Advice for Handling Disobedient Slaves
I read an interesting message on a Femdom chat board this morning that judging from the number of responses is very common problem for Mistresses. Basically the Domme was asking advice about the best way to deal with a disobedient slave who would not follow her directives.
My first thought was what she was doing with a guy who claims to be a slave, but won't follow commands. Indeed a lot of the responses on the message board were of the "dump him" variety, but I have a different take on it. Part of being dominant is the ability to seize control and not relinquish it. Males are often submissive only when it meets their fantasy, and like wild horses need to be broken in order to become good slave material.
What I am about to write is not recommended for casual D/s play or for professional Dommes for that matter that are in the business of fulfilling fantasies for money. These steps are a template for a Domme who is certain she's found her long-term (lifetime?) slave and is willing to go the distance to insure that he will always be submissive and obedient. This might sound extreme or manipulative, but for a Domme who is ready to ascend the throne and become a real owner of a slave, these steps will achieve the goal and the beauty of it all is that will take less than a week. You will need a chastity device, a realistic looking black dildo, bra and panties in his size, a camera, and the brightest red lipstick you can find.
It starts with a chastity device and sexual denial, and make it clear to him that if he doesn't agree to wear it there will be no pussy or blowjobs in his future. The device is essential in order to build desire in the slave, and it won't take more than a few days before he's begging you for release. By day four or five, he'll be willing to do things he wouldn't do before. Make him watch porn dealing with Femdom themes of your choosing. Humiliation videos are especially effective for building an association in the slave's mind. This will make the steps after this even easier as he becomes more pliant and willing to humble himself for you. Tease him mercilessly, but he's not allowed to touch you. Your mood early should be playful.
During the days when his lust is building, you need to know EVERYTHING about his background. Mom, dad, sisters, brothers, cousins, where he works, who his boss is, his closest friends, the clergyman at his church, old girlfriends or spouses, who he plays golf with, etc... Research all means of communication with them such as phone numbers, addresses, email, and so on. Keep all information you find confidential but easily accessible. You'll probably never need to use it, but the threat of exposure has to be real.
Now it starts to get interesting. Your future slave is delirious with desire now, and you're going to give him an opportunity to earn a temporary release from his cage. Start with a few simple tests to see if he's ready. Instruct him to remove all of his clothes and get on his knees with his head bowed, or on all fours with his ass up head down. Produce a dildo and have him suck it. Hand him a pair of panties and a bra and see if he'll wear them. If he fails in any of these directives end the session immediately, although it is highly unlikely he will refuse you anything in his condition.
Produce the red lipstick and coat his lips thoroughly. It doesn't have to be a professional makeup job, in fact the effect will be just as good if it is applied to his face sloppily. This is very important. No matter how he looks, tell him he looks hot dressed up like a little slut. In fact, he looks so good you want to take some pictures of him. Believe me, he'll be so filled with lust that he won't put it all together. At this point you're having fun, and he should believe that it is just consenting adults having fun.
Take lots of pictures of him in every compromising position you can imagine. Make sure you get lot's of close-up pictures of his face sucking the black cock. Use the lipstick again to write something humiliating on his ass and have him look back at the camera when you take a pic. With one hand hold the camera, and take a picture of you holding the dildo as though you're ready to shove it up his ass. You can release him from his cage now, and allow him the orgasm you promised, but make it an opportunity for a picture also. Have him jack off with dildo in his mouth. Smear his cum on his face and take a few pictures of that as well. Have him shower and immediately put his chastity device back on.
You'll need a day or two after the session to get your act together. There is nothing that men fear more than having their submissive desires exposed to their friends and families. Some also fear that they could lose their jobs if scandalous material about them was released. Very few male slaves "come out" and they'll do anything to keep their secrets private. Download the pictures on a secure site that you have locked down to the general public. You will need to tell the password to your closest friend or person you trust the most to keep secrets.
Once you have all this done, meet with your slave. Your mood should be serious and businesslike. Show him all the pictures, and then produce the list of addresses, phone numbers, and emails. Tell him that you also have a friend who will release the pictures if anything happens to your Mistress. He might be pissed at first, but once he sees that you hold all the cards he'll have no choice but to do your bidding now and always.
Why do this? Because it's best for both of you. Deep down it's what he wants also, but doesn't have the courage to go through with it for one reason or another. As Mistress you will shape him to be a slave in your image, and disobedience and rebellion will be a thing of the past.
My first thought was what she was doing with a guy who claims to be a slave, but won't follow commands. Indeed a lot of the responses on the message board were of the "dump him" variety, but I have a different take on it. Part of being dominant is the ability to seize control and not relinquish it. Males are often submissive only when it meets their fantasy, and like wild horses need to be broken in order to become good slave material.
What I am about to write is not recommended for casual D/s play or for professional Dommes for that matter that are in the business of fulfilling fantasies for money. These steps are a template for a Domme who is certain she's found her long-term (lifetime?) slave and is willing to go the distance to insure that he will always be submissive and obedient. This might sound extreme or manipulative, but for a Domme who is ready to ascend the throne and become a real owner of a slave, these steps will achieve the goal and the beauty of it all is that will take less than a week. You will need a chastity device, a realistic looking black dildo, bra and panties in his size, a camera, and the brightest red lipstick you can find.
It starts with a chastity device and sexual denial, and make it clear to him that if he doesn't agree to wear it there will be no pussy or blowjobs in his future. The device is essential in order to build desire in the slave, and it won't take more than a few days before he's begging you for release. By day four or five, he'll be willing to do things he wouldn't do before. Make him watch porn dealing with Femdom themes of your choosing. Humiliation videos are especially effective for building an association in the slave's mind. This will make the steps after this even easier as he becomes more pliant and willing to humble himself for you. Tease him mercilessly, but he's not allowed to touch you. Your mood early should be playful.
During the days when his lust is building, you need to know EVERYTHING about his background. Mom, dad, sisters, brothers, cousins, where he works, who his boss is, his closest friends, the clergyman at his church, old girlfriends or spouses, who he plays golf with, etc... Research all means of communication with them such as phone numbers, addresses, email, and so on. Keep all information you find confidential but easily accessible. You'll probably never need to use it, but the threat of exposure has to be real.
Now it starts to get interesting. Your future slave is delirious with desire now, and you're going to give him an opportunity to earn a temporary release from his cage. Start with a few simple tests to see if he's ready. Instruct him to remove all of his clothes and get on his knees with his head bowed, or on all fours with his ass up head down. Produce a dildo and have him suck it. Hand him a pair of panties and a bra and see if he'll wear them. If he fails in any of these directives end the session immediately, although it is highly unlikely he will refuse you anything in his condition.
Produce the red lipstick and coat his lips thoroughly. It doesn't have to be a professional makeup job, in fact the effect will be just as good if it is applied to his face sloppily. This is very important. No matter how he looks, tell him he looks hot dressed up like a little slut. In fact, he looks so good you want to take some pictures of him. Believe me, he'll be so filled with lust that he won't put it all together. At this point you're having fun, and he should believe that it is just consenting adults having fun.
Take lots of pictures of him in every compromising position you can imagine. Make sure you get lot's of close-up pictures of his face sucking the black cock. Use the lipstick again to write something humiliating on his ass and have him look back at the camera when you take a pic. With one hand hold the camera, and take a picture of you holding the dildo as though you're ready to shove it up his ass. You can release him from his cage now, and allow him the orgasm you promised, but make it an opportunity for a picture also. Have him jack off with dildo in his mouth. Smear his cum on his face and take a few pictures of that as well. Have him shower and immediately put his chastity device back on.
You'll need a day or two after the session to get your act together. There is nothing that men fear more than having their submissive desires exposed to their friends and families. Some also fear that they could lose their jobs if scandalous material about them was released. Very few male slaves "come out" and they'll do anything to keep their secrets private. Download the pictures on a secure site that you have locked down to the general public. You will need to tell the password to your closest friend or person you trust the most to keep secrets.
Once you have all this done, meet with your slave. Your mood should be serious and businesslike. Show him all the pictures, and then produce the list of addresses, phone numbers, and emails. Tell him that you also have a friend who will release the pictures if anything happens to your Mistress. He might be pissed at first, but once he sees that you hold all the cards he'll have no choice but to do your bidding now and always.
Why do this? Because it's best for both of you. Deep down it's what he wants also, but doesn't have the courage to go through with it for one reason or another. As Mistress you will shape him to be a slave in your image, and disobedience and rebellion will be a thing of the past.
9 年 前