Training and Real Life Shooting

Training and Real Life Shooting


I've written in the above threads and mentioned about training but I haven't been able to fully articulate why some training isn't realistic. Muscle memory is built in over time but how does it really work in real life?

If anyone has ever shot at the range, your average day civilian range won't have obstacles to find cover with. At police ranges it's common practice for the range to have these wall facsimiles that they will get behind and shoot from. It's kinda like familiarization but IMHO it's bad training. I'll tell you why. The difference between shooting at the most dynamic Police range will still be unrealistic in comparison to a real fight.

This is a very personal story;

Many years ago, when I was a rookie and first issued a Model 66 S&W .357 revolver I got into a shooting situation with my original FTO (Field Training Officer). It was within my first month and we suddenly heard a call go out for a bank robbery in progress. As any rookie, I raced lights and sirens on to the call. Other units had taken position around the building and we were the last unit to arrive. Maybe it was luck but I haven't heard of another holdup where I actually saw the Suspect running out of the bank with a bag in his left hand and a weapon in his right. My pucker factor was about a 10 and I sk**ded to a sudden stop about 40 feet from him as he was running. My FTO cursed at me then and later for stopping so close and trying to get him killed. He's retired now and still curses at me that day. Anyway, he ran out and circled back towards my side of the car as I got into my trained Weaver stance with my weapon...may the games begin. The suspect pointed his weapon at a unit in front of him while I felt a trickle of cold sweat stinging my eye. I was to his left. It was a fast call and no tactical units had time to respond and there were only four guys on scene. I was one of was my FTO. The units in front of him were 70 feet away and shots were exchanged. $hit! My FTO got on the radio and I fired my first shot at him. I missed. But I did get his attention. $hit!

He turned around and fired two shots at me. I suddenly heard a very familiar buzzing/whirring noise pass by me. $hit! My first reaction was to drop behind the engine block a bit more and then I aimed carefully and stroked that DA trigger until I went dry. As I began the reload process after ducking for cover, units to his front had hit him as well. Afterwards, it was determined in the later inquiry that I had hit him 4 out of 6 shots and the other fellas dinged him 3 times too. After forensics went through the scene it was determined that I was able to get my rounds in more accurately due to the fact that I had supported cover. I was lucky. These were the days where body armor was not issued and it was up to the cop to buy it. It was also later determined that my radio was hit, shattered and ripped the "pleather" harness. Man that is really close. The bad guy was killed. It made the news and I was placed on administrative leave for 30 days and did a lot of paperwork. No good deed goes unpunished. What were the lessons learned?

1. I did exactly as I was trained. I got into a Weaver stance. Good.
2. I did exactly as I was trained. I got into a Weaver stance. Bad.
3. I did not maximize my cover. I had a my vehicle at only my crotch. Bad.
4. I placed my vehicle poorly which committed us into the fight. Bad.
5. My first shot was shot without really aiming, only getting his attention. Bad.
6. I immediately dropped down and maximized my cover. Good.
7. My string of 5 more shots resulted in 4 hits from his hip to chest. Good.
8. I was too cheap to buy armor and could have been killed very easily. Bad.
9. Due to my inexperience, I also placed my FTO in the area of direct fire. Bad.
10. All the good guys got to come home. Good.

Bottom line is that we won but I was extremely lucky. I had the military training. I didn't use it. It wasn't until I heard the shots whiz by me before I reacted to those familiar whirring noise that I've already heard in service. Had I engaged a guy with my skillset now, I would not be here typing this to you. I had let muscle memory work fully for me thinking that it was adaptable to all situations as I was trained in the academy. Bull$hit. I should have used some common sense too. Bottom line again, it was my fault and should have known better. I should have picked a better area to safely deploy, giving me the advantage of selecting when the fight begins and maximized the use of my cover which was my cruiser. I shouldn't have just pulled off a shot for the hell of it, I should have took cover and shot from a supported position since the bad guy was out in the open. I didn't think anymore. I reacted. That's the worst thing to do in a fight. One has to think before and during the fight.

Here's what I'm trying to stress to you;

- Are you trained?
- Are you experienced enough?
- Have you practiced?
- Are you thinking or reacting?
- If you are reacting, how do you take the offensive side to the Tango?
- If you are thinking, how will you initiate it, employ it and finish it?

God has given all of us a noggin to employ. It is the first and last weapon we employ. Millions of synapses are firing off at once but only one thought and resulting action will be the right answer for you to survive. Always use your head. Keep calmer than the opponent. Think and negotiate the obstacle through it's end. Find'em, Fix'em, Flank'em if you can and Finish'em.

There are no winners in a fight. Merely survivors. Be the survivor and make the other Bastard bleed.
发布者 Sinatra877
11 年 前
Sinatra877 出版商 11 年 前
egines : I agree. In unarmed or armed combat. Win by any means possible.
回答 原始评论
egines 11 年 前
A short summary: There are no winners in a fight. Merely survivors. Be the survivor and make the other Bastard bleed.
This applies to all combat situations, no matter what weapon you have for disposal.