
***I in no way hold the rights to the character of Goldilocks or all others within and do not encourage or indorse the spanking of porridge stealers by bears, fairytale character or anyone.***

Gather round oh best beloved and here the tale of that naughty Goldilocks.

Goldilocks was sitting at home chipping away at the shell of her soft boiled egg, she knew only too well to make sure it was all cracked lest witches sailed in them. It had been not much more than a week since her encounter with the bears and life was back as it should be. Her father was beating out iron in the smithy and her mother was in the garden boiling up iron vats of washing. As Goldilocks sat in the spring sunshine thinking of what to do in the woods today she heard the clang clang clang of her father at work grow silent. She looked out of the small cottage window and could just make out a man in a fur coat talking to her farther. 'It is much too hot a day to be in furs.' Thought Goldilocks. 'Maybe he is a trapper looking for someone to fix his traps.'

Goldilocks jumped down from the table (without clearing her plate) and walked out of the door into the sun, as her eyes adjusted to the light she could see her farther and the trapper walking up to her. With a start she saw the fur clad gentleman was not a trapper but the father bear. Goldilocks made to run for the woods but was stopped by the hand of her father grabbing by the wrist.

"Not so fast! I think you have some explaining to do"

Goldilocks, her father and father bear sat round the table as Mr Bear told of what he had found on coming home.

"So what it comes down to is the cost of one chair, three bowls of porridge and some tonic for my wife who now lives in fear of small naked intruders sleeping in her bed." Farther Bear finished.

Goldilocks sat kicking the table leg.

"Well how do you want to do this Mr bear" her father asked.

"I will of course mend or reimburse you for the chair and as for porridge my wife cooks a scrumptious berry pie that I will have dropped off at you house."

Mr Bear looked at the girl and stroked his chin.
"That will do nicely he said but what is to be done with such a wrenched girl" He asked.

Goldilocks's father stood up.

"We can take care of that right now I think if you would care to assist Mr Bear"
Goldilocks was at once lifted by her father onto the table. Her father wasted no time in gathering up the many layers of dress and pulling down the bloomers. Goldilocks's cheeks were lit be the sun. She screamed and protested but Mr Bear and she father went on as if she was nothing but a whisper.

"After you Mr Bear?"

"No you first" Said Mr Bear.

Both of them had a firm grasp on Goldilocks's arms and going first, her father brought down the first smack. The next was from Mr Bear and turn after turn they spanked until Goldilocks's once alabaster skin was glowing red. Goldilocks was made to stand in the corner with the broom and pail. She sobbed and was trying not to move her hands from her head to rub the tender skin. She was sure that Mr Bear's claws had caught her more than once.

Goldilocks father bid Mr Bear goodbye and told him that Goldilocks would be bringing the pie round some time the next day. Goldilocks shuddered at the thought of going back to the bear's house but she knew that refusing would be much more painful.

发布者 Dr-Thermo
12 年 前
69-ace 10 年 前
all naughty girls should be treat like that:smile:
Keep them cumming
billy69boy 12 年 前
Interesting take on a classic tale...I hope there is more to come.