Daddy’s Little Girl Part 24
Daddy’s Little Girl
By Baddaddy
Part 24
(Early Christmas Presents)
As Heather was getting ready to leave, Saturday, I told her, she should go by my Doctor’s Monday and get tested; she’d had quite a bit of unprotected sex.
Once she’d found out I was taking the girls by for the same, and the test would come to me, not her house, she assured me she would.
I left Brit and Ashlynn lounging in the hot-tub, after telling them to relax, I had to run some errands and would pick-up some take-away for our dinner.
I needed a come-along, some tie-down straps, silk rope and, 6 small pad locks. I had found a place that sold small Stainless steel ones that I thought might work for what I wanted them for. Turns out they were bigger and heavier than I had thought but I got them anyway.
I also made one other stop before grabbing food, to make sure things were good, and good to go tonight.
I got home about 3:30 with Hot-n-sour soup, Vegetable chow-mein and, Fried rice. I wanted the girls to eat light after having a big breakfast.
After eating I sent them to lie down and get some rest, telling them they’d had a big night last night and needed to rest.
I busied myself down stairs getting ready for a big surprise for both girls.
I had talked to C.W. the tattoo guy, at the Tattoo shop in town, and he’d gotten everything, and was ready to come by tonight after he’d close his shop early, about 6:00pm.
He told me he would be over about 6:30 or 7:00pm, and we should be done by midnight.
I got the girls up about 5:00pm, and had them take care of their bathroom needs clean themselves up, not to bother getting dressed just come down to the den.
I had moved the table to one side, under a light and set it up with manacles to bind Brittany to later, but first I would need her to help me bind up Ashlynn.
First I bound her leg with the burn scars, securely from knee to ankle, leaving an open loop of rope under her heal.
Then her wrists were bound tightly together, the rope running almost half way up to her elbows, again leaving a loop running from between her wrist.
Now the more difficult binding, her other leg. I had her bend her knee as I bound her thigh to her calf. I wove the rope in and around both calf and thigh, binding her leg from knee down to where her ankle was tight against ass, also leaving a loop this time above her knee.
The whole time I am tying her she is blinded and could not see what it is I’m planning.
At this point I hook through the knee loop a webbed tie down strap that runs from the newly installed ceiling beam.
Her wrist I hook to the other tie down strap attached to the wall beam that supports the ceiling beam, in the wall.
Last I attach the loop from her ankle to the come-along mounted on the other wall beam.
Now with Brittany’s help I start to take up the slack, first I lift Ash up to the height I think is best then had Brit pull out the slack from her knee rope, and give the ratchet a few clicks to hold Ash up.
Next have Brit take the slack up on her wrist pulling her arms fully extended, at a slightly downward angel, placing her head just below her body line.
Lastly from the come-along hooked to her Ankle pulling her leg strait out, so that she now hangs from her bent leg at just above my waist high. Her arms and leg stretching her out tight from wall to wall.
And then the door bell rang, I led a naked Brittany up to meet our guest.
As C.W. checked to see if he could do the work I wanted on Ashlynn, I explained what I wanted to do to her.
I wanted to tattoo my permanent mark of ownership on her; she was 18 and I wanted her to give her approval before I did this.
After that I also planned on, remover her vaj rings and have her outer lips pierced with six larger holes so I could put padlocks on her, affectionately sealing her.
I explained I would only free her when I wanted to, that she would only be able to cum when I wanted, that her orgasms belong to me and she could only have then when I gave them to her.
Was she OK with this, once tattooed she would always wear my mark showing she was owned, or did she want us to end this now forever, and I needed a verbal reply, not just the nod of her head.
Although she was visibly nervous about it, her hands were shaking quite hard; she said she was mine to do with as I pleased. If I wanted her tattooed to show I owned her, she would wear my mark.
Then looking me in the eyes with her teary eyes she said, “Please, Mr.Xxxx will you tattoo your mark on me”.
She had such big tears in her eyes I had to ask, “Brittany you know you don’t have to do this if you don’t want I will not kick you out this will still be your home. I will only do this if you want it”.
She just repeated, “Please, Mr.Xxxx will you tattoo your mark on me”.
I hugged her tight to me, telling her she made me so proud of her, but still there were those big teary eyes.
That done and C.W. still setting up, I had Brittany teasing Ashlynn bound body keeping her close orgasm but not letting her cum.
Once he was ready we had to adjust her tension some more, using the come-along to pulling her a little higher which would make her other bonds tighter.
He’d wanted her leg tighter so I clicked the come-along 3 more clicks the first two were fine. But the last made her gasp.
She was pulled pretty taunt, sweat was beading along her naked body to the point some was dripping to the floor, her hands balled tightly into fist.
I ask her if she had any idea what I was going to do to her.
She told me, “No, Daddy, but I like it so far”.
I put ear plugs in her ears so she would not hear any sound, with the blindfold now all she had was touch.
Last as large a ball gag I could fit in her mouth, to keep her quiet once we got to work on her.
Brittany’s eye went wide as C.W. fired up the torch he would use the heat the different shapes branding irons he would use to re-brand the word S L U T on the inside of her thigh, Britt and I would be using vibrators on her nipples and clit as C.W. burned the word into her skin, making it clearly visible readable as now it’s just an ugly burn scar that you have to look closely at to see the word.
It took longer than he thought it would, the smell of burnt skin was strong at one point I had to set up a fan to move more air to keep Brittany from getting sick.
We kept at Ashlynn steady and she must have had an orgasm each time C.W. pressed the almost red hot mettle to the tender flesh on the inside of her thigh.
We had to stop twice to tighten the come-along because she’d trashed so much she had stretched her bonds.
I pulled of her gag out to see if she wanted water, all she asked was could I put clamps on her before he got started again, so we did, C.W. had some medical ones that would clamp harder than mine so we used them, the vibrators made a rattling sound against them as her breath huffed out her nose, just before he pressed the hot iron to her once more, I pinch her nose shut, she came so hard she squirted all over C.W. just from the pain.
We stopped again so I could pull her gag out to let her breath, with each breath she gasped saying, “thank you daddy… thank you daddy” I didn’t know if it was for letting her breathe or for the branding.
C.W. was amazed that as we upping the pain level, she’d just cum harder.
I finally took a spreader to open up her vaj, poured ice inside her, then shoved in a 375 ML bottle of French Goose vodka, so we could have a drink once we were done. She could have taken a bigger bottle, but I did not want it to get in the way.
Once he had finished branding S L U T inside Ashlynn’s thigh we left her hanging while he went to work tattooing Britt.
Brittany laid, back down, on the table pulling her hair away from her forehead, big tears in her eyes, her voice braking as she asked, “ Can I please wear makeup over it when I go to school or do you want everyone to see?” ending with a big sob as ran out of words.
And then I got it.
Damn, her fear was from a game I’d played with her.
I would write S L U T on her face with a black marker.
Once I wrote it backwards so she could read it in a mirror, and another forwards so others could read it.
And that is when it really hit me.
Brittany was willing to let me tattoo a word of same, on her face for the whole world to see, if that is what I want to do to her.
I moved to her taking her in my arms telling her “No, no, baby, I want my name on the back of your neck. Where your hair will cover it. I just want my mark on you, so you know you’re mine and no one else’s”.
She wrapped her arms so tightly around me sobbing, I almost could not breathe.
I ended up putting pillows on the table and strapped her head in place so C.W. could work on the back of her neck, while I work her over with vibrators, at one point I had one in her ass two her vaj, and was working her clit with two more, I kept her cumming the whole time,
The tattoo was about the size of an Eisenhower dollar when he was done, and it went much quicker than I’d thought it would, it was not a complicated design, I wanted it to be plain and clearly readable by all who saw it, it is.
I found out the piercing is called gauged when the holes are that big and I was not going to be able to remove them for a bit, while she healed up.
Without giving her a break from the vibrators, I undid her head, flipped her over strapped down her arms and legs, moved away so C.W. could get between her leg and did not pull out the last vibrator until he was ready to clamp her lips together for the first hole.
Once he was done I held up a mirror so she could see the six padlocks close off her sex from her.
She looked up and smiled at me asking me if I was pleased.
I gave Ashlynn some of her pain med left over from her assault last spring, C.W. told us how to treat and care for her Banding, he called it “her burn” and said we might want to have her check by a Doc in a few days if we had any questions, and we put her in bed, with a smile on her face, exhausted from play.
After seeing C.W. out Brittany went to bed.
Brittany has never really liked anal but she is going to get use to it now. And so she can get a taste of how things are going to be, it took her forever to fall asleep spooning with my cock in her ass.
By Baddaddy
Part 24
(Early Christmas Presents)
As Heather was getting ready to leave, Saturday, I told her, she should go by my Doctor’s Monday and get tested; she’d had quite a bit of unprotected sex.
Once she’d found out I was taking the girls by for the same, and the test would come to me, not her house, she assured me she would.
I left Brit and Ashlynn lounging in the hot-tub, after telling them to relax, I had to run some errands and would pick-up some take-away for our dinner.
I needed a come-along, some tie-down straps, silk rope and, 6 small pad locks. I had found a place that sold small Stainless steel ones that I thought might work for what I wanted them for. Turns out they were bigger and heavier than I had thought but I got them anyway.
I also made one other stop before grabbing food, to make sure things were good, and good to go tonight.
I got home about 3:30 with Hot-n-sour soup, Vegetable chow-mein and, Fried rice. I wanted the girls to eat light after having a big breakfast.
After eating I sent them to lie down and get some rest, telling them they’d had a big night last night and needed to rest.
I busied myself down stairs getting ready for a big surprise for both girls.
I had talked to C.W. the tattoo guy, at the Tattoo shop in town, and he’d gotten everything, and was ready to come by tonight after he’d close his shop early, about 6:00pm.
He told me he would be over about 6:30 or 7:00pm, and we should be done by midnight.
I got the girls up about 5:00pm, and had them take care of their bathroom needs clean themselves up, not to bother getting dressed just come down to the den.
I had moved the table to one side, under a light and set it up with manacles to bind Brittany to later, but first I would need her to help me bind up Ashlynn.
First I bound her leg with the burn scars, securely from knee to ankle, leaving an open loop of rope under her heal.
Then her wrists were bound tightly together, the rope running almost half way up to her elbows, again leaving a loop running from between her wrist.
Now the more difficult binding, her other leg. I had her bend her knee as I bound her thigh to her calf. I wove the rope in and around both calf and thigh, binding her leg from knee down to where her ankle was tight against ass, also leaving a loop this time above her knee.
The whole time I am tying her she is blinded and could not see what it is I’m planning.
At this point I hook through the knee loop a webbed tie down strap that runs from the newly installed ceiling beam.
Her wrist I hook to the other tie down strap attached to the wall beam that supports the ceiling beam, in the wall.
Last I attach the loop from her ankle to the come-along mounted on the other wall beam.
Now with Brittany’s help I start to take up the slack, first I lift Ash up to the height I think is best then had Brit pull out the slack from her knee rope, and give the ratchet a few clicks to hold Ash up.
Next have Brit take the slack up on her wrist pulling her arms fully extended, at a slightly downward angel, placing her head just below her body line.
Lastly from the come-along hooked to her Ankle pulling her leg strait out, so that she now hangs from her bent leg at just above my waist high. Her arms and leg stretching her out tight from wall to wall.
And then the door bell rang, I led a naked Brittany up to meet our guest.
As C.W. checked to see if he could do the work I wanted on Ashlynn, I explained what I wanted to do to her.
I wanted to tattoo my permanent mark of ownership on her; she was 18 and I wanted her to give her approval before I did this.
After that I also planned on, remover her vaj rings and have her outer lips pierced with six larger holes so I could put padlocks on her, affectionately sealing her.
I explained I would only free her when I wanted to, that she would only be able to cum when I wanted, that her orgasms belong to me and she could only have then when I gave them to her.
Was she OK with this, once tattooed she would always wear my mark showing she was owned, or did she want us to end this now forever, and I needed a verbal reply, not just the nod of her head.
Although she was visibly nervous about it, her hands were shaking quite hard; she said she was mine to do with as I pleased. If I wanted her tattooed to show I owned her, she would wear my mark.
Then looking me in the eyes with her teary eyes she said, “Please, Mr.Xxxx will you tattoo your mark on me”.
She had such big tears in her eyes I had to ask, “Brittany you know you don’t have to do this if you don’t want I will not kick you out this will still be your home. I will only do this if you want it”.
She just repeated, “Please, Mr.Xxxx will you tattoo your mark on me”.
I hugged her tight to me, telling her she made me so proud of her, but still there were those big teary eyes.
That done and C.W. still setting up, I had Brittany teasing Ashlynn bound body keeping her close orgasm but not letting her cum.
Once he was ready we had to adjust her tension some more, using the come-along to pulling her a little higher which would make her other bonds tighter.
He’d wanted her leg tighter so I clicked the come-along 3 more clicks the first two were fine. But the last made her gasp.
She was pulled pretty taunt, sweat was beading along her naked body to the point some was dripping to the floor, her hands balled tightly into fist.
I ask her if she had any idea what I was going to do to her.
She told me, “No, Daddy, but I like it so far”.
I put ear plugs in her ears so she would not hear any sound, with the blindfold now all she had was touch.
Last as large a ball gag I could fit in her mouth, to keep her quiet once we got to work on her.
Brittany’s eye went wide as C.W. fired up the torch he would use the heat the different shapes branding irons he would use to re-brand the word S L U T on the inside of her thigh, Britt and I would be using vibrators on her nipples and clit as C.W. burned the word into her skin, making it clearly visible readable as now it’s just an ugly burn scar that you have to look closely at to see the word.
It took longer than he thought it would, the smell of burnt skin was strong at one point I had to set up a fan to move more air to keep Brittany from getting sick.
We kept at Ashlynn steady and she must have had an orgasm each time C.W. pressed the almost red hot mettle to the tender flesh on the inside of her thigh.
We had to stop twice to tighten the come-along because she’d trashed so much she had stretched her bonds.
I pulled of her gag out to see if she wanted water, all she asked was could I put clamps on her before he got started again, so we did, C.W. had some medical ones that would clamp harder than mine so we used them, the vibrators made a rattling sound against them as her breath huffed out her nose, just before he pressed the hot iron to her once more, I pinch her nose shut, she came so hard she squirted all over C.W. just from the pain.
We stopped again so I could pull her gag out to let her breath, with each breath she gasped saying, “thank you daddy… thank you daddy” I didn’t know if it was for letting her breathe or for the branding.
C.W. was amazed that as we upping the pain level, she’d just cum harder.
I finally took a spreader to open up her vaj, poured ice inside her, then shoved in a 375 ML bottle of French Goose vodka, so we could have a drink once we were done. She could have taken a bigger bottle, but I did not want it to get in the way.
Once he had finished branding S L U T inside Ashlynn’s thigh we left her hanging while he went to work tattooing Britt.
Brittany laid, back down, on the table pulling her hair away from her forehead, big tears in her eyes, her voice braking as she asked, “ Can I please wear makeup over it when I go to school or do you want everyone to see?” ending with a big sob as ran out of words.
And then I got it.
Damn, her fear was from a game I’d played with her.
I would write S L U T on her face with a black marker.
Once I wrote it backwards so she could read it in a mirror, and another forwards so others could read it.
And that is when it really hit me.
Brittany was willing to let me tattoo a word of same, on her face for the whole world to see, if that is what I want to do to her.
I moved to her taking her in my arms telling her “No, no, baby, I want my name on the back of your neck. Where your hair will cover it. I just want my mark on you, so you know you’re mine and no one else’s”.
She wrapped her arms so tightly around me sobbing, I almost could not breathe.
I ended up putting pillows on the table and strapped her head in place so C.W. could work on the back of her neck, while I work her over with vibrators, at one point I had one in her ass two her vaj, and was working her clit with two more, I kept her cumming the whole time,
The tattoo was about the size of an Eisenhower dollar when he was done, and it went much quicker than I’d thought it would, it was not a complicated design, I wanted it to be plain and clearly readable by all who saw it, it is.
I found out the piercing is called gauged when the holes are that big and I was not going to be able to remove them for a bit, while she healed up.
Without giving her a break from the vibrators, I undid her head, flipped her over strapped down her arms and legs, moved away so C.W. could get between her leg and did not pull out the last vibrator until he was ready to clamp her lips together for the first hole.
Once he was done I held up a mirror so she could see the six padlocks close off her sex from her.
She looked up and smiled at me asking me if I was pleased.
I gave Ashlynn some of her pain med left over from her assault last spring, C.W. told us how to treat and care for her Banding, he called it “her burn” and said we might want to have her check by a Doc in a few days if we had any questions, and we put her in bed, with a smile on her face, exhausted from play.
After seeing C.W. out Brittany went to bed.
Brittany has never really liked anal but she is going to get use to it now. And so she can get a taste of how things are going to be, it took her forever to fall asleep spooning with my cock in her ass.
9 年 前