Daddy’s Little Girl By Baddaddy Part 24 (Early Christmas Presents) As Heather was getting ready to leave, Saturday, I told her, she should go by my Doctor’s Monday and get tested; she’d had quite a bit of unprotected sex. Once she’d found out I was taking the girls by for the same, and the test would come to me, not her house, she assured me she would. I left Brit and Ashlynn lounging in the hot-tub, after telling them to relax, I had to run some errands and would pick-up some take-away for our dinner. I needed a come-along, some tie-down straps, silk rope and, 6 small p… 阅读更多内容
Daddy’s Little Girl Part 23
Daddy’s Little Girl By Baddaddy Part 23 (Test week) No school Friday the testing is done. Thank god, it had been a busy week. We’d gotten Brittany back in school, with the stipulation she pass her mid-terms, or she’s have to sit out till next year. Ashlynn is an A student and takes good notes, so Brittany had those. And Britt also had the help of Mr. Clxxxxxn who taught History and civics, also Connie Nxxxxn with language arts, so Brittany waltzed both of those. Both girls spent some time Sunday doing their little tandem Cock sucking/Ass eating trick with Mr. Clxxxxxn, s… 阅读更多内容
Daddy’s Little Girl Part 22
Daddy’s Little Girl By Baddaddy Part 22 (Heather learns her fate) About 10:30pm we come back down. Britt’s rope imprints starting to fade, but the red marks have become quite prominent; in a day or so they will fade to some nice bruises. Heather, is dozing, I give the Hitachi wand a quick click on-off, on-off, a few times as Heather rockets awake, shaking her head no. Still gagged, with a stream of drool running from the corner of her mouth. “No, no it’s OK“, I tell her, “I just wanted to wake you before I undo you, I didn’t want to startle you, and I don’t want you to fall off the… 阅读更多内容
Daddy’s Little Girl Part 21b
Daddy’s Little Girl By Baddaddy Part 21b (Saturday night surprise) At 5:59pm there was a knock on the door, Heather had been standing there about two min before knocking. Ash let her in and led her into the den; we had been a watching movie. Heather was dress just like a hundred other girls that had been shopping all day, jeans and a pull over sweater, an old pair of Cheer shoes, instead of trainers. Right away she started in on why she wasn’t happy about our deal and bla… bla… bla… I hit play and pointed at the TV. A slightly fussy close-up shot of Heather’s face fille… 阅读更多内容
Daddy’s Little Girl Part 21a
Daddy’s Little Girl By Baddaddy Part 21a (A day to Recover) Damn, I slept much later than I had planned, Fuck, I’m soar, my muscles ache, my cock is tender, and a little swollen. So, I didn’t roll out of bed until almost 11:00am. Making my way into the kitchen, I find the girls dressed. And eating leftovers. Dressing and some turkey for Ash, and mostly just turkey for Brittany. Turns out, Britt loves turkey and these last year’s they’d just had roasted chicken on the holidays. Well, not really dressed, I find out. I see there’s a pile of clothes in the corner. Then the… 阅读更多内容
Ashlaynn-Daddy’s Little Girl Part 20
Daddy’s Little Girl By Baddaddy Part 20 (Hectic week) Thanksgiving week trying to get Brittany back into school, get her a new birth-certificate work-out the ATM/Charge card shit, ran the girls by the Doctors for test, and renew Britt’s Birth control, playing with the new car, it arrived early Tuesday morning. I like the car even if it’s a four door and looks like a cop car, runs like a scalded-dog. And I guess the backseat can make a handy play pen for the girls. Getting Brittany’s power of attorney signed and notarized was the easiest part; she not only thought it a goo… 阅读更多内容
Ashlaynn-Daddy’s Little Girl Part 19
Daddy’s Little Girl By Baddaddy Part 19 (A good day) I was glad I’d been sitting down when P.S. Bob, dropped his bomb on me. One of our local Council members, who’d kind of help us out of a tight spot, was friends with Bob, and that was how we got on his radar, he wanted to talk with me in a privet meeting. Well OK then. Bob could not really tell me anymore than that, but he gave me the guy’s card with a hand written note on the back, that would get ne right in to see him, and I was not going to jail so, I guess that is a good start to my day. After leaving Bob to the… 阅读更多内容
Ashlaynn-Daddy’s Little Girl Part 18
Daddy’s Little Girl By Baddaddy Part 18 (Home again, home again, shit) I awoke in bed alone, it was earlier than I usually got up, but I was still worried about all shit I gotten into getting Brittany home. I made a quick call to Police Sergeant Bob, as much as I hate it, I really am beginning to owe him. He said was on duty and would be right over. Now I have to tell you, I really thought there might be a chance he was on his way to arrest me for beating the shit out of Angela’s pimp. Fights aren’t like they look in movies; they can be fast explosive events, and what I… 阅读更多内容
Ashlynn:Daddy’s Little Girl Part 15
Daddy’s Little Girl Part 15 (A Truck problem, that’s how I found out) I love my truck, well, as much as you can love an inanimate object. I’ve tricked it out all I could. And it still be legal. And now it is in the shop. It sounds like it’s going to costs to get it fixed. The shop drove me home, tomorrow I’m ether going to rent a car, or maybe buy me something new. I was down stairs, and did not hear Ashlynn come in from school. I have felt discussed and angry, with myself, for what happened with Ash. I know she wanted it. And I know I wanted her, but. Fuck it; there is nothing I can do… 阅读更多内容
Ashlynn-Daddy’s Little Girl Part 10
Daddy’s Little Girl Part 10 (The Pride of the Football Team) Ashlynn’s High Schools football team has won all their games so far this year. It’s the most wins they have enjoyed in the school’s history. Coach Wxxxxxxxxn, was convinced Ash had played no small part in that recorded, after each win a group of players would spend a special “training” session. After “talking” to Coach in Tom’s Café, Ash had convinced him to let her “Train” with more players; she upped the number of boys. The 2 or 3 most outstanding players and then other boys the coach thought could use more motivation. Ashly… 阅读更多内容