Shotguns, the weapon from Hell.

Shotguns, the weapon from Hell.

First let me point out that although I've had a few shotguns, I've always re-sold them anyways. I have yet to find much use for a shotgun in my own life so my opinion may be biased. I don't hunt and the shotguns that I used were tactical in nature so my response below is based upon my own knowledge and experience with them in the field.

Pump or autoloader? Over & under or side by side? It depends on two factors; what does the intended shooter prefer and how much money are you willing to part with?

Pumpguns; A simple Mossberg 500 or Remington 870 is the baseline for most tactical pumpguns. Simple, practical and overall...pretty well made. In my own experience, Mossberg 590's/500 series are well made and very affordable but I've also had nothing but trouble with the safety on them. Not that it doesn't work but I've broken them shooting after I used 3" Mags in them. It is the most ergonomic safety out there and is in a practical place since it rides on the top. Remington 870's IMHO are by far more durable and will have more features available for them. The cross guard trigger safety is easily learned.

You can find all sorts of do-dads for a shotgun in just about any surplus catalog you find. Just remember that an 8 lb. s**ttergun will be heavy to hump to begin with yet alone the accessories you plan to add, plus the additional ammo. Look and see if you can find an old Police Ithaca. That's the one that will continue to fire if you have trigger depressed while pumping it. It puts out a lot of firepower very quickly for a pumpgun. That pumping sound is also a very intimidating factor if a tango walks in the house one night.

The only thing I recommend on any shotgun for tactical defense purposes is a Ghost Ring sight...preferably one's by Meprolight and a simple flashlight that you can illuminate a target with. My own preferences would also be a Speedfeed pistol grip stock or a collapsible stock and a side saddle to carry a few extra shells.

Autoloaders; hmmm...I like Saigas. They are well built and solid, especially since they incorporate an AK design. They are around $500 so you can't beat the price. The civilians versions have that 16" barrel and a 5 shot magazine. I met a guy with the hunter killer teams out in Iraq whom carried a Saiga 12 that had a 15 round magazine and the barrel was chopped off right at the receiver. That would be the ultimate party-pooping weapon especially loaded with double-ought.

The 1100 series ($800) would be a nice one to select as well and you will see many accessories for them but remember with all autoloaders, some ammunition is sketchy so avoid jam-ups in bad situations by getting the right brand of ammo for your weapon and find out on the range first rather a furball.

If I were to do it again and submit to my shotgun desires, I'd personally get a Benelli M4 with the collapsible stock. It may cost $1400, and add on the sidesaddle and Surefire fore end for another $600...that'll be a pretty nice s**ttergun. If I got a pumpgun I really like the newer Keltech KSG. It's bullpup dual mag tubed, modular system makes it the leader in it's class. Then as with all my shotguns from my past...they will sit in the closet and collect dust until I need it to breach a door for a demonstration and then I'll wonder why I got the damned thing anyway because they do so much collateral damage that many departments have got rid of theirs or made their pumpguns primarily a bean-bag shooter for less lethal use. Don't believe me? Ask around. Most departments are getting rifles for their patrol elements now.

Don't get me wrong. Shotguns have a purpose, they are a selective tool. I respect them highly but have not found much use in my own experience where a shotgun can be applied to many circumstances unlike a rifle. My rifle and pistol are like Swiss Army Knives with many applications. Shotgun? It is a devastating tool both offensively and defensively and will cause more damage than you intended.

Examples are; covering a bad guy with double 00 while your partner gets them out to cuff them...see that on "Cops" a lot right? Imagine that if it went really you'd have to shoot the guy and you may accidentally kill your partner because of the double 00 spread. It may be justified but you'll have a lot of regrets and a lot of questions at the inquiry later.

How about a slug round? In all scenarios...a slug will most likely over-penetrate your through the wall behind them and kill the neighbors k**s playing in the yard. Your target is dead, you will wish that you were dead when that k**'s family sues you for wrongful death. Again, you may be justified but you will have a lot of regrets.

How about that contractor I bumped into Iraq with that Saiga 12 from Hell? Think his team mates stand way, way clear of him when he's spreading that love around in a raid? It may do a lot of damage and will most likely succeed in that endeavor but it may also take out half his team if he loses control or gets a coughing fit at the most unfortunate moment.

As an old commercial advocates. Power is nothing without control. In all aspects; when to engage & how you engage. IMHO the shotgun is not that great of a weapon. It has limited advantages in a offensive tactical environment although it's a great defensive weapon.

If you nuts. Have fun get a nice Browning, Benelli or Beretta. No one gets hurt except maybe a deer or a turkey which will end up on the table, the targets go poof...everyone is happy and you go home and clean it.

Like I said, I respect shotguns but they're not for me. Like I advised another person once...if you get it, get as much quality you can afford now. If you spend your money once on that quality item you will be much better off. There will be less you'll add to it later on or have regrets that you didn't get this or that. You'll spend a lot but you'll be happier at the end and you won't have to buy and sell to learn the expensive lessons that I did. I hope this helps. When you sell a weapon you'll always lose your shirt unless it's one of those weapons that you have and you'll never shoot like my WWII collection.
发布者 Sinatra877
11 年 前