It's been a while since I've posted, but thought I'd share a recent experience with a pro Domme. Most of my experiences with professionals fall into the category of light bondage and spanky-spanky. They give you just enough to know you've been dominated, but don't push your limits. There are logical reasons behind this, especially if you are not a regular client. They might redden your ass but stop short of leaving deep ugly bruises, that could arouse suspicion of a wife or significant other. A dominatrix is trained to think about safety first, but the best ones know how to hurt you without in… 阅读更多内容
Resolving the Submissive Ache
I'm a bit tardy on this update, because my session with Princess P had to be rescheduled, but I was finally able to see her Friday night. It was well worth the wait. First off, I don't know if it was because she felt badly about having to cancel and reschedule, but the one-hour session wound up lasting nearly two hours. I like to think it lasted that long because she was into it, but you never really know with pro Dommes. Some derive pleasure from dominating while others are just acting. It's remarkable to me that someone could choose a vocation where you beat men all day, the go home and be… 阅读更多内容
The Submissive Ache
I can't speak for others, but my submissive ache ebbs and flows during the week. If I stay busy, I can usually control it, but if I have too much down time then the craving hits me like a junkie needing a fix. I have to find a woman to abuse me even if it winds up costing me a substantial bit of money. Inflation has hit everything, including the price of an hour or two with a professional Mistress, so it's a treat I can afford only about once or twice a month. Masturbation doesn't really help, in fact it makes the cravings worse in some ways because of my high libido. Sometimes I just need to… 阅读更多内容
Why are you here?
I've been on here 2901 days (approximately 8 years) and have watched the site devolve into what it is now. It's still free, so I guess I shouldn't complain. Free porn is nice even if it tends to get recycled over and over. For me watching two people have sex is generally boring, so I have to set my searches to weed out anything that's not Femdom. I'll generally add a couple of videos a week to my library, then cull it about once every six months or so. I'm flattered that some people visit my profile just for the favorites in my collection. There is the FapHouse tab where you can get newer and… 阅读更多内容
Party Girl
So there is a local watering hole I go to sometimes after work. It's kind of a dive, but I like going there because it's on the way home and kind of empty during Happy Hour. I can have a beer and unwind in peace. I look a little different from the clientele there because I usually wear a jacket and tie to work. I've been going there for years, so the bartenders and waitresses know me well. I should stress this is not a pickup bar. A few women pop in, but generally they are escorted. There are a few blue collar dudes who stop in after work with the same idea as me, but they sit at the bar. I… 阅读更多内容
It Won't Close
I haven’t written in a while because frankly there hasn’t been much to write about. I saw a Dominatrix about two months ago for a session that was basically spanky-spanky with a hand job. It was uneventful but better than nothing. I paid for an hour, and she was done with me after about 15 minutes. I didn’t get my money’s worth, but it’s not like I can call the Better Business Bureau. It’s like eating at bad restaurant. I don’t complain, but I’ll never return. However, I have a profile on several BDSM dating sites, and as luck would have it, I started corresponding with a lifestyle Mistress f… 阅读更多内容
Holiday Update
First off, I probably should bring closure to my last post regarding Ms. Cat. I wrote it with a cocktail of emotions going through my head along with the memories of some outstanding pegging sessions while in her service. However, lust generally leads to poor choices, and ultimately her strap-on technique was about the only thing I remember fondly about that relationship. I wasn't a priority in her life then, and I see no reason to believe that would change just because she sent me a gift during the Christmas season. So in a nutshell I gave her a taste of her own medicine. I didn't respond wit… 阅读更多内容
What's in the box?
There was a package delivered to my door last night. As is my habit I always check the front porch area before locking up before going to bed. I was tired and figured it was a Christmas gift (which it was, sort of), so I didn’t open it. The coffee was still dripping, and the world hadn’t quite come into focus yet, but there was the unopened box sitting on my kitchen table. I checked the label and the return address looked familiar, but I was still groggy so it didn’t register where I had seen that address before. The beeper on my coffee maker went off, so I knew my brew was ready. It smelle… 阅读更多内容
I've been encouraged to share a little more about my trip to Florida and the incredible Domme I served there for three days. It would have been longer, but I contracted Covid19 while I was there which was pretty much an ender. I had to spend several extra days in my hotel room with mild to moderate flu-like symptoms....and very bruised and swollen balls. Today's post will tell you about how that came about. Cock and ball torture is really two separate kinks for me, because there are really two types of pain involved: penis pain and testicle pain. I do pretty well when the focus is on the shaf… 阅读更多内容
Social Distance
Well, it was a memorable trip to Florida, although my last few days there were ruined by Covid. I had to reschedule my flight and spend a few miserable days in a hotel room, Despite the virus at the end of the trip, there were some spectacular kinky memories made. Today I'm just going to tell you about the first few hour or so of a three-day experience I had with a Florida Domme. We had been conversing via email and facetime for over a month. I'm not sure she believed that I would follow through with a visit until I forwarded a copy of my flight itinerary. Then she realized I was as serious… 阅读更多内容
Florida Bound
So normally I'm a local kind of guy. Whether lifestyle or Pro Domme they have to be fairly close or I'm not going to pursue a session. For me the bottom line is that time and money involved with travel aren't worth it when I can find the same thing closer to home. Until recently and search filter I used on any site was always set to Texas and/or 100 miles. But I have some new found "pennies from heaven" that have been burning a hole in my pocket. These pennies have opened up a few options for me and expanded my borders. Long story short, a few weeks ago I began conversing with a lifestyle Dom… 阅读更多内容
While perusing a BDSM site last night I bumped into an ad from a dominant woman looking for a submissive male who is available to accompany her to DomCon in Los Angeles. No picture was posted on the ad, which was a bit curious, but there was so much specific verifiable information in it that I believe it to be legitimate. In short, I'm interested. For those of you who are unaware, DomCon is a huge BDSM and fetish event held annually in Los Angeles, New Orleans, Australia, and various countries in Europe. While dominant, submissive, and switch lifestylers of all genders and orientations are we… 阅读更多内容
Anonymous Femdom Follow-up
It's been a while since my last post. Apologies. I had my "anonymous encounter" two weeks ago, and I thought I'd share my account of what happened. First off, I still don't know her name or much about her. She has taken every kind of precaution to insure that I will never know even the most basic information about her. If you want to know what cheating is like, she wrote the book on how not to get caught. She Ubers rather than drives. She has a burner phone and doesn't accept texts. She changes her appearance. The hotel we played at was over an hour drive outside of town. There is virtually n… 阅读更多内容
Anonymous Femdom
I've done it again. I'm about to get involved in another a weird-ass situation. My better judgement tells me that this woman is taken and I should stay away, but I can't help myself when it comes to dominant women. I just can't say no. I don't think I seek this out, but here I am again serving an unattainable woman. Worse yet, I'm doing it on the sly. Here's what's going on in a nutshell. I met her on a BDSM dating site. She is attractive, a bit younger than me (46), is looking for play partners. She is married, and her husband works for the military and is currently overseas. He is unaware o… 阅读更多内容
If I didn't have bad luck I'd have no luck at all. My session with the pro Domme was canceled because of the weather. I was looking forward to getting my ass whipped this week. We'll try again later I guess.… 阅读更多内容
Dominatrix Comeback
I follow several BDSM and Femdom sites and have noticed a huge uptick in women available who will beat you for money. During the first year of the pandemic these sites/ads were paused or completely shutdown. Now it seems they are coming out of hibernation and offering their services again for those willing to comply. I have so much respect for pro Dommes who take their craft seriously. Safety has always been a huge issue when doling out pain, but with Omicron so prevalent these ladies are taking additional precautions to protect themselves and their clients. I'm afraid if you're unvaccinated… 阅读更多内容
Hoping for a better 2022
After Christmas I purchased a ticket to Mexico with the goal of relaxing in a remote beach area, but my flight was canceled. It seems that the airline didn't have enough crew to fly during the holidays. It's strange, because the same airline was laying off employees just a few months ago. I received a refund, but with Omicron raging I'm not sure how wise it is to be flying right now anyway. I guess I'll wait. I also had an invitation to a New Year's Eve party tonight which I have declined. Basically it would be going to super spreader event where half the people are unvaccinated, drunk, and n… 阅读更多内容
So Mistress Cat and I are no more. It's interesting that when I broached the topic about breaking up she told me she was already going to let me go after the holidays. I think it's a relief to both of us. She finally admitted to me that she had a lesbian lover, but I already have known that for a long time. She told me they have plans to get married one day. Another relief is that she doesn't seem to care about all the money she's invested in me. She asked me to return the electronic tablet she gave me with the Femdom reading loaded on it, but she told me to keep the pink chastity device and… 阅读更多内容
Time for a Change
I've been in limbo for a while. Mistress Cat is involved in another relationship and I have become not much more than an afterthought. She still texts me once in a while when she feels her dominant urges, but those texts are becoming increasingly rare. We haven't played since before Thanksgiving. No Christmas wishes, no gift exchange, nothing. It's time to let go and move on. It's been a weird ride since I met her. Despite my best efforts to get close to her, she's kept me at arms length since we met. Our relationship (if you want to call it that) has never evolved into something deeper and… 阅读更多内容
The Devolution of a Porn Site
I've been on X-Ham for over six years, and I've watched as they slowly have removed privileges and features from the free membership. They've also added commercials with a mandatory five second timer that actually double that before you can get to your video. The quality of the members on this site has gone down, too. I would say over half the females here are not what they appear to be. The site is chock full of fakes and scammers, along with cam girls, porn salesmen, prostitutes, and cyber whores. I am convinced that Nigeria owns this site. I don't consider this to be a dating site really. I… 阅读更多内容