Okay. I did it. I don't care. EVERY thing in me says, "What the fuck are you thinking? HOLY HELL!! Why did you just upload that vid clip you found of Mark and that bitch whore Sabine? Why? I don't KNOW. I am hurting. I loved HIM. He betrayed every thing good I ever knew. I ever was... Or ever could have been. I am no longer that caring, loving, nurturing, loyal girl he met those 27 years ago in that bar. No. Lost that weak ass bitch somewhere in the last couple weeks. No. I am now a cold, hard, unrelenting, ball of fucking fury. OUT FOR blood. Bitch. Holy fucking HELL! I can not contain this overflow of pure, raw rage. I can't control it. . The ones closest to me remind me, I get so sick of this shit.. I do. Sabrina.. You LEFT him. YES I DID. I know the reason I left. He knows the reason I left and SHE fucking knew the reason I left. WAS not to leave the relationship at all. It was to get his attention back on me. He had started having feelings for this chick, Jessica. After 26 years of faithful, devoted love.. this man, my husband was slipping away from me. I had just lost my mother to cancer.. I was grieving... I couldn't give him the 24/7 ego massage that he was used to me being on top of. God. I was distracted by the fog for a few months. When I came out of it.. he was already emotionally attached to this one. I couldn't fight. It was too late. I couldn't stay and watch that develop underneath my nose.. Talking to him about it. No. He just denied it. YOU could not deny how intense I could already feel it, see it in his eyes. I could not make love to him the way I wanted. I knew he was thinking about HER. Huh uh. Fuck THAT! No. No fucking way was I serious about to be one of those women who lost to another younger, I don't know... prettier? Who the fuck knows! I don't care. But WHAT? Really. It's gonna to go down in flames like this? OH HELL NO! I got an apartment and moved out. Fuck watching THAT. I swear to God I counted on him realizing what he had let happen. That he would shake it off and COME HOME to me. He didn't. Ah hah haha. What the fuck ever. I gambled. I LOST. Game over? Oh. I don't give up that easy... Fast forward it. So much pain.. So much. he is still gone. I still hold on. He never filed for a divorce. I thought maybe he just didn't want one.. I don't know what I thought. But being at his house for a few days.. made things a little clearer to me. Where he would NOT. He would not..He never once told me that we were done. Not one word. Instead, I was there. Every day. I watched the little fucks hole come and go.. Every fucking one of the bitches knew. KNEW, that I still claimed him as my own. Honestly, I don't know how they had the courage to fuck him. Oh.. hell. I wouldn't fuck with ME. Ah haha. Ha, fuck that crazy.bitch. Think I'll just wait on that divorce decree. Thank you very much.. Yeah. THAT is the way it should have gone. Didn't. I'm not sure how it is that I got here to this.. in this moment, right now.. I DO NOT have any regret posting that vid clip. It IS my way of saying.. I am DONE being disrespected to my fucking face.. Every fucking day that Mark does not give me the time I deserve to discuss our marriage. So. I move ON. My friends.. what you are witnessing is simply EXHIBIT B in Texas Divorce Court. I will file my DAMN self this next week. Grounds for divorce on this 27 and a half year long relationship and marriage is INFIDELTY, ALIENATION of AFFECTION, ABANDONMENT of the MARRIAGE. What the fuck ever I AM DONE.

I chose to post this vid clip of Sabine sucking MY husbands dick because Mark disregarded me. As his wife. His one time only lover, his best friend, his every day companion and partner. We have never been apart. Ever.. in almost 30 years. HOLY FUCK! God. WHAT DID YOU DO!!! MARK. FUCK you. And also because this Sabine, the bitch relished in rubbing my face in it. NO respect for a fuckin LIFETIME MARRIAGE where it was made obvious that I had NO INTENTION of letting ANY of those temporary fuck holes have him. EVER. The out right flaunting that they were fucking a married man just showed how trashy and bottom of barrel bitches were. Holy hell! I'm TIRED.

I dont care what any of you think about me posting that vid clip. I DID IT. I own that. It's CLEAR. It's a small amout of PAYBACK.. That's all. To make me feel a little like I ... I fought back. Bitch! You wanna suck my man's dick? And... let him film it.. okay. Ha ah haha.. But you might want to take it with you when your sorry worn out whore ass gets kicked to the curb. Dumb ass mother fuckers. WHAT the hell were YOU thinking! Fuck you.

K. That's about it, in short form. Got any questions? I'll answer them. Wanna bash me for my reasons in doing such a normally .. uhh.. maybe innappropriate. Ya know, What ever. I DON'T care. I was destroyed. AND STILL... THAT MOTHER FUCKER CHOOSES NOT TO SAY ONE WORD TO ME REGARDING THE STATUS OF.. US. Just go ahead. Keep me hanging on to NOTHING. BITCH. Not even a simple fucking apology. What the FUCK? Now what? Where? and WHY? I just want two things. Closure and understanding of WHAT happened?? GIVE ME THAT FUCKING MUCH!

SassyBri ~

发布者 SassyBri
8 年 前
SassyBri 出版商 8 年 前
crazyboutsex : I don't think I know you... I sure appreciate you though. Your kind words do help. I'm doing much better now..

Thanks for your visit.. and for stepping on page to help me feel better.. :smile:
SassyBri ~
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SassyBri 出版商 8 年 前
bylhamclarabella : Hey sweet girl.. I'm getting a little better. Still in pain over it all, but at least THAT bitch is gone. .. For now. Mark and I talk everyday and .. well I don't know if we can ever go back. We haven't been intimate yet.. II really miss that. I have moved on and have been talking to a guy in Houston who has some pretty strong feelings for me. He is coming in this next weekend so we can spend some time together. Who knows?? I will never love another. THAT ...I'm certain about. But hell, a girl has NEEDS. And I need to feel some strong arms around my naked body!

I'll let you know how it goes.. Mark knows all he has to do is say the word and I put everyone else behind him. Until he does... this girls gonna play, get laid, and have a fucking good time.. FAKE it til you MAKE it...

Love you Sug!
SassyBri ~
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crazyboutsex 8 年 前
xfun3 : Agree! Sorry for your loss. Feeling angry right now is quite normal, but please don't stay there too long. Best of luck!
回答 原始评论
I mean.. like.. I recently broke up with my 0.1% of your time ... xD (3 months) relationship, I liked her, I loved her mom, her mom loved me, her friends were ok. We all got along so well. For the fact that she was orthodox christian and being with a girl and homosexuality is quite nasty in their views. But all was great. Anyhow, figured she lied to me big time about her feelings for me. Result was some public blaming on instagram as a return. Gosh that felt so fucking nice, and got me seriously into a better position with my friends & other girls I met during that "project".. who also hate girls like her. Or guys. Or just people who do that kinda shit of pretending to be your lovers & partners but just stick with you for entertainment. Fucking sucks. Fuck Mark. Perhaps he catched that fancy cancer everyone is talking about you get from oral sex xD
wha? you single now? how about you comin to CZ, I'll bring the studs, clubs & drugs, you bring yourself and desire to be alive. Fuck, maybe I can hook you up with Erik Everhard, I mean he kinda sucks in his movies but hey hows that of a payback XD

cheers and shit, ctoan.
guitarzan505 8 年 前
After 27 years, I'd be angry too. I don't blame you one bit for posting that video. He at least owes you a conversation and to admit it's over...if it is. Sorry you're going through this. Divorce sucks. Hang in there!
dallasfortworth 8 年 前
Sassy my guess is he will realize what he's losing and come to his senses. You're an amazing, sexy woman and who could stay away from that
I hope youyou can mend. It's tough I know.
xfun3 8 年 前
I keep to myself for the most part. No offense or disrespectful intentions. Noticed you were upset and I had to say something. I think it's best that you move onward to a more positive and optimistic way of thinking :smile:
God bless you girl. I wish things different for you. Such a pity how things in your life turned out. Don't let your past rule your future. Be ok.
SassyBri 出版商 8 年 前
gracy1 : Thank you. It's been a rolling ride full of scares at every point..

I survive.

Kind words. Appreciated.
SassyBri ~
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SassyBri 出版商 8 年 前
n2oral : RUST...?
NICE touch.

Ha, Don't worry Bob. I'm Certifiable. Which means.. If I ever were to completely lose my ever lovin mind and end one or more of these... problems..

Hell! Not knowing the concept or the difference between whats wrong and what is right... I would likely get a slap on the wrist and nice extended vacation in a nearby luxurious upscale metal facillity.. you know.. to relax and recooperate from all the stress and drama the little fuck holes brought to my life. FUCK them! Fuck HIM.

Stupid mother fuckers. I don't like stupid mother fuckers.

SassyBri ~
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SassyBri 出版商 8 年 前
xfun3 : Hey. Back off.

Easy for you to say.
Where the fuck have YOU been.

I haven't seen you on page in quite a while. Hmm. Too busy working.. to maybe stop by and say a little something?
It's OKAY. I'm used to that. Ya know.. What ev. You know where I'm at.

Don't piss me off right now.
SassyBri ~
回答 原始评论
gracy1 8 年 前
She was with me and n2oral all night dont know how how got under her car. Been there done that hope all heals well. Just ignore the scares.
n2oral 8 年 前
Have you considered circumcising him with a rusty chain saw? Just offering suggestions...
Being kicked to the curb by someone you care about is a heartbreaker I know - just don't do anything that carries more than a six month sentence. Or have a really good alibi...
xfun3 8 年 前
Who cares...move on and forget him.