The Most Meaningful Weekend
Thank you slave veronica for helping me find just the right words to use
OMG, It was an awesome weekend. i am not permitted to be too specific but in general, it was a wonderful time at Sir G's lake house on (- - - - -), one of the NY State Finger Lakes.
Two brief 5 to 10 minute soft rain showers, no thunder or lightning all weekend. The second rain shower was while W/we were swimming. HELLO - W/we're wet anyway. As long as W/we didn't hear thunder or see lightning, W/we didn't go ashore even though W/we were in aluminium (some were fiberglass) boats. As soon as the sun came back out, everything dried off in a few minutes and W/we just kept having fun. Hot days and warm nights. Just a perfect weekend.
For those of Y/you who might not know, Sir G is slave bonni's Master. As i have only one Master, i address her Owner as 'Sir G'. Likewise, because slave bonni has only one Master, she addresses my Owner as 'Sir Robert'. Besides our 1 Owner, all other Dom's are addressed as "Sir". The exception is Mistress Danielle who is the only Domme in O/our circle. All other Dom's insist they and their properties be anonymous in my blogs. BTW, O/our lifestyle circle has expanded to 14 Dominants with each owning at least 1 slave.
As Sir G is on the Board of Directors for the Lake Homeowners Association, W/we had to keep things pretty much vanilla. There were a few kinky activities but relatively speaking, these were few and far between. To be honest, W/we were all having so much fun interacting, no one really cared as long as due respect was shown to one another's Owner. That is until the water balloon fight (Owners against slaves).
The only one who stretched the rules was Mistress Danielle who was (as always) absolutely gorgeous. i truly enjoy when Master offers me to Her. i have come to learn when She is upset with me, She'll give me to Her slave tony to fuck me. How can i describe this Gorgeous Domme Lady. In every way from Her long blonde hair to Her beautiful deep set blue eyes, facial features and glorious body, She would closely resemble the gorgeous porn mega-star, Julia Ann. Mistress was adorned most of the weekend in one of Her several mini-bikini that can best be said to have come from Bikini Dare. Her beautiful ass cheeks were so tempting in her thong style 'suits'. Sir G asked Her to wear a scarf around Her waist when in the yard and on the party boat.
The food was unbelievable. All slaves were instructed to prepare a dish for 40 people for two meals a day over the course of the weekend. Everything from baked potatoes, salt potatoes, hash browns, home fries and pancakes to assorted vegetables, fire roasted corn on the cob (soaked and steamed while in the husk), fruits and countless desserts including (of course) watermelon. i'm not a great cook yet so i did 240 deviled eggs and brought 7 flats of raw eggs for cooking on the outdoor gas griddle for breakfasts. Sir G provided a small pig to be roasted on a electrical spit and beef for the BBQ pit.
`That was really fun staying up and just visiting as W/we took turns spraying water on the coals to keep flames from flaring up on the roasting pig. This was about a 28 hour process to roast it through. E/everyone at one point or another would doze off in their chase lounge or on a blanket on the ground. T/they'd just be covered up and left alone to sleep in the heat of the fire.
Just in conversation, i learned a lot about the other slaves early life before submitting to slavery. Basically, no two stories were much alike, we slaves came from all walks of life with families of filthy poor to stinking rich. Some were of single parents, some were from very conservative happily married families, some were the only c***d and some with multiple siblings. Interestingly, no one clamed to be abused as a c***d. The common denominator (if there is one) we all enjoyed a healthy sexual interest at a young age and wanted to explore our sexual identity to find what pleased us as a sexual person. Interestingly, all of us were submissive by nature since our sexual awakening. Very enlightening.
Sir G also had a big BBQ pit to grill Chicken and beef of several types of cuts. What would a picnic be without Hot Dogs and Hamburgers? Beverages from bottled water to Kool-Aid and carbonated sodas to 2 "on tap" 1/2 kegs of beer, wine and some liquor AND OF COURSE COFFEE. The neighbors would come and go and now i know why food for 40 was required. The lake owners (or "Lakers") are very sociable and close nit so everyone was welcome to join in the (vanilla) fun.
The cardinal rule was no one who was drinking any alcohol would pilot one of Sir G's boats. slave bonni told U/us the story of a couple years ago, some drunk boater, speeding at night ran his boat directly into the gazebo on the end of Sir G's dock. The gazebo roof was lit up with a low watt beacon (much like a lighthouse to give a bearing to the dock at night) and red reflectors along the sides of the dock and a green reflector on the outside corner. Still, this drunken boater who was speeding and drove right through the gazebo. That was a lot of work and repair, as soon as the insurance appraiser was done, the neighboring "Lakers" were there with their hammers. The drunk spent some time in jail.
Sir G didn't want any of His company going to jail for some similar stupidity. Sir G piloted His 24 foot pontoon party boat and other (sober) Dom's could take out His other boats. Two Dom's brought and launched their own boat. Sir G also has a (inboard) power boat, a small (outboard) for fishing, slave bonni has her own Glastron open bow (i think it's) 16 foot outboard boat (she named it "the bonni"), 2 canoes, 2 kayaks and 2 wave runners.
At one point in the weekend, except for the canoes and kayaks (alcohol with canoes and kayaks is not a good idea), ALL the boats that were launched were tied together in the middle of the lake. Several other boaters had tied up side by side with U/us too. E/everyone contributed, someone even brought out a box of wine. The music blared, the beer flowed, the dancing began and then came the swimming. Mistress drew a lot of attention. The water was cold but fun for a few minutes of splashing around. The Dom's and even slave tony openly complained about shrinkage but we sluts knew a cure for that.
sleeping accommodations were however the Dom's and Mistress Danielle arranged. Sir G provided cots and blankets for the slaves in His garage. Actually, as the garage is in the shade, at night, this was the coolest place to sleep. Owners were to sleep in the house (with the A/C) unless other arrangements were made. Some stayed in RV's and campers, some even tented. slaves slept where their Owners wanted them. As Master slept with slave veronica, with Master's and Sir G's permission, i slept with slave bonni.
Now, i've had my cunt eaten by a lot of men and women but i've NEVER had the sweet pleasure of being awoke by slave bonni flicking my clit with her tongue as she softly rolling, rubbed and flicked my nipples with her fingers. For the first time in my life, there's nothing like waking up to a cum. Awesome way to start the day. Only one problem though, i had to make a morning piss and this was the wrong time and place to do a golden shower. i didn't wipe though and slave bonni licked me clean.
W/we'd enjoy the campfires at night and when slave bonni and i snuck away to the gazebo to make out, it was breathtaking to see all the campfires all the way around the lake. slave bonni told me on the 4th of July, it's even more spectacular with all the "Lakers" shooting fireworks over the water.
This slave and E/everyone was humbled with the ending of this wonderful weekend. After breakfast, we slaves cleaned up and packed up as our Owners held Their business meeting in the house. Then, W/we all went downtown and watched the parade honoring O/our deceased veterans. i was surprised to see Sir G and Mistress Danielle salute the flag as it was passing in review. This is a protocol extended to those who have served. Where those of U/us who haven't served should place O/our hand over O/our heart, current and past military service men and women are permitted to salute the flag as it passes in review. i didn't ask Mistress about Her military experience, perhaps another time and place but i am thankful for Her service.
Then W/we went to a nearby National cemetery to pay respects with the placing of a wreath. No fanfare, just a moment to say "Thank You" from U/us. Where would W/we be without these greatest men and women who have given U/us the freedom W/we so much enjoy.
From there, W/we went to a local restaurant for lunch and afterwards, said O/our good bye's until the next house party and all went home to unpack, shower to get the campfire smoke out of O/our hair, do laundry and get some well deserved rest.
In my few years, i have never experienced such a meaningful weekend. my Master and my M/s family is teaching me so much about life and respect for those who have gone before U/us, i am so grateful. To each of Y/you who have served, on behalf of Master Robert, Sir G, my whole M/s family, slave bonni, and myself, Thank Y/you for Y/your service and Welcome Home (especially to Mark and slave vera).
slave melissa
8 年 前
Thanks for sharing your weekend adventures and thanks for sharing you thoughts
those places must be really magnificent to visit