Flash Poll

I'm feeling creative and wordy lately, and am planning on writing more erotica. ("That's not writing. That's typing." -- Truman Capote) I've got several story ideas, and want to know which one you'd like to read next: Sequels: Beauty and the b**st-- A little sex, but more situational, with character development. Birthday Party-- Our protagonists discover the joys of gender bending. More sex. Politics of Dancing-- A peek into the home life, and fantasies of our protagonist. As much sex as in the first one. Auditioning-- Our narrator works in gay porn, and discovers the joys of gender ben… 阅读更多内容

发表者 TransContinental 7 年 前 13

Call Me Ishmael

No. Don't. Seriously, just don't. What to call myself? Well, if you're a regular reader of my hunt-and-peck typing, you'll already know I decided on Laura. If you're not a regular reader, you may want to catch up: https://xhamster.com/posts/417135 (If you'd prefer not to follow a link, it's my blog post called "What's in a name?" Go read it. I'll wait.) Okay. Great. Soooooo, the thing is, people on here (who read, like yourself) keep calling me "Laura." And I think "Who?" That is a good sign the name hasn't took. Laura Grace Brown. Sounds like the name of a prime-time cable… 阅读更多内容

发表者 TransContinental 8 年 前 8

The Process

I love the process. The transformation. I love getting all dolled up. Perhaps more than actually being dressed. I'm not normally a detail person. I don't have a lot of hobbies. But I suspect the thrill I get making myself up is not dissimilar to the joy a model railroader feels when they are creating a scale model town. Only for me, it's a little more visceral. At least I hope planting tiny trees doesn't give someone a boner. I love the way my legs feel, rubbing together after I've taken all the hair off. Tucking myself away in cute little panties. It's uncomfortable, but I love it… 阅读更多内容

发表者 TransContinental 8 年 前 9

Prepping for the End of the Exile

Readers of my blog know that I have shuttered myself away. Cocooned, if you will, until the butterfly is ready to emerge. Well, it's not yet. But soon. And I'm thinking ahead. Thinking about a road trip. Nothing fancy. Nothing far. Just an overnight or two in a neighboring city for a taste of the nightlife. So, I now solicit recommendations on said nightlife: Where are good places to go in Dayton, Columbus, Indianapolis, Louisville, or, even Lexington? What do I mean by "good"? Somewhere T-friendly. A place that one needed shout in order to carry on a conversation. A pla… 阅读更多内容

发表者 TransContinental 8 年 前 9

What's in a name?

It occurred to me that someday, I'm going to return to the world outside my door. I shall once again socialize in clubs, date, and perhaps even marry. So, I'll need a name. One can't very well go round with the moniker "Transcontinental". It makes for awkward conversation. I had a name once; but that personae is dead. So, when the time comes, I shall be "Laura Grace Brown." And since a Google search has shown that it is quite a common name, I will be referred to as THE Laura Grace Brown. (And if I do marry, the man's last name will have to begin with a "T", and I will hyphenate,… 阅读更多内容

发表者 TransContinental 9 年 前 6

Captain America... en femme

http://jhameia.tumblr.com/post/26814133007/chris-evans-opposite-sex-i-cant-seem-to Chris Evans, aka Captain America, in a short lived series: Opposite Sex… 阅读更多内容

发表者 TransContinental 9 年 前

First Times at Ridgemont High

There's something about the first time that is incredibly sexy. At least, idealistically. The idea of a perfect first time turns me on. Probably because in reality, the first time is awkward, and uncomfortable. Usually. Can I tell you about the first time I sucked a dick? It was high school, and my best friend, (we'll call him P Diddy for the time being), and I had been out drinking beer and chasing tail. We had already set it up so he was spending the night at my place. So, we're lying there in the dark, me in bed, him on my couch. I had been fantasizing about him for ages… 阅读更多内容

发表者 TransContinental 10 年 前 5

Shemale porn

Every now and then I'll see a shemale actress and think "Damn, she's lucky". She's got the perfect body, a great head of hair, beautiful face, wonderful tits, and a nice big cock. But then, I think, "She probably doesn't feel very lucky". Firstly, they probably hate that big piece of flesh hanging between their legs. Secondly, growing up likely sucked, a lot. Thirdly, they've had to work hard to get to the point where people would pay money to look at them. ***************** Some of those perfect gurls are just too perfect. There. I said it. And this is probably just me, but my… 阅读更多内容

发表者 TransContinental 10 年 前 3

So, I started dating again... briefly.

It's been 3 years since I was involved with someone. And that ended badly. So, I've just been "taking care of my own needs", and resigning myself to the idea of being alone for the rest of my life. Alone, but not necessarily lonely. Anyway, I met someone. She is beautiful. (A natural born woman) Curves, sensitive little boobies, big brown eyes, soft skin, and an ass to die for. And her pussy tasted wonderful. We were trying to take things slowly, honest, but the second night we spend together, I went down on her. We stopped after she came. (Which was quickly.) Three nights… 阅读更多内容

发表者 TransContinental 10 年 前 6


So, I just saw this: http://www.buzzfeed.com/tonymerevick/logo-tv-distances-itself-from-rupal The question is: are terms like "shemale" and "tranny" offensive? Well, I seriously doubt anyone here will think so. But, I have to add my 2 cents. They can be. And they might not be. It all depends on the context. Are they meant to be offensive? Is the speaker using them as slurs, or as colloquial nicknames? If the user is trying to be insulting, then they are insulting terms. If the speaker isn't trying to offend, then they're just slang. This also applies to the "n" word, amo… 阅读更多内容

发表者 TransContinental 10 年 前 2


For months, I've been sifting through all the photo galleries here on XHamster, and I noticed that lots and lots of the pictures under "Shemale" are ripped out of Flickr. I know this because I'm there, and I recognize those pictures. The outright theft and copyright infringement didn't bother me. (Although it probably should.) What bothered me was the fact no-one stole any of my pictures. What's wrong with me? Am I not sexy enough? Why not Zoidberg? Until tonight, when I found one of mine, with a caption. Added to somebody's collection about a year ago. It's not one of my best… 阅读更多内容

发表者 TransContinental 10 年 前 5


I'm referring to my photo gallery of the same name. The caption in there is "I don't have any, but I know you do." Or words to that effect. I don't really have any kinks. Aside from the whole dressing-up-like-a-woman thing, but that's not so much a kink as it is a part of who I am. So, it doesn't count. Bondage? Meh. Smoking? I like to smoke, but find there nothing particularly arousing about it. Stockings, garters, lingerie, corsets, fishnets, all wonderful, but not really a kink. French maid outfits, wedding dresses, sure. Whatever. I do appreciate sexy shoes, great legs… 阅读更多内容

发表者 TransContinental 10 年 前 4

Who am I?

Now that you've read the other post: "Long Road Back"... wait. You have read that, haven't you? Well, go read it. This'll wait. Welcome back. You have a few questions? Awesome. Here are some answers that might help. Or maybe not. Either way, it oughta flesh me out as a live, human, person. I'm more of a crossdresser than a transsexual. Although, that is still open to debate. In practice though, I've always been a "weekend warrior", no hormones, no surgery. I'm a pragmatist, so, I don't think I'd start 'mones or get surgery unless all my ducks were in a row. I'm bisexual… 阅读更多内容

发表者 TransContinental 10 年 前 8

It's a long road back

What does that mean? I'm so glad you asked. About two years ago, I quit. I gave up on the whole TG "scene". It just wasn't doing it for me any more. I wasn't going out, because well, I wasn't getting any attention. And the other side of dressing up, staying in, taking lots and lots and lots of pictures, got boring. So, I just stopped. Stopped dressing, pictures, shaving, all of it. And I was fine with that. I didn't miss it, believe it or not. I could get my rocks off from XHamster and a couple of other sites. And that was a lot easier, believe you me. (A lot of time, effo… 阅读更多内容

发表者 TransContinental 10 年 前 8