Ashlaynn-Daddy’s Little Girl Part 18

Daddy’s Little Girl

By Baddaddy

Part 18

(Home again, home again, shit)

I awoke in bed alone, it was earlier than I usually got up, but I was still worried about all shit I gotten into getting Brittany home. I made a quick call to Police Sergeant Bob, as much as I hate it, I really am beginning to owe him. He said was on duty and would be right over.

Now I have to tell you, I really thought there might be a chance he was on his way to arrest me for beating the shit out of Angela’s pimp. Fights aren’t like they look in movies; they can be fast explosive events, and what I had done was not a fight, it was a beating. I had meant to hurt that man and I had. That second kick to his balls had been a deliberate attempt to permanently maim him.

Brittany is mine, to do with as I please, I own her. He had tried to take what was mine. I had also known her almost all her life and would have beaten him just because as Ashlynn’s best friend she is dear to me, but… well… MINE!

I’d made coffee, and was working on Breakfast when P.S. Bob knocked. He told me, he’d already eaten. It was then that I noticed how stiff and formal he was, being, with me. I had a flash of fear but, from his demeanor, it was more like he was talking to his Boss, not just helping out a friend.

“Mr. Xxxx, about your car. They have a singed title, how did that happen? ” he asked, in a tone one would take with ones boss that had to know he’d fucked up.

And I suddenly realized how stupid I had been. I told him I really did not know, the only thing I could think of was I’d paid for the car out right not a loan, and just threw the title in the glove box without thinking.

I was really, more concerned with the pimp, and told him so.

He told me we could work the stolen car out, but it might take a while, then he asked if we could sit, that I probably needed to. SHIT, I’m going to jail I thought.

Turns out, no. Angela was unaccounted for, no one cared that one more pimp got beaten up, and a search of his place had turned up d**gs and proof of what he’d been doing (Dumb ass kept records with the girl’s names and ages). It looked like he was trying to move up, he was recruiting more young girls, it also looks like he was one stop in a chain of people trading girls from city to city, state to state, most the girls are u******e, once they get trapped into it they are moved on to another city.

The only reason Angela was even still there was Brittany. They really had hoped to get the two together. It also looked, for all the world, like Angela had help recruit other girls into prostitution. He told me I was free and clear, no one was looking for me, and no one was likely to look for me. And with that he dropped it.

Then he said, “Mr. Xxxx, I have something else I need to talk with you about.

And again I got that feeling, he was reporting to his boss. So I asked him, “Bob, why are you so, formal with me? I know you. You’ve drank beer in my house. Hell you’ve fuck my daughter in my house!”

His answer kind of threw me.

“Mr. Xxxx, as long as you have all that… stuff, to hold over my head. You are my Boss, I don’t have to like it, I just have to do what you tell me. Because if I go to jail, I’m a dead man”.

It was a good thing I was sitting. “Bob, I just kept that, stuff, to keep you from sending me to jail” I told him. “I have no idea what laws Ash and I have broken. But I know we have broken quite a few”.

“Officer, I’m sorry, it has never been my intent to hold anything over your head”. And then I realized that was not really true, so I told him that too, “Bob, at first I was really upset at you. And I’ll admit that, but, once I really saw how happy, all (waving my arms in the air) this makes Ashlynn; well I just kind of forgot to be mad. I mean she really is happy doing it, and she is good at it”.

And at that it was the first time he seemed to relax since he’d gotten there.

“Yes, she is”, he chuckled, “and I have watch you, watching her, you’re proud of her. Hell I wish I was as proud of Bobby as you are of Ashlynn. You take pride in the fact she is so,” and he seem at a loss for words there.

“Good at what she does”, I said.

So I let him off the hook, “Bob, I am proud the fact my baby girl can Fuck the life out of 4, 5, hell 10. Man and boy alike, it does not matter, and when they are done, she can still take more. Hell she wants more. And she makes each one feel special doing it. I mean you can’t tell me when you’re fucking, my baby girl, you don’t fuck her harder, deeper, longer than you’ve ever fucked anybody else. She makes you better because, you know, you want to be the one to break her”.

He just nodded, yes, with a sort of smirk on his face.

The girls come down some time later as Bob and I are talking over coffee, he’d radioed in he was going to be here for some time. He gave them some code that took him out what ever thing the cops have were they take calls, he would have to radio back when he was done here. Once the girl came down I knew he might just be done for the day.

They were clean, naked, with just a little make-up, enough to highlight not hide. And although they were bare foot, they moved on the balls of their feet. Making their legs look longer and giving their young asses a little lift, making them look rounder, riper.

Britt came to me falling on her knees between my legs looking up she asked if she could relieve me.

She had slept with Ash, and had not been in bed to take my morning piss, so I’d got up. Really I kind of forgot, or I may have gone in and just put my dick in her sleeping mouth, and let go, before going back, she had been so well trained she would start drinking in her sleep, only waking to thank me and see what other needs of mine she could, relieve.

After our talk, I had even more things to do today, so I put the girls to go to work on P.S. Bob, they were to double team him, two mouths sucking one cock, sounded like something any man would like. I also told Ash to teach Brittany the trick she had told me she’d used on her “Santa”.

Before I left I explained to Bob, they were going to drain him till he could not cum anymore, and then Ashlynn was going to teach Brittany how you could still get another load.

“Bob”, I said, “Sorry, but you are going to have two teenaged girls tonguing your asshole” then added, “if you’re OK with than”. I realized later in answering it was the first time he’d used my first name, instead of calling me Mr. Xxxx.

(Two girls one cop)

Even while I had been talking to the big black cop the two naked girls had gone to work on him. They looked like two nymphs as they pulling him to his feet, striping his clothes from him; in fairness he had pulled his belt and gun off himself. Britt had a little trouble with the bullet proof vest he’d had on under his shirt, but watching Ashlynn nimble fingers (she’s done this before) Britt picked it up quickly.

As they stripped him they lead him down into the Den, clothes like a trail of bread crumbs. They set him on the arm of the couch; then laid him back onto the couch seat; Ashlynn even put a pillow under his head to make him comfortable while Britt, between his legs, had gone to work sucking his cock.

Once she’d propped his head, Ash ran around to get between his legs too, Britt stepped over Bobs leaving a wet trail where her vaj had brushed against him.

Bob had propped his hands under his head, but with Brittany’s ass bent over next to him giving him a teasing peak of her wet slit he reached out to stroke her.

As soon as she felt his hand, Britt spread her legs to give him better access to her.

Now if I had really thought about this I would not have left her with him. She’d only been gone about 3 months, but she’d also not had sex in that time, and I had been a little preoccupied, the last two days.

As Bob played with her he pulled her closer to him until she threw one leg over his chest straddling, and opening herself to him. The whole time she had been moving to make herself open, she never lost suction on his cock, the feel of her mouth as she twisted around him was wicked like he’d never felt before. Then Ash added her hot little tongue running up his shaft to Brittany’s sucking.

Now the two girls had never really dedicated their mouths together on one cock. It took a little getting using to, but using his gasp as a guide, they soon had their rhythm down.

Britt would work his head as Ash suck down the underside, as she lick back up Britt would swirl her tongue around the head.

They would kiss at the top each turning her head to the right slipping their tongues into each other’s mouth, the cock trapped between them then slid down and up its length kind of slowly. Only to repeat Brittany concentrating on his head, Ashlynn on the shaft.

Both girls could feel Bob’s orgasm building, and went to work on getting him to cum. Ash working his shaft just under the head as Britt worked the head, with the first twitch, both girls trapped his cocks head between their lips, both sucking and tongues inter twined his head as hot jets erupted in their mouths.

With the last spurts the girls pulled up off him keeping their kiss, ash moved right, turning Britt so Bob could see them as they broke their kiss. Opening their mouths to show him Ash held his treat, pushing back Brittany’s head Ash moved over Britt’s open mouth, letting his cum run out into it.

Britt turned and showed she now had his gift. She grabbed a hand full of Ashlynn’s hair pulling her head back and gave her a deep kiss. They both showed him they now shared him, swallowed, then thanked him.

The whole time Bob had been playing with Brittany, two fingers in her, his other hand working her clit intensely.
As Ash dropped down between his legs to lovingly kiss his asshole Brittany’s head slid down the inside of his thigh, she buried her nose in his pubic as her hot panting breath and hair engulfing his softening cock began to stir to life again.

And then Brittany sprang from the couch, she was five feet away from him, her whole body quivering, legs so wobbly he did not know how she could stand.

She was flush and breathing so hard it took her a few breathe to say, “I don’t know if I am aloud to cum, Mr. Xxxx, has not given me permission yet. Could you call him please, Please?”

Laughing Bob told her he would call me, and she charger up the stairs after her phone, only to holler down asking Ash where her phone was because she still doesn’t have one.

Ash had to stop her rim job she was giggling too hard to keep at it.

With Britt’s return with the phone Ash looked up at Bob and saw the pool Brittany left on him, so as he called me she’d crawled up and was licking him clean.

My phone rang as I waiting to get into one of my lawyers office’s, seeing it was Ash I excused myself outside to find out what the problem was. I answered to Bob laughing at Brittany bouncing foot to foot like she had to pee, and on hearing why I told him “Tell her No, she cannot, but if you can keep her on the edge that’d be cool. Bring her close then stop, but if it’s too must trouble keeping her there you can just lay back and enjoy it while they work on you”.
He thanked me and hung up.

A disappointed Brittany crawled back onto him to finish their task.

Bob told me they had kept at him till they just could not get him hard anymore, and then Ash really went to work on his asshole.

Getting her tongue all up in him, he did not know how she’d did it but she was able to bring him back to life, before he could cum she had Brittany take her place. It took a few tries and she was not as good at it as Ashlynn was (he and I agreed it may be because of Ash’s missing teeth her tongue is not encumbered as much and it may be longer). But once Brittany started getting it she worked at it getting him closer and closer to the point he had to work at not popping.

And then my little minx climbed on him and went to work on his cock, and with Ash skull fucking herself on him and Brittany’s tongue tickling his prostrate he exploded in Ashlynn’s mouth, the girls traded places and he came again.
By then it was becoming uncomfortable, his cock was getting sore. The girls asked if they could cuff his hand so they could keep going.

Then they were quite caught up in how many times they could make him cum once he was spent, they weren’t sure they could get more out of him, but thought they could do more.

He told them, “hell no, leave me alone and let me sleep”. The girls got him some blankets and a better pillow, and he was still sleeping when I got back.

The girls met me at the door, wet, naked; cum covered and quite please with themselves.

They were also bouncing foot to foot like the floor was on fire, after Bob passed out they had entertained themselves by using a vibrator to see how close they could get the other to cumming without her actually having an orgasm.

They had gone through 12 bottles of ice water doing it. Evidently the game involved letting the other work you over till you could not hold out any more, and then you had to squirt ice water up in you to stop yourself from cumming.
So, I had them play some more so I could watch, fun game, gives me an idea for Ashlynn’s punishment. I didn’t tell her but I had not forgotten.

While out I’d also met with the councilmen, that was what P.S. Bob had to talk to me about. Oh and I bought me a car. I think the truck may be done for.
发布者 baddaddy59
9 年 前
mikey1ra 9 年 前