Wife and I went to one of the big box stores in town(Walmart, Target, etc.) for some items. I like going so I can watch people, and some of the people in my town are quite hilarious to watch. I'm certain they think the same of me too. While she is taking her time looking at everything on every shelf in the store i wandered off to take a whiz. About 20 foot ahead of me through most of the aisles was this guy in baggy khaki shorts. I was thinking then "my wife would love those on me, she always complains my dick is too hard to get out of my jeans to play with while I'm driving" When I got the… 阅读更多内容
Our watcher came too.
Jerry answered our ad for a guy to come and video us having sex. My wife and i talked about this many times, for a lot of years. Putting our fears aside we took pout an ad in a town 3 hours away with the notion we would get a motel room and have someone over. Not to join us, just video. We got checked in, sent Jerry an email and told him where we were. I wanted to look at him for real before he came to our room so I tild him to meet me at the pool. I was very clear on what I was wearing, and what he should ask me. 8pm rolls around and here comes who I presume to be Jerry gliding into the poo… 阅读更多内容