Challenge 1: Slut has to suck 6 cocks, she has 30 minutes to familiarise herself with the feel of the different cocks in her mouth and the name that belongs to each cock. Slut is then blindfolded. She earns two points if she can correctly identify the name of the cock in her cunt, one point if she has to use her mouth to correctly identify the cock. max score is 12 points. Slut receives one stroke of the cane on her cunt for each lost point. Then try all over again. Challenge 2: Slut starts out blindfolded and is fucked by six cocks. Sucks the six cocks as they are named. Again slut has 30… 阅读更多内容
Some suggestions for when working through the Alph
Some suggestions for those of you trying to work your way through the alphabet of sexual activities. Good luck and have fun. Abacus bars Anal Asphyxiation Barbed wire bondage Breast crusher bars Boxing the Compass Catheter Clitoris pumping Colonic irrigation Deep throat Dogging Darbies (Handcuffs) Elastration Electro stimulation Enema Figging Flash Cotton Fisting Gangbang Girdle of Venus Girl on a stick device Horse bit gag Holly bundles Hook in arse Ice Insects (fire ants, wasps, mantis, leeches etc) Inversion table Jackhammer power tool Jack… 阅读更多内容
A sample contract between a slave and the Master
CONTRACT OF SLAVERY I, Registered as slave number on the International Slave Registry hereinafter referred to as ‘slave’, submit, of my own free will to be the slave of hereinafter referred to as ‘Master’, and I agree to the following Terms and Conditions as set out in this Contract of my Slavery: 1 i I am a slave, I have no rights whatsoever and I am the owned property of Master; ii I agree to complete and instant obedience to any command from Master; iii I agree that my body belongs to Master to do with as he pleases; Iv I agree to be bound by and to obey A… 阅读更多内容
The slave's creed
The slave’s creed: I am thankful that I have been granted a Master who understands my servile needs. My Master is my whole world, without him I am meaningless on this earth. My greatest pleasure is to serve and give pleasure to my Master. I freely give my body and soul, and abnegate all responsibility to my Master. My Master is the rock to which I am anchored before all others. I am inculcated by the teachings and discipline of my Master. Amen… 阅读更多内容
CUNT:- Latin or Sumarian. What is a 'USELESS
From the Latin a CUNEUS is a wedge or triangular shaped figure: 'Birtannia in cuneum tenuatur' = Tacitus describing Britain as being narrowed in the shape of a wedge. Hence CUNEOLUS is a little wedge. Now add on the Latin for a tunnel or underground burrow CUNICULUS, and the Romans arrived at the word CUNNUS meaning the Pudendum Muliebre (The female genitals) - the triangle with a hole in the middle!! Latin does not have many words to differentiate ideas, it has plenty of verb forms to indicate action, hence the actual meaning of a word has to be derived from its usage, hence a word like CUN… 阅读更多内容
Hom-o-sexual v Ho-mo-sexual
The trouble with these two words is that they are written the same HOMO-SEXUAL, thus without any pronunciation marks the difference in written meaning has to be taken from the context in which the words are used. In speech, it should be possible to ascertain the speakers meaning by his/her correct use of pronunciation. Lord Arran in 1967, when promulgating the new Act of Parliament concerning the legalising of Homo-sexuality, did comment that, in his opinion, the general public were astute enough to understand the nature of the difference between the Greek and the Latin use of the word HOMO.… 阅读更多内容
A Glossary of XHamster terms
Sexual confusion words or a Glossary of words used by Hamsterites that could cause misunderstanding if taken out of context. Both meanings are here explained for the newcomer’s benefit. ASS - A mammal of the genus equus, smaller than an horse: Used by American Hamsterites to refer to the arse, derrière or backside of the genus homo sapiens. BDSM. If you were in unit M of the Bomb Disposal Squad, this is ‘not’ a reference to your wartime heroism!! BONER – A low grade a****l only fit for sausages, a painful embarrassing mistake or a person who fits bones to corsets etc. Used by Hamster… 阅读更多内容
Answers to the difficult Sex Quiz
THE SEX QUIZ (Or words you would rather not explain to a c***d) 1. Second brass instrument, the tart. Strumpet 2. Sounded as if IV had IC in a race? Fornication 3. Sake regularly went about a play on words. Spunk 4. Piano, say, but not a vertical tart. (2words) Grand Horizontal 5. The thrill of a nettles sting!!!!!! Urtication 6. Cueist bags potter to hide a tender bit. (2words) G Spot 7. Matisse painted her in red trousers. Odalisque 8. Record of events lost original notes. Anal 9. Lakeland hill at moon? Fellatio 10. Fender to Fender? (3words) Bumper… 阅读更多内容
Our Statistics at 1000 days on Hamster
1000 DAY STATISTICS Friends: 6,590 Visits: 495,287 Comments: 37,700 Blogs/Stories: 14 Gifts: 15 Videos MARY: 32 lasting 127 minutes at 1,543,409 Views = 12,152 views per minute 48,231 views per video Videos TESS: 4 lasting 20.5 minutes at 95,307 Views = 4,683 views per minute 23,826 views per video All videos made it into top 50s for the week, 4 made it to No One Galleries MARY: 4,406 Pictures at 2,990,897 Views = 680 views per picture Galleries CHUBBY: 1,105 Pictures at 363,527 Views = 330 views per picture Galleries MISC: 116 Pictures at 54,540 Views = 470 views per… 阅读更多内容
Facts. Porn v Reality
REAL SEX V PORN SEX. Internet facts of interest. 1 Average penis is 5-7 inch. Porn site penis is 6-9 inch. 2 Only 65% of woman and 85% of men actually shave their genital region. 3 Porn stars are instantly aroused. Real couples take 10-12 minutes. 4 Average male intercourse time is 3 minutes. Porn stars can go for days. 5 Only 11.5% of women have actually had a same sex experience. 6 Only 40% of women have actually indulged in anal sex. 7 Only 22% of women will really take a load on the face. 8 And only 6% of women actually swallow said load. 9 Only 18% of women actually admit to… 阅读更多内容
Difficult Sex QUIZ with a PRIZE
THE SEX QUIZ (Or certain meanings of words that you would rather not explain to a c***d) 1. Second brass instrument, the tart. 2. Sounded as if IV had IC in a race? 3. Sake regularly went about a play on words. 4. Piano, say, but not a vertical tart. (2words) 5. The thrill of a nettle sting!!!!!! 6. Cueist bags potter to hide a tender bit. (2words) 7. Matisse painted her in red trousers. 8. Record of events lost original notes. 9. Lakeland hill at moon? 10. Fender to Fender? (3words) 11. And Typhoo thought it was for keeping leaves in! 12. Branched crys… 阅读更多内容
Proverbs up dated for the sexually active
PROVERBS, SAYINGS and LAWS “Illegitimi non carborundum” Rewritten for the modern sexual world by Tim 1. Absence makes the testicles grow larger. 2. Law of mechanical repair: When your hands are covered in black greasy gunk you will see something that makes you want to wank. 3. Better cumming late than never. 4. What is cum for the gander is cum for the goose! 5. A pussy in the hand is worth two in the bush. 6. You don’t get pussy for nothing. 7. Too many cocks spoil the orgy. 8. A pussy shared is a pussy halved. 9. We must eat a peck of pussy before we die. 10. Law of gravity:… 阅读更多内容
Plagiarising thieves
Unfortunately another plagiarising thief has appeared "Ripper88". If something is not done to stop these thieves, then I shall simply stop posting and delete my site. All I ask is that people play cricket and ask for permission, give accreditation - or is it too much to expect common decency from one's fellow man!… 阅读更多内容
HEALTH AND SAFETY DIRECTIVE RE SEXUAL ENCOUNTERS. Please note that, any person whatsoever, having any form of sexual activity whilst NOT being the named holder of a certificate showing completion of the “Health and Safety course Ref:2014/B/1AC/SEX” as amended by section 24(ii) of the Local and Behavioural Acts 2014, shall be deemed to be committing a criminal offence against one or more of the following: The Town Police Clauses Act 1847 (as amended by S2(ib) of the Sexual offences Act 2013, Local Bye Laws, Commiting acts of a lewd and dangerous nature so as to offend common sensibility un… 阅读更多内容
Our rules for BDSM in a loving relationship
OUR RULES FOR BDSM IN A LOVING RELATIONSHIP 1. You must enter into the bdsm relationship by mutual consent - it must be a loving agreement or it merely becomes domination and sadism. 2. You must both agree what it is you are going to get out of the bdsm relationship. You, the man, is going to have the thrill of doing what he wants to a woman (your wildest fantasies can now be played out). She must be rewarded by the thrill of the unknown, the relaxation of abnegating responsibility for the sex session, AND she must be rewarded with her orgasmic pleasure - she will also get pleasure from kn… 阅读更多内容
Deciding on what to use in a sex session using a d
SLAVE GAME SESSION Rules for selective enjoyment of slave in game session 1. Penile penetration of bum/pussy/mouth may be at any time at master’s discretion. 2. Slave not to orgasm without permission. 3. Slave to pee or not pee on command. 4. Breach of rules = pussy smacking (no of strokes at masters discretion) 5. Dice to be thrown by slave for each category before session starts. 6. Activities are not mutually exclusive and may overlap at master’s discretion 7. Clothing at Master’s discretion 8. Emergency get out/stop password for slave in pain only “Cabbages” 9. Pussy to be shav… 阅读更多内容
Mild sex game for Master and Sub
MASTER + SUB - LIGHT BONDAGE GAME Game starts with Master in own dress code. Sub in mini skirt with wreckable nickers and bra only. Sub stands legs apart, hands behind back of head and confesses to being a sex slave sent for serious training in the art of controlling own orgasm and bladder. As a sex slave she does what she is told exactly, she does not have an orgasm without asking for and receiving permission. All breaches receive punishment by way of smacks to an exposed cunt, and are to be doubled if Sub moves and has to be restrained – card drawn for number of smacks (AKQJ = 10) Gam… 阅读更多内容