High Protocol v Low Protocol

I read an interesting blog entry this morning comparing high and low protocol training which explained the benefits and drawbacks for both. What caught my attention the most was the amount of effort a high protocol Domme had to exert when training a sub or slave. Basically the blog boiled it down to "what you expect, you must inspect". As the old saying goes a slave is a reflection of his Mistress.

The strictest protocol is often referred to as high protocol (I've also heard it called "old guard"). There are usually many details for both Domme and sub to remember. I can list a few examples. A sub must only speak when spoken to, or must request permission to speak. The sub never turns his or her back to the top, unless of course, told to do so, and must request permission to leave the room. The sub must respond immediately to all commands, and when waiting for a command or when serving, the sub must also do so without drawing attention to it. The sub is to always keep his or her head below that of the top's; this often includes kneeling when otherwise unoccupied. The sub will not have the benefit of furniture unless his Mistress allows it. The submissive gets up earlier this his Mistress to make her coffee or breakfast. You get the idea....the protocols are a constant reminder to both Mistress and slave of their roles.

Low protocol compares to the behavior a good gentleman and is easy to disguise in vanilla situations. Pretty much all my life I've been a low protocol sub, although I aspire to more challenging protocols. Opening doors, waiting for Mistress to order first at a restaurant, nonverbal cues when to speak or remain silent, etc... Perceptive people might notice subtle hints of dominance and submission, but probably wouldn't connect the dots. Low protocol is more of an underlying tone which some women prefer because it's easier to train a sub, but also because they be with their sub when in public.

Medium protocol is a combination of both high and low protocol. In a nutshell, Domme and slave act one way in private and another way in public or f.a.m.i.l.y situations. Medium protocol is the most popular for obvious reasons. It's hard to be a high protocol couple in public unless around like-minded people. Better to assume high protocol in the privacy of one's home.

So which is best? For those that dabble in BDSM every now and then, high protocol is probably not going to be as enjoyable as just a few well thought out protocols. Effective use of high protocols require knowledge of the details. Let's say for example, that one of the protocols is that when Mistress wants to take a bath the slave will prepare it for her. On the surface it sounds easy, right? Turn on the water and fill the tub. However, anyone who knows anything about a woman's preferences knows that they don't just jump in the tub with a capful of Mr. Bubble and the rubber duckie like you do. She probably has a lot of things that have to happen before her beautiful toes will ever touch the water. She might want candles, a glass of wine, certain kinds of bath oils, soaps, shampoos, and conditioners. She might want you to wash her back or shave her legs. You might be given the honor of drying her afterwards, or helping her slip into her bathrobe. Maybe she likes lotion applied to her body after she's dry. She'll need you to attend to whatever her needs are, and her needs may be many. To get it right takes time, practice, and follow through (discipline).

So need an excuse to punish your slave? Then high protocols are for you. The more details a slave has to remember, the greater the likelihood that he will make mistakes. In the unlikely event that he gets it all right, then add more heavily detailed protocols along with more difficult tasks. There comes a saturation point for the slave and then the fuck-ups will come in bunches. When that happens a high protocol Domme has to be ready to administer consequences if she wants to see improvement. On the blog I read this morning, the author stated that punishment should be immediate, but I don't entirely agree with that. Realistically, a Mistress can't be the on-call punisher 24/7. If the slave knows he will be punished later and he knows his Owner will follow-though, an association will still be made. There is no denying that high protocol training takes a lot of time and energy from both parties, but in the end the power exchange is deeper. I've been to a few parties where Mistresses proudly display their high protocol slaves and it's hard not to be impressed by their submissive's demeanor, obedience, and attentiveness. When I see that kind of commitment from a slave, I know it took countless hours of training by the Mistress to get him there.

发布者 slave4owner
9 年 前