Real SEX verses PORN

REAL SEX V PORN SEX. Internet facts of interest. 1 Average penis is 5-7 inch. Porn site penis is 6-9 inch. 2 Only 65% of woman and 85% of men actually shave their genital region. 3 Porn stars are instantly aroused. Real couples take 10-12 minutes. 4 Average male intercourse time is 3 minutes. Porn stars can go for days. 5 Only 11.5% of women have actually had a same sex experience. 6 Only 40% of women have actually indulged in anal sex. 7 Only 22% of women will really take a load on the face. 8 And only 6% of women actually swallow said load. 9 Only 18% of women actually admi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SassyBri 8 年 前 6


Okay. I did it. I don't care. EVERY thing in me says, "What the fuck are you thinking? HOLY HELL!! Why did you just upload that vid clip you found of Mark and that bitch whore Sabine? Why? I don't KNOW. I am hurting. I loved HIM. He betrayed every thing good I ever knew. I ever was... Or ever could have been. I am no longer that caring, loving, nurturing, loyal girl he met those 27 years ago in that bar. No. Lost that weak ass bitch somewhere in the last couple weeks. No. I am now a cold, hard, unrelenting, ball of fucking fury. OUT FOR blood. Bitch. Holy fucking HELL! I can not contain this o… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SassyBri 8 年 前 16

WHAT'S Love got to do with it?

*THERE is NOooo ssuch thang. It's NOt real, only an illusion of reality. *Be your own best friend. *Stay independent. *Never lose yourself into another. *Fight for TRUTH. Because a lie will unralvel you and destroy your self-worth. Permanently. *Create your own path, because walking in his will over-shadow your own brilliance. *Do not make him your world when you mean less than a useless dot on the map of… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SassyBri 8 年 前 24

Some Posts That Are Especially Meaningful To Me

I sure wish I would have thought of this a long time ago. There have been so many unique and special posts, comments, PMs, and gifts that have come from the heart of my friends here, and all over the world. Now I will have a place I can go to re-live them all from here on out! ************************************************************************************************************************************************ From: netersel Hello sassybri,im remco from holland,i live… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SassyBri 9 年 前 6

You Didn't Break Me

I was madly and chaotically in love with you. Charmed by your every move. I fearlessly fell into love and abandoned all traces of sanity along the way. I trusted you. Though more than anything, I wanted to love you. Deeply. I believed you were more than I had ever wanted, an enchanting fairytale, a far-fetched dream, a mesmerising wish-come-true. I was naïve when we met, though, and I was hopelessl… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SassyBri 9 年 前 10

If I Could Have Wrote That love Song

If I could only write you a love song. .. It might go something like this. You've tried my patience this last year. You lied,I cried and we'd do it all over again. Over and over again. Over and over again. I'd watch you as you were sleeping, wondering if you were still breathing. So many nights you stayed up. Determined once again to re-up. The dope, it has you wrapped up. I think I'm going to throw up. Your new friends, they're all great. I watched them one by one go away. To jail for time to spend. Your time is nearly at an end. Still I see... Your blue eyes fade, your… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SassyBri 9 年 前 8

The Veil

She wears a smile over the sadness And over that, a thin veil White hot fire you are welcome to stay Says searing pain of love that Just walked away Leaving me looking not further Than this one day Past each hour and along the way Memory haunts memory That hurts to the core Thoughts of you with her Swirl round in my head of hidden treasures she'll find in your bed Flames of sadness lick away at my soul Burning one more thought Out of control Shhhhhhhh She wears a smile over the sadness And over that a thin veil... Written by SassyBri ~ This 29th day Of… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SassyBri 9 年 前 5

Peace Over Happiness

Birdsong echoed amongst solemn trees and tears burned my eyes as they streamed into the swirling dust at my feet. There were no souls to witness my despair, and I was always grateful for that. Face upturned to the sky, I sobbed my heart out to a God I was sure was not listening, or if he was, was punishing me for something. I was mad at Him. Mad at everyone. I was angry that the sun could continue to shine so brightly in a universe that allowed someone I loved so deeply to be d… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SassyBri 9 年 前 7

This Is How I Need To Be Loved

I need to be loved in actions. Though my domain is words—letters and verses—these do not feed my body. My body requires touch—hands and lips and fingertips—and the unspoken poetry of shared movement. And my heart—my heart speaks no language, save that of gestures and gazes. It doesn’t understand when you say, “I love you,” but it reads the corners of your eyes with perfect fluency. I need to be loved in actions, and presence too. Tell me you want me by going to bed when I do som… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SassyBri 9 年 前 10

When Goodbye Must Come

There are many theories floating around trying to figure out the reason behind the human epidemic I like to refer to as the, “I want what I can’t have” syndrome. For me, it was never about the thrill of the chase. I’m not much of a runner, so I definitely was not interested in going after anyone. No, for me it was more about the story. I believe anything is worth doing for the sake of the story. Sometimes people come into our lives that are just so incredibly amazing that they pull at our heart string… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SassyBri 10 年 前 15

If You Get This, Then You Know Who I am.

I could have written this and thought it was important to share. Occasionally, there is a calm in the storm. A bird’s eye view of bipolar: It’s time away from the rawness of everything being too real. A time when I can reflect. When the extremes lead to insights that can be sorted, categorized, caricatured. Times like this I can hope that others, whatever the form of their experiences take, can relate in some way. Today I feel more balanced than I have in some ti… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SassyBri 10 年 前 17

SassyBri and Leaflee's 1st Annual Halloweenie

PartyPlayHouse INVITATION How Does This Work? Send your request to attend the party to SassyBri at or to Leaflee at They will review your profile and let you know if you've been accepted. Only select members will be approved. It helps to know somebody who knows someone. The time zone for this on-line party is Central Standard USA time, so the party will begin at 8 pm Dallas, Texas time. W… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SassyBri 10 年 前 6

"It's the way of Hk" Translation As I was and as I am now, where I was and what I feel now I know what I need, I know it. as I was and I know that I can now and I hope in what I still love I know it, when I feel myself lost and alone. How I'll be, if every time I rewrite my story I lose the pages in the time, I'll wait, it will rain before to love each other deeply. You know, just one among the many will look at you as you are… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SassyBri 10 年 前 15

SassyBri and Leaflee's Ultimate Summer Party

WORLD WIDE PARTY EVENT June 9th 2014- whenever it ends! Naughty or Nice? We would like to extend a personal invitation to you! We ask that you please consider joining our 1ST ANNUAL WORLD WIDE XHAMSTER GET TOGETHER. As we women at Xhamster know, the men outnumber us by very many! We would like to include more fun filled ladies to join in the festivities! Friends throughout the world will be attending and it is a great opportunity to meet others and have an erotically exciting experience! The party will be held at an Xhamster profile site yet to be design… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SassyBri 10 年 前 88

Poem's Presented from Other Users

One borrowed one from Michaela AKA MikeBasil A user was once heard to say, "I get fifteen trolls every day, Since I'm stuck in the mire, I might just retire, And go skipping merrily away! From Talonequ's most talented other half. Lunacy Every month the moonlight rents a room in the mind And unpacks its madness This one from Talonequ on "RETIRE" THE BIG RED X BLOG Sassy posted a blog on retiring Which was read by so many minds inquiring Like Al-anon it's a forum That could produce more decorum I've certainly fou… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SassyBri 11 年 前 16

Beware: The TROLL

TROLLS are nasty little vermin that can and will infest each and every profile out there. Here are some additional reasons why in particular they enjoy the ripe environment here at XHamster. These are 10 of my top reasons TROLLS are such an issue: 1) If you are a woman of strength, they will infest your profile in attempt to bully you down. 2) If you are a woman that shows the slightest weakness, they will typically bully you out. 3) If you show dominance in any form they w… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SassyBri 11 年 前 36

"RETIRED" The Big Red X Syndrome

The humor dedicated from our talented Cartoonist TREX245 "News: A person I liked opted to "resign," it hurts. She was a good friend, suddenly, unexpectedly gone. Hope she comes back but that's life in the big Habitat, I guess. It still hurts a bit. Words of wisdom?" I'm so sorry to hear that. It's always difficult and somewhat a bit disturbing when someone we like ends up retired. Coming to terms with it often feels like our best friend has died, as harsh as that seems. There is not many of us who… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SassyBri 11 年 前 41

My Friend May Not Be Your Friend...

Can we talk about something for a little bit? For those of you that know me, I'm real, genuine and straight up. I want to ask that you not get offended if you see me post a few kind words to someone who is not your ideal of a friend. This happens occasionally. With the worldwide dynamic that we all represent here, it's bound to happen. I have friends myself who talk to a few people I have found to be distasteful. I'm sure you've run across this awkward problem here, and if you haven't,… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SassyBri 11 年 前 47

Real People of XHamster by SassyBri ~

Interview Questions for Women and Men Some humor for the blog... courtesy of our TREX ~~ Question and Answer Section. I am excited to introduce this Blog to my page. UPDATED I continue to get suggestions for this blog and through several friends input, I have come to the conclusion that this is not only about the Real Women of XHamster... It's about the people as a whole. The community... Evaluating the responses so far indicates that I must ch… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SassyBri 11 年 前 130