The dream starts off quite pleasant
Then suddenly shifts a beat
Caused by ambient sounds
Perceived as the soft shuffle of feet
I wake in the shadows
Not seen in the daylight
Is it any wonder
I soon give in to fright
Did something just move
At the edge of my sight
Something being stealthy
Something shaped not quite right
I know it's just shadow
Of that I am certain
Sure it is says my brain
Then what just moved the curtain
The only action
Left to me
Is simply
To get up and see
OH MY GOD!! Something's there !
It truly is quite hideous
This time I wake for real
Damn my brains insidious
The dream starts off quite pleasant
Then suddenly shifts a beat
Caused by ambient sounds
Perceived as the soft shuffle of feet
I wake in the shadows
Not seen in the daylight
Is it any wonder
I soon give in to fright
Did something just move
At the edge of my sight
Something being stealthy
Something shaped not quite right
I know it's just shadow
Of that I am certain
Sure it is says my brain
Then what just moved the curtain
The only action
Left to me
Is simply
To get up and see
OH MY GOD!! Something's there !
It truly is quite hideous
This time I wake for real
Damn my brains insidious
9 年 前