Call Me Ishmael

No. Don't.

Seriously, just don't.

What to call myself? Well, if you're a regular reader of my hunt-and-peck typing, you'll already know I decided on Laura. If you're not a regular reader, you may want to catch up: (If you'd prefer not to follow a link, it's my blog post called "What's in a name?" Go read it. I'll wait.)

Okay. Great.

Soooooo, the thing is, people on here (who read, like yourself) keep calling me "Laura." And I think "Who?" That is a good sign the name hasn't took. Laura Grace Brown. Sounds like the name of a prime-time cable news show host. Which is the last thing we need another of.

I recently reconnected with a couple of old friends I used to know from a chat room. (Chat room? They were big in the 1990s, sweetie.)

Firstly, I had no idea they were so naughty as to be a part of this site. Secondly, they referred to me by my old personae name. (You know, the personae I said was dead. You did read the other blog post, didn't you?)

The old name. It felt right. It feels right.

The old personae. I wasn't publicly sexual. In fact, I was downright staid. I was more into personal growth and feelings and being happy and making others happy, with a little bit of political activism thrown in. The sexual stuff was all on the down-low.

Well, that hasn't changed. (Except for the political activism. Pretty much given up on that. No-one was listening anyway.)

Where was I? Oh yeah. My name.

Long story short, I'm going back to my old name. There you go. Alert the media. Wake the k**s. It's pretty earth-shaking, I know.

Starting now, I will not answer to the name of "Laura," "Laura Grace Brown," "Ms. Laura Grace Brown," "Ms. Brown," or even "THE Laura Grace Brown." No. From here on out, you can call me...

(Although I am keeping the rights to Belinda Helen Baack. That's too good to pass up.)
8 年 前
Sabianrundy 7 年 前
Thar.  She. Blows. Indeed.
Unsure 8 年 前
TransContinental : Be glad you don't ..... I am insane :wink:
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TransContinental 出版商 8 年 前
Unsure : I like it. I don't know you well, but it fits. :smile:
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Unsure 8 年 前
TransContinental : Dharma no not from the TV show but from a song I heard.It was one of those eureka moments when I heard the song playing.
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TransContinental 出版商 8 年 前
Unsure : So what IS your name then, Hon? :smile:
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Unsure 8 年 前
When I first started dressing,I went through more names than I did pantyhose.None really "fit" and we gurls want it like our heels to fit and feel right.3 years went by before the name I have had since came to me.I know what you are saying,once in a while I flirt with trying something else on but I know none will fit.

Also,your right about the chat rooms. I was in a couple of those chat rooms.We laughed we cried we consoled we most importantly learned from others.
oh please we always knew you were a perv too