The Right One For You... How to Define It? (Part I

First; let me ask you what you need it for? Not whether or not you need a firearm but what do you wish to do with your firearm? Protection? Target? A combination of both? Something stout to keep by the nightstand at home all the time just in case? It's a legitimate question. You see a lot of folks will just pick up a "gun" because they could get it cheap or someone essentially gave it to them. That's the unfortunate thing. Because it's like giving a novice a parachute and saying "that'll do". It's not. Much like that parachute and it's ripcord, the trigger on a firearm will fire it but I ask y… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sinatra877 7 年 前

The Right One For You... How to Define It? (Part I

The Right One For You... How to Define It? (Part II)...Caliber (It's Long) The caliber of your particular firearm is important on three factors; can you afford to shoot it enough to gain muscle memory/confidence and consistent practice? Will it consistently do well enough to stop an attack with kinetic energy transfer? Is it controllable? Let's think of a bad idea; let's say I have a platform that shoots the fancy 5.7mm round. FN makes the only handgun that shoots that platform. As far as affordability goes, nope. Unless you're looking at the top three; 9mm, .40 S&W and .45 ACP, other ca… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sinatra877 7 年 前

The Right One For You... How to Define It? (Part I

Over the course of over 44 years of shooting and over 30 years of instructing the Combat Arts, I've had many students ask me what's the best weapon or caliber they should select. Although I have sat in classrooms filled to the gills with students asking the same question, I have always refrained from answering this particular question in such a public venue because first and foremost; I'm not a salesperson nor am I receiving any commission for advocating for their product and because of liability issues because if I recommended something and it breaks or they get hurt; it's possible I could be… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sinatra877 7 年 前

Human Physiology During the Gunfight

It's been awhile since I've written something to give you guidance and after looking at all the articles I've written, there is one thing I haven't touched base on and that is what you will experience in the furball. What your body will do during the fight whether it's hand-to-gland or the gunfight. Let's touch up on some of the most basic areas that I think most of us will experience, and on a few points on how it will affect us in a furball; Adrenaline Dump This is the big one. This is the one that starts the ball rolling on everything else. You've heard of it before… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sinatra877 9 年 前

Daymares (Poetry)

As I lay motionless, awake in my bed, I crossed my arms and wished I was dead. The years flashed by as I reviewed my life, through my younger years and when I had a Wife. Regrets, apologies and overall despair years spent fighting for another one's care. The tears, the pain and soul splitting cries no one gave a rotten fuck if we lived or died. The heartache, the losses or desperate pleas for the ones still crying but no one wants to see. I've heard those voices and I've caused those cries. I've done those things that I now despise. Oh God forgive me as I ask you above! I wa… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sinatra877 10 年 前 3

The Less than Lethal (LtL) Response

The Less than Lethal (LtL) Response Less than lethal weapons are exactly that; less than lethal. They are weapons specifically designed not to kill a Tango however, depending on its deployment, it can kill your target and if one deploys it incorrectly, it will kill the user. We’ll look up a few of the most popular items and its employment, drawbacks and liabilities. Less than Lethal or LtL weapons offer a wide variety of options but it has a narrow margin on how they are used in your everyday arsenal of options to deploy in a future confrontation. Depending on the scale… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sinatra877 11 年 前 17

Equation of Good Shot Placement

This may help. It's something I wrote up for my recruits awhile back ago until they got their bearings; GOOD SHOT PLACEMENT = Trigger Control = (Finger Pad Placement) + (Trigger Squeeze) + Weapon Grip = (Strong Hand dominance) + (Weak Hand support placement) + Stance = (Posture related to target) + (Leaning forward of Center of Gravity) + Sight Picture = (Front Sight Sharpness) + (Rear Sight Fuzziness) The unknown variables are; Weapon Familiarity, target or shooter movement, caliber size & muzzle ve… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sinatra877 11 年 前 1

Preparing for the Fight. The Mental Aspect of the

Preparing for the Fight. The Mental Aspect of the Engagement Before Band of brothers came out on HBO, I had my own realization about the mental preparedness of engaging in a life or death situation. If you watched the series when it came out, you’ll see a group of 101st Paratroopers riding in their assigned C-47 towards Normandy on early morning hours of June 6th, 1944. D-Day. Operation Overlord. You’ll see their platoon leader looking about the cargo area of the aircraft taking in a visual assessment of his stick of paratroopers before the big drop. During which we saw… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sinatra877 11 年 前 1

How to Conceal a Firearm? Hints and Tips

Here's a few things to ponder and I'll explain why. There are a three primary factors in selecting a weapon for concealed carry purposes with the operative word of "concealed". 1. How concealable is it? 2. Where have you trained to use it from? 3. Operating environment. A few smaller concerns would be; 1. Availability of concealment wear. 2. Maintenance issues. 3. Cost of maintenance and training. How Concealable Is It? Depending on the other two primary factors; training and environment, some weapons are not that practical for concealed carry wear. F… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sinatra877 11 年 前 6

Flashlights, Lasers and Radios Oh My!

Engagement with all three and some legalities you may not know. Since I've worked on many ranges, I see basic recruits negotiate little obstacles that I had gotten complacent with. I also see advanced students that fumble old tricks. One of these simplistic tasks would be how to engage a target with a flashlight. We teach the Ayoob and Harries techniques when engaging with but then I see students of all varieties getting all botched up on the simple technique of drawing one's sidearm and discharging it accurately in a low light situation without a flashlight at first then with a flashlight… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sinatra877 11 年 前 3

Techniques with the AR/M-16/A1-A4

Combat Techniques with the AR/M-16/A1-A4 series after 25 years. Dirty Tricks learned from a former Dark Sith I thought I'd convey a few things I've learned over the years and what the .223 Remington/ 5.56 mm NATO can and, will not do. Little things that you'll never know unless you've actually engaged in a furball with one. The most important thing to know is; approximate range. It's a good thing to understand what you see and what you evaluate to be the approximate range be it 100 meters out to 300 meters. Once you understand that, you'll have a better chance of a hit i… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sinatra877 11 年 前

Direct, Indirect, Suppressive, Grazing and Flankin

Direct, Indirect, Suppressive, Grazing and Flanking Fire Oh My! The differences between direct, indirect, suppressive and grazing fire and flanking fire. What they are, their pros and cons and when should you do it. OK. I'm sure some of you out there have heard these terms before in some movie or heard someone use the term before but few actually know the difference between the terms. Not only do they sound snazzy but they actually have a specific meaning and specific uses. So let me begin to tell you what they are before we break them down; Definitions in a way… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sinatra877 11 年 前

Training and Real Life Shooting

Training and Real Life Shooting Tactics. I've written in the above threads and mentioned about training but I haven't been able to fully articulate why some training isn't realistic. Muscle memory is built in over time but how does it really work in real life? If anyone has ever shot at the range, your average day civilian range won't have obstacles to find cover with. At police ranges it's common practice for the range to have these wall facsimiles that they will get behind and shoot from. It's kinda like familiarization but IMHO it's bad training. I'll tell you why. The diffe… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sinatra877 11 年 前 2

Threat Analysis & Combat Priorities.

Threat Analysis & Combat Priorities. We've been taught to react to a threat. We've also practiced the art of the shot. But how many times have you had the opportunity to learn how to assess the threat in a dynamic setting? In service at the Company and Battalion level combat, I was trained and taught to take out the weapons of mass destruction & leadership first; the Leadership commander, platoon leader. With this you also take out the most important asset they have...their RTO's (Radio Telephone Operators) which could call in a world of hurt on you with artill… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sinatra877 11 年 前 2

Handling a Firearm in Inclement Weather

Handling a Firearm in Inclement Weather To be Situationally Aware of your Surroundings. I was behooved to write about a few experiences I've had in some pretty $hitty weather. On my nose there looks like there is a chunk missing right on the tip like if it was an acne scar...I wish it were that simple. I've had it since 1987. While playing wargames in Hammelburg, West that time during Cold War, I was using that laser engagement system the military fielded (MILES-Military Integrated Laser Engagement System)...anyways, it was like a negative a million degrees, it was co… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sinatra877 11 年 前

Shotguns, the weapon from Hell.

Shotguns, the weapon from Hell. First let me point out that although I've had a few shotguns, I've always re-sold them anyways. I have yet to find much use for a shotgun in my own life so my opinion may be biased. I don't hunt and the shotguns that I used were tactical in nature so my response below is based upon my own knowledge and experience with them in the field. Pump or autoloader? Over & under or side by side? It depends on two factors; what does the intended shooter prefer and how much money are you willing to part with? Pumpguns; A simple Mossberg 500 or Remington 870… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sinatra877 11 年 前 1

Reloading Drills Re-Visited

Reloading Drills Re-Visited From either military or law enforcement training, I've taken courses that entailed nothing but the handgun. It is the most basic defensive weapon that is until you fight to get your rifle. The Handgun, be it either a revolver or a pistol. They are considered defensive tools and there are a few misnomers out there like the H&K SOCOM Offensive Pistol looks nice in a box but I can personally tell you that no matter what handgun you choose to deploy, within a certain environment...and you pop it at someone, it has the ability to become a offensi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sinatra877 11 年 前

Movement during an Engagement with Pistol or Rifle

Movement during an Engagement with Pistol or Rifle I have experienced officers learning some other special skills to augment their shooting skillset. While I'm not speaking about the employment techniques of combatants whereas all I want to do is touch base on the simplistic technique of movement without tripping. Because once you have a weapon in hand, you are a combatant. If there are military readers out there you will already know the difference between cover and concealment. You will also be familiar with overwatch and bounding overwatch towards an objective. Amazingly, this… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sinatra877 11 年 前

Loading and Correcting AR-15 Malfunctions

Loading and Correcting AR-15 Malfunctions Here is just a quick reminder on how to load an AR-15/M4 series rifle. It can be done two ways essentially but I wanted to concentrate more on the correction of malfunctions that will be on the bottom of this article. 1. Insert Magazine into the magazine well, the rounds business end facing away from you. Slap the bottom of the magazine and pull the charging handle back all the way and release it. Your bolt and carrier will then compress the buffer/spring and then slap forward a round into the chamber. Tap the bolt assist just in case.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sinatra877 11 年 前

Reflexive Long Gun Technique.

Reflexive Long Gun Technique. What can be used. From my experience, any long gun can be used be it a shotgun, semi or auto weapon, bolt-action (but why would you use one). I would not recommend any bullpup configuration nor a shotgun. The reason that reflexive shooting is taught in CQB environments is so that the shooter will not be totally dependent upon their BUIS or electronic sights and use their natural eyesight alignment in order to get a shot with the long weapon. It will increase shooter mobility and reaction time. Just like pistol shooting, the long gun was the original p… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sinatra877 11 年 前