Because of trump and his enablers, the G.O.P. has a racist issue.… 阅读更多内容
Why are they afraid?
With virtually no cases of voter fraud in our country ( less than .5%, not saying there isn't any), why are Republicans afraid of mail in voting? What's to be afraid of? Losing an election? So what. In 4 years you can vote again.… 阅读更多内容
Porn is porn
Firm believer in what gets your cock hard or your cunt dripping, go for it. Fuck taboos, fuck limits. Cocks pleasure or cunts pleasure is all that fucking matters. All porn is good for the soul.… 阅读更多内容
Will he do it too? Probably not
With the advent of Covid-19, I've noticed that a lot of very wealthy people are making donations to research and to help those in need. Will trump be as proactive? I seriously doubt it because it won't make him any money.… 阅读更多内容
Favorite facial cum cunts
These are just a few of the cunts that I love seeing getting massive cum facials over the years. Been stroking and cumming to porn for years so I have lots of sluts to pick from. Too many, actually. But there can NEVER be too many bitches getting cummed on. Fortunately, what we consider nasty and hot has changed over the years and thank God for that. What was considered a "huge" facial back in the day would be just a little drizzle now. Thankfully that has changed. Bukkake, gokkun, and blowbangs rule now YES!!! Facials have cum a long way for the better. So if you see a slut on here wi… 阅读更多内容
Starting a list of spam profiles. Assholes
These are just some from the last few days. Isn't it amazing they are all called Julia? ht… 阅读更多内容
trump is an absolute disaster
("Given his proclivity for revenge combined with his notorious thin skin, this threatens to result in a lasting relationship of distrust and ill will between the president and the intelligence community,” said Paul Pillar, former deputy director of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center...Pillar added: “Everything Trump has indicated with regard to his character and tendencies for vindictiveness might be worse” than former president Richard Nixon, who also had a dysfunctional relationship with the intelligence community.) That above comment will bring out trumps arrogance and stupidity in dealin… 阅读更多内容
This is a PORN site, get over it
To all these people on Xhamster who are constantly begging me to repost their pictures: I will do so happily, but I refuse to take them down when you demand that I do. (You know who you are) Why? This is the fucking internet. What goes on the net, stays on the net....forever. So don't get all high and mighty saying "Oh, it's my personal shit". Guess what? It ain't anymore, motherfuckers. You post your wife, girlfriend, your fucking dog, and you say it is ok to post, DO NOT tell me to remove it. All I can say is TOUGH SHIT. Have a great day, fellow PORN lovers… 阅读更多内容
I can be a porn lover and still change
What does it mean "I can be a porn lover and still change?" For me I can still watch my nasty cum filled bukkake videos, call them whores, cunts, and cum dumpsters because this is a porn site, after all. I love my type of porn as I am sure you love yours. But I can learn to be a better person by listening to opposing view points, unlike certain trolls. I met a very beautiful person here not long ago by the name of Halinaplays, AKA Lynn. She has to be the best internet whore, slut, cunt, cum loving chick {her words} I have ever met. And she is the real d… 阅读更多内容