Why Do People Enjoy Being Internet Trolls?

Why Do People Enjoy Being Internet Trolls? Ans: it is a kind of power rush or ego trip to be a troll. Being online is a place that is largely free of perceived consequences... an insecure person can get a sense of power online, without ever having to face someone directly. With the Internet being a world of imagination and fantasy for some, cowardly users can forge an alter ego for themselves, and act out their feelings of anger and inadequacy. It's sad and unfortunate that our advanced communications also brings out the darker side of many people.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Catfight-Club 11 年 前 4

How Exactly Do Internet Troll.s A.buse Others?

How Exactly Do Internet Trolls Abuse Others? Ans: internet trolls seek to be disruptive and hurtful by using any of the following techniques: 1.Trolls will post abusive and hurtful comments directed at a specific person (aka "flaming" another person) 2.Trolls will incite broad arguments and provoke angry responses by making controversial statements. (e.g. racism, religious intolerance, bigoted or elitist views, mysogyny, extreme political views) 3.Trolls will narcissistically dominate conversations, trying to make themselves the center of attention. (e.g. nonstop comments about themsel… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Catfight-Club 11 年 前 1

What Is an Internet 'Troll'?How Should..

Question: What Is an Internet 'Troll'? How Should I Deal With Trolls? Answer: An internet 'troll' is an abusive or obnoxious user who uses shock value to promote arguments and disharmony in online communities. Named after the wicked troll creatures of c***dren's tales, an internet troll is someone who stirs up drama and abuses their online anonymity by purposely sowing hatred, bigotry, racism, mysogyny, or just simple bickering between others. Trolls like a big audience, so they frequent blog sites, news sites, discussion forums, and game chat. Trolls thrive in any environment where they ar… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Catfight-Club 11 年 前

The Sad Truths of Internet Trolls:

The Sad Truths of Internet Trolls: 1.Trolls are immune to criticism and logical arguments. True trolls cannot be reasoned with, regardless of how sound your logical argument is. 2.Trolls do not feel remorse like you and me. They have sociopathic tendencies, and accordingly, they delight in other people having hurt feelings. 3.Trolls consider themselves separate from the social order. 4.Trolls do not abide by etiquette or the rules of common courtesy. 5.Trolls consider themselves above social responsibility. 6.Trolls gain energy by you insulting them. 7.Trolls gain energy when you get… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Catfight-Club 11 年 前

How Should I Deal With Internet Trolls?

You cannot win with a troll. Publicly retaliating against them just fuels their c***dish need for attention. There are only 3 reliable ways to deal with trolls, all of which focus on removing their audience, removing their power, and depriving them of the attention they seek. 1.For a casual or emergent troll: completely ignore the person's postings. While it is difficult for most users to to let a troll have the last word, this tactic successfully takes the wind out of a casual troll's sails. 2.For repeating troll offenders: report them to the moderators of the system. If enough people rep… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Catfight-Club 11 年 前 2

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发表者 Catfight-Club 11 年 前 3