Our watcher came too.

Jerry answered our ad for a guy to come and video us having sex. My wife and i talked about this many times, for a lot of years. Putting our fears aside we took pout an ad in a town 3 hours away with the notion we would get a motel room and have someone over. Not to join us, just video.
We got checked in, sent Jerry an email and told him where we were. I wanted to look at him for real before he came to our room so I tild him to meet me at the pool. I was very clear on what I was wearing, and what he should ask me. 8pm rolls around and here comes who I presume to be Jerry gliding into the pool area.Only he and I there so we sit and talk a bit about the wishes and wants of himself, and us. He really doesn't want to have sex with my wife which is going to be a huge relief to her. She is hung up on no other dicks penetrating her(for now) than mine. Jerry and I walk to the room and there is my wife, sitting on the bed almost naked. She has a bit of an impatient side to her and it is showing. Not knowing if Jerry followed my wishes i advised that he can run through the shower if he wishes, I had just before I went out to meet, and my wife did while we were waiting. He takes me up on the offer and steps into shower and closes door. Wife and I are nervously comparing notes on this guy and his appearance of trustworthiness. We agree he ia quite a nice looking man and has impeccable manners, never uttered a curse work while we were chatting. She likes that!
Out of the shower he comes with his boxers on and sort of nervously walking towards us. I take his approach as a cue to start making out with my wife. I love kissing and rubbing on her even after over 30 years of marriage! She still trips my trigger I would say. Jerry sits on edge of bed and sort of stares at us like he is lost. Oh, I forgot to give him a camera!! SO i walk over to give hime camera and I can see through the opening in his jockey shorts he is quite well hung, not a monster fantasy 10" or even 8", but i'll bet he is a grower not a show-er. Back to my wife's arms, we are getting serious now and she scoots down to take my cock into her mouth, Nope,, me first I want to eat that pussy from fresh washed and dry to squirting and beyond. Getting in the first few licks is always most fun. As I ease into her folds I am watching Jerry out of the corner of my eye and he is snapping pics and twisting and turning every way he can. Quite energetic for a man in his 50's!! My concentration is once again grabbed by my wife who now has the hair on both sides of my head in a death grip and is trying her best to pull my face inside her pussy! "Oh yea cum for me baby, cum for daddy- I know how you like it"! and does she ever, she soaked my face and the towel we had in place with a massive gusher of cum. As I got up to trade positions I took stock of Jerry and his position around us, he is within about 12 inches just snapping away, and from the look in his eye and tent in his shorts he is really enjoying this. My wife loves to suck me, she tells me while we are out in public, walking in the grocery store or standing in a restaurant waiting for a seat that I should pull my cock out and let her suck it. She is a true cock connoisseur! As i am sliding up to make my entrance she grabbed and said my turn!. Nope, I'm getting this juicy pussy all over me while it is all worked up. Disappointed she lay back and I eased my hard 7" into her. I don't know if it is just a put on or if it really feels that good but almost every time I first enter she'll have a small series of orgasms and shudder like she is freezing and shivering. Damn that makes me hot to hear that, and apparently Jerry had about all he can stand too cause he now has the most veiny and magnificent cock out stroking it that I have ever seen( not that I have seen more than one or two though). Damn, that is tempting,,,, I had never sucked a cock, and as far as I know mine is the only cock my wife ever sucked after we married some 30+ years ago.Well, its do or die, while I am gently fucking her I whisper in her ear,, "reach out, take his cock in your hand and suck it, I want to see you do this that is why I didn't let you suck mine" With no hesitation and still looking me in the eye her hand went dead on to his cock and pulled him over to her. Now whether he wanted it or not she was going to suck him, and he was not objecting at all. Her head was bobbing side to side taking that cock as deep as possible from her position, popping it out after about 12 or 15 times going deep to get her breath. One of those times as I bent in to kiss her she stuck that mans cock right in my mouth, whoa here I am not gay or bi or wanting to suck any ones cock for any reason. When she popped it into my mouth I instinctively lock my lips on it. MMmmmmm damn this taste great , and that head is so soft and hard and soft and Mmmm what is this new taste,,,,, is it cum, no can't be we just started. I backed off to have a look at the wonderful new joy toy I just found and saw the clear precum oozing out. My wife beat me to it, she lapped at that cock like a person finding water in the desert, She then offered it to me instead of just forcing it in my mouth. I took it with great anticipation of maybe getting to taste cum. Meanwhile I guess i have bee still stroking as I should because she is cumming again, she gets really tight and can force me out when a strong one hits, and this was stronger than most, I could do nothing but chew on her nipple while the orgasm subsided, and when it did I slammed back into her as best I could without losing the new toy in my mouth. Jerry started trembling, and jerking, Iknew he was close and I wanted that cum. He announced "I'm cumming, I'm Cumming let go". Hell no let it go, it is safe in my mouth. I was expecting a couple good spurts, but no he spurted about 7 times, and after 4 I could no longer swallow and keep up at this time I felt it,, the tremble coming up my back, the tightness, I stopped breathing my eyes likely looked like a slot machine they way they were rolling back in my head,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I cum, and I cum. It was a strong one, one of strongest I ever had,, and the lights went out, I lost consciousness and collapsed on my wife. When i came to i was face up on the bed with Jerry on one side and my wife on the other. When I assured them I was OK I eased my left hand under my wife and right in her soaking pussy, reaching for and finding that G spot, with my other hand I found my new toy, Jerry's cock and I pulled him over and told my wife to work on him a bit while I rested. She sort of bent over and took his now half hard again cock into her mouth all the way to the hilt in one move. I felt the stir in my groin and slid out, made my way around behind her and found her hot hungry pussy. She loves from the rear more than anything and when i slid in and bottomed out she jumped and bucked and gagged and spit all at the same time. During this Jerry had come full hard again and she was working some real magic on him because he was coming again, not so intense this time but having a good one. When that cum hit her throat she started cumming and her pussy drew down on me like a vise I could barely move but i was so close to cumming again to that I drove through the tightness and dumped my mess in her again. We all collapsed on the bed and just lay there smiling at each other. Jerry said that this was first time he ever had been with a couple and was praying he could muster the strength to do it again. This was for us first time to having a person in bed with us, and certainly first time I ever dreamed of sucking a cock. We both smiled at each other, an simultaneously exchanged the "I love you honey".
We had planned on going to an Adult Bookstore just to mess around and watch but we decided against that for tonight and just stayed in the bed cuddling and fondling each other and our new friend
发布者 richgoodtimes
8 年 前
ishable 3 年 前
Oh wow. That is so erotic, well setup and such a hot experience.  Would love to hear more x 
richgoodtimes 出版商 7 年 前
If you weren't so bloody far away it could have been arranged!
goofytguy678 7 年 前
That's REALLY hot
shortstroker 8 年 前
As a voyeur, I love the story. I'd be delighted just to have an exhabitionist couple that knew I was watching and would occasionally make eye contact. Any beyond that my nuts would explode.
woody02 8 年 前
hot story...I'm stroking my cock now.