This is a PORN site, get over it
To all these people on Xhamster who are constantly begging me to repost their pictures: I will do so happily, but I refuse to take them down when you demand that I do. (You know who you are)
Why? This is the fucking internet. What goes on the net, stays on the net....forever. So don't get all high and mighty saying "Oh, it's my personal shit". Guess what? It ain't anymore, motherfuckers. You post your wife, girlfriend, your fucking dog, and you say it is ok to post, DO NOT tell me to remove it. All I can say is TOUGH SHIT.
Have a great day, fellow PORN lovers
Why? This is the fucking internet. What goes on the net, stays on the net....forever. So don't get all high and mighty saying "Oh, it's my personal shit". Guess what? It ain't anymore, motherfuckers. You post your wife, girlfriend, your fucking dog, and you say it is ok to post, DO NOT tell me to remove it. All I can say is TOUGH SHIT.
Have a great day, fellow PORN lovers
8 年 前
Especially when you become a recognizable person