Prepping for the End of the Exile

Readers of my blog know that I have shuttered myself away. Cocooned, if you will, until the butterfly is ready to emerge.

Well, it's not yet.

But soon. And I'm thinking ahead.

Thinking about a road trip. Nothing fancy. Nothing far. Just an overnight or two in a neighboring city for a taste of the nightlife.

So, I now solicit recommendations on said nightlife: Where are good places to go in Dayton, Columbus, Indianapolis, Louisville, or, even Lexington?

What do I mean by "good"?

Somewhere T-friendly.
A place that one needed shout in order to carry on a conversation.
A place where I'm not the oldest person by 20 years.

That is all. Lay it on me, peeps.
8 年 前
TransContinental 出版商 8 年 前
Unsure : I say sobriety, but I really mean drinking less. A lot less often anyway. :smile:
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Unsure 8 年 前
TransContinental : First and foremost I say Bravo to you on sobriety!I would like to relate something to you that I hope can be words of encouragement.I am not tooting my own horn here,nor looking for any other acknowledgement.One can not miss what one has never had.I was born deaf (yes it is a four letter word but not a dirty one!) and I learned one thing from it.This is what pertains to you,Ronnie.You only have 2 choices going through life,you can be a victim or a victor.Sorry that my comments get the topic of solitude.Thank God there is the internet!Living vicariously online is not such a bad thing.
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TransContinental 出版商 8 年 前
Unsure : I am also re-learning the joy of solitude, and... sobriety.
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Unsure 8 年 前
I like the way you refer to things,the titles to your blogs so very imaginative.Exile interesting way to put it.I have always referred to it as living in a gilded cage.Good luck to you and your attempt to escape Elba. I am more than closeted,the closet door is bricked over.I do understand,desires are what they are and I go through moments that I want to scream because I have not the courage to venture out.The loneliness however is different.I can freely be Dharma all the hours I am home.The whole value of solitude depends upon one’s self; it may be a sanctuary or a prison, a haven of repose or a place of punishment, a heaven or a hell, as we ourselves make it.
MichelleCDNY 8 年 前
Turning Stone Casino!

It's only 15 minutes from my house, we could have some gurl time if you know what I mean :wink: XO
TransContinental 出版商 8 年 前
iwantacd : That would be lovely.
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whaler6us 8 年 前
Will enjoy hearing about your upcoming adventure..........!
iwantacd 8 年 前
I would say come and visit me here in Rochester but I don't have a lot of free time lately. I would love to take you out to dinner and listen to you.
iwantacd 8 年 前
Chicago is lgbt friendly. Upper east area.