
***I in no way hold the rights to the character of Goldilocks or all others within and do not encourage or indorse the spanking of porridge stealers by bears, fairytale character or anyone.*** Gather round oh best beloved and here the tale of that naughty Goldilocks. Goldilocks was sitting at home chipping away at the shell of her soft boiled egg, she knew only too well to make sure it was all cracked lest witches sailed in them. It had been not much more than a week since her encounter with the bears and life was back as it should be. Her father was beating out iron in the smithy… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Dr-Thermo 12 年 前 3

Getting to the Bottom of Things II

Well where did I leave off?! Ah yes my time with the people of the earth. Much fun as it is living free and letting things just pass you by I needed a bit more out of life. I had come to realise by this time that veterinary work wasn’t for me, don’t get me wrong I love a****ls and always will but at 3am in the middle of winter I didn’t want to be arm deep in a cow. I moved into the world of computers and more so the graphics side of things. Did my training although already arty and got to grips with all the bells and whistles of making art on a computer. You’ll never guess what... arty gi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Dr-Thermo 13 年 前 6