HUGE Favorites Collections: Does Size Matter?
Holy moley, Rocky! I feel so inadequate with a faves collection of stuff I really think is fapworthy that is only a slender 9 pages long. A mere 360 odd clips. Yes, I've only been here a couple of months, but so few faves suggests that I am porn-challenged compared to those worthies with 500+ pages of faves. I feel like a 97 lb. weakling on a Baltic Sea beach crawling with Nordic Aryan Supermen.
Of course, I like to think that others with similar tastes to mine would rather peruse a dozen or so pages of clips in order to quickly find a gem or golden nugget to sate their immediate urge to rub one out, rather than wade through hundreds of pages of who-the-fuck-knows-what.
Some people either surf porn 24-7 or favorite every-single-clip-they've-ever-watched-bar-none!
Personally, I have NO DESIRE to mine for good porn in a favorites list that exceeds the volume of your average Library of Congress. I don't care if the best-clip-of-all-time can be found in it, if it's hidden amongst page after endless page of dreck I wouldn't fap to with your dick.
Of course, I like to think that others with similar tastes to mine would rather peruse a dozen or so pages of clips in order to quickly find a gem or golden nugget to sate their immediate urge to rub one out, rather than wade through hundreds of pages of who-the-fuck-knows-what.
Some people either surf porn 24-7 or favorite every-single-clip-they've-ever-watched-bar-none!
Personally, I have NO DESIRE to mine for good porn in a favorites list that exceeds the volume of your average Library of Congress. I don't care if the best-clip-of-all-time can be found in it, if it's hidden amongst page after endless page of dreck I wouldn't fap to with your dick.
10 年 前
The first step in solving a problem is admitting I have one! Since I posted this my own faves list has grown by a page or three. And I KNOW I've got multiple copies of the same vids by more than one uploader. Insurance against deletions... xD