Why Do People Enjoy Being Internet Trolls?
Why Do People Enjoy Being Internet Trolls?
Ans: it is a kind of power rush or ego trip to be a troll. Being online is a place that is largely free of perceived consequences... an insecure person can get a sense of power online, without ever having to face someone directly. With the Internet being a world of imagination and fantasy for some, cowardly users can forge an alter ego for themselves, and act out their feelings of anger and inadequacy. It's sad and unfortunate that our advanced communications also brings out the darker side of many people.
Ans: it is a kind of power rush or ego trip to be a troll. Being online is a place that is largely free of perceived consequences... an insecure person can get a sense of power online, without ever having to face someone directly. With the Internet being a world of imagination and fantasy for some, cowardly users can forge an alter ego for themselves, and act out their feelings of anger and inadequacy. It's sad and unfortunate that our advanced communications also brings out the darker side of many people.
11 年 前
SassyBri ~
the computer ID number is only visible when you use also the IPv6 address .and when NOT its difficult to be identified. many of this trolls use also Proxy's ,and some proxy are not traceable
Then there could be different punishment levels.
Number one- Warning
Number two- Blocked for a month
Number three -Blocked for three months
Number four -Blocked forever.
Now if they are blocked they just create another profile and keep up there misbehaviour.