Watching wife get examined by gyni

Am I the only one that relishes their pregnant wife's visit to the Gyni doctor?

I have always loved getting the reports back from her about the examinations she has had with a gyni, but normally a husband does not get invited in while the examinations take place.

Since my wife got pregnant I realised that this is the only time when it is 100% normal and legit to be with your spouse in the doctors room and to be stood between her well splayed stirrup-ed legs, exposing her cunt so delightfully, while the doctor inserts a device deep into her cunt to check the baby. So damn horny!
发布者 pete1233333
7 年 前
uksubseeker 1 月 前
sxstory5 7 月 前
pete1233333 : Maybe it's more common than admitted in public - as with some other sexual practices - consensual sex is good for both (or all) involved.
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pete1233333 出版商 7 月 前
sxstory5 : same situation with my wife and the doc, who was v old, never did anything ith his cock. it was all about touchig the patients
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sxstory5 7 月 前
I used to have a gyno who would masturbate me each time i saw him - i love it. I asked him if he masturbated all his patients - he said mostly yes. He would start by gently rubbing their clitoris and if they didn't stop him, he just kept going until they orgasm, he said maybe 75% let him start and 50-60% of them let him bring them to orgasm. I asked if he fucked any of his patients - he said no, it's too risky - i didn't believe him.
pete1233333 出版商 10 月 前
jdf3246 : wild. he fuk u wuile he fed?
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Andrew_Fiesta 10 月 前
pete1233333 : yes, it's very sexy...
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Andrew_Fiesta 10 月 前
pete1233333 : my wife often goes for examinations to the gynecologist, she told me that several times a male gynecologist touched her clitoris and she liked it... once the gynecologist even smiled when he saw how my wife’s clitoris became hard and told her about it and they laughed. ..
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pete1233333 出版商 1 年 前
olaticumbo99 : had a gf who, from v tg age used to make excuses to go to doc cuz she wanted him to do his special examinations!
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pete1233333 出版商 1 年 前
portobello266 : that guy didnt wear gloves. jusr washed hands
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portobello266 1 年 前
Do they always wear gloves? I'm thinking here of exams in third world hospitals but How would the woman know if he is not wearing gloves?
olaticumbo99 1 年 前
pete1233333 : A lot of women have a thing about doctors in white coats. My wife confessed that while she was staying in hospital, she began to fantasise about the young doctor closing the privacy screen and mounting her. When i asked if she would have stopped him, she replied " probably not ".
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pete1233333 出版商 1 年 前
funpics70 : no curtains when this happened with us. Ofcourse I have seen many men use her cunt over the years, but it is exciting seeing this with a professional doing it
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funpics70 1 年 前
I used to enjoy watching her examinations but sadly drew curtain so I could only see her face
pete1233333 出版商 2 年 前
boblemon : yes, i love it, particularly in this professional situation. It is sadly not often that a doctor examines a woman in front of husband but i encourage it
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boblemon 2 年 前
that is so hot to see others looking at your wives pussy. my wife likes to show off her pussy to others.
pete1233333 出版商 2 年 前
josuts : nice when a man in position of power/authority does that kind of thing. Girl may be shocked but go along with it due to a variety of reasons
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pete1233333 :  I never had that pleasure! My wife had that few times before when she was married to former ex.He did know her so often even if she was there for a simple check up ended up being masturbate by him! I know he still does that to her!
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pete1233333 出版商 2 年 前
funall : love that when she was young she had a gyni that used to actually masturbate her as part of the exam. Amazing how he realised that he could get away with it. I guess he sensed the girls that would enjoy it and not complain!
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funall 2 年 前
nice, yes, we all have gone through this at one time or another
black75 2 年 前
pete1233333 : Yes please :wink:
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black75 2 年 前
pete1233333 : Yes please :wink:
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pete1233333 出版商 2 年 前
black75 : happy to relate what she told me if you want to hear via mess
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black75 2 年 前
pete1233333 : Love to hear her stories :wink:
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pete1233333 出版商 2 年 前
Stiltskins : sure and i even had a gf who, when v yg would go to her doc simply because she knew he would touch her when there. She told me quite interesting stories!
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Stiltskins 2 年 前
pete1233333 : I have a feeling my wife has been touched like that too. it's one of her fantasies also. there's a fine line with those guys and I'm sure many of them have perfected it
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pete1233333 出版商 2 年 前
Stiltskins : mine had been sexual touched by gyni years earlier and told me all abotu it so it added to excitment see this happen
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Stiltskins 2 年 前
a lot of women have fantasies about this
gateman69 2 年 前
Always a good time
I remember my first, quite young and inexperienced wife, going for a smear test. I wasn't there but it was done by a male doctor which I found really exciting. I examined her myself afterwards and loved her having a very slippery cunt, from the lube of course. In time I turned into a raging wife and girlfriend sharer.
pete1233333 出版商 3 年 前
well, seeing a mans fingers deep inside your partner is always lovely!