

The dream starts off quite pleasant
Then suddenly shifts a beat
Caused by ambient sounds
Perceived as the soft shuffle of feet

I wake in the shadows
Not seen in the daylight
Is it any wonder
I soon give in to fright

Did something just move
At the edge of my sight
Something being stealthy
Something shaped not quite right

I know it's just shadow
Of that I am certain
Sure it is says my brain
Then what just moved the curtain

The only action
Left to me
Is simply
To get up and see

OH MY GOD!! Something's there !
It truly is quite hideous
This time I wake for real
Damn my brains insidious
发布者 epic3min4
9 年 前
halinaplays 9 年 前
It's funny how shadows come to life and things seem to dart from the corners of your eyes. I once tried living alone. I was soon back home with my mother. Every creak of a historic building sounded like a monster in my bedroom. In the chaos of my profile there are two verses. Below the quotes I list. The first one has a story. The second one was written for a man who faces a hard life. I loved the poem on his profile. He wrote me a few words about heaven and hell and learning to fly. I posted it. I plan to write more things like it. Not even for other people. But, as a selfish act. Yet again, this was a wonderful poem.
cubbcoug 9 年 前
i have that dream too about guys sneaking into my room. the brain can think crazy thoughts.
Omg baby can so relate to this kisses :smile:*