
Gods They've always been with us Since the beginning of time Given the credit When it was us made the climb Man can not believe What he is capable of So it is blamed or attributed To Gods up above Your God is different Oh no that's not right We'll kill and we'll torture Till you see the light During the First Crusade If they did not like the result They'd simply do as they wished And proclaim dues vult Throughout our history Our atrocities are insurmountable But it has never been us We hold the Gods accountable In my opinion This world would be great If ma… 阅读更多内容

发表者 epic3min4 7 年 前 1


Alone Alone is my nature It has always been so I'm happy in my solitude So everyone can just go Alone is a shield Which I always carry Never to have a partner Never to marry Alone can be trying Of that I am sure I do not seek help I know the easy cure Alone can be fixed Just by walking out my door Go talk with a friend Just go to the store Alone is my choice Because of its ease It takes no effort Only myself to please Alone in the day Alone in the night Alone is what I choose Alone is my right At the end of the day With all that I own I would give it… 阅读更多内容

发表者 epic3min4 8 年 前 4

My Wall

My Wall This is my wall I'm at its center I built it high Wanting no one to enter Daily I toil To shore up my wall It is precarious So easy to fall The chinks they are many That I try to fill That is enough The wall it holds still Just when I think Everything is stable Along comes another To test if I'm able This is too much I scream and I rant This is my wall Breach it, you can't Suddenly weary An emotional wreck My wall it falls inward The end of my trek As it collapses I am not freed The rubble it crushes No way to impede Now I lay buried By… 阅读更多内容

发表者 epic3min4 8 年 前 3


Suicide People carry their burdens Often never saying How overwhelmed they've become The toll that they are paying Cold steel to the palate To the tongue the taste of oil 5 pounds of pull To leave this mortal coil So many people scream why What could have been the reason No one will ever know It could've just been the season Was it lack of love Was it lack of caring Was it too much of both Was it more than could stand bearing Questions, questions, questions Things that can't be said Questions, questions, questions Too late for now they're dead… 阅读更多内容

发表者 epic3min4 8 年 前 4


Nightmare The dream starts off quite pleasant Then suddenly shifts a beat Caused by ambient sounds Perceived as the soft shuffle of feet I wake in the shadows Not seen in the daylight Is it any wonder I soon give in to fright Did something just move At the edge of my sight Something being stealthy Something shaped not quite right I know it's just shadow Of that I am certain Sure it is says my brain Then what just moved the curtain The only action Left to me Is simply To get up and see OH MY GOD!! Something's there ! It truly is quite hideous This time I… 阅读更多内容

发表者 epic3min4 9 年 前 3

Darkness a poem about depression

Darkness The darkness comes It's here to stay Tired of fighting To keep it at bay The meds aren't working Or not enough When everything hurts It's hard to be tough In sleep there is comfort At least for a while But waking is hell There is no denial Like Sisyphus' boulder The burden never ending Deeper I spiral I can't keep descending After the darkness There should be some light I can not find any It's perpetual night… 阅读更多内容

发表者 epic3min4 9 年 前 7

My Avatars

Just spotted another guy using one of my avatars. This is the 3rd one seen recently While it is kind of flattering it is also kinda strange to me I'm on here mostly because I'm an exhibitionist and enjoy having my cock looked at. So, for that reason I really can't understand why someone would use anyone else's Any thoughts ? I really would like to hear what others think about this… 阅读更多内容

发表者 epic3min4 9 年 前 10

Holidays a poem about my loathing of the season

Holidays This is a time For fam-ily and friends Together to celebrate I hope it soon ends The days have gotten shorter The nights seem forever I am more selfish More so than ever It is a time to share To give of ones self To be like Santa Well, fuck that fat elf I am self centered I'm needy I am inconsiderate I'm greedy Each year it seems worse My imposed isolation I don't care who it hurts Whether friend or relation My life should be easy Really no worries at all I do this to myself This feeling of pall… 阅读更多内容

发表者 epic3min4 10 年 前 3

Morning Wood a poem

Morning Wood When I wake up There you stand Nothing to do But lend you a hand Do you need the toilet Were you caused by a dream Is this about urine Or is this about cream I take you to the bathroom In case it's to pee I look down at you You're looking back at me Your stand seems adamant No sign of you flagging So off we go Behind you I'm tagging As I get older These are more and more fleeting So back to bed then Time to give you a beating Soon I have you Spitting the white stuff I've got you fooled You think my hand is a muff… 阅读更多内容

发表者 epic3min4 11 年 前 7