CUNT:- Latin or Sumarian. What is a 'USELESS

From the Latin a CUNEUS is a wedge or triangular shaped figure: 'Birtannia in cuneum tenuatur' = Tacitus describing Britain as being narrowed in the shape of a wedge.
Hence CUNEOLUS is a little wedge. Now add on the Latin for a tunnel or underground burrow CUNICULUS, and the Romans arrived at the word CUNNUS meaning the Pudendum Muliebre (The female genitals) - the triangle with a hole in the middle!!
Latin does not have many words to differentiate ideas, it has plenty of verb forms to indicate action, hence the actual meaning of a word has to be derived from its usage, hence a word like CUNNUS was also used to mean a Prostitute - nothing derogatory, but purely to describe that profession when practiced by females.
In early Latin the Romans had the letter K, so it is very probable that these words were originally spelt with a K, the K later being dropped entirely in favour of using just the C.
Now in other parts of Europe/Scandinavia the K persisted so that the CUNNUS became the KUNTA or KUNTE; But in Britain, receiving Latin late in the day we started with CUNNE CUNTA and CUNTE, which by the 13th Century had definitely become CUNT.
Again not being used in a derogatory sense but used in place names like GROPECUNTE LANE and GROPECUNT STREET etc; Every medieval town probably had such a place close to the market square, and it merely told people what profession was carried out in that street. All such colourful names have long been ostracised by Political Correctness beginning in the late Georgian era.
By the time we get to the Victorians the word CUNT no longer describes a prostitute, but it is being used as a derogatory term for a female, but still retaining its original meaning of the female genitals note the difference between "You stupid cunt" and "Look at the cunt on her".

Now some linguists would have us go back to 3000 BC and the Sumarians saying that the word CUNT or CUNNUS derives from the CUNEiform writings. Records kept by the priestesses in the temples, hence the CUNIE were female scribes and they used the word KUNTA to describe women. And the Romans merely used the word CUNNUS to best describe a triangle or wedge as it resembles a woman between her legs, and then came back full circle to using the word to mean the woman herself, except this time as a prostitute and not as a scribe.

Now the crux of the matter is this, can someone tell me what does one mean when you call someone a 'Useless Cunt' - I know, that metaphorically a 'Useless Cunt' is a blithering dunderhead useless at what ever he/she is meant to be doing. But what does it mean in a literal sense? What is a useless cunt? I have never met one. Is it a nun married to God? Is it a medical deformity? Does it mean she is wearing a chastity belt? A cunt that has been overused and has to be used less? I await your suggestions.
发布者 tim1936
9 年 前
Horny1950 2 年 前
What a wonderful piece of writing describing the history of the word
twilightshadows 3 年 前
cyote57 : Lol yes!
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badeye 7 年 前
Dammmm and all this time I Thought it was an Acronym....Cant Understand Normal Thinking:smile:
tim1936 出版商 7 年 前
Thank you for those kind words to describe the useless pragmatism of British Politicians, the term does, indeed, fit perfectly. But where do we go from here - nobody with any common sense would want any of the top jobs.
cyote57 7 年 前
The Catholic religion, notwithstanding, I dont believe there is such a thing as a truly useless cunt... even deformed, under lock and key,or used beyond the point of elasticity, there are still those in the fetish world, for example, who could think of thousands of uses for these typically discarded orifices, and perhaps in the doing, raising them up to a sublime level of usefullness as yet unrealized in the mundane world of the vanilla beans. Therefore I must conclude that it is a pun, a contradiction in terms.. However, that being said, for a cunt to achieve the extreme state of real and actual uselessness, it must denote a level of non-functionality rising to Olympic proportions ---- oh wait... now I get it... its a proper term to describe modern politicians. :smile:
kisses, dee
tim1936 出版商 7 年 前
qazwfd : Correct, thanks for reading and commenting. Cheers
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qazwfd 7 年 前
Your ideas are interesting Tim, but I take it as useless (literal) with cunt added for obscene emphasis.
tim1936 出版商 8 年 前
Sabianrundy : Excellent pragmatic dissertation. Thank you for taking the time - we enjoyed it as a damn good read. Are you a budding novelist?
Regards Tim et al
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Sabianrundy 8 年 前
I apologise to The Duke I had written a suitably in-kind tongue-in-cheek reply to the very limit of words allowed in "Comments" when YET AGAIN the damn site corrupts a piece of writing and has no "undo" option. I enjoyed your post so much I spent 2 hours honing this now-apocryphal missive to pompous and showy conclusion. I am so disheartened by this continued obtuse ignoring of all complaints blog- related I could weep. Damn well will in fact.

Before I sullenly flourish off I thought I would at least acknowledge your ingenuity O OP and time invested however far you hid and sought tongues from handy cheeks. But that is all I have, my work lost, excuse me while I get off this site for some while, and slam the damn door behind me. Guess who I will be calling "Useless Cunts" in my inevitable next literally creation. Kindled off-site in a reliable space, and addressed to familiar, urgent and concerned complete bloody silence.

Adds slow walk and am-dram pantomime laments and shrilled blasphemy to his tedious, quickly forgotten exit.

*Door Bangs In the far distance - "Piers Morgan was the eventual answer" scrawled in bile and betrayal coloured crayon and stabbed in the back of the exit portal, it's whiny author a distant cousin of the "uselss cunt" - "Impotent Butthurt Cunt" ubiquitous online on every sight designed for humans to share and praise one another. An 8th colour is more likely.

A truly tragic end to a so nearly polished comedy.

In the rafters the decaying deus ex machina creaked - could swear it sounded like mocking, braying laughter.
horny_666 8 年 前
Thank you for your enlightening and funny post.
subtletyisgood 9 年 前
tim1936 : Happy 2016 you two ;o) X
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tim1936 出版商 9 年 前
subtletyisgood : Thanks, glad you like my fun play with words. Cheers
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subtletyisgood 9 年 前
fun. thanks ;o)
tim1936 出版商 9 年 前
throatfiller : Well done, 10 out of 10 for a splendid effort at the definition of a 'Useless Cunt'. I like it. Cheers
回答 原始评论
OK I'll give it a cracking at it. Useless. Unable to hold water, a bucket with a hole in it. Unable to grasp anything or comprehend anything. A cunt so open that it can neither feel an entrence or movement by any determining object or action. A void where no reality of being can be found. An empty space.
tim1936 出版商 9 年 前
DarkSideProductions : Thanks for the visit and the comments. Hope you have fun checking out ALL my stuff. LOVE
回答 原始评论
First time reading your blog Tim...quite interesting! I'm looking forward to reading more & checking out more on your pages! Sorry, cant help you out with the literal meaning for "Useless Cunt" I just know its slang!
mrburger 9 年 前
Oh Really glad you mentioned it Tim hee hee
kezza698 9 年 前
Sorry Tim I can't really help you out with the 'useless cunt' bit, but can tell you I have been called one quite a few times, in my life. lol. but as far as a 'cunt' goes, I just love licking and fucking them.
alibodge 9 年 前
my mum used to call it my dad so perhaps its a term of endearment
ioannisgeo 9 年 前
vaginal!!! literian sense!!
kevinmuc 9 年 前
asexuality ?