that do not go well. When you go to Amazon or eBay, you first want to know what that vendor's reputation is like, so you receive the product as it's advertised. Same goes with social media and dating sites. We all have the right to know in advance to how someone interacts/treats someone else online, so that any potential new person that interacts with you knows what to expect and/or to avoid. I'm not sure what you don't understand by that. Observe this site, observe blogs, observe profiles, observe female comments on men's profiles. You'll see the very same thing everywhere. My feedback to your wall isn't exclusive.12:09
You: "Why don't you just relax and accept that other people have different opinions and behave differently than you want?"
Because I'm a woman. What you men don't ever see is what females have dealt with for the past 30 years of online abuse. We have all tried the "relaxed" approach, and guess what? It didn't work! The more "relaxed" women are; the more we're taken advantage of and disrespected. Again, observe your surroundings. Literally millions of real women have vanished from these kind of sites over the past 15+ years...all having been replaced by web generated fakes/fake female profiles, bots, scammers, catfish, etc... . Ask yourself why that is. Observe countless female profiles/comments on this site and you'll easily see how fed up we are that men cannot cooperate with the most simple forms of basic protocol (such as reading) and how rude, lazy, ignorant and vulgar the scene has become. Your "relaxed" approach is what has gotten women into this mess in the first place. It's proven to not work, so we have all stepped up our game over the years and created blogs, groups, forums, blacklists and third-party watchdog sites to post those who interact poorly for our community to use as reference for background checks before we ever get involved with someone who potentially might have a record or a bad reputation against them. This is why nearly no real women exist or bother talking to men anymore. This is why your "relaxed" approach doesn't work any longer. By the fact that you have retaliated this PM to me is proof of that. Just re-read your own sentences, compare everything against what my profile describes and you'll easily see that you're the issue, not me.
I can and do accept the fact that everyone is different. As the matter of fact, I have literally just written and had a big discussion just days ago with someone on a video comment board about this very topic. I also accept that different people behave differently, however, behavior is a broad topic. Bad/rude behavior is unacceptable on any level, so let me first just throw that out there. When you interact on a public social media outlet, you are overall expected to be acting on good behavior to your peers within the community.
Maybe you're missing the point entirely. It's not about universal behavior of "what I want", as you put it. I cannot single-handedly change the entire society that's run rampant. But what I can do is my microscopic efforts to voice myself through interactions I have. So when someone contacts me personally, it's game-on, and yes, I DO expect that person to behave in the manner in which my profile already outlines to them. This is no different than anywhere else in society. When you show up to your buddy's formal wedding, you aren't going to show up in blue jeans and a tee shirt, while everyone else is in a tuxedo and formal gowns. There are pre-determined expectations that have already been covered (the same as my profile). When you go to a grocery store or somewhere equally public, you have a moral compass as to not get naked, make a public scene, fight/argue, destroy property, etc... . This is overall general behavior that exist within a mix of all kinds of people within our communities. If you go out of that boundary, you get in trouble, you earn a record, you get publicized and people within that community avoid you. Again, this is no different that feedback and testimony on this and other sites like it. You are in control of your own actions, behaviors and knowing when you go out of bounds to both an overall public expectation, as well as someone's own private expectation (a.k.a. profile). You went out of bounds to my profile, therefore, you get testimony left behind on you. Simple. I'm again not sure what you don't understand in that? My profile specifically tells the reader in written word to ONLY contact me for pen pal purposes. Did you contact me for such? No! My profile tells the reader that if things don't work out, then I expect a proper and civil closure without ignoring/stonewalling. Did you form proper closure? No! An "Okay. Got it." isn't proper closure. I expect a "thank you for your time and effort", as well as an apology if it even was a learning curve or in error. I again reiterate that you men hate your own personal time wasted, but you have no problem by reaching out to women and wasting their time in irrelevance, nonsense and games. READ...and READ ENTIRELY! Had you actually done so, we wouldn't be in this mess.12:09
M̲e̲: You: "Do you have too much time on your hands for such trivia?"
It's not trivia. You again miss the valid point that testimony is to inform your peers of your overall behavior. What's funny is that if you had just left the original feedback intact, it actually praised you in the end as being a decent guy that just needs some improvements in his conduct. Now with all of your shady deletes and censorship, you have essentially destroyed your reputation to the women who read the blog updates, see the before & after screen shots, read the screen shot PM messages, etc... .
You act as if I have an abundance of time on my hands. No, I don't! I work two jobs and then still have to maintain chores and errands at home. As with anyone, I make free time to do certain things, including pen pal with friends on this site. As with other people working jobs, they make time for family, to go bowling, to meet with friends, to go to karaoke, to go to a bar/club, to go dining, etc... . You act as if I dedicate my entire life to Xhamster, just because I reserve time out of my day in between breaks and some free time at home to compose on here. What you might also want to observe is that, again, my profile tells you that I'm involved as a writer and a pen pal. That should probably clue you in that I compose a lot of material and likely have a quick finger at typing skills (yes, fairly decent at around 80 WPM). I'm good at what I do because I do a lot of it and enjoy it. So, just stop with the silly logic. That's like trying to accuse a bowler of a good score or actually putting them down because he/she enjoys visiting the bowling lane a few times weekly.12:10
M̲e̲: You: "Stop being annoying."
Sorry if you see it as "annoying". You've created that outcome for yourself by not reading the person's profile entirely, not cooperating, not comprehending and not playing by the set rules and expectations listed. Had you actually read my profile, absorbed the information and realized that you were not the match to what my expectation is, then you had the choice to bypass me altogether (hence, the very point of a profile in the first place). You didn't! Instead, you CHOSE to ANNOY me with IRRELEVANT inquiry that CONTRADICTED my profile. In the end, you simply blew me off and ignored me without any genuine sincerity, apology or even a "thank you". So, as my profile clearly explains to you again, you have ended up publicized in testimony and feedback to wall comment sections, blogs and blacklists for your inability to read, follow rules, conduct yourself with decency and so on. YOU have created that outcome for yourself, so please stop pointing fingers. Go back and read my profile. What does it tell you? Everything is in writing. If you did not like that and couldn't agree or follow rules, then why contact me in the first place. No matter how you cut it, you're wrong on every level. This has nothing to do with anyone's differences in opinion or behavior. It's entirely based upon conduct. When you go to your job, you have an employee's handbook that you must abide by. You don't just start a job, then bully in on your first day and tell your employer that YOU are making the rules or expect them to bend rules for you. NO! You are in a pre-determined agreement from day #1 that you are to conduct yourself by the handbook and guidelines for what THEY expect you to behave, interact and conduct yourself. You also don't apply for a job as a car mechanic by showing up at the pancake house. See the analogy there? You contacted me to "dirty talk", even though my profile DESCRIPTION (job ad) tells you that I do NOT dirty talk.
If anyone has been an "annoyance", it's YOU for not reading and contacting me for IRRELEVANT intent....then telling me later that "you didn't want to bother" (after you've already DID bother me. READ, READ, READ! Reading will get you everywhere in life! Stop blaming other people for your short-comings, laziness, ignorance and failures. READ! Even my profile heading itself tells you "READ MY PROFILE ENTIRELY! PEN PAL ONLY!". How much more blatant could I possibly inform any and everyone on this site to READ?12:12
Jan 1
H̲i̲m̲: You have too much time. 17:27
H̲i̲m̲: I don't vibe on this negativity. Have a nice day and year.17:27
Jan 2
M̲e̲: You: "You have too much time. "
That's precisely where you're totally wrong. I work two jobs, plus do some volunteering on the side, plus still have to maintain house chores, errands, cooking, cleaning and still find some time for leisure, entertainment, family, friends, etc... .
Maybe the concept blew directly over your head. The reason we all have profiles is to avoid wasted and unnecessary time in bothering someone. IF you do NOT meet someone's criteria (and you didn't/don't), then the very idea of a profile is that you bypass them altogether, without making contact at all. Instead, you reached out to me and chose to grab my attention, then didn't have the decency to acknowledge me, thank me or even apologize for you wasting my time/effort in something that you failed to read/comprehend. Had you simply followed through with decency and cooperation, I would have been out of your hair weeks ago. Instead, you make this huge production out of your personality issues, ignorance issues and behavioral issues in this circular game of disrespecting me and cover-ups, which is all relayed out to blogs, friends lists and blacklists. Hint: I make time to be here. I want my time here to be enjoyable. Yet I'm not a push-over and won't allow rude men to disrespect me, nor to disrespect other women. You are on public blogs for a valid reason and hundreds have already visited the blog (nobody agrees with you, by the way). You said "got it" in regard to READING PROFILES, yet since then, you still have failed to follow-through, cooperate, show respect. Geez. For the amount of time you've spent in retaliation with snarky and rude replies and cover-ups, you could have simply utilized the same time and effort n a sincere apology, a thank you and with the general decency to form a proper and respectful closure. And this is precisely why you have a record, bad reputation and an army of women who distribute blogs on you, blacklist entries on you and have you on "avoid member" lists. Get with it, please. A little respect in life goes a long way.11:53
M̲e̲: You: "I don't vibe on this negativity."
And yet you think I do? Too funny! Weeks later, have you even bothered READING my profile yet? If you had, then much of the content on my profile is outlined to describe to you (the reader) that I am NOT here for games, NOT here for unnecessary inquiry, NOT here for rudeness/disrespect and NOT here for negativity of any kind. My profile's entire point is to relay to you (the reader) that I am ONLY offering one thing to anyone who contacts me (pen pal). This is entirely the point of positive energy, not negativity. Only you have chosen to bypass and override my profile, which is this negative shit storm in which YOU have not only chosen to create, but to also sustain to date. Do you think it's enjoyable for me to come here with minimal and valuable time, then be disrespected and contacted irrelevantly, then be ignored, then babysit men, then be disrespected again without cooperation, then be left to utilize more of my time in trying to straighten you out or to write up feedback and testimony blogs, publish them, continually checking up to update activity, deal with more games and retaliation, etc... ???? Again, YOU have created this, not me. Screw your "nice day and year" comment. It's not genuine! Men like you make my life hellish. If you wanted to actually be nice, it should have been done weeks ago. If you wanted to be nice, I would have expected an apology, a "thank you" for my time/effort that has been purposely disrespected and wasted away by you and of proper closure. And yet I still wait for that level of cooperation and decency. It's laughable that you come off with this "positive energy" approach, yet you're the very same guy who doesn't read profiles (even though my profile heading tells you "READ PROFILE ENTIRELY! PEN PAL ONLY!), you're the guy who doesn't cooperate, you're the guy who proves himself to be shady to the community, you're the guy who doesn't have gentleman decency to thank and apologize when you make an error and so on. Quit pretending to be this positive energy person who filters out negative energy, when in fact all that you have ever done was brought negativity to me and to this overall community so far. It's never too late to change, so I still await.11:53
H̲i̲m̲: This user blocked you. You are not allowed to send private messages to this user.
Dec 15, 2024
H̲i̲m̲: Hello hello hello ......How naughty could we get? ..... would you try a double dildo with me? :)12:11
M̲e̲: What might be the relevant nature of your inquiry with me, per my profile description?12:53
H̲i̲m̲: I saw "Dirty Talk" 12:55
H̲i̲m̲: But its ok. Didn't want to bother you12:55
M̲e̲: Hi again. "Dirty talk" is under my personal "Interests and fetishes" section. However, a profile description is designed to tell the reader exactly why he/she is here, what they seek/don't seek, what they offer, what their expectations are, what their outlined rules and conduct should be and so on. Strange that you conveniently bypassed and overrode my entire profile description, contacted me with contrary nonsense, then later indicate that you "didn't want to bother me" after already reaching out to me with irrelevant criteria and intent.
I'm not trying to give you the third degree. Just read profiles entirely. Had you done so past the "Personal information" section, I think you would easily have read that you do not fit the description, and thus, could easily have bypassed me altogether. Hopefully it's a learning curve for you.
On a brighter note, I thank you for replying and I do feel your follow-up was on a sincere and genuine level, so I do appreciate that.
Well, I suppose there's nothing more to go on from here, unless you feel otherwise. Do take care. :)
H̲i̲m̲: Okay. Got it.13:10
M̲e̲: Excellent! Just know that REAL women will ALWAYS expect men to read their profiles entirely. Don't believe me? Start reading blogs. Or go visit profiles of men and real through random wall comment sections and see how many women are universally saying "read my profile" or "no" or "no content, no add". Read through female profiles and see how many expect men to read and cooperate. Also, be able to differentiate between a REAL woman and plenty of fakes, bots, scammers and catfish. Hope this helps shape your interactions better. :)13:15
Dec 30, 2024
H̲i̲m̲: Are you trying to play the morality police here?
Why don't you just relax and accept that other people have different opinions and behave differently than you want? Do you have too much time on your hands for such trivia?20:07
H̲i̲m̲: Stop being annoying.20:07 (Special note here: At this point, he's now angry at me for leaving testimony on him for not reading, irrelevant contact and for his continual efforts to try to cover-up the feedback being left on him on four different occasions...hence his "stop being annoying" comment).
Dec 31, 2024
M̲e̲: You: "Are you trying to play the morality police here?"
It's called testimony and feedback. You have chosen to join a public social media site of your peers. It's everyone due diligence to give feedback to the community of people and their interactions, when things don't go well. Sites like these have many people behind the scenes as "watchers" and "record-keepers". Why? Because feedback is vital in informing other people about people/interactions that do not go well. When you go to Amazon or eBay, you first want to know what that vendor's reputation is like, so you receive the product as it's advertised. Same goes with social media and dating sites. We all have the right to know in advance to how someone interacts/treats someone else online, so that any potential new person that interacts with you knows what to expect and/or to avoid. I'm not sure what you don't understand by that. Observe this site, observe blogs, observe profiles, observe female comments on men's profiles. You'll see the very same thing everywhere. My feedback to your wall isn't exclusive.12:09
You: "Why don't you just relax and accept that other people have different opinions and behave differently than you want?"
Because I'm a woman. What you men don't ever see is what females have dealt with for the past 30 years of online abuse. We have all tried the "relaxed" approach, and guess what? It didn't work! The more "relaxed" women are; the more we're taken advantage of and disrespected. Again, observe your surroundings. Literally millions of real women have vanished from these kind of sites over the past 15+ years...all having been replaced by web generated fakes/fake female profiles, bots, scammers, catfish, etc... . Ask yourself why that is. Observe countless female profiles/comments on this site and you'll easily see how fed up we are that men cannot cooperate with the most simple forms of basic protocol (such as reading) and how rude, lazy, ignorant and vulgar the scene has become. Your "relaxed" approach is what has gotten women into this mess in the first place. It's proven to not work, so we have all stepped up our game over the years and created blogs, groups, forums, blacklists and third-party watchdog sites to post those who interact poorly for our community to use as reference for background checks before we ever get involved with someone who potentially might have a record or a bad reputation against them. This is why nearly no real women exist or bother talking to men anymore. This is why your "relaxed" approach doesn't work any longer. By the fact that you have retaliated this PM to me is proof of that. Just re-read your own sentences, compare everything against what my profile describes and you'll easily see that you're the issue, not me.
I can and do accept the fact that everyone is different. As the matter of fact, I have literally just written and had a big discussion just days ago with someone on a video comment board about this very topic. I also accept that different people behave differently, however, behavior is a broad topic. Bad/rude behavior is unacceptable on any level, so let me first just throw that out there. When you interact on a public social media outlet, you are overall expected to be acting on good behavior to your peers within the community.
Maybe you're missing the point entirely. It's not about universal behavior of "what I want", as you put it. I cannot single-handedly change the entire society that's run rampant. But what I can do is my microscopic efforts to voice myself through interactions I have. So when someone contacts me personally, it's game-on, and yes, I DO expect that person to behave in the manner in which my profile already outlines to them. This is no different than anywhere else in society. When you show up to your buddy's formal wedding, you aren't going to show up in blue jeans and a tee shirt, while everyone else is in a tuxedo and formal gowns. There are pre-determined expectations that have already been covered (the same as my profile). When you go to a grocery store or somewhere equally public, you have a moral compass as to not get naked, make a public scene, fight/argue, destroy property, etc... . This is overall general behavior that exist within a mix of all kinds of people within our communities. If you go out of that boundary, you get in trouble, you earn a record, you get publicized and people within that community avoid you. Again, this is no different that feedback and testimony on this and other sites like it. You are in control of your own actions, behaviors and knowing when you go out of bounds to both an overall public expectation, as well as someone's own private expectation (a.k.a. profile). You went out of bounds to my profile, therefore, you get testimony left behind on you. Simple. I'm again not sure what you don't understand in that? My profile specifically tells the reader in written word to ONLY contact me for pen pal purposes. Did you contact me for such? No! My profile tells the reader that if things don't work out, then I expect a proper and civil closure without ignoring/stonewalling. Did you form proper closure? No! An "Okay. Got it." isn't proper closure. I expect a "thank you for your time and effort", as well as an apology if it even was a learning curve or in error. I again reiterate that you men hate your own personal time wasted, but you have no problem by reaching out to women and wasting their time in irrelevance, nonsense and games. READ...and READ ENTIRELY! Had you actually done so, we wouldn't be in this mess.12:09
M̲e̲: You: "Do you have too much time on your hands for such trivia?"
It's not trivia. You again miss the valid point that testimony is to inform your peers of your overall behavior. What's funny is that if you had just left the original feedback intact, it actually praised you in the end as being a decent guy that just needs some improvements in his conduct. Now with all of your shady deletes and censorship, you have essentially destroyed your reputation to the women who read the blog updates, see the before & after screen shots, read the screen shot PM messages, etc... .
You act as if I have an abundance of time on my hands. No, I don't! I work two jobs and then still have to maintain chores and errands at home. As with anyone, I make free time to do certain things, including pen pal with friends on this site. As with other people working jobs, they make time for family, to go bowling, to meet with friends, to go to karaoke, to go to a bar/club, to go dining, etc... . You act as if I dedicate my entire life to Xhamster, just because I reserve time out of my day in between breaks and some free time at home to compose on here. What you might also want to observe is that, again, my profile tells you that I'm involved as a writer and a pen pal. That should probably clue you in that I compose a lot of material and likely have a quick finger at typing skills (yes, fairly decent at around 80 WPM). I'm good at what I do because I do a lot of it and enjoy it. So, just stop with the silly logic. That's like trying to accuse a bowler of a good score or actually putting them down because he/she enjoys visiting the bowling lane a few times weekly.12:10
M̲e̲: You: "Stop being annoying."
Sorry if you see it as "annoying". You've created that outcome for yourself by not reading the person's profile entirely, not cooperating, not comprehending and not playing by the set rules and expectations listed. Had you actually read my profile, absorbed the information and realized that you were not the match to what my expectation is, then you had the choice to bypass me altogether (hence, the very point of a profile in the first place). You didn't! Instead, you CHOSE to ANNOY me with IRRELEVANT inquiry that CONTRADICTED my profile. In the end, you simply blew me off and ignored me without any genuine sincerity, apology or even a "thank you". So, as my profile clearly explains to you again, you have ended up publicized in testimony and feedback to wall comment sections, blogs and blacklists for your inability to read, follow rules, conduct yourself with decency and so on. YOU have created that outcome for yourself, so please stop pointing fingers. Go back and read my profile. What does it tell you? Everything is in writing. If you did not like that and couldn't agree or follow rules, then why contact me in the first place. No matter how you cut it, you're wrong on every level. This has nothing to do with anyone's differences in opinion or behavior. It's entirely based upon conduct. When you go to your job, you have an employee's handbook that you must abide by. You don't just start a job, then bully in on your first day and tell your employer that YOU are making the rules or expect them to bend rules for you. NO! You are in a pre-determined agreement from day #1 that you are to conduct yourself by the handbook and guidelines for what THEY expect you to behave, interact and conduct yourself. You also don't apply for a job as a car mechanic by showing up at the pancake house. See the analogy there? You contacted me to "dirty talk", even though my profile DESCRIPTION (job ad) tells you that I do NOT dirty talk.
If anyone has been an "annoyance", it's YOU for not reading and contacting me for IRRELEVANT intent....then telling me later that "you didn't want to bother" (after you've already DID bother me. READ, READ, READ! Reading will get you everywhere in life! Stop blaming other people for your short-comings, laziness, ignorance and failures. READ! Even my profile heading itself tells you "READ MY PROFILE ENTIRELY! PEN PAL ONLY!". How much more blatant could I possibly inform any and everyone on this site to READ?12:12
Jan 1
H̲i̲m̲: You have too much time. 17:27
H̲i̲m̲: I don't vibe on this negativity. Have a nice day and year.17:27
Jan 2
M̲e̲: You: "You have too much time. "
That's precisely where you're totally wrong. I work two jobs, plus do some volunteering on the side, plus still have to maintain house chores, errands, cooking, cleaning and still find some time for leisure, entertainment, family, friends, etc... .
Maybe the concept blew directly over your head. The reason we all have profiles is to avoid wasted and unnecessary time in bothering someone. IF you do NOT meet someone's criteria (and you didn't/don't), then the very idea of a profile is that you bypass them altogether, without making contact at all. Instead, you reached out to me and chose to grab my attention, then didn't have the decency to acknowledge me, thank me or even apologize for you wasting my time/effort in something that you failed to read/comprehend. Had you simply followed through with decency and cooperation, I would have been out of your hair weeks ago. Instead, you make this huge production out of your personality issues, ignorance issues and behavioral issues in this circular game of disrespecting me and cover-ups, which is all relayed out to blogs, friends lists and blacklists. Hint: I make time to be here. I want my time here to be enjoyable. Yet I'm not a push-over and won't allow rude men to disrespect me, nor to disrespect other women. You are on public blogs for a valid reason and hundreds have already visited the blog (nobody agrees with you, by the way). You said "got it" in regard to READING PROFILES, yet since then, you still have failed to follow-through, cooperate, show respect. Geez. For the amount of time you've spent in retaliation with snarky and rude replies and cover-ups, you could have simply utilized the same time and effort n a sincere apology, a thank you and with the general decency to form a proper and respectful closure. And this is precisely why you have a record, bad reputation and an army of women who distribute blogs on you, blacklist entries on you and have you on "avoid member" lists. Get with it, please. A little respect in life goes a long way.11:53
M̲e̲: You: "I don't vibe on this negativity."
And yet you think I do? Too funny! Weeks later, have you even bothered READING my profile yet? If you had, then much of the content on my profile is outlined to describe to you (the reader) that I am NOT here for games, NOT here for unnecessary inquiry, NOT here for rudeness/disrespect and NOT here for negativity of any kind. My profile's entire point is to relay to you (the reader) that I am ONLY offering one thing to anyone who contacts me (pen pal). This is entirely the point of positive energy, not negativity. Only you have chosen to bypass and override my profile, which is this negative shit storm in which YOU have not only chosen to create, but to also sustain to date. Do you think it's enjoyable for me to come here with minimal and valuable time, then be disrespected and contacted irrelevantly, then be ignored, then babysit men, then be disrespected again without cooperation, then be left to utilize more of my time in trying to straighten you out or to write up feedback and testimony blogs, publish them, continually checking up to update activity, deal with more games and retaliation, etc... ???? Again, YOU have created this, not me. Screw your "nice day and year" comment. It's not genuine! Men like you make my life hellish. If you wanted to actually be nice, it should have been done weeks ago. If you wanted to be nice, I would have expected an apology, a "thank you" for my time/effort that has been purposely disrespected and wasted away by you and of proper closure. And yet I still wait for that level of cooperation and decency. It's laughable that you come off with this "positive energy" approach, yet you're the very same guy who doesn't read profiles (even though my profile heading tells you "READ PROFILE ENTIRELY! PEN PAL ONLY!), you're the guy who doesn't cooperate, you're the guy who proves himself to be shady to the community, you're the guy who doesn't have gentleman decency to thank and apologize when you make an error and so on. Quit pretending to be this positive energy person who filters out negative energy, when in fact all that you have ever done was brought negativity to me and to this overall community so far. It's never too late to change, so I still await.11:53
H̲i̲m̲: This user blocked you. You are not allowed to send private messages to this user.
1 月 前