WHAT'S Love got to do with it?
*THERE is NOooo ssuch thang. It's NOt real, only an illusion of reality.
*Be your own best friend.
*Stay independent.
*Never lose yourself into another.
*Fight for TRUTH. Because a lie will unralvel you and destroy your self-worth. Permanently.
*Create your own path, because walking in his will over-shadow your own brilliance.
*Do not make him your world when you mean less than a useless dot on the map of his life.
*Remember your own strengths, because he will only weaken you for his self fulfilling desires.
*Stop the madness before you lose your mind in his name.
*Think about it. It is meaningless. ALL mdeaningless. It will cripple your self-esteem and end your individuality.
Never again.
Fuck THAT!
Maybe, until he finds someone younger, prettier, skinnier, and has a laugh of sheer carefree aura.
FUCk that!
See the previous sentenence.
Again.. gone.
Ah hahahhahahahahaha!
YOu've gotta be FUCKIN k**ding me!
OH GOd your killin me!
You ARE an idiot and deserve every bit of heartache he brings home to the table
27 fucking years is the truth.
Don't waste your life just to lose it in the end.
Written and lived by SassyFuckingBri ~
8 年 前
Perfect intimacy. But then again, I'm pretty much a nihilist and dont believe so much into monogamy in the first place.. hence.. SassyBri.. you should grow up, you are like twice as old as me lol.
I'm that won=man that CRAVES information. That that I can wrap my brain around. It makes no. I'll never get an answer for the lifetime I spent raising our children, putting my career off for him. Where IS the fuckin LOYALTY, Mother fucker.. I don't know what to do with all this.
I need some help.
I want to get away from here. For a good while. Long enough. And far enough. Thet he will not once cross my mind. Not worth one more tear.
SassyBri ~
Don't allow yourself to become a victim, choose instead to be a survivor.
I have faith in you making the right choice
That's pretty significant.. I'd say.
"Life doesn't stop just because he chose to"... Such a true statement Mark.. I wish you didn't live so far away. I would come on over and give you the biggest hug! I'd wanna sit in your lap a while and listen while you tell me all about my home Country. Then who knows... I've not been allowed.. or allowed myself to think of you as an attractive, sexy, wonderfully articulate man. One who I adore as a friend...
Yes. Who knows where that could go..
A fire without a flame is nothing more than an empty space where time lingers.
Love you sweet thang.
Believe in yourself, find a way to change the venue. That trip to Florida sounds like a great new beginning.
All my very best wishes.
I know I'm too far away,but a virtual friend hug is the best I can give you right now
I don't write in nonsincerity ok.
But don't let it consume you, because it will if you let it.
I am willing to bet there are folks offline who still need you to be the Bri they know. And of course, all the friends you know here who would welcome you should you decide to visit.
Life doesn't stop just because he chose to.
There's a new life ahead of you. A different path to tread.
You just have to find this new groove to get it back hon...
That and other reasons is why I'll stand by that person come Hell or High Texas Water
It came undone when Mama died and I took too long to grieve. I couldn't stroke that ego every second of every day and praise him like the high maintenance man he required.
I woke up outta that fog and my husband was gone. He was sitting right beside me but I could no longer FEEL him.
No I'm not bitter. Just mad, and a little more than lost. What am I to do with my life now. It's been a year and four months since our seperation. I should be OVER it by now.
I need to keep busy, travel. Maybe meet some of you in person...
I've been offered a trip to Sunny Pennsicola, Florida in a couple weeks with Leaflee and Trex. I have accepted and really looking forward to getting away from Texas and all this well... loneliness for a while.
I'm so READY to explore more of this life and meet my long time friends finally.
Love you bunches Sugar,
SassyBri ~
No serious
just fuck it
I wouldn't figure you for the LOVE type...
I'm pretty partial to the one of me in the a avatar, however. I'm no Editor.
Love you bunches for thinking of me. This will help me regain some of my lost self-worth perhaps...
I am genuinely so very honored. You will let me know how the progress is going???
You have a wonderful productive, sexy weekend.
Sassy Bri ~
Thanks ~
I wrote this in a manner and fit of rage and frustration. I guess it's part of the healing process for me.
Fuck it